
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2021-06-18 14:55 | Report Abuse

Sold 1.12. See money take money first.
If move above 1.15 buy again.


2021-06-18 14:48 | Report Abuse

The day is still young. The boss is still there. He wants to play until next week. LU b4 4pm.


2021-06-18 14:39 | Report Abuse

LU kambing


2021-06-18 12:33 | Report Abuse

Wah surprising hidop lagi ka. Operator mau main besak nampaknya. Berapa? 1.30 ka?


2021-06-18 11:53 | Report Abuse

With around 0.90 closing it will form a PERFECT LONGTAIL SHOOTING STAR. Then it will trend down from there in coming days.

Kalu sayang kote. Sell/cut loss/stay away.


2021-06-18 11:50 | Report Abuse

It is a pit stop 1.00 - 1.05. Afternoon will go to 0.90. Its a magic of a technical pattern INTRADAY DESCENDING TRIANGLE.


2021-06-18 11:11 | Report Abuse

It has now evolved into bearish descending triangle with 1.10 - 1.30 height. It will go down to 1.10 - (1.30 - 1.10) = 0.90.

Conclusion: 0.90 to 1.30 back to 0.90 by days end. In coming days it will go to 0.60.

Get out if you value yr balls.


2021-06-18 11:06 | Report Abuse

Operator excites it n sell, excites it n sell. Once he finishes selling what he bought yesterday, nobody to support it n new buyers will scramble to exit to cut loss n it will into into red very quickly. Sell/get out.


2021-06-16 12:25 | Report Abuse

Hello beruk2. Buat apak dkt sini lagi? Cari penyakit? Tak dak penyakit nak cari penyakit. Tak ka bengong.

This is how it will unfold. 2 bulan tak dak news. Not easy for EY to verify. Skype interviews, face to face interviews, site visits to middle east etc.

Negative sentiment will return while EY is doing their job. Harga drifting jatuh slowk slowk sampai that 0.54 cliff n then bedebuk free fall to 0.335, which is half price from here.

Tp = 0.54 - (0.745 - 0.54) = 0.335


2021-06-16 12:08 | Report Abuse

It is called SELL THE NEWS.
Will go back to square 1 at 0.18 - 0.20.


2021-06-15 16:49 | Report Abuse

After this SHORTLIVED MISPLACED JOY, the FEAR will return to sentiment. Sell/escape.


2021-06-15 16:41 | Report Abuse

U hv 5 mins to get out of this trap. 3 - 5 cents drop everyday all the way back to 0.54.


2021-06-15 16:25 | Report Abuse

Masuk perangkap jgn lama2 babe. Jgn enjoy nak berkampung dlm perangkap pulak. This is where you cut loss skill plays a crucial role.


2021-06-15 16:09 | Report Abuse

Its called CHURNING & DISTRIBUTION where a shark uses multiple trading accounts controlled by a few people to do act of buying n selling within a tight trading range, in this case 0.69 - 0.71, to do nett selling to unsuspected victims.

Once he has cleared his positions, price will no longer be supported within the range, and fall.

The period taken to complete the churning n distribution depends on how many shares the shark intends to unload n depends on market condition as well, either it is an active market or not.


2021-06-15 11:41 | Report Abuse

Its CGB people. Central Global Berhad. Buy on weakness..


2021-06-14 14:00 | Report Abuse

Bojed. About tak main lar. Confirmed baru aku masuk hentam.


2021-06-14 13:59 | Report Abuse

Masuk tangkap saham tengah jatuh teruk ni mcm masuk tangkap bapak beruk. Badan besar, taring panjang. Kena masuk ramai2 sekali gus. Pegang kepala, pegang kaki, tangan, ekor, 10 org hempap atas badan.

Kalau agak2 tak lekat pegang tu, kena lepas balik. Tunggu dia lemah. And then cuba lagi. Kalau tak dia boleh cakar gigit kote putus oooo...jgn main2...


2021-06-14 13:08 | Report Abuse

Ok boys n girls. This is the latest strategy.

It was a SHOOTING STAR candle formed on 01 june which was a down move reversal. Price closed at 0.835 that day after hitting 0.98 intraday high. True enough it trended down to 0.555 now in a space of 2 weeks.

Entry point from now on: wait for a HAMMER CANDLE confirmation towards the close 4.30 - 4.40 pm every day. The target here is not to buy at the lowest point, but to buy once there is a trend reversal confirmation.

