
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2022-08-05 11:10 | Report Abuse

Top glove has jumped above its 8 month old downtrend line. Buy n hold now. You will make 40% by xmas.


2022-08-05 11:09 | Report Abuse

Buy orders cancelled. Its not coming down. Its hegeh2 near the peak. Stay away.


2022-08-05 11:04 | Report Abuse

Btw it jumped above its 8 month old downtrend line yesterday.

Today is day 2 of a trend reversal from downtrend to sustainable uptrend.

Buy n hold.


2022-08-05 10:44 | Report Abuse

Paktua the gambler, no need to get excited and menyalak arr. This is just a short term market noise.


2022-08-05 10:43 | Report Abuse

Relax. Invest for long term. Undervalued. Next year only sell.

Customers bought gloves like crazy last 2 yrs. Customers storage rooms full end of last year. So few orders came in q1 this year.

As covid caution still remains elevated, customers will deplete storage soon and will start new orders again.

Revenues n profit will revert to norm again n so will the share price. Its share price norm is 1.45 - 1.65.



2022-08-05 10:05 | Report Abuse

1. Oil at usd94 and falling. Its on a downtrend.

2. Oil futures in 2023 is at usd82, lower than current price which means downtrending going forward.

3. Hibiscus share price tracks and correlates closely with oil price movement.

4. Eventhough current hibiscus earnings are good, share price however is a leading indicator. It reacts to reduction of earnings in the future now, some 6 to 8 months ahead of time.

5. Its lowest close this time around (from 1.49 peak) was 0.82 on 15/7. A close below this price today would open the gate for more selling for lower lows trend.

6. Price has fallen below all its 50, 200 and 400 day mvg averages, denoting a long term downtrend. The latest drop below its 400 day mvg avg is taking place now (0.84 is its 400 day mvg avg, current price = 0.82). To go down and stays down.

7. Its 50 day mvg avg is crossing below its 200 day mvg avg now, as we speak, for a DEAD CROSS bearish divergence.

8. It moved from 1.02 to 1.49 peak. The drop below 1.02 was a DEADLY BEARISH INVERSION move, placing its ultimate target at 1.02 - (1.49 - 1.02) = 0.55

Conclusion: Whichever way you look at it its DEATH, DEATH, DEATH ALL AROUND! Sell/cut loss/stay away!


2022-08-05 09:15 | Report Abuse

On the way down dy.
Q bargain at 0.825, 0.83. Try put a bait there for quick rebound profit.


2022-08-04 15:55 | Report Abuse

Profit1 0.9025 - 0.855 = 8,500++
Profit2 0.885 - 0.93 = 3,900++
Total profit = 12,400

Swiss alps trip:
Flight 4,500
Car rental 2,000
Airbnb 3,500
Food 2,000
Total = 12,000
Mistress flight = 4,500


2022-08-04 15:43 | Report Abuse

Sold 0.93. See money take money dont be greedy.

Enough la pang to pay for my holiday to swiss alps. I just hv to top up for my mistress flight.


2022-08-04 14:04 | Report Abuse

Dont be bodo.
Oil at 97dollar n going down
I told u again n again hibiscus on downtrend n will downtrend until 0.55.


2022-08-04 13:37 | Report Abuse

Paktua sekolah standard 6 only. He does not understand english.


2022-08-04 13:35 | Report Abuse

20,000 lots @ 0.998 (rm2mil)
Sell zone 1.45 - 1.65 once overstocking levels normalise and buy orders piling in once again.


2022-08-04 11:39 | Report Abuse

Syok2 selling at/near bottom. Good luck. Most people got it wrong selling big time at bottom. Covid caution remain elevated at hospitals worldwide. When glove stocks run low, orders will pile in once again.


2022-08-01 09:23 | Report Abuse

Sell. Oil price is coming down.
Same as glove sector before.
Share price came down ahead of future earnings down.

Tp 0.55. Sell/stay away.


2022-07-29 15:51 | Report Abuse

Told u dy false breakout.
Bcause now 0.845 breakout point gave way dy. Now shooting star candle top reversal in place.

It will go to 0.75 support tuesday or wednesday.


2022-07-29 15:01 | Report Abuse

Next entry point at 0.75/0.76 on tuesday next week.


2022-07-29 14:49 | Report Abuse

Shooting star peak reversal in the making.

Run for yr life/stay away


2022-07-29 14:42 | Report Abuse

Told u dy.
Stampede to exit door. Early birds will suffer less pain.


