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2014-04-08 02:43 | Report Abuse
Good, now that Hudud is going to be brought in by PAS, let's see what the UMNO kakis say...soon it will be this perhaps...
2014-04-08 02:37 | Report Abuse
as usual these idiotic & stupid UMNO kakis will use Red Bean Army when they can win an argument here. Why not Green Bean Army, Black Bean Army and the Yellow Bean Army....Yellow Bean is make into air soya, hahaha.
Thank you again PAS, we love your Hudud law, now to see how many UMNO & it's cronies hands are being chopped off. hahaha...perhaps including the one who wrote just now calling all who oppose his remarks as Red Bean he is a paid UMNO Cybertrooper who are being paid $3000 a month doing nothing but to create friction among the many Malaysians here....dirty scrumbags. I presume those who collect dirty or illegal cybertrooper money are going against Hudud to, hands chop off for them too, hahaha
2014-04-08 01:44 | Report Abuse
Welcome to the world of Hudud & we will witness more hands being cut of UMNO & their cronies, hahaha. Thank you PAS so much.
2014-04-08 01:42 | Report Abuse
At least we made our stand clear. Too bad about the simple majority. Good luck Malaysians. Inflation is coming.
2014-04-08 01:23 | Report Abuse
PutarJaya today passed the GST Bill with a simple majority of 118 vs 81. It seems that all those BN clowns were celebrating the victory without any concern about the plight of Malaysians.
Well, lets prepared ourselves for the expected rise in inflation when GST begins .......... 6% comes April 2015.
To the 47% Malaysians, GST is your ROI ( Return of Investment ) for being ignorant by voting an ignorant government.
2014-04-07 13:23 | Report Abuse
As one looks back, Malaysia has been in the bad books of the international media because of a long history of bad relationships caused by Dr Mahathir Mohamad himself that his successor, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was trying to mend.
Don't blame others for your own bungling
We cannot blame it on the international media for the bad publicity that we are getting over the way how Najib and Hishammuddin handle the missing aircraft. Just observe how the Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott spoke in parliament, while his Defence Minister, David Johnstone said “something definite” would be known within 48 hours. This is what the world wants to know: a firm decision and a timeline.
Until today, despite being prompted by DAP Supremo, Lim Kit Siang, neither Najib nor Hishammuddin has the guts to brief the parliament about this national crisis!
Where are we heading to? And Mahathir should take cognizance that these two cousins were under his tutelage for over two decades. One can say that Najib may have his Rosmah baggage, but what about Hishammuddin, whose wife was strangely spared from Teresa Kok’s Chinese New Year talkshow?
I am sure that even if Mahathir were to take over and be in charge of the SAR, he too will fail badly because of his character that pisses the international partners in the efforts to find the missing plane.
It can’t be that both senior politicians, Najib and Hishammuddin cannot brief the Malaysian parliament! They are in fact duty bound to brief the Malaysian lawmakers of this current national crisis that we are facing. - MAILBAG
2014-04-07 13:23 | Report Abuse
SHAME ON YOU, MAHATHIR! If anyone destroyed Malaysia, it is YOU!
So, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, in his recent lecture at University Malaya wants to be remembered as the man who helped 1% of the country’s population become super-rich, while Najib Abdul Razak, his blue eye boy will be the Prime Minister who is impoverishing the middle- and lower-income group through his drastic subsidies cut and GST?
Mahathir must not forget his squabble with Australian Prime Minister, Paul Keating in his early years as a prime minister. Keating had called him the ‘recalcitrant’, a word that many Malaysians initially took offence against during the early nineties. He was also snubbed by the US Vice President Al-Gore within the same decade. It cannot be that a national leader should come under the criticism of two world leaders.
If anyone, Mahathir destroyed Malaysia
Looking back, Mahathir was indeed the recalcitrant character that has destroyed Malaysia. After nearly 60 years as a nation, we are still fighting who has the right over the use of the word, Allah, and whether the State Enactments were meant to restrict the freedom of non-Muslims to use the so-called Islamic words or merely to protect the shallow-faith Muslims from being easily influenced by words in the way people who are not Muslims.
We are still fighting over race and religion. With the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) that was introduced during his time, many of the people in his generation have been brainwashed that they cannot think beyond the coconut shell that they have found themselves in.
Mahathir said that it was not cronyism, but we as a nation, need the rich people. While it is true that there are some who have become philanthropists, and they deserve the respect from the people, there are others who are hoarding the limelight for the wrong reasons.
Even in Mozambique, they are accused of cheating
Recently, the son of Rosmah Mansor from her first marriage was in the limelight bringing shame to the country. At the same time, a British judge said that a Malaysian couple is clogging precious court time trying to contest a divorce in England. We can go on and on with a hundred and one examples but I want to remind Mahathir of his trip to Mozambique.
