
samT | Joined since 2014-07-10

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2014-07-25 01:26 | Report Abuse

and he only consume 3 sushis...


2014-07-25 01:25 | Report Abuse

his never less than USD100...


2014-07-25 01:23 | Report Abuse

If can give significant tips the better , as my business partner from US follow US tipping style , 15% of total bill and higher than that if service is superb , then , very soon you will get VIP services .
One of my business partner very special , he like to ask for only 3 pcs of sushi as lunch in a Japanese restaurant. We went into one of the restaurant that we are 1st time there , the waiter said you need to follow the menu , he really unhappy with it and I need to do my part by asking the manager and convey his request ( He is Russian) . THe manager got it done immediately and big tips came after. I learn from here , get what the customer wants , they are happy , you are happy with better profit..2nd time I went there by myself, they treat me like king but unfortunately , my tips not as big as my business partners as I'm not from US, I'm from Penang , stringy with tips..only willing to pay for the food to fill up my stomach.


2014-07-25 00:48 | Report Abuse

Hi FY Koay , try to fan away ppl with other opinion than you ??? I will stay and keep sharing when ever I'm in town , while continue to FY , st Koay , the Big F.


2014-07-25 00:43 | Report Abuse

FY Koay , why keep quite ??? Not very active in this forum and night !!!


2014-07-25 00:42 | Report Abuse

Hi FY Koay , if you can't answer me , you committed yourself as FY JOKER. I think you not even know what a 'BlackCard' is, which bank issue these type of cards and to what type of customers.......


2014-07-25 00:00 | Report Abuse

Hi FY Koay , since you like to talk about how wealthy you are ..don't talk about investment credit limit as I never use margin to invest ..I use 100% cash from my own pocket. Lets use credit card credit much credit limit your have ?? In my pocket , I have one card with more than 100K in credit limit and 1 oversea black card with no credit limit....

What do you have ??? FY


2014-07-24 23:46 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvintaneng , glad that you like Penang. I born in Penang and I like Penang very much but lately the traffic getting worst , therefore , I seldom travel in Penang except for daily routine and wine and dine with friends..During school holiday trip , I like to spend oversea trip with my family to escape from the bad traffic in Penang due to inflow of tourist..I'm sorry that I might not know some of the places you mention , especially the Baptist Theological Seminary as I'm not really find one from my memory..Air Itam dam , I and dine place..very familiar...


2014-07-24 23:08 | Report Abuse

kick you out not the right word to use..should be invite you out in a well manner way...


2014-07-24 23:08 | Report Abuse

FY Koay , since you are from Penang , if you want to look for me to bad mouth more , come over to the fine dining restaurant at Batu Ferringhi and I will be there meeting with others MPCORP investment partners to discuss our strategy..since you are so wealth , you should be able to figure which one we will dine in..make sure you wear nicely else they will kick you out from the restaurant...


2014-07-24 22:59 | Report Abuse

I always tell my son , study well and continue your study in up yourself to the outside world and learn from their strength. Don't be like some of the ppl surrounding us that with very narrow minded..act like ' juara kampung '


2014-07-24 22:53 | Report Abuse

This FY also have red eye disease , can't really take it when others might be better than him..In this world , never compare wealth with others..feel happy with what you have and enjoy your life...Most of my business partners are way wealthier than me.. I fly to Singapore in budget airlines and they pick me up from airport with Lamborgini...just enjoy sitting in the car , what to read eye with..when one of the US business partner ( he is the company owner ) engaged with fund manager to invest in risky O&G derivatives an turn $5M to RM50M in 5 years , what to red eye with..they own private jets , what to red eye with...

Their wealth is nothing to do with our friend , either you are poor or rich , is nothing to do with me . We are just friends who can chat everything .. as long as give me opportunity to talk and learn !!!


2014-07-24 22:43 | Report Abuse

kokwai9319 , thank you for the offer. some FY who might need it but he might already went through it in the past !!!!!!!!!


