
raff | Joined since 2014-01-11

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2016-05-12 12:34 | Report Abuse

Hi VivoCom traders, I normally enjoy reading the comments section and never post comment myself. However this time I will post something:
Why are you all running for "peanuts"? meaning you want to buy at 35.5 and sell at 36.5?
I personally believe VivoCom is a giant in the making. I personally hold it since it was in the .10~ range when nobody believed on it. I got bonus issue and free warrant. I think If I were to sell today I would probably make ~300% profit.
Nevertheless, I will hold it because I think this is a unique chance to hold a company which (hopefully) will become a heavyweight in the future.
So guys, please stop punting! you are playing with your own nerves chasing peanuts while you can just keep it longer and make much more profits.
** trade at your own risk **


2014-10-28 16:04 | Report Abuse

Kuddos to IAM4U! guys you really have a gold fish memory or are you plain dumb?
not later than last week you got an example of what can litterally happen overnight... Inari down to 2.04... better be carefull otherwise people will make money on your back when you would be "cutting losses" and selling at low prices.


2014-06-06 10:59 | Report Abuse

QA cool, right? however what needs to take into account is how much producible reserves left and most important how much you pay to extract one barrel of oil. in which state are the current infrastructure? if you need to drill or work over all the current wells ans surface facilities after one year that will impact your profitability...


2014-06-05 16:53 | Report Abuse

ok well done Sona, now let's see how the QA is going to profit to the company.
it is good to buy a horse, but buying the winning horse is another question ;)


2014-06-03 09:25 | Report Abuse

I will tell which one is better the day when oil (or gas) is flowing through the pipeline and profits are posted on the quaterly report. Untill then, there is strictly no point to argue.
I wish all the Cliq holders (and Sona) a success in their investments.
Invest / Trade / Gamble at your own risk.


2014-06-03 07:40 | Report Abuse

Billionhair, to correct yourself: they did not take your money, you gave it to them...
can you explain me what makes you say that Sona is better managed? So far no QA


2014-06-01 10:47 | Report Abuse

Derrick, usually the same kind of people come and bash at cliq management... those people want to have huge return in very short time. Obviously when this is not happening, they get emotional.
to whoever not happy with a counter, feel free to offload your share and go to another counter with "better" management. You guys know what is a SPAC, it is basically a blank cheque.
Regarding Hibiscus, I don't call that a success just because the share price has gone up. Better look at their position, it is not really easy to venture into exploration.


2014-05-26 16:54 | Report Abuse

because people are not patient. Not willing to wait, want to win big, quick, so turning to other counters...
Normally they will jump in once the price is already up >> buy high - Sell low


2014-05-25 11:30 | Report Abuse

Michael Wong, don't forget that we are currently on a bull run cycle since the FED is printing money like crazy. This money has to find its way and end up in the emerging markets such as Malaysia (klse all time high). I believe fundamentals will matter once the FED will stop distorting the markets and funds will dry up. Then you will see the strong companies (zero debts) stand on their feet while others free fall and brace for impact. The real question is when...


2014-05-07 10:38 | Report Abuse

be patient and believe in your investment...
Quoting Warren Buffet saying that you should buy when all people sell and sell when all people buy.
I thought it is Buy low - Sell high. Now you get the chance... if you wait when it starts to go up again, you will end up Buy High and probably Sell low!


2014-03-29 20:40 | Report Abuse

Keep your cool guys. Exercise common sense and dont be thrilled... else you gonna be the donkey without a seat when the music stops...


2014-03-20 14:34 | Report Abuse

Entered one month ago at 5.5. Decided to eliminate counters with unhealthy debt to equity ratio from my portoflio. As so, I exited today with18% loss. I wish all the best to those still holding or planning to hold Hubline.


2014-03-20 14:28 | Report Abuse

Entered one month ago at 3.2. I am out today with 15% gain. Thanks Dsonic and good luck to everybody still holding it. Hope you will reach your targets!


2014-03-20 10:22 | Report Abuse

The only one confirm bonus issue is Inari management ;) Unless you want to hear Bonus issue so you feel comfortable to enter or not sell. Trade at your risk and keep cool.


2014-03-20 09:22 | Report Abuse

I am out with 30% realized profit in just one month. Thank you Inari!


2014-03-14 11:31 | Report Abuse

Up to quick! Maybe UMA?


2014-03-07 10:27 | Report Abuse

just kidding... I think we need the catalyst to push it up. otherwise if up but nothing happen will go down again.


2014-03-07 10:08 | Report Abuse

because you just joined this morning ;)


2014-03-01 11:48 | Report Abuse

Long term is the key. Why the Sona management will take the risk by going too quick and buy something which will not provide adequate return on mid/long term? Investors please be rationale and realistic or go to casino...


2014-02-28 14:44 | Report Abuse

I don't understand why people sold at 0.265 and 0.27? Not willing to wait at least for result, bonus/dividend announcement and maybe transfer to main board? Anyway thanks to them so can top up more ;)


2014-02-22 09:37 | Report Abuse

Pretty funny... how can one say Sona is better than Cliq or Cliq is better than Sona? None of these Spacs have made a QA yet, so...? The judgement will be made on the quality of the QA and the management of it on the long run.
I support qwertyuiop, if you don't know what you are talking about, better say nothing.
Better learn how to stand up before trying to run...


2014-02-17 22:09 | Report Abuse

How do you know valuemaster? There is a dilligence process to follow before QA. It's not cherry picking...


2014-02-17 20:25 | Report Abuse

Big E&P companies have typical high operating cost (more staffs, more procedures). At some point, a valuable asset will not generate enough money to offset operating costs. The big company will have no choice to sell this asset to a smaller player which has typically less operating cost and can still make good profit. There are a lot of gems out there. I believe the negotiations on fiscal terms are the one which take a long time before landing on the right deal.
let's see what Cliq and Sona will come up as 1st QA.


2014-02-16 22:55 | Report Abuse

Let me share my thinking and give some credit to Cliq management.
they have risen a fair amount of money during the IPO. Their strategy has always been clear, to buy a already producible asset so that cash flow can start from day 1 after QA. Now you would understand that Cliq has to exercise prudence. Most likely, they will have to strike it right the first time. I Guess they are juggling with 3 balls: 1) buy the asset within budget 2) make sure that the asset will produce a sustainable cash flow. 3) make sure that the operating cost of the asset stays under control and not offset the revenue generated.
They need to get the best asset, at a cheap price with minimum operating costs and already generating a lot of money...not an easy task right?
I precise that I have no relation with Cliq.


2014-02-16 22:43 | Report Abuse

I agree Dsonic is a good and dynamic company. However, the rise is very agressive. Lets be carefull not entering speculative territory, especially before result are announced. The higher, the more brutal will be the drop, if it drops.