
sharemarket21 | Joined since 2020-08-17

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2022-10-03 13:40 | Report Abuse

Some force selling today and the next day. See how it holds the level end of the session.


2022-10-03 11:58 | Report Abuse

Focus and keep aiming for lower price. Nothing good if keep cussing. Highly educated but hiding like ghost swearing but still don't how to sell. Worse still buy more higher price. Stuck. It's not my fault the share price tumbled.


2022-10-03 11:41 | Report Abuse

Bursa value is very thin early in the morning. If there is no further support, most likely it will slide further due to force selling post dividend entitlement.


2022-10-03 09:37 | Report Abuse

Back and forth trading and let another day passing first and only check the price position.


2022-10-02 17:19 | Report Abuse

Just read back all comments. It's all there. Do what you want as long as you are happy.


2022-10-02 17:16 | Report Abuse

Are you really serious dude ? No one cares but since you insisted and self imposed, we play with you but don't do two head things. Be neutral and players and others are watching you. Don't post and remove comment the next second anymore. Go after all your butt buddies too.


2022-10-02 17:07 | Report Abuse

Still we respect you to take up the job but must be very fair. What Sifu, master or bosses you are talking about ? Make your stance uptrend or downtrend next 2 weeks?


2022-10-02 17:05 | Report Abuse

Go after all your butt buddies numbers first before everyone. That's only call fairness. We made the downtrend calls despite the fanstastic numbers for more than 2 months here. It's very obvious our stance. And you ? Why not put up 2 and 8 ? Do a good job or else someone will retire you dude.


2022-10-02 16:59 | Report Abuse

You do two heads dude to fit your what nonsense thing. Still we play with you. Although sometimes you are not very sharp. You shifted each time but the heck you are going after the weakest link for what ? You scratch butt others and why can't you harrass those who did not follow yours. Don't do that dude. Be fair even the low end room. We know you play neutral hero in every comments but make a stance here.


2022-10-02 16:54 | Report Abuse

Yes who knows dude. Front and back. Am actually following you dude. 4.44 correct and correct and hopefully can gain something in this trying time but also failed. If newbies and inexperience chap can give some proper direction. Why not..this is public room.


2022-10-02 16:47 | Report Abuse

Must do a good job. Talk about current and why next QR? Why not next year QR or 30 years later? Everyday and week are judgement day here. Share price fluctuating daily.


2022-10-02 16:34 | Report Abuse

He is going against the odd knowing it's impossible task with all the great numbers already published and strong forecasting. Only fools believe and take it seriously the period of time. The whole idea is to send a strong message to those stubboner. Still it closes quite to the current range at 4.21 whether you like it or not. Should bash those above 5.50 and what crazy nonsense sky numbers. If this thing goes below 4, he must taunt all the sore losers here.


2022-10-02 15:31 | Report Abuse

Is it 7.21 now ? Loads of amateurs in this room. That's why need to bash non stop. Highly educated commenter turned foul mouthed ghost spammer. Asked to sell and not to buy high but over smart. Already burning and roasting till now. No point see months later.


2022-10-01 19:33 | Report Abuse

Understand and read properly. Own regular ID is good enough already. Wrong must be bashed. Why defend? Dont do two head things dude.


2022-10-01 18:58 | Report Abuse

And dont stop the cussing postings. I Iook up highly on your determination. Stop being lazy and do your work now.


2022-10-01 18:56 | Report Abuse

Reveal your ID and only we can communicate properly. You are one of the highly educated commenter here but flopped big time. That's all you can do for now. Ghost spamming.


2022-10-01 18:35 | Report Abuse

It's 4.21 and factual. Bash all you want especially those who made strong comments repeatedly about the share price performance from 7 to 4. If you cannot accept the backfire then dont comment garbage in public. Do private room or PM and keep all your nonsense there. The same to the other side, get lost if this thing back to 6 or 7 above one day. That's how it works here. Play by the rules. It doesn't matter whether it's through yelling, nice and gentle scamming, nonsense figures or spitting out the next day. The current share price determine who is the biggest fool in stock investment and this room. It's rather too late now. Chances are quite slim. Must cash out every quick spike. Gloves and steel sector are not a good lesson for all ? Massive paper losses and no signs of making back.