2014-07-24 22:40 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvintaneng , I don't think is your fault as I read through the forum since early this year , I believe is more an ' kiasu' and arrogant character in someone that he treat himself as an advance and wealthy investors that others are not his class and when you said his stock is bad , he really can't take it and try to challenge you whatever he can...even few days back he challenge that he wanted to show you how wealth he was ..posted at 2.51pm that he will queue 470K of Prkcorp at 3.72 at 2.25pm. I try to understand this but I can't find the at 2.51pm for something that already past ..and Prkcorp at 5 ticks from 3.46 to to see 3.72 ??? I really can't able to figure out..may be I'm not up to the standard...

But once someone conquer his statement , he will float...

I try to ignore this guy as I believe he is not value added in this space but trying to bad mouth others but once he step on to me ..I can't be as patient as you...


2014-07-24 22:30 | Report Abuse

I even plan to share portfolio investment strategy and goal base investment which I personnel feel that is valuable for investors who work towards financial freedom I really need to reconsider as some FY might think that I'm Unit Trust agent , Financial planner etc..


2014-07-24 22:19 | Report Abuse

Beside , I also deal with ppl from different and sometime complicated background from all over the world ..when we wine and dine together and chat , they are all equal to me..because tome , everyone has their own choice and I respect their decision. Therefore , I can make friend with everyone and gain their respect.


2014-07-24 22:11 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvintaneng , Thanks. You and I were consider by some FY as ' running dog ' for others just because he can't understand what we are talking about and just because you comment that the stock he invested is Sunset stock..he sound more like the ' running dog ' like us..

at least in my sharing , I provide an overview of the stock , the current and future prospect , the risk and return profile , recommended strategy and my personnel holding in the stock so that reader can decide on how to progress..

Not like the FY , just keep on saying his share is good without any facts...only with bad mouth..


2014-07-24 22:02 | Report Abuse

Hi wt222 , I'm a well respect guy to all my business partners..they include companies owners in Switzerland , Singapore and US.One of them even introduce me to his son in law who is a hedge fund owner in Wall Street with USD2B in management. We always exchange information with each others , I'm not really need to be a ' running dog' to anyone just to write in space to promote their stocks..especially this forum is only for a small group of retails investors and with limited influence on manipulation..


2014-07-24 21:57 | Report Abuse

wt222 , thanks for the understanding. Sometime I try to stay cool but deal with shit ppl , I really cannot hold on my temper. Is good to be skeptical but do not bad mouth others..

I deal with multinational people with various culture and ethnics group , we use to debate with each other but with concrete facts but avoiding personnel attack......


2014-07-24 21:51 | Report Abuse

This is continue from my sharing previously and this is not for FY StKoay

Anyone who interested , do read , else , ignore it.

Today , the volume went below 700,000 , which is my reference point of change. it seem to me that the 1st batch of investors who are not willing to invest cash further in MPCORP already exit and their stock has been taken over by new investors or current investors who are bullish with the deal or planning to take short term profit. This represent about 2.5% of total outstanding share of MPCORP.

My view is that , the volume will stay low between price of RM0.455 to RM0.50 and once break RM0.50 , another round of selldown will happen with group of investors who plan to cash out some share to fund the right + warrant + ICULS A and ICULS B. Some other investors will release their share for better value.

I will keep posted if the volume break 700,000 again.

I'm doing sharing for YTLREIT as well..may be FY Stkoay will speculate that I work for Francis Yeoh..

Anyway , this week is a good week for me , YTLREIT and MPHBCAP in upward trend ( ai yoh , may be Surin Upatkoon also hire me to speculate from the eye of FY Koay ) and I'm seeing my portfolio value jump by 100K by 100K..


2014-07-24 21:35 | Report Abuse

St KOay , are you in advance group as stated ? I doubt about it as you are not even know how to understand a simple analyst report. I completed my international financial study in 2010 and I can be a qualify stock analyst if I go for the post and what I shared here is following the standard practice required.
If you can't understand , either you go and learn or keep your mouth think you can act like the ' tokong' in Penang..


