
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2021-07-10 21:18 | Report Abuse

Karim is a man with a golden touch. He managed to steer serba into steady increase in revenues n profitability while others in oil n gas were losing money n struggling.

Not only in serba, he has done the same for his other 2 companies. As soon as he acquired kpower, his golden fingers quickly went to work bringing in jobs, revenues n profitability n monster leap in share price from 0.40 to > 8.00 to the delight of shareholders. Same story with scib. What a golden man he is.

Target price:
Serba 0.16
Kpower 0.40
Scib 0.30


2021-07-09 15:59 | Report Abuse

If u remove the Con out of the company u wud get one lousy loss making sh.thouse. Tp 0.16. Sell.


2021-07-09 15:30 | Report Abuse

It has broken down off its 4 month old triangle pattern on friday. Tp 0.45. Sell!


2021-07-08 15:08 | Report Abuse

Fifteen o six. Itold u dy small brain koks u dindnt want to listen. Market could ignore falling index up to a point. After that it will factor this crashing index big time.

This index going to Fourteen five four.

Perfect storm. Unseating of ruling gomen in the middle of lockdown with covid cases remain elevated.

Today blood. Tomolo blood blood. Monday bloodbath.

You will never see 0.50 again in yr lifetime.


2021-07-07 16:36 | Report Abuse

Hello koks. Now only u see arr. I saw it since yesterday bcause i am 20 steps ahead than u. Its called unwinding of speculative positions happening all over the place.



2021-07-06 21:56 | Report Abuse

I changed my break bcos i want to buy this ipo. You see what i let u to see. Then all your low IQ assumptions came to play with all negative low life jibes.

What if i told u that i am a royal blood living in a porch bungalow driving a porch car n stuck into this low life trading with low life ideeeooots. Ever wonder why i keep on deleting my posts? Takut tuanku murka babe.


2021-07-06 21:47 | Report Abuse

Btw i'm moving on out of this active trading of active speculative stocks. Moving out of this gambling den trying to second guess short term price direction. Moving up the ladder n class into value n trend investing. Thats the only way to turn my millions $ into a few hundreds mil $ in the next 2, 3 decades.

With that lense, now is not the time to buy stocks. With full lockdown, covid cases start to rise again. Meaning we r helpless. Lockdown negatively affecting countrys economy. Thats why u see index coming down n it will continue to go down. Whats up are a handful SPECULATIVE HU-HA COUNTERS WITH HIGH SPECULATIVE HU-HA VOLUME. You happen to be on the right side of these speculative trades you make money. You happen to be on the wrong side, you lose money. That is all that there is to it.


2021-07-06 21:33 | Report Abuse

I told u dy. That shark took a beating after lunch to 2.50 pm some 800,000 lots 0.50 - 0.485. They need to jerk this up a bit to dump back that shares. Once they r done around 9.30 - 9.45 pm tomolo it will fall.


2021-07-06 21:21 | Report Abuse

Bought 0.34 sold 0.325. -0.015
Bought 0.365 sold 0.39. +0.025
Bought 0.44 sold 0.505. +0.065

Bought 0.795 sold 0.91 +0.115
Bought 0.855 sold 0.96 +0.105
Bought 0.63 sold 0.66 +0.03
Bought 0.625 sold 0.605 -0.025

Bought 0.465 sold 0.44 -0.025

Nett = +0.34 - 0.065 = +0.275

This is reality of stock trading. If you think people bought at 0.31 n sold at 0.54, you are dreaming. Hundreds of million shares changed hands in between.


2021-07-06 21:03 | Report Abuse

Tonite 3.00 am tengok bola. Tomolo 8 am go cucok vaccine. Dont wait up for me. I'll be late to this casino.


2021-07-06 21:00 | Report Abuse

Bojed kok, all his kok gang.

At 0.32 talked kok all scared all confident it wud go down below 0.30.

At 0.50 all the same koks talking kok again all confident that it wud go up above 0.54.

Well, it did not go down below 0.30 n it wont go up above 0.54.

As i said most koks get it wrong at the very bottom n most koks get it wrong at the very top.

Koks missed chance to make big money n these same koks will lose money.


2021-07-06 17:28 | Report Abuse

Yg sorang tu berdoa dlm berjudi. Tak sedar diri.