2022-07-29 11:16 | Report Abuse

Nice try but no cigar.
If a goreng attempt fails, dont hegeh2 stay there. Get out. Bcause soon your ass will be on fire.


2022-07-29 10:49 | Report Abuse

This is a SERIOUS INVESTING stock. Not for punting or trading. You own it during a TEMPORARY BUSINESS DISTRESS time and when BUSINESS NORMALISES, you reap your rewards.

If you want a quick thrill punting adventure, go after lgms or sfptech.


2022-07-29 10:26 | Report Abuse

Because it is a FALSE BREAKOUT meaning it will close below breakout point 0.845 for a shooting star reversal candle.

After 2 days, slaughter time.


2022-07-29 10:23 | Report Abuse

Bought at 1.00?
Now 0.935.
You cut loss now you wud lose 0.065.
You dont cut loss this loss will double to 0.13 in afternoon.
After 2 days it will grow to 0.18


2022-07-29 09:47 | Report Abuse

Breakout above 0.845.
Ada chance a false breakout n reverse in afternoon session, trapping all balls n cunts.


2022-07-28 16:13 | Report Abuse

Relax bro.

Harta does not budge 2.66/2.67.

Supermax does not budge 0.825/0.83.

You are mistaken if you think topglove will budge.

They all cannot budge because they all are sitting at bottom.

This is THE BOTTOM for top glove for that massive drop from 9.40, some 90% drop from peak.

Hold. Dont sell.

Sell zone: 1.45 - 1.65


2022-07-27 15:58 | Report Abuse

Sold 0.50. Thank u very much.


2022-07-27 11:43 | Report Abuse

Sold all! Peak hit at 0.825, half cent below technical target of 0.83.


2022-07-27 11:40 | Report Abuse

Ada fund collecting 0.995..
Finish, add, finish, add order..

Share price bottoms out AHEAD of profitability bottom. Understand?

I tell u again. Their business norm profitability is share price 1.40 - 1.60.

After this TEMPORARY business downturn, it will return to NORM.

So, collect, hold, collect, collect, hold...straightforward A-B-C logic. No need a rocket scientist to figure this out..


2022-07-27 10:29 | Report Abuse

Intraday Ascending Triangle formed. It will do a breakout above 0.815..


2022-07-27 10:21 | Report Abuse

Just stop by to say fuk you.
When i called market top at 2.04, i was alone n lonely n you people screwed me left n right. You shud know now that i am good, very good. Fuk you once again.


2022-07-27 10:05 | Report Abuse

In q to sell 0.83, 0.835, 0.84 & 0.845
Highest close 0.845 on first listing day.
It will threat to do a breakout above 0.845 some time today.


2022-07-27 09:39 | Report Abuse

Hit 0.81. Now will pull back to 0.79.
After 0.79 will go to 0.83.


2022-07-27 09:34 | Report Abuse

Bought 0.76.
Breakout above 0.75 yesterday.
This morning return to test 0.75, success.

Tp = 0.75 + (0.75 - 0.67) = 0.83


2022-07-27 09:12 | Report Abuse

Good news indeed.
10 mins into trading, I can confirm that sellers hv dried out on topglove, supermax n hartalega.


2022-07-26 09:36 | Report Abuse

It will drop below 0.50 bcause miti pink form people happy2 taking profit at 60% profit above ipo price.


2022-07-25 16:49 | Report Abuse


=> Glove business to expand 6% annually 2022 - 2030
=> Covid cases increasing worldwide due to current vaccines are no longer effective to stop infection because the virus has mutated. Glove sales will increase
=> Oil price is coming down. Commodities prices downtrending. Glove manufacturing cost to come down.
=> Strengthening USD from 4.10 to 4.45. More profit in RM as gloves are exported and sold in USD.

A clear cut case of a BUY into glove sector now. It takes a while for a reversal to neutralise n reverse the misplaced negative emotion.

Buy n hold! Why? Because I am good, very good..


2022-07-25 15:10 | Report Abuse

Bought 8,000 lots @ 0.995.
Total investment =20,000 lots @ 0.998.

Expect a V-shape recovery in company's profitability in the next 3 - 4 qtrs. Bcause customers worldwide will stock up once again due to increase covid cases.

Covid cases increase => more glove sales => more revenues => more profit => increase in share price.

Keep it simple. Back to basics of investing.


2022-07-25 09:49 | Report Abuse

Oil 98 dollar, babe.
Still dont want to run?
I told u it has dropped below its 50, 200 n 400 day mvg avg. It means it is a long term downtrend.