2014-07-24 21:28 | Report Abuse

my investment partners told me , since we didn't know anyone here , is just a forum to share and why want to angry..I said to some shit ppl , we need to deal with them with the shit way...


2014-07-24 21:14 | Report Abuse

Hi Stkoay , this the forum to share information and not for you to speculate and bad mouth others..if you don't like it , get out from this space.

you make me remember a person with sirname Koay in Penang , work in a multinational company , lost badly during economy crisis and in saint and went into Tanjung Rambutan for a while and recently back on the street and invest again..

He usually go on the road side with a helmet...may be next time when I see him , I will ask him , are you Stkoay..


2014-07-24 21:11 | Report Abuse

Hi Fortuneball , I'm from Penang , I worked in the factory before with engineering background. Now I'm a freelancer working for few Multinational companies from Switzerland , Singapore and USA . I deal with business partners from various races like Russian , Swiss , German , US , Singaporean as well. Looking for business for their products and doing business analysis for them.


2014-07-24 21:09 | Report Abuse

Hi Fortuneball , I was wonder and thanks Awangngah for the information. Hi Stkoay , don't try to make funny here..don't speculate. You mouth smelly like shit...


2014-07-24 21:01 | Report Abuse

Hi awangngah , yes , I was assume one party based on the statement that the party subscribe for the PP would like to increase the holding if the company perform well. Therefore , 100,000,000 warrant at RM2 conversion price will be issue to them . The PP price fixed at 1.65. I think this most likely a single party and as not to go for General offer when holding go beyond 33% , therefore , the private placement and warrant after full conversion will equal to 30.98% . If selling to various parties , most likely will be too complicated.


2014-07-23 21:15 | Report Abuse

YTLREIT is low beta stock and the stock will be quite stable and will adjust according to corporate proposal . Positive proposal such as asset purchase to enhance DPU to move the stock price up while negative proposal like private placement that dilute the DPU will adjust the stock price down. If a proposal to purchase more assets that drive the DPU back to previous level of RM0.088 , we should expect the stock price to go back to ~ RM1.10 level when the corporate proposal completed.


2014-07-23 21:11 | Report Abuse

To be exact , will be ~ 30.98% , slightly above 30%. After private placement , the cash position will be at ~ RM300,000,000 and after warrant conversion will be ~ RM500,000,000. Hopefully enough bullet to gun down the leopard ..


2014-07-23 21:07 | Report Abuse

This round , the leopard might get trap and skin off by the hunters.....


2014-07-23 21:06 | Report Abuse

Hi awangngah , thank you very much for the information.

Today , TPY sold 2MM shares of Protasco. Based on the private placement , Protasco will potential get a new major shareholder through private placement of 50,000,000 shares and if warrant fully converted at RM2 ( 100,000,000 warrants for proceed of RM200,000,000 ) , this person will become the biggest shareholder with slight about 30% in holding.


2014-07-23 15:53 | Report Abuse

Hi Seek, you dream will come through ..year 2015 New Year wishes...


2014-07-23 11:21 | Report Abuse

Hi Fortuneball , thank you very much. If possible , will need a favor from you to understand who this person is ..Faizatul Ikmi Binti Abd Razak.

She hold 3,927,700 shares in NextNat and 9,497,000 shares in Asdion , where TPY with interest.

I went to Wikipedia and not one of the 5 childrens of ...just curious will this person with strong financial or political background to support TPY or just a normal business partner of TPY


2014-07-23 11:07 | Report Abuse

Hi Fortuneball , in the business world , someone need to be victimize for other success. When UMLand taken private by the tycoon and his business associate , I have a feel that he will be interested with MPCORP land and this will enable him to extend from current Seri Alam landbank. ADSB deal might come at the right time for him and TLO should know..can't drag any longer as if this guy turn aggressive , with his financial and political background , it will be like Germany against Brazil...

Anyway , there are a lot of possibilities , as long as you have a valuable assets with you , there for sure someone wants to have their hand on it..while protecting own interest , the owner need to act fast as well to unlock the value as the longer he drag , the risky will be ..