2021-07-06 17:27 | Report Abuse

Siapa tu. Seronok main judi dpt untong ucap alhamdulliah. Hanyut dibuai mimpi tenggelam dlm kesesatan. Hoi! Trading ni judi lah. You tikam saham gambling on short term momentum/direction. Tikam saham mcm tikam kuda. Naik jual untong. Jatuh cut loss rugi. Tidor tak bangun2 lagi ka. Sebab tu rata2 org semua rugi main saham. Pergi tobat cepat2 sebelum terlingkup habis harta benda.


2021-07-06 17:10 | Report Abuse

#Serbadk, jetson, euro, dataprep, sedania & edaran => unwinding of risky trade is in progress.

#Kpower & scib do not share serbadk advance. This tells a million stories. Serbadk move is not sustainable.

#Genetec. A monster superbull is charging in a superbull chart. 34.00$ - 80.00$. Durian runtoh fr electric car industry.


2021-07-06 16:58 | Report Abuse

Now i am 20 steps ahead than you.
0.43 it is.


2021-07-06 16:57 | Report Abuse

You dont hv sharp eyes arr. This shark took a heavy beating right after lunch some 800,000 lots 0.50 - 0.485 until 2.50 pm. He is jerking this up past that beating cost to unload back to matket. You hv until 9.30, 9.45 am tops to escape while he is unloading those 800,000 lots.


2021-07-06 16:09 | Report Abuse

Let me try again for the last time. 0.495 is not cheap. 0.49, 0.485 & 0.48 are not cheap. Bcause it has been a confirmed U of the U-turn. Considered that u hv been warned enough.


2021-07-06 15:55 | Report Abuse

Who was there so bold to say that he wud buy some more at 0.43. U doing all the wrong things. In this business u dont avg down. You avg up.


2021-07-06 15:48 | Report Abuse

Let me try again to save u fr pain. When u see a shooting star, you get out. However skeptical u r when it takes place, to yr amazement, it will go down. Similar when u see a hammer, u buy. However skeptical u r when a hammer taking shape, to yr amazement, it will go up. Amazing isnt it?


2021-07-06 15:38 | Report Abuse

Now 0.50 selling u continue to talk kok. I told u to sell 0.535/0.54. And im telling u now it will come down to 0.43. 0.43 was its previous breakout point.


2021-07-06 15:36 | Report Abuse

GENETEC 15.00$. Mana mau pigi? 50.00$ ka??


2021-07-06 15:31 | Report Abuse

Kalau sudah jadi ini macam arr, it will be dumping towards 0.485/0.48 from 4.15 to 4.45pm gua cakap lu. Gua tau lar. Gua org lama.


2021-07-06 15:25 | Report Abuse

Aku ada sejuta$ buy limit. Relaks goyang kaki. Tak buat apa.


2021-07-06 15:22 | Report Abuse

Untung ka. Rugi ka. Jual dulu brader. Relaks dulu brader. Ini saham semua dah naik banyak.


2021-07-06 15:17 | Report Abuse

Shooting star candle in place 1000%. Google lar shooting star if naive dont want to dump it. It tells you gear change to GOSTAN.


2021-07-06 15:15 | Report Abuse

Kawe kato doh. Demo kerah palo, tok denga. Jatuh keng tu.

Dump lar 0.50. You dont bargain half a cent in this business. You try to save half cent, you end up losing 8 cents the next few days. Dump without hesitation! This is a uturn of the big move 0.32 - 0.54.


2021-07-06 12:37 | Report Abuse

Bilisutara. Hope could kill u in this business. Just dump it n pay.


2021-07-06 12:36 | Report Abuse

Kennyso2. Bcause it has made a uturn of 0.32 - 0.54 move. After this initial U, there will be down moves in coming days. Sell. Lari kuat2 (and im not trying to trick u into selling for me to buy).


2021-07-06 12:33 | Report Abuse

I told u it could not move past 0.54. I told u it would come down to close around 0.485 for a uturn signal. As it is now, the shooting star candle is already taking shape & in place. More n more people will escape in afternoon of the coming 20% drop.


2021-07-06 12:28 | Report Abuse

Jual lah. Jual skrg luka sikit, kote tak patah.


2021-07-06 12:24 | Report Abuse

And i told u at 0.525/0.53 that it will close around 0.485 today for a shooting star candle reversal.


2021-07-06 12:21 | Report Abuse

Kadilong. What first day. I told u it cannot move past 0.54. Technical barrier babe. Next 0.42/0.43.


2021-07-06 12:19 | Report Abuse

Jatoh daao. Jatoh bok bak bok bak. Kawe kato doh, demo tok denga. Peteng koho begrhat.

Nanti rugi begrhat2 sekor2. Habih keno nanti.
Dataprep, sedania, serba, euro, edaran, jetson semua akan jatoh tergolek dog.


