
smallplayernia | Joined since 2016-09-27

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2019-02-12 17:18 | Report Abuse

live for another day , still believe 35 cents is coming soon


2019-02-11 16:20 | Report Abuse

wah so angry , so buy or sell?


2019-02-11 16:19 | Report Abuse

Crasd123 can stop talking cock or not?


2019-02-11 16:18 | Report Abuse

35 cents this week , chong ar!


2019-02-11 12:48 | Report Abuse

wtf la Gangnam stop with your chinese shit , buy or sell bjcorp?


2019-02-08 14:06 | Report Abuse

dunno who bought la , but still rugi now.... thinking if i should DCA into this stock or not..


2019-02-08 14:04 | Report Abuse

wtf , vincent tan faster la


2019-02-08 14:04 | Report Abuse

wtf la , still 1 ringgit....


2019-02-04 18:00 | Report Abuse

1.05 faster coem la


2019-02-04 17:59 | Report Abuse

bought 27.5 cents , should i cut lost?


2019-02-04 10:45 | Report Abuse

17 cents now , wtf? And that lanjiao Donovan Ang keep asking people to buy Sino


2019-02-01 00:25 | Report Abuse

2000 years who still alive o? wake up la Crasd


2019-02-01 00:23 | Report Abuse

thought i was smart buying at 27.5 cents. lol


2019-01-31 18:10 | Report Abuse

lanjiao stock , I bought 20 cents , now cb drop to 18 cents , china man counter cannot believe mfker.


2019-01-31 18:10 | Report Abuse

1.05 faster come la....


2019-01-31 18:09 | Report Abuse

dont know what is real anymore , bought into the hype at 28.5 cents :(


2019-01-28 18:51 | Report Abuse

1.05 before 0.9


2019-01-28 11:20 | Report Abuse

Ivan you dont even makes sense.... can you please articulate yourself better?


2019-01-25 16:20 | Report Abuse

buy or no buy? very confused.


2019-01-23 19:59 | Report Abuse

hopefully we can see share price stay above 1 ringgit


2019-01-23 11:55 | Report Abuse

62 cents , I think can masuk abit.


2017-04-03 17:14 | Report Abuse

coming d...


2017-03-31 19:27 | Report Abuse

Selling yet guys? Or still holding for 11 cents? Hahaha


2017-03-29 14:13 | Report Abuse

Many sell down to 8 cents.... operator must be happy to collect more


2017-03-27 16:48 | Report Abuse

hang in there guys! Big player try to scare us with that sell down around 4pm. Dont be fooled! Big up coming!


2017-03-25 20:15 | Report Abuse

next week 10.5 cents :)


2017-03-16 13:40 | Report Abuse

not too sure why Director kept disposing


2017-03-15 19:13 | Report Abuse

Nope. 8 cents will not come. Start collecting now.


2017-03-15 18:48 | Report Abuse

......... sue what? please make some sense Darth. I doubt you hold even 0.1% of the company , how are you going to sue the directors? on what ground? and where are you going to cover your legal fees from? Just stop. The entire i3 forum is crystal clear about your view with Vivocom , so yes , unless you have anything new to say, please just write about some other counters.


2017-03-13 17:23 | Report Abuse

Hi Darth , I think the reason is really simple and there is no need to scratch our head thinking why price doesn't move along with order books. It is because the big boys know exactly how we think. People are speculating on the order books will inevitably bring share price up , the big boys know it too so they surpress the share price just to scare all the retailers away before boosting it up. Many traders without patience will then change counter just to see vivocom's share rise beyond their profit target.


2017-03-13 17:18 | Report Abuse

Eh i like i like. Big players cannot distribute all their shares in one sharp down wave like that wan la , matter of time only , they will surely create another fake upwave and lure all us small players in and then sekali gus unload to us. ki ki ki. Hopefully can run fast enough and make some money lo.


2017-03-13 17:14 | Report Abuse

hahaha , correct , neither are you a big player dragonslayer , so what we can do is just to cruise behind the path of big players. :) I just don't see the point of writing here if you're not intending to long the stocks. Not like we can short in Malaysia hahaha


2017-03-13 17:04 | Report Abuse

Rebounding anytime soon now. Look at how the operators push up half cent just before market close?