2014-07-23 11:01 | Report Abuse

Yes , Bill will score another own goal !!! LOL


2014-07-23 10:58 | Report Abuse

Hi Fortuneball , as compare to others investors , TLO is not as smart as other on appreciating their investment in MPCORP. My tracking showing that TLO investment in MPCORP is at ~ 0.35 to 0.40 per share. At current price their return is quite small , even lower than FD hen compounded for a period of 8 years. Gain RM0.10 from TPY is just only RM1.5MM and to TLO , this is just peanut as compare to their wealth of more than RM400MM years back. Comparing current interest in MPCORP , TLO has big junk in it while TPY only committed small portion of money , worst case scenario , he lost all that only cost him RM8.25MM or more likely scenario , he sold it at RM0.40 and lost RM1.75MM.

I believe TPY Is wise enough to have support from the back to deal with TLO ..where I'm trying to find out whoever with this capability. If TPY partner with Protasco , they will at least equal to TLO if not better. Look the JV projects between AB and Protasco at Pasir Gudang. TPY initial the projects and then became a JV with Protasco with 36:64 share and Protasco seem to be fully backing up the project financially.

I believe the same is happening in MPCORP , TPY take the lead and Protasco is backing him up.

There are others which will do the same as well , this is one of the reason I screen through the list of top 30 share holders for his company and one name appears with quite substantial holding but very low profile as not to appear as Director of the company ( so that no information can be disclosed ). I really curious will this person has strong financial or other political background to support TPY ?? I'm continue searching...

Anyway , if the deal got turn down , TPY can walk away with only a small lost ( consider invest in option and got burn ) . TLO will need to face the music ..ADSB will take away the land ( as I always believe the neighbor at Seri Alam with strong political connection will be interested with the land ) and RHB might trigger a default ..all this will put MPCORP in jeoperdy and who will get brn the most ..

TPY downside - RM8.25MM only
TLO - 10 sen down per share will almost wipe off 25MM of their wealth...


2014-07-23 10:43 | Report Abuse

Hi lohman , you are correct. Is tussle between the 2 parties to gain the most out from others. As minor shareholder , we can just sideline observe the progress and take action accordingly. Frankly speaking , I don't trust both of them as well , just try to find way to gain the most from my investment


2014-07-23 10:08 | Report Abuse

Lets make $$ together ..tell the big shark that we are with them..leave some residual to us to digest ..we are symbiosis , when you eat the big fish , leave some flash to us...already more than enough to fill our tummies..


2014-07-23 10:01 | Report Abuse

Hi Sheep , I believe most likely market anticipate some announcement coming on new asset purchase and earning per share ( excluding depreciation as non cash item ) back to the previously level of ~ RM0.088 per share. This will restore the confident and revaluation of stock price back to previous level.


2014-07-23 09:51 | Report Abuse

For my side , as I already hold enough share and the entitlement and I need to decide on either to invest another RM1,200,000 to fully subscribe to the right + WC + ICULS A + ICULS B , I will sideline as of now , monitoring the progress and if scenario # 1 seem to be the most possible , I might consider to inject fresh fund to the company or a combination of fresh fund + fund from dispose of partial holding . If scenario 2 and 3 is the most likely scenario when get closer to the end of the year , I will look for opportunity to reduce holding after completion of corporate proposal of not less than RM0.50 as this still provide few hundred thousands of return for my holding.

I'm cautiously optimistic and based on all my repeated review of the proposal and information search , I strongly believe scenario # 1 is most possible...I hope I'm right as this will load up my pocket for other high growth stock in next 1 to 2 years...


2014-07-23 09:46 | Report Abuse

Here is my thought

the lousy management won't add value to you. They hold valuable asset and can't execute it , so , their score are -1. The goreng - goreng guy can add value to you as long as you track his path ( because he goreng to earn money ) , so , the score will be 0.5. Add both together , you will get -0.25..still better than -1. So , should be better than before.

I ran through the 20 pages proposal again and again just to find any hidden agenda and all possibilities and scenarios ..I summarized at below: ( from highest to lower possibilities )

1. 3 major shareholders with less than 30% holding to strike a balance.