2021-07-06 12:13 | Report Abuse

Dropping dy. Early birds who escape now will suffer less pain.


2021-07-06 12:06 | Report Abuse

Toppish n expensive. Market tops:

Serba 0.32 => 0.54
Euro 0.64 => 1.20
Sedania 0.50 => 1.12
Jetson 0.29 => 0.56
Edaran 0.64 => 1.10

Everything will come down from their respective top. Sell/get out/stay away.


2021-07-06 11:42 | Report Abuse

0.52. If u dont get out now. You will lose 10 cents a piece.


2021-07-06 11:30 | Report Abuse

Normal lar. Morning in attack mode. Afternoon kena attack. Sentiments reverse. All these serba, euro, sedania, jetson, dataprep all hv rebounded 80 - 130% from their respective bottom. You are dreaming if u think they can keep going. There are times to be in the market. There are times to be out of it n move to sidelines. When they are toppish like now, stay away.


2021-07-06 11:11 | Report Abuse

It opened at 0.485 n went to 0.545. It will close the day at around 0.485 for a shooting star reversal candle n it will reverse course downwards from there for the rest of the week. I know lar. Im a master. I am 10 steps ahead than you.


2021-07-06 10:59 | Report Abuse

Market bottom you buy. Market top you sell. Not the other way around. This is market top by all definitions. Get out/stay away.


2021-07-06 10:58 | Report Abuse

Share buy backs by no 1 & no 2 my ass. They dont hv cash to even top up margin. Thats why kena force selling.


2021-07-06 10:54 | Report Abuse

Dont believe me arr. I know lar it cannot move past 0.54. Technicals rule everything. What you thought of, what you hv not thought of, all are being built into technicals.

It will now come down to 0.54 - ((0.54 - 0.32)/2)= 0.43 and move sideways from there.


2021-07-06 09:54 | Report Abuse

Market diagnostic 9.50 am.

Various stocks hv reached or nearing their technical rebound tops. These include serbadk, sedania, dataprep, jetson. All these will turn red in afternoon trades. All these hv moved on speculation, serbadk included. As in any speculation, some people will get hurt.

For serbadk it is looking very expensive in relation to its 0.305 bottom. 0.54 was the previous low that was broken. This is IMPOSSIBLE to be taken out until EY gives their opinion one way or the other.

Sell/get out/stay away.


2021-07-05 17:02 | Report Abuse

Before you make a fool out of yourself let me give you fatherly advice. You dont speculate in something that can lose 2/3 of value in a month n double in value in a week.

You will lose money big time over time. Its gambling.


2021-07-05 15:57 | Report Abuse

Andai kutahu
Kapan tiba ajalku
Izinkan aku
Mengucap kata taubat pada-Mu

Aku takut
Akan semua dosa-dosaku
Aku takut
Dosa yang terus membayangiku


2021-07-05 15:53 | Report Abuse

Welcome to Casino Royal where we make your dream comes true


2021-07-05 15:51 | Report Abuse

Dataprep hit limit up. Sedania wants to follow.


2021-07-05 15:19 | Report Abuse

0.305 to 0.515. That is mucho mucho rebound. No more meat left on the bone. It will now (for the rest of the week) correct to stabilise around 0.40 n moving sideways until EY complete their job.

Dont move yr eyes from the ball, index.
Dont play2 arr.
It will go to ONE FOUR FIVE FOUR in 2 - 3 weeks.

Its helpless in lockdown with covid cases not coming down.


2021-07-05 15:03 | Report Abuse

Artificial pump n dump. Pump completed. Controlled dumping in progress. If no trouble dont look for trouble. If stuck, get out. If profit, take it.


2021-07-05 14:47 | Report Abuse

Sold! There is a major flaw with this move: kpower & scib do not follow.


2021-07-02 23:08 | Report Abuse

Stock market is one big giant casino. Everyday people place bets. From 400$ to 4,000$ to 40,000$ to 400,000$ to $4,000,000 bets. The 100,000 lots dumping a couple of times today at 0.365/0.37 when market saw weakness mid afternoon were the release of a couple of 4,000,000$ bets. Up 1 - 3 cents they make money on the bet. Down 1 - 3 cents they lost money. If u r a good muslim u better think twice what u r doing.

Investment = If u invest in yr sisters business you provide her money to see her successful in a couple of years or more. You dont give her money in the morning and take it back in the evening. Or give today n take it back 3 days or a week or a month later. Ada paham ka??