
smallfellow | Joined since 2020-07-01

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2020-08-21 19:58 | Report Abuse

Bonus issue have to be approved in AGM. So have to wait and see.


2020-08-14 15:34 | Report Abuse

This is like a re-run of a cheap B grade movie on late night TV. For those who have been playing the glove industry for the last 25 years, remember the HIV-AIDS pandemic??? The glove industry went mad and demand shot up and every man and his dog wanted a piece of the action. Share prices went up and glove manufactures added new capacity and many new Companies sprung up. The end result was an over supply and when the AIDS scare died down many people went broke. This piece of history sounds familiar to the current situation? You think history will repeat itself?? But don't panic, not yet. The current market for gloves still remains strong but do be careful and don't get carried away.


2020-08-10 14:35 | Report Abuse

What a lot of crap. The issue with migrant labour has been around for years. Now that the cat is out of the bag they are saying it will take another 2 years to fix. They had already identify a remedial payment of $40 million to the workers but nothing has been paid out so far. The Owners are worth BILLIONS so what is 40 million to those workers who made Harta what it is today.


2020-08-07 22:04 | Report Abuse

Some people sock drop a few sens they scream like their balls dropped off. Rome wasn't built in a day. It is not over until the fat lady sings. Long road ahead of Harta and plenty of money to be made before this Covid19 virus goes away.


2020-08-06 14:23 | Report Abuse

If Coolbull is 10 years old, Masteryoda is 3 years old. Therefore if age=knowledge then I am very old. I had been trading shares since Adam was a boy!!!! Hold Harta instead of those pharma shares. Even 10 years old boy also know.


2020-07-30 13:37 | Report Abuse

You do not drive a car by looking at the rear view vision mirror. Just because the road behind you is straight does not mean the road ahead of you is also straight. Just because previous QR was released on the 4th of August does not mean that this QR will also be released on the 4th. Suffice to say it will be release in August a few weeks before the AGM. We all expect the QR to contain some very good figures and I think this had already been factored into the current share price. So exactly what date the QR will be release is interesting but not that important. The big announcement will be in the AGM on the 15th September. I anticipate a bonus issue will be announced. I expect the share price will test the Rm23 mark before the AGM because the term "bonus" will mislead a lot of people. A bonus issue (say 1 for 1) does not automatically double your wealth. At least not in the short term. In the long term it will if earnings continue to improve.


2020-07-30 10:46 | Report Abuse

QR will be released sometime in August. 4th of August is just speculation by those same people who have bought Mercedes, aeroplanes and Yachts bigger than the one once owned by Jho Low.


2020-07-29 12:54 | Report Abuse

NZ is a very small market especially the ban only applies to a supermarket chain not in the health sector. Nothing to worry about.


2020-07-28 21:52 | Report Abuse

I hope Bossku don't have any Harta shares because he might have to sell them to pay for his bail and lawyers and drive the share price down.


2020-07-28 14:30 | Report Abuse

Snake swallow Elephant......Go up also got people complain not enough.


2020-07-26 00:00 | Report Abuse

Which Malaysian Company is so brave and want to manufacture or even distribute and sell the vaccine if and when it becomes available?? Think of the legal ramifications, if I bought the vaccine and had it injected and subsequently I caught the virus and it caused me great harm who will I sue?? The Company that sold me the vaccine will be an obvious choice.

In America, Vaccines are produced by privately held pharmaceutical companies, but they have a unique arrangement with the U.S. Government (for US Companies): When a person reports harm that could feasibly be related to a vaccine, a US Government program—not a pharmaceutical company—pays compensation under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. This legal liability can run into billions of dollars. I don't think Bolehland has such a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Further, if any potential vaccine is not throughly tested it can amount to a Government-sponsored genocide. That is why any FDA approval is going to be a long and drawn out affair to ensure as far as humanly possible that the vaccine will do no harm.


2020-07-24 11:09 | Report Abuse

In my humble opinion to buy shares that are cheap like CAREPLUS & HLT is potentially dangerous. They are cheap for a good reason. The first one that comes to mind is do they have FDA approval to sell to the USA?? The second is their quality and thirdly do they have good management, capital and capacity to meet any increase in demand.


2020-07-23 21:36 | Report Abuse

Don't worry about ESO holders dumping their shares. Most of them will hold waiting for the share bonus split and double their holdings.


2020-07-23 15:16 | Report Abuse

If and when a Covid19 vaccine is available, why can't Harta also apply to become an agent/distributor of the vaccine?? Harta is in the Healthcare business and already has a network of agents. Distributing the vaccine is no big deal, just a middleman job. All you really need is a solid background in Healthcare and a wide network.