Most will concern that TLO will not give away the control but look at the proposal , TLO sold 15M share to TPY and transfer the option of 114MM right with WC to TPY. Both committed to the right and WC but not the ICULS A and ICULS B . The statement said - the board need to find shareholder to take up the minimum qty of ICULS A and ICULS B and get this done before the circular ( which is equal to the entitlement to TLO and TPY ) and need to be taken up for the proposal to happen.

So , who is willing to take up the ICULS A and ICULS B ?? Minor shareholder will not commit to it even I plan to subscribe it later . So , they need to identify someone to take it up for the proposal to happen. So a third party most likely will emerge and for the best interest of TPY , Protasco should be the company and with capability to do so .

TPY is a smart guy , we know that current management is weak , he should know even better..if the current management still in full control , will he dare to throw in his $$ if he don't have the opportunity to drive or involve actively ?

As TLO only stay with their current holding and right entitlement without subscribing the ICULS A and B + conversion of WB, their final holding might only stay at < 20%, there are high opportunity that they might lost the control of the company if someone trigger a takeover call on the stock and to fight for the control , huge amount of $$ will be required to battle for the remaining stock in the market and will be a lost to TLO and a gain to TPY and minor shareholder if he decided to sell everything back. THen , TLO will back to the starting point and forge out more $$.

Therefore , a check and balance between the 3 parties strike before the corporate proposal released. With TLO at the end with ~ 28% , TPY + 3rd party at ~ 32% and make the take over to above 50% difficult , therefore , it meet the objective for both side

The 5.21% share sales at RM0.55 is to fix the reference price if either parties decided to go for mandatory take over. From the proposal , it stated that if TLO share increase by 2% or TPY go beyond 33% , General Offer need to be trigger. My view is that this is to prevent when either party decided to increase their holding ( which is quite likely when WB is converted ) , the General Offer price is not attractive and either side cannot take advantage of others..

Therefore , my believe this is the most possible scenario

2. TLO remain in control while TPY with less aggressive roles.

If both subscribe to the ICULS A and ICULS B , TLO holding will be way above TPY , which is not what TPY would like to see with his ~ RM70MM committed to the company.

If TLO decided not to take the ICULS A and ICULS B to stay balance with TPY , then , for the proposal to happen , someone need to take the ICULS A and ICULS B to the minimum subscription level , so , a 3rd party will still emerge in this case.

When 3rd party emerge and if with relationship with TPY , TLO will be in disadvantage , therefore , the WB need to be converted to balance the , back to scenario 1.

3. The corporate proposal didn't happen at all ..all will be the loser , TLO , TPY and all of us who hold the shares. Therefore , this scenario is most unlikely..

IN summary , I don't think they trust each other base on their track record..therefore , a check and balance is strike during due diligence before releasing the corporate proposal to the public.

What an investors can do to capitalize from the scenario above

Investors will accumulate a portion of target holding by now , at below RM0.50 ( below the right price ) Spare some cash in hand to increase holding and subscribe to the entitlement

Continue to observe the situation. If the progress pointed to scenario 1 , increase holding. If no clear sign , sideline and wait ...

If ending up as # 2 and # 3 , investors can hold on with the stock until completed the corporate proposal , when after the major shareholder injected their cash to the company , dispose the holding , most likely will get price close to RM0.50 , at breakeven or a cup of coffee at Starbuck..

This represent an opportunity for low downside high upside ...


2014-07-23 09:05 | Report Abuse

hi wt222 , you are welcome. This is the space to share and make friends...and everyone make $$ together


2014-07-23 00:42 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the compliment. YTLREIT is quite a straight forward stock with less corporate activities. I will add my input whenever any announcement furnish to the bursa.

For those retire and looking for passive income , YTLREIT might be a good alternative and can practice 50 : 50 strategy. 50% reinvest for more shares and 50% for spending.


2014-07-22 23:52 | Report Abuse

For my satellite , once boost every 5 years will able to sustain my compounded return at 30% annually.