In Mozambique, Malaysians have a bad name. The then Southern Bank went on a delegation led by Dr Mahathir himself. It started a branch office there, which subsequently had to be closed down, with many Mozambicans felt they were cheated of their life’s savings!
Not to mention the Perwaja failure which cost the country billions of Ringgit, Mahathir was supposed to start another Proton factory in Mozambique, with his one “mega” dream to expand into the African market, but until today, the Proton cars are still rare in that part of the world. This is what has happened to our country’s coffers over the entire period when he was prime minister.
22 years and unable to build up talent
Shame on Mahathir! His 22 years as prime minister has failed to build up the talents in the country to be able to handle the most difficult crisis. This is exactly what we are seeing in the past two weeks. Since the MH370 aircraft went missing, the country has come under heavy criticisms from within (both politicians and ordinary men on the street) as well as harsh condemnation from people who understand the airline industry well.
As rakyat, when we read these stories from the international media, one thing is sure: We have totally lost our confidence in our present cabinet and the ruling coalition. As one celebrated Malaysian author puts it: "Confidence in our leadership is brittle, and it takes little for frustrations to boil over."
In my opinion, Barisan Nasional has long overstayed the Malaysian hospitality, and God is fair, He will make sure that our leaders reap what they sow. If the same people continue to lead the country, it will go through one crisis after another until a new Government sanctioned by the rakyat takes over.
Throughout the entire period, Najib was more interested with his chicken talk, rather than to take charge of the search and rescue (SAR) efforts. He is giving more time to talk about a RM1 a bird “cock-and-bull” story than to try to recover the missing aircraft with 239 people on board. In the spiritual sense, I guess, Najib does not even realise that the blood of these people are on his head.
Just before he kicks the bucket, Mahathir should realise that the Australians are the people who came to our aid to fight the Communists during the Emergency. Now, with the missing MH370, it is also the Australians who are working around the clock to help relocate the missing aircraft although it was the Malaysian maverick who antagonised Australia on a number of occasions during his tenure as prime minister.
2014-04-07 12:40 | Report Abuse
Time and again the government has asked Malaysians to tighten their belts in times of economic hardship.
However, we still see cronies and firms with links to the government that continue to plunder the nation's wealth.
2014-04-07 12:00 | Report Abuse
Day 31 #MH370: M'sia walking tight rope on M'sia-China ties celebrations
10.36am: Prime minister's political secretary Wong Nai Chee admits the MH370 incident will affect Najib Abdul Razak's visit to China next month.
"We have to be sensitive towards the feeling of the families, and large-scale celebration seems not very possible.
"Without the missing flight incident, we could have (had) the celebrations in a different manner," he is quoted as saying by South China Morning Post yesterday.
Najib will visit China next month to celebrate the 40 years of bilateral ties.
Full story:
2014-04-07 11:18 | Report Abuse
Posted by LATO' SELI > Apr 7, 2014 11:09 AM | Report Abuse
Can we refocuse on share/performance & not politic ??
brother LATO, no need to concentrate on this counter as it's an almost goner...go for other counters instead as u have a better chance of making money.
2014-04-07 11:04 | Report Abuse
Posted by rajaumnok > Apr 7, 2014 11:02 AM | Report Abuse X
Posted by Ring > Apr 7, 2014 10:56 AM | Report Abuse
I fully support Hudud Law it is good for a corupted like ours. I come from a rural working enviroment n some of those ppl there dont have money to buy rice?
yes, indeed adek Ring, the rural folks are the ones who suffer the most in silence. I have heard that in some rural areas or kampongs have no proper water is available at all. Ask yourself a simple UMNO really interested in helping these poor kampung folks or are they all for themselves??
Time for us the Rakyat to get rid of UMNO/BN once and for all & bring a better standard of living for all Malaysians.
2014-04-07 10:40 | Report Abuse
That's why I too support Hudud law so that these UMNO & their cronies hands that take the Rakyat's money had to be cut hands, so cannot steal anymore lah, hahaha. And the savings of this Rakyat money can be use to look after the welfare of the Malaysians....isn't this a better alternative? Better health facilities & care, better tolless roads,better education facilities, the possibilities of all benefits are endless.
Go to any middle east countries and see that even their gold smith's shop are not rob even left unguarded or unattended during the call for prayers....that's what my friends tells me, wonder if this is true?
2014-04-07 10:40 | Report Abuse
the trouble with UMNO bodek kakis is when they cannot win an argument here, they will say the other side is anti this, anti that and the usual favourite is Red bean Army, why not Green Bean or Black Bean for a change, hahaha...why don't these people grow up and stop behaving like a useless no otak person?