2017-03-13 17:03 | Report Abuse

Game over? New low lower than 8 cents? Only time will tell. Personally I think the counter is oversold and a bounce to 13 cents is poised to come. Panic seller right now will soon regret their decisions. Writing this comment here so that I can come back in the future to see how I was right all along. :)


2017-03-01 15:04 | Report Abuse

why can buy and keep?


2017-02-27 19:36 | Report Abuse

earnings drop so much compared to last quarter. gg.


2017-02-13 20:59 | Report Abuse

Fly emico Fly!


2017-01-19 16:57 | Report Abuse



2017-01-17 15:24 | Report Abuse

Can someone from i3investor ban BuyWithConviction already? Hard to have a constuctive conversation with him spamming everyone here....


2017-01-17 12:01 | Report Abuse

supersaiyan3 , cheers mate.
1Sam , indeed EPF did buy again.

I just do not understand why people see AirAsia as a sell now. With AAC sales coming up , and Tony's confidence with 4th quarters result , CONTINUOUS BUYING from EPF ( I actually see this as the most convincing factor why AIRASIA is bullish for the entire 2017 ) , and techinical chart is pointing to a new uptrend. Just hold on to AirAsia for 2017 , and I dare say it will be a lot better than investing in mutual fund or FD. I really hope people would just stop panicking or keep discussing about pointless small or big pictures. Why so many pictures when the only picture you need is your printscreen of how many shares of AIRASIA you hold!


2017-01-16 19:42 | Report Abuse

This is a start of a brand new uptrend. Notice how on 11th and 12th , the volume surged along with price? and on 13th and today , the volume went down with price. There is a guy up there that said volume goes down , AirAsia is over , this cannot be further from the truth. From technical point of view , when price comes down with LOWER VOLUME than when price GOES UP. THIS IS A FREAKING BULLISH SIGN. There are more people buying their way up , and lesser people are selling. Next support comes at 2.33 , and 2.24. As long as price is not creating a new low lower than 2.16 , AirAsia remain a BULLISH BIAS. Mark my word guys , AirAsia is at least going to 2.70 , before factoring in the possible cash dividend of AAC sales. Just ignore all the naysayers and hold on to your stocks if you've done your homework and have faith in AirAsia. If you are holding AirAsia , you know damn well no one can change your mind. Likewise , those that are bearish AirAsia will continue to look for reasons to justify their point of views. No point of arguing back and forth , just place your calculated bet , sit back and let time tell the truth.


2016-12-19 15:40 | Report Abuse

I don't understand the drama here , can someone explain it plain and simple? Why is everyone hating on BuyWithConviction? Are you bull or bear on AirAsia? If you're bullish , why? Likewise , if you're bearish , why? Let us have a rational debate instead of just dismissing each other.


2016-12-09 18:07 | Report Abuse

i've long said its a short term move to scalp. Scroll up to my previous comments :)


2016-12-09 16:17 | Report Abuse

I am out at 0.14 :)


2016-12-09 08:55 | Report Abuse

logic behind 7 to 9 sen?


2016-12-08 20:40 | Report Abuse

Jayalbert , what is your ideal entry price?


2016-12-08 16:37 | Report Abuse

Last point for the day. If you watch the price action closely today , you will realize the big hands are intentionally hiding their BID at 0.11 , never queing for more than 1.5 million shares. but whenever those that bought last week on the good news , and is now suffering paper loss sell down to them , the bid queue of 0.11 will quickly refresh itself again. For me that is clearly something going on. Sad to see the 200k shares sell down from someone , he/she is missing out. :(


2016-12-08 16:31 | Report Abuse

Perisai is already going down , do you think Dana Jamin is going to let Thheavy go down as well? I don't think so. Thheavy has so many crony/government connection there is no way they are just going to delist it like that. The company is in such a bad shape now that nobody wants to touch it , just the way the insider or the operator likes it. As soon as the company starts to turn around , even for just a lil bit ( say for example positive revenue ) , the shares will surely rise. Look at this ,

CEO/CFO of the company is confident that the JV with Destini is at least going to keep things alive for now.


2016-12-08 16:14 | Report Abuse

Hi Leelin , I am collecting now. If it breaks near term support , I will cut. But as far as im concerned , or of all the technical facts that I can see now , the worst is already behind the company. Last quarter the 100 million losses is likely to be the last bad result , and fundamentals will slowly pick up as oil price is now recovering/stabalising. Honestly I think the company is still in a very chaotic situation , but prospect is good given enough time. I am looking for the stock to rebound at least to 14 cents. Be patient.