2022-10-01 12:55 | Report Abuse

Reveal your ID and start talking cusser. Coward because shameful of previous comments? Lots of learning here. Coward ? You can't even use certain words properly
here. Mirroring what you said. Don't be stubborn and must sell high next time or at least shouldn't buy during the few peaks. Not my fault.


2022-10-01 11:18 | Report Abuse

So what can you do ? Dont come here if can't take the heat. Still everybody loves I3 public forum. Passing time, fishing, scamming and cussing. It's nothing but everything.


2022-10-01 11:10 | Report Abuse

Must read all and do a goob job. Spot on everything.


2022-10-01 11:06 | Report Abuse

Obviously swearing is not allowed and restricted in I3 room policy. The I3 employees have been doing the best they could. It's the commenters aka cussers crossed the line. Again, why bother. Unknown ghost spammers.


2022-10-01 10:50 | Report Abuse

Talk so much and get ban again and start whinning what fighting dignity and pride in public room. The price was already hammered from 7 to 4 despite all the good numbers. Someone pointed out. You continue to do magic numbers and flip flopping all the time. Even at the last call 4.25. That's why no experience, that's factual too.


2022-10-01 10:39 | Report Abuse

Everyone is entitled to comment in low end public room. Make strong and harsh comments about the stock price and numbers. Why bothered about others when you have predicted or calculated the stock performance and price accurately here. Whether it is by luck or good expericence. We want to buy the lowest price and that's the only way you can safeguard your investment and maximise your return. Wrong must admit and stop being tough in this room. That's why you got bashed when one cannot accept criticism. Still share price will go either way, both sides commenters must continued to blast each others if cannot accept humble pie. One thing for sure don't do two heads and scratching others back when someone pointed out certain facts. That one should be bashed to the max. So many old flames here and past love issues need to be settled one day. Oil price went below 80, DJ weakening still, RM the lowest and Bursa value no where to be seen since last year. Now wait for all these litlte signs. RM start strengthening, Oil price back to the reasonable level around 60, Bursa value gaining momentum above 2B consistently and power house China opening up the economy. Only buy what you all want. Your gain is someone loss and get the lowest price by all means.


2022-09-30 21:41 | Report Abuse

Cant even differentiate or interpret street English and only think about one way ticket to Holland. That's why you are roasting now. Be water thrashers.


2022-09-30 21:27 | Report Abuse

Put up some silly numbers and scamming and spamming daily here are good people ? We are exposing everyone of you. Otherwise dont make strong comments about share price performance if one have no proper skill. Bunch of highly educated nonsense amateurs trying to fish.


2022-09-30 21:24 | Report Abuse

Whatever dude. Self claimed highly intellectual what garbage but failed to read properly and cant even predict the share performance. Got cussed and cussed back whinning got banned. Roasted in another room. You sent your own cussing and drama queen, is it ?


2022-09-30 21:17 | Report Abuse

The oil will be cracked and back to where it belongs last week. This is call wiping both resistance and supporting at 80, cleaning up process. Track closely and who knows you will get lower price.


2022-09-30 21:05 | Report Abuse

No outlet. The same sore losers here turned into ghost commenters. In the dark world.


2022-09-30 21:01 | Report Abuse

What nonsense years in IB crap and bond has nothing to do with share price. Failed and flip flopped and turning into fortune teller.


2022-09-30 21:00 | Report Abuse

Whatever I did not call the Bond garbage price uptrend Y2K kid hype. Roasted in the other room and got banned here.


2022-09-30 20:58 | Report Abuse

Show your ID first. And don't hide like a rat. Put up everything and still dont know how to read. What powderful Americano dumbridge English you have.