For example. Today it opened at 0.60. Lowest 0.54. Current 0.555. A hammer candle would form should it close +/- 1.5 cent from 0.60 today. So you buy in at 0.585 - 0.615 towards market close. Not at 0.54 - 0.56 now. Even though its more expensive, but the coming trend in coming days will be up.

Apply the same principle every day from now on. Its not about price or price level, but a price trend reversal confirmation.


2021-06-14 12:44 | Report Abuse

Yeeeeaaaaah....sold, profit 1 cent.....

See market, trade market.

The rest are wild guesses only.

Going into afternoon break, ITS HOLDING AT 0.555.

It hit 0.54 low rebounded a bit n holding off low at 0.555. This is market condition right now.

The rest are just KOK TALKS based on KOK GUT FEEL.

Got it boys n girls?


2021-06-14 12:31 | Report Abuse

Ada. Ada fund beli. Sekali key in 5000 lots. Itu fund beli itu macam. Not retailers.


2021-06-14 12:30 | Report Abuse

Mana lu mau pigi serba? Hali hali mau jatoh ka?


2021-06-12 11:41 | Report Abuse

Bull run has ended a long time ago while you were sleepwalking.

Bear run has been blooming in earnest ever since and it will be all the way to 1.40 and you are still sleepwalking.

Dumb & blind!



2021-06-12 10:00 | Report Abuse

People are playing money game here. Collect, collect, collect, pump 10 - 30 cents n dump.

You SMART LONG TERM INVESTORS keep holding on to this sinking investment. Blind & dumb.



2021-06-12 07:22 | Report Abuse

The longer you wait the lower the value.


2021-06-11 19:29 | Report Abuse

Moral of the story is you dont want to be holding this stock at 1.60 or 0.90 or 0.65 and hoping that fate will not sink it down to 0.40 - 0.20 n beyond.

You need to act. Be it trading or investing, always cut yr losses short. Should u get yr entry correct you may hold on to it as long as you like or even pass it on to yr grandchildren.


2021-06-11 19:14 | Report Abuse

RJ87. My trade was the 2nd trigger pulled at 0.605 for 2.2 cents loss a piece. I am a gentleman. Loss n failed trade i say it as it is. Just that you were blind and black hearted could not connect the dot between my sale update against market action n my cut loss point that i mentioned earlier.

As i said i lost this battle but won the war bcause i made over 20 cents a piece earlier at 0.795 - 0.98 range.

As i said as well this is no longer my war. Im out of here! Learn from my moves here n prosper from them !


2021-06-11 13:31 | Report Abuse

Cannot lar. This stock was at 0.30. The good company performance has been built into the share price at 1.20 for 400% upside.

When u buy at 1.20, the next swing of company performance will be down. So u r buying at the very top to lose 50 - 70% over a year.

You knowlah all these steel sector or steel play die relatively quick these past decades.

You need to be 10 steps ahead. Bcause market is forward looking. When u eager to get in, its already 10 steps too late.

Stay away.


2021-06-11 11:56 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-11 11:38 | Report Abuse

A fund manager is buying everyday at 1.81/1.82. Returns = (2.00 - 1.81) / 1.81 = 10.5%.

A knockout returns 600% better than fd, 300% better than best performing unit trust, considering holding it for less than 6 months.


2021-06-11 11:25 | Report Abuse

Ammar. Still here he he....
Its only a 2 week hot stock
Interest has waned. Operator cannot play when less n less people get involved.

Its on its way back to square 1 at 0.30 with intermittent shallow bounces that will not last.

Then it will hybernate there for a year n then you will be looking at sizeable paper loss until you give up n sell at a loss to move to other hot stocks in town.

Stop. Stay away. Game over.


2021-06-11 11:00 | Report Abuse

Its previous low was 3.81. Early this morning freefall off this 3.81. Bcause many others know what u naively dont know.


2021-06-11 10:59 | Report Abuse

Stock market is not that difficult if u know what u r doing. When it drops below its previous low, you get out bcause it will go lower. Trending lower. Any short term bounces are short term in nature but the long term trend will be lower n lower.


2021-06-11 10:40 | Report Abuse

EMOTIONAL BUY is always WRONG. You will lose 20 cents a piece. See you at 0.66.


2021-06-11 10:36 | Report Abuse

You sell 3.70, 3.71, 3.72, 3.73, 3.74, 3.75, 3.76, 3.77, 3.78, 3.79, 3.80 does not matter. Dont try to split hair here bcause technical setup points towards stabilisation at below half price from here. Below 1.80 in coming months.