This is like the hedge fund , they will invest in 10 projects at 10X return. 1 successful project will breakeven , 2 successful project equal to 100% return..I'm not as adventurous as , I only invest in stock which I believe once the asset value unlock in the future , will yield about 5X return


2014-07-22 23:50 | Report Abuse

This is also one of the reason I invest bigger portion of my portfolio in high dividend stock as we cannot time the crisis and once crisis happen , the dividend can be reinvested in stock at deep discount and this will significantly enhance the value of the portfolio when the market begin to pick up ..although at bull market , this kind of portfolio yield worst than average market. So , I use risky stock like MPCORP etc in my satellite to enhance my portfolio overall return


2014-07-22 23:46 | Report Abuse

Yes , the opportunity to make big $$ is during financial crisis when all stocks area trade at deep discount and not when CI continue to break record 1998 , if my memory serve me well , TNB at RM2 per share and PBB at RM0.80.
I never use margin account to trade share so far but I always keep a lump sum of cash , mortgage my properties with a lump sum of cash in my mortgage account waiting for the crisis 1998 , I did try to take risk by asking for bank loan to invest in stock but the bank turn me down..therefore , the lesson I learn is don't start to borrow during crisis time , borrow ahead of crisis time , has the cash in the mortgage account ( since is flexi home loan , no need to serve interest as long as the fund is in the account ) and jump in kuat kuat during crisis time with bank $$ and after significant gain , return the money back to the bank and earn the differences..

ppl said , bank utilize our $$ to make profit when we keep our $$ in FD , we can also utilize bank $$ to make money if we invest at the right timing , the crisis time which might happen only once in a blue moon..


2014-07-22 23:29 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvin , I have good faith on the land but not the management. For the past 5 years when I started participate since previous right issue , I viewed through google mp for not less than 100X to convince myself that the pcs of land worth good value as surrounded by developing area and continue to accumulate even down to the lowest of RM0.29 to average down. Unfortunately , as a minor shareholder , we don't have control on the land and need to depends on the management , which unfortunately , weak in execution...
The corporate proposal give me the hope that the asset value will be unlock as so far I'm in positive territory , I'm OK to wait for a while as I already wait patiently for the past 5 years..


2014-07-22 23:23 | Report Abuse

Hi Steven Yong , let me share my experience with you , assuming you are younger than me and yet to go through financial crisis in year 1998 ( 1st Sept 1998 , the worst ever in Bursa history ). I was quite lucky as I graduated in year 1995 and begin to accumulate investment fund and the financial crisis gave me the opportunity to start early and at right timing and I managed to stay at compounded 30% return for the past 17 years of investment. When I first started to invest in 1997/98 , I learn a lot from the 1993 bull run ( I went to the security to understand why the stock can go up 100X in weeks while most investors not even know what they investing in and then most paid back their gain with their wealth during the crash in 1998 and 2000 ) . When I wanted to invest in 1997/98 , I'm a rookies and most ppl asked me not to invest as the market will continue to go down , even when CI at as low as ~ 300 points ..retreat all the way from may be 1400 points due to capital control. I was lucky that I jump in with the thought of averaging down and I make a substantial return . Although my fund was quite small at that time , the significant growth pave the foundation for my future investment.

Therefore , my advice is , instead of waiting for the stock to bottom , should begin to set a buying price and continue to average down if the price keep on falling or average up if the price going up.

It can be 10,000 shares each at RM0.455 , RM0.445 , RM0.435... or

10,000 shares each at RM0.455 , RM0.465 , RM0.475...

as we not really know when the market reversal will happen...


2014-07-22 23:11 | Report Abuse

HI Calvin , Thanks or the insight.


2014-07-22 23:01 | Report Abuse

To all ,

I accumulated YTLREIT since year 2009 and currently my holding is about 1,500,000 shares.

I would like to take this opportunity to share my analysis on this stock for your reference.

Few areas that we can look into

1. What is the impact of the private placement and why investors react negative to it ?

YTLREIT distribute at least 90% of the cash to shareholder as dividend at quarterly basis. For the past , the distribution was 100% but for the last few quarter , was fluctuate between 90% to 97% , why ?