2022-09-30 20:53 | Report Abuse

Very obvious right cusser. Same highly educated commenter turned cusser. Asked to sell but stubborn. Now hiding and cannot comment openly.


2022-09-30 20:51 | Report Abuse

Yeah magic CW. Whatever you said. 4.25 wall building and nonsense.


2022-09-30 20:49 | Report Abuse

You are whinning and not me. What bond BS and failed turned flip flopper and cussing and got banned.


2022-09-30 20:48 | Report Abuse

This is stock market and you think this is library or wet market ? Silly kids everywhere.


2022-09-30 20:47 | Report Abuse

Am gonna squeeze harder for lower price and make from your losses. Don't tell me you can't see that too dumb head ?


2022-09-30 20:45 | Report Abuse

They did not cover because they know this is the current outcome. Only a few sillies act smart here turned into this short term and commodity play stock into burning fuel. Roasting now. Buy and just wait for the jackpot next cycle or it might not happen. We are the fortune tellers now.


2022-09-30 20:36 | Report Abuse

Talk is cheap. All the self hyped nonsense calculation and price still 4.21 end Sept. Can't even predict the short term price direction after several times and speculate what QR numbers. All the PE and news mongers in this room. Let the research house do the job. And squeeze harder for lower price entry. Must buy of course but lower than the previous new low.


2022-09-30 14:55 | Report Abuse

Flip floppers, hoppers, back scratchers, two heads, propagandist, MLM promoters, sore losers and all sort of commenters here. Still the cussers are the most consistent in public low end room. Never failed once doing their routine.


2022-09-30 13:22 | Report Abuse

So many old flames here but still must give credit to those who speculated the share price direction. Downtrend and it closes to the prediction. Kudos !


2022-09-30 10:43 | Report Abuse

Back and forth trading several times. Let these 2 days passing first. Post traders and investors dividend entitlements small sentiment. 4.14 still. Aim for lower as much as possible and next resistance could the lowest price months ago.


2022-09-30 10:12 | Report Abuse

Should have done much earlier and many way like PM. Damage already done.


2022-09-29 21:04 | Report Abuse

Thrash talk some more, I3 ban you and you cry like the cussers..Just a gentle reminder only.


2022-09-29 21:01 | Report Abuse

Sometimes I wonder did you send the own cussing and drama queen here. Your old flames coming after you ? You roasted from another room and hopped in here and got bashed and banned. Do do that dude..


2022-09-29 20:58 | Report Abuse

Garbage talk you are number 1. That's why I3 banned you because same characteristic. What garbage IQ but can't even predict the share price and performance. Fighting what silly dignity. Be sensible. Studied so much but do dumb things here. I want to fight my rights all those craps..Cry more..


2022-09-29 17:32 | Report Abuse

I have no shame for the cussers but it's alright. We have a choice to leave this room or continue to do silly things playing their games in public room. Or do the right things when you don't have options obviously. Be sensible. Unless we meet them somewhere along the chapter. No one against your honor to defend what dignity, its your character belittling others, you got bashed. Be clear about this.


2022-09-29 17:26 | Report Abuse

You can only punching the keyboards. That's the best you can do. Make me wonder are you really the young Y2K kid here...


2022-09-29 17:14 | Report Abuse

Stop being busy body on others with your thrash silly dignity in this room. No one cares, did we say something when you are fighting your own cause here ? All your garbage defense after being exposed left right.


2022-09-29 17:10 | Report Abuse

Studied so much but do dumb things in low end public forum room. Really ? Own your thrash head and none of our business here.


2022-09-29 17:06 | Report Abuse

Whatever dude. You are same clan and who knows it's you who creating all this nonsense and craps. So you wanna fight your dignity in public room like keyboard warrior ? Get a life and let them be. Crack the share price and stop belittling. You talk crap and nothing good either similar characters.