2021-06-11 10:22 | Report Abuse

GoldenHarvest1 rr88, supermax not suitable for hardcore gambling gang guys like you
09/06/2021 10:30 AM

rr88 reply to GoldenHarvest1: Stupeeedity comes in many forms. One of which is keep holding on to losing investment when technicals say otherwise. And mistaken a technical master with a gambler. It is much2 more to market than gambling. Prices move in certain distinct patterns for hundreds of years again n again. There is a deep sytematic n sophisticated knowledge into this trying to understand why it is happening again n again.


2021-06-11 10:14 | Report Abuse


Price moved from 1.40 to 24.30 (pre-bonus price) or 0.70 to 12.15 (current ex-bonus price).

Recent low was 3.83. A technical rebound took it to 6.28. Now it is ready to break below this recent low:

Ultimate tp = 3.83 - (6.28 - 3.83) = 1.38

Glove mania journey: 0.70 => 12.15 => 1.38

1. Vaccines do work. Proven in the US where new daily covid-19 cases hv dropped from 300,000/day to currently 16,000/day.

2. As vaccines reach populations of other countries in the next 12 - 18 months, demand for gloves worldwide will return to pre-covid level + 30%.

3. Therefore, it makes sense for the technical picture of supermax price chart pointing towards 1.38. Fundamentals in the form of reducing qtrly earnings will compliment the technicals and take the share price lower in future months.

4. Aftermath of this euphoria. Some people made big money. Some people made big money n lost it all. Some people lost big money.

=> Cut loss & take whatever you can salvage before you lose most of yr money

- rr88 (05 June 2021)


2021-06-11 10:07 | Report Abuse

rr88 Last closing low 3.81 on 31 mar 2021. Now its 2 cents away from that cliff. Sell n salvage whatever you can salvage.
09/06/2021 10:26 AM


2021-06-10 10:21 | Report Abuse

Next time when u speculate, set a cut loss point. Once triggered, sell no matter what.


2021-06-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

He he he he.....ha ha ha ha.....


2021-06-10 08:57 | Report Abuse

The upward thrust shifted to 10 am thereabout to clear off remnants of drunk sellers n the pon dans.


2021-06-10 08:52 | Report Abuse

Epf selling 2000++ lots only in a 3mil lots day. What i hv is much2 more than that.

B4 you punch me. I punch you first 10 times. Take this. Sitting on the fence ready to punch me thinking that i got this wrong?. But sitting on the fence is the very act of a COWARD and BRAIN DEAD, unable to assess n analyze the trades and take a firm view one way or the other with deep reasoning of whats happening.


2021-06-09 18:10 | Report Abuse

So that you know that sc probe/continued audit/independent audit take time. Interviews and/or trips, equipment/material verification on sites, detailed level of documents verification etc. So safe maneuvering window in place for say the next 4 - 8 weeks.


2021-06-09 17:56 | Report Abuse

Just to enlighten you. You shud know a rock bottom when u see one. This rock bottom event occurred just in a span of 5 mins from 4.40 - 4.45 pm. Its the way sell bids n sizing came in & the way buy bids n sizing came in.


2021-06-09 17:31 | Report Abuse

Noob. My mouth bubbling up oredy. One more time. "If" shud not be in your vocab. Trade what u see in real time.


2021-06-09 17:29 | Report Abuse

anthony. U really in the wrong track of mind. How to explain arr. Its not relevant. Zero impact whatsoever. The trading dynamics is the one you must see. As i said this thing has been trying to crack the 0.665 resistance.


2021-06-09 17:26 | Report Abuse

Btw 55,774 lots in buy q at closing vs 13,000++ lots in the next 2 sell bids combined. As i said drunk people selling at lelong prices.


2021-06-09 17:21 | Report Abuse

Get involved in the thick of the action !


2021-06-09 17:19 | Report Abuse

I hv said this a million times. There is no "if" in stock market. You work with what you have, what you see n you move forward in real time.


2021-06-09 17:17 | Report Abuse

Btw when that 0.665 wall gives way tomolo, you dont sell tomolo. You sell the next day. Better price.

Like you dont rush in to buy when a floor is broken. You also dont rush in to sell when a ceiling is smashed. Same concept.


2021-06-09 17:05 | Report Abuse

Natural instinct of a bull. Bang at 0.665 wall! No crack. Take a few steps back to build in energy. Bang again! Crack a little. Take another few steps back. Then bang bang bang!!! Berkecai ! Then new breed of buyers rush in flooding in like no tomolo!

Thats how you make yr 10 - 15 cents a piece ! Got it boys n girls?