2020-07-23 14:55 | Report Abuse

Malaysian Pharma stocks are pure distributers only. The manufacturers are BIG international Companies. You think they will let the Malaysian distributers simply set the retail selling prices ah?? There is such a thing as "RETAIL PRICE MAINTENANCE." The manufacturers will let the distributers make a certain % MARGIN but they must sell at what we commonly know as the "RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE" set by the manufacturer. So if you think Malaysian Pharma Companies can get a licence to "print money" if and when a vaccine becomes available then it is better to believe there is a Santa Claus.


2020-07-23 12:23 | Report Abuse

Pharma stocks is pure goreng. Anyone have any idea on the glove manufacturers supply chain? What kind of ingredients do they ALL need to manufacture the gloves?? Maybe can buy stocks that are important suppliers to all the glove factories. Surely if the glove makers are increasing their production and making a heap of money their suppliers will want to share/increase their margins as well. Any thoughts??


2020-07-20 13:36 | Report Abuse

Regarding the now withdrawn ESO, It is true, there is nothing small retail investors can do BUT the large institutional investors can do something about it. That is why they withdraw the ESO almost immediately after announcing it. I am only guessing (I repeat only guessing), they will announce a share split or a bonus issue. Let us assume a 2 for 1 bonus, this way the total shares issued will triple. So a ESO issue of 40 million shares will have a smaller diluting effect. As a small investor I find this method more acceptable. Sure, the Directors have done a very good job but have they gone too far with rewarding themselves?? I guess you ask 10 people you will get 20 different answers.


2020-07-20 12:46 | Report Abuse

The proposed ESOs stinks. Almost half of the shares will be issued to the Directors. The bulk of it to Mr Kuan and his sons and family at a ridiculous low price of Rm3.16. We are talking about a dilution of 40 million shares. At 17.50 we are looking at Rm700 million with the Kuans taking almost half.


2020-07-16 21:44 | Report Abuse

According to what is available in the public domain (internet goggle search), Malaysian glove manufacturer Top Glove have been accused of mistreating foreign workers, allegedly subjecting migrant workers to forced labour, forced overtime, long working hours, poor over crowded housing, debt bondage, withheld wages and passport confiscation. So far only Top Glove had been implicated but the full extent remains to be seen. TP management have stated that all the issues had already been addressed and are hopeful that things will return to normal within 2 weeks. It will be very interesting over the next 2 weeks how this will affect the whole sector.


2020-07-16 15:58 | Report Abuse

Maybe got chance to pickup dead chicken. I think if fall below $15 I will pickup 1 or 2 dead chicken.


2020-07-16 09:03 | Report Abuse

George Washington never told a lie. Donald Trump can never tell the difference. If he tell you America found a vaccine for Covid19, you dare to let them inject you or not? At the moment they only catch a few homeless people and inject them to see if it works or not. I think the demand for gloves will stay strong for sometime yet. At least another 1 or 2 years.


2020-07-09 13:38 | Report Abuse

"INTENTION TO DEAL DURING CLOSED PERIOD" All the Taikos here What does this mean??


2020-07-09 13:26 | Report Abuse

Hang also must take a few breaths. Harta just taking a few breath before continue to climb.


2020-07-07 10:13 | Report Abuse

Don't worry about a vaccine for covid19. I have spoken to a professor who had done research into corona family of viruses (not covid19). He told me it is very difficult. Not impossible but very difficult. He gave me a lot of reasons why it is so difficult. They have been trying to find an effective vaccine for the flu for years but with limited success. The flu virus belongs is also a corona virus. The main problem is there are different strains (covid19 is also the same) and what works for 1 strain may not work for the other strains. Also the virus mutates and changes and any vaccine also has to keep changing. It is very challenging and very time consuming. Examination gloves will still be in great demand for the quite a while.


2020-07-06 13:58 | Report Abuse

Don't worry about the high PE ratio. Harta will fix this in August. All they have to do is give a bonus issue. Let's say 1 for 1 issue. Straight away, technically the price will half. If earnings go up as widely anticipated the PE ratio will drop (because the share price goes down and the earnings go up). If the share price is sensitive to the PE ratio then we can expect another great leap forward. This course of action is anticipated by most seasoned investors. Harta had gone down this path many times before with great success and there is no reason why they would abandon a winning formula now.


2020-07-01 11:54 | Report Abuse

Climbing like monkey climbing coconut tree.


2020-07-01 11:40 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.....some people are hoping for the share price to drop so they can buy. But if share prices drop a lot that means bad news and why would you want to buy when there is going to be bad news?? The best time to buy is at the beginning of an uptrend. Right now any new comers will have missed the beginning including myself but I think Harta is still trending upwards. I think there is still a lot of upside to Harta. I am buying because half a loaf of bread is better than none. It hurts when you are hungry and watch someone else eat and you got nothing.