Oil going for 75 - 80 dollar. Hibisc will go for 0.55.


2022-07-25 09:41 | Report Abuse

Rational, less emotion:
7 day avg new covid cases worldwide early june = 480k
7 weeks later now, 7 day avg more than doubled = 1.1 mil.
This 7 day avg has surpassed the ones in most of 2021 prior to the big all time surge.

=> It is surging again
=> Because it has mutated to OVERCOME CURRENT VACCINES

Conclusion: Rational buy will prevail over sell emotion.


2022-07-25 09:12 | Report Abuse

I told u dy.
Simple maths.
New cases n death worldwide have increased 30% the past few weeks.

Therefore more glove sales, more revenues, more profit, increase in share price.


2022-07-22 17:18 | Report Abuse

Paktua still tikam menikam.
Trade/punt/tikam/gamble are all the same thing. It will cause you to lose money in stock market over time.

That also dont know ka? Hai ya?

Im out of here. Dont want to gang with gamblers..


2022-07-22 17:06 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa GILA. Too many posts/comments. Must hv stucked at high prices 3.00 - 6.00 until become GILA.


2022-07-22 10:37 | Report Abuse

1. Oil price wont sustain at usd100. It will stabilise lower. Hibisc share price tracks oil price. Therefore it too will go lower.

2. Hibisc has come down below its 50 day n 200 day mvg avg. It is now on the verge of breaking down below its 400 day mvg avg at 0.835. A bearish Descending Triangle pattern has formed in the past 4 days. It will clearly fall below this 0.835.

3. When a stock falls below its 50, 200 n 400 day mvg avg in quick succession, it is in a long term downtrend. It will continue to go lower n lower n stay low for a long long time, as 400 day mvg avg is 400 days long, more than a year.

4. Another chart pattern formed for hibisc is that of a Bearish Inversion. It moved on a strong uptrend from 1.02 to 1.49. Once it fell to close below 1.02, it formed a Bearish Inversion pattern. This pattern target price is 0.55 being 1.02 - (1.49 - 1.02).

5. Its dispute with sabah state govt wont be resolved anytime soon because of large sum involved (rm90mil) and different intrepretation of laws by both parties. This will likely go to court for resolution and will drag on for months, leaving a dark cloud on sentiment. The state has authority over workers permit n has said they would revoked these permits by october. This would cripple hibisc operation n oil extraction work in sabah. Between now n then, sentiment will be negative. "Sell on anticipation, buy the news".

=> Sell/cut loss/stay away


2022-07-22 08:40 | Report Abuse

5,685 new covid cases
US president biden infected

A case of simple cause n effect logic:

=> Cause: existing vaccines are unable to block covid which has mutated into new variants.

=> Effect: increase new covid cases locally n worldwide

=> Effect: more sales of medical gloves n increase profitabilty of glove manufacturers until existing vaccines r modified, approved, rolled out worldwide, or new vaccines approved n administered.


2022-07-21 15:50 | Report Abuse

3.50 pm
Price 4.16/4.17
Total volume traded = 5,237 lots
Gone are the days of 50k - 70k volume

It will drift down to sleep moving sideways 3.70 - 4.00 for a year with little volume. i.e. game over, no interest, operator cant play ball when no interest, no volume.

Bottom line, its official that OTB has made an ass of himself yet once again.

When game over, dump it, take a loss like a man, and move on to other stocks with actions n volume. Dont waste yr time here.


2022-07-21 15:34 | Report Abuse

Sellers retreating. Because some fund happy2 collecting. Why? Because IT'S CHEAP.

Buy n keep. Come back next year to sell at good profit.


2022-07-21 09:34 | Report Abuse

Tg 0.98/1.02
Supermax 0.81/0.83
Harta 2.65/2.75

Sellers dump n dump n dump all out, but they dont go down.

Why? Because all of them hv hit bottom.

They will sit on these bottoms waiting for the right time to stage a REVERSAL.

Buy n hold.


2022-07-20 15:52 | Report Abuse

Bintai he he..
12 cents. Last time 1.40.
In construction, wanted to do vaccine. Then many people died here 0.60 - 1.20, down to 8 cents.

Cartoon stock. Con stock. Stay away if u dont want trouble.


2022-07-20 15:12 | Report Abuse

Sold 1.08. Thank u very much.


2022-07-20 15:09 | Report Abuse

Bought 0.995, in q to sell 1.08..