YTLREIT cash income ( included depreciation as depreciation are non cash item ) at about 8.8 sen per share. If fully distributed , will yield 9.56% per share based on stock price of RM0.92 , which is one of the highest as compare to other REIT.

With the private placement of RM800MM , YTLREIT will save interest of ~ RM38,000,000 ( at 4.75% interest ) but due to the number of share significantly diluted , the DPU will reduce.

assume private placement at RM1 per share

(RM0.088 * 1,325,000,000 +38,000,000)/ ( 2,125,000,000 ) = RM0.0728

which is 17% lower as compare to before private placement

Investors with DCF method will adjust the stock price accordingly based on the reduction of DPU by ~ 17% and the stock price retreat from a fair value of about RM1.10 to ~ RM0.94.

The management of YTLREIT track record is to maintain the DPU in upward trend , therefore , the dividend payout ratio has been adjusted monthly to maintain the dividend payout at ~ 7.5 sen ( DY = ~ 8% at RM0.92 stock price ) , which factor in the private placement effects.

Therefore , barring any unforseen circumstances , the dividend will not be lower than 7.5 sen ( before witholding tax ) per year.

2. Why YTLREIT go for private placement ?

One of the plan shared by the management to the public was the ambitious to increase asset under management to RM10B in mid to long term , taking opportunity of bargain asset price when US QE ended and rising of interest rate and most likely asset will be selling at bargain price. Therefore , the private placement and increased of borrowing limit to 60% is to prepare for this objective.

There are few possible scenarios that might happen in the future..

With current NAV at RM1.26 and YTL committed for RM320,000,000 of the private placement , the management will able to raise RM1,400,000,000 in debt to purchase hotel asset and this will raise the DPU back to RM0.088 assuming the assets with fixed return of 7% and borrowing cost of 4.75%

My thought is that the asset purchase under this phase will be hospitality asset under YTL which is not included in YTLREIT like Majestic KL , Majestic Melaka , hotel in Hokkaido , Shanghai etc..which total to about RM1.4B

at 2nd phase , when the private placement was fully place out up to RM800,000,000 , YTLREIT will able to raise another RM700,000,000 to purchase new hospitality asset , DPU will go up to RM0.095 per share ( assume 7% return , debt cost at 4.75% )

To achieve 10B in asset , NAV need to go up to RM1.78, which I believe will able to achieve in 5 years or less due to leverage effects

example , assume 50% asset and 50% debt , when the asset value up by ~10% , the total NAV will up by 20%.

When the asset up to RM10B without further equity dilution , the DPU will go up to RM0.12 per share ( assume 7% return and 4.75% borrowing cost )

Based on above assumption , YTLREIT stock price with potential to achieve RM1.50 in 5 years time based on DPU increase from current 7.5 sen to the future of 12 sen per share. This represent a potential of compounded return of 18% through dividend reinvestment.

3. What is the risk with YTLREIT

Interest rate risk - if interest going up , will strongly effect the borrowing cost and reduce DPU

Foreign exchange risk - fluctuation of foreign currency will affect YTLREIT income. or example , AUD fluctuate to as low as 1AUD to 2.89MYR and back to 1AUD to 3.03MYR last quarter ( therefore , last quarter distribution was slightly better even at 90% distribution )
If foreign currency depreciate significantly against MYR , YTLREIT return will be strongly affected.

As my target return is minimum 10% compounded return per year , YTLREIT meet my investment mandate for Core in my portfolio.


2014-07-22 22:15 | Report Abuse

I hold about 1,500,000 shares of YTLREIT as well , mainly for dividend income and reinvestment with target of at least 10% compounded return per year for my Core ( I'm using Core Satellite strategy for my portfolio ) . I read through the forum as well and thinking that I can share something since 2 weeks ago but didn't manage to do so as focusing on MPCORP. At least now can take a break to write something for YTLREIT investors..hopefully can provide extra information for their decision making