Blog Posts
2023-03-08 11:45 | Report Abuse
Klau dah ada c70m kat bank
Tapi nak teruskan PP maka suspect la Andy
2023-03-08 11:27 | Report Abuse
This is oso a test of Andy character
Find out if Andy proposed the PP for the benefit of his buddies
2023-03-08 11:26 | Report Abuse
Pandai pandai la JAKS shareholders
DON'T pressure Andy to pay dividend just yet
2023-03-08 11:25 | Report Abuse
But the announcement of PP terus hammer the nail into JAKS price
2023-03-08 11:23 | Report Abuse
Sarifah pasti declaring a dividend at this moment will not push up JAKS price
Lagi pun dividend tu pun x byk c 3 sen jer
2023-03-08 11:13 | Report Abuse
Klau tak pay dividend ada c 70m dari Vietnam kat bank d
Cash ni can use to pay debts and working capital
2023-03-08 10:12 | Report Abuse
Forgo the dividend this time or do DRP
Get Andy to stop this 10% PP
2023-03-08 10:02 | Report Abuse
2023-03-08 09:58 | Report Abuse
Stop this PP
2023-03-08 09:56 | Report Abuse
JAKS price has been whacked by byk PP PP PP
2023-03-08 09:55 | Report Abuse
Not expected
Byk PP especially this 10% PP to early settle bank borrowings
Not xcepted and but materialised
2023-03-08 09:54 | Report Abuse
Losses from local businesses
Excepted and materialised
2023-03-08 09:53 | Report Abuse
Divvy from Vietnam IPP
Excepted and materialised
2023-03-08 09:53 | Report Abuse
Profit from Vietnam IPP
Excepted and materialised
2023-03-08 09:52 | Report Abuse
Pay divvy than buat PP no a good strategy
2023-03-08 09:50 | Report Abuse
Sbb tu la jangan pressure Andy to pay dividend at this juncture
2023-03-08 09:49 | Report Abuse
Klau solvent in term cash flow mcm ada sikit question marks
Klau no PP to cover cash flow after paying divvy mcm stretching thing a bit
2023-03-08 09:47 | Report Abuse
Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Share Capital 1,074,143
Reserves 26,188
Accumulated Profit 310,594
JAKS appears to have the profits to pay dividend
2023-03-08 08:18 | Report Abuse
U laugh at company that take bank loan to pay dividend....
2023-03-08 08:15 | Report Abuse
U ketawa laugh at company that take bank loan to pay dividend
But here u are doing the worst
Here u are pressuring Andy to pay dividend by doing PP
2023-03-07 22:21 | Report Abuse
Klau kena bikin PP so that can pay dividend Forget the dividend
Don't pressure Andy to pay dividend just yet
Do PP so that can pay dividend just doesn't make sense
2023-02-28 16:12 | Report Abuse
Oso Sslee favourite impairment of receivables tu siapa dia?
2023-02-28 16:09 | Report Abuse
Macam xde but no harm to confirm kat EGM nanti tanya Andy dividend from Vietnam kena withholding tax??
2023-01-29 12:22 | Report Abuse
Happy CNY
Ni bukan main main.. serious.... sgt serious
Opinion Sarifah u better at d least put the word "Alleged"
2023-01-29 10:31 | Report Abuse
In meantime u better employ a bodyguard a 24 hour bodyguard
2023-01-13 09:01 | Report Abuse
JAKS dapat more than mid teen IRR from Vietnam IPP
Better than mid teen promised dulu
PP sentiasa ready
Sales of electricity is good
2022-12-23 08:35 | Report Abuse
Jangan jangan ada arbitration nos 3
Arbitration on LTA
Mungkin klau semua tied in a bundled deal
2022-12-12 15:27 | Report Abuse
Hujan renyai renyai
Sbb MISTAKE ICPS agreement tu I signed
MISTAKE is it a good defense in ur mind?
2022-12-11 20:27 | Report Abuse
Orang bodoh bob
Simpan for future
Posted by BobAxelrod > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
WHAT I WOULD DO IF I WERE MIMA (and won the Arbitration)
When the Arbitration goes in favour of MIMA, they would have FULL Control of Dnex Semi Sdn Bhd, and also majority shareholders of Silterra....
Just do a MBO (Management Buy Out) at fire sale of Silterra, maybe just paying Dx RM200 millions for their shares in Silterra.......and should MITI not bending backwards to grant License.........just shift the whole manufacturing plant to China.....simple, and no hassle.
Bye, Bye Silterra.
2 hours ago
2022-12-11 19:14 | Report Abuse
One more time one last try for old senile bob
DNex Semi control 60% of SilTerra
Klau MIMA/CGP have FULL control of DNex Semi
GCP kan have 100% control of SilTerra
40% via MIMA dan 60% via DNex Semi
2022-12-11 19:09 | Report Abuse
Aisay i3lurker apa da terjadi u dah jadi senile ke ? Sarifah explain sampai terperinci u pun x faham wat happen man?
2022-12-11 18:59 | Report Abuse
U bodoh
Klau ICPS on CGP kan control 59.99% of SilTerra
Tapi MIMA/CGP will not have FULL control of DNex Semi
u faham?
2022-12-11 18:49 | Report Abuse
Excuse Sarifah
Pada pandangan Sarifah humble opinion valuation u of SilTerra is way way way way way way too high
Even pemegang pemegang syer x value so way high mcm tu
Gerard Lam
At current valuation, investors are basically pricing in Silterra to be worth zero to DNeX, which is an impossible scenario.
Let's assess what are the outcomes of the arbitration, and its impact to DNeX:
If arbitration favours DNeX:
If the arbitration favours DNeX, DNeX would retain 60% direct interest in Silterra, and CGP would retain 40%.
Next question would be would CGP sell out?
If CGP sells out - Other chip majors such as Foxconn (already have a direct interest in DNeX and working to build a 12 inch fab with DNeX) would highly likely acquire this 40% stake. This would further leverage DNeX's postion in the EV industry and boost Silterra's value
If CGP does not sell out - then Business As Usual.
If arbitration favours CGP:
DNeX will be left with 40% stake in Silterra.
Let's say DNeX sells out its 40% stake, this would equal to a potential proceed of RM2.4bil to DNeX, being equity value of RM6bil x 40% = RM2.4bil.
RM2.4bil, would be RM0.76 per share, being RM2.4bil / 3.16bil shares (Just for Silterra portion, not including DNeX's other business that are worth around RM0.47 per share, taking a brokerage house's estimates)
In no scenario would DNeX value just be RM0.55 (pricing in 0 value from Silterra), as the worst case would be DNeX owning 40%, instead of 0%.
2 days ago
3 hours ago
... being equity value of RM6bil is way way way way way too high
DNeX sell out its 60% is no go
3 hours ago
2022-12-11 18:48 | Report Abuse
U duduk diam diam
Let Sarifah talk to Gerard
2022-12-11 18:39 | Report Abuse
ICPS maximum baru let MIMA/CGP have 33.33% in DNex Semi
U bodoh ni too complicated for u? Can follow?
2022-12-11 18:37 | Report Abuse
How can CGP has FULL control of DNex Semi?
2022-12-11 18:36 | Report Abuse
U bodoh
CGP control 40% via MIMA
DNex control 60% via DNex Semi
At the moment DNex control 100% of DNex Semi
U faham?? Can follow?
2023-03-08 16:05 | Report Abuse
Bila Vietnam IPP baru start
Increased by 1,408,000
Cannot blame if people see JAKS as PP king
Cannot do this 10% PP anymore