2014-04-07 02:23 | Report Abuse
Posted: 06 Apr 2014 12:04 AM PDT
Sebelum PAS bentang Private bill hudud nanti, UMNO akan mainkan hudud di Kelantan bukan hudud Islam tapi hudud PAS.
Nanti mereka akan kata mereka hendak selamat kan nama baik Islam kerana hudud yang PAS luluskan di Kelantan sebenarnya zalim dan jauh dari kehendak Islam.
Di masa itu PAS tiada media dan majoriti orang Melayu akan terpengaruh dgn propaganda jahat UMNO tersebut.
Akhirnya pengundi2 Melayu yang cenderung dgn Pakatan Rakyat nanti akan lari semula kepada UMNO. Mereka akan merasa lega sebab UMNO menyelamatkan mereka dari kesesatan PAS.
Terutamanya kepada pengundi2 Melayu wanita yang sememangnya selama ini amat ragu2 dgn usaha PAS untuk melaksanakan hudud.
Tidak ketinggalan mereka akan guna NGO2 Islam upahan mereka untuk menyatakan bahawa hudud yang PAS bawa itu sesat dan tersasar dari Islam. Itu tak termasuk kenyataan dari Mufti2 dan Qadhi2 seluruh Malaysia.
PAS takkan mampu jawab balik sebab PAS tak kawal media utama. PAS pun tak bersedia untuk kempen yang menyeluruh berkenaan isu ini sebijik macam waktu hudud diperkenalkan di Terengganu.
Pada pengundi2 bukan Islam, lagi teruklah mereka main isu ni sampai bertahun2 mereka main sehingga akan terlihat jatuh tahap sokongan kaum Cina dan India pada PAS.
Hudud tidak boleh terlaksana di Malaysia selagi MEDIA UTAMA TIDAK DIKAWAL OLEH PAS. Kalau tidak ia hanya akan mengundang fitnah dan nama buruk kepada Islam dan kepada hukum syariah semata-mata.
Golongan atas pagar Melayu mudah ditipu dgn propaganda fitnah UMNO. Mereka juga amat lemah kefahaman tentang Islam.
Ingatlah ini wahai Kerajaan Kelantan oiii
Berapa kali nak kena tipu dgn UMNO ni????
Kena tipu dgn UMNO ni Islam ajar ke?
2014-04-07 01:32 | Report Abuse
That's why I too support Hudud law so that these UMNO & their cronies hands that take the Rakyat's money had to be cut hands, so cannot steal anymore lah, hahaha. And the savings of this Rakyat money can be use to look after the welfare of the Malaysians....isn't this a better alternative? Better health facilities & care, better tolless roads,better education facilities, the possibilities of all benefits are endless.
Go to any middle east countries and see that even their gold smith's shop are not rob even left unguarded or unattended during the call for prayers....that's what my friends tells me, wonder if this is true?
2014-04-07 01:23 | Report Abuse
Everyone of the UMNO cronies want to milk MAS as fast as they can....just ask yourself how much is MAS paying to contractor to supply MAS with the "teranjang or naked nasi lemak" as our renown cook Wan calls it?
2014-04-07 01:20 | Report Abuse
Posted by nagachan > Apr 6, 2014 11:16 PM | Report Abuse
For as long MAS can't be turnaround just ignore even if it drops below 10sen
I presume that with the present type of management, MAS will masuk longkang no matter no much Rakat money is thrown on it. Everyone is treating MAS as their grandfather's one. Just ask this useless UMNO to see how Singapore does things correctly and see how Singapore's SIA had become the most profitable airline in the world every year for a long period.
Didn't you all remember that even sometime back even the previous chief bought millions of dollars worth of useless paintings [not contributing to MAS business & profit] just to decorate his office? And what about the MAS unions? Overstaffed? & more???
As long as UMNO/BN government don't & doesn't want to put MAS on the operating table and cut away the cancerous parts, then be prepared to see MAS dies a slow death, that's for sure.
2014-04-07 01:09 | Report Abuse
Posted by Thomasleee > Apr 7, 2014 12:54 AM | Report Abuse
Anwar fiasco on MH370 nothing more that display of incompetence and immaturity. So ashame how Anwar tried so hard to score a political mileage of this tragedy.
ask yourself what UMNO & BN does all the while...they done even worse things non-stop, period...just ask around.
PS..presume you are a bodek useless MCA kaki or an UMNO kakis using a Chinese nick?
2014-04-06 15:49 | Report Abuse
saya perchaya banyak UMNO kaki pindah dari kelantan bila Hudud diluluskan. UMNO memang takut kakaka.
2014-04-06 15:44 | Report Abuse
ohlahlah Hudud to Malaysia, UMNO takut mati, kakaka...banyak UMNO & cronys kena potong tangan?
2014-04-08 12:53 | Report Abuse