
soonli | Joined since 2020-06-24

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2020-07-29 09:25 | Report Abuse

Wolfidea, about what?


2020-07-28 18:38 | Report Abuse

Once announce getting ikad - 1.65
Once announce getting Niise - 1.90

Trust Ben Ben !


2020-07-28 10:55 | Report Abuse

testing resistance 2.02 soon........


2020-07-28 09:37 | Report Abuse

yes, high chance to break resistance coz high chance to get the I kad. By the time will be heading to north due to another NIISE contract expected to be out end of August.


2020-07-28 07:41 | Report Abuse

The 'magic' to make the balance sheet become positive and net cash position, the main reason is the criteria to get the digital bank from BNM must have a healthy balance sheet.

GP is now qualified!!

Going forward, digital bank will kill the traditional bank business model.

Good luck.


2020-07-27 20:25 | Report Abuse

This is very significant impact to GP.

Based on last quarter b/s position. GP has:
Cash: 42.17 mil
Short term loan: 11.59 mil
Long term loan: 278.10 mil

After cleaning of 272mil debts, proceeds from PP 52 mil, proceeds from warrants exercise:: about 40mil, payment to xendity by cash abt 6mil. So after net off the new position will be estimated as follow:

Cash: 128 mil
Loan: 18 mil

GP is amazing cash rich now!!!!!!

P&L impact : 3.5mil interest saving per quarter

Future prospects: cloud and digital banks ( contribution should be in end of 2020/ begining of 2021)
Chances of success: high due to the partnership with top 5 clouding partner

Current ongoing revenue key driver: kiplelive, kiplepay and etc. Reopening of school, mall, university boost the usage of the kiple products starting in April onwards.

So again if you are patience enough, you may see a significant improvement in their coming QR and subsequent QR. (Significant gain valuation of g3 should be appeared in q2 QR and the gain of 63mil on the exchange will be appeared in Q3 QR).

Good luck.


2020-07-27 16:37 | Report Abuse

Good123 is a good indicator. The price always move opposite ways on what he said, so just follow his comments and do another way will joking!!

ok, i wanted to say is, many ppl may ask, would it be trap again?

My personal view is not!! The reason is at least this time i know "real" thing is happening not as what guessing game before, the announcement is "real", the clean up of shit in balance sheet is "real".

So enjoy the party!! and predict many more announcement of positive news coming.

Again, 2nd quarter if can show a positive result, i believe many start to believe this is not wolf story. Good luck.


2020-07-26 13:28 | Report Abuse

If you all have read wolfidea comments earlier, who had attended the EGM and share some information about the AGM/EGM then you will know what was going on.

Part of the loss making was mainly due to the interest payment to TM amounted to 20m according to book but not physical cash out from the company. As GP hold P1 shares about 10%, which is about 200 mil, so eventually they wanted to offset this with exchange program to make it better nta and saving interest payment going forward.

From business prospective, I would say it's a good move and with the positive respond from revenue increase, new development in digital and cloud business , I wold say generally the company may turns to profit in 1-2 years times and the growth would be fast coz this business segment is a new era in future, future trend due to pandemic. Just that Covid 19 made it trend go faster and this transformation is essential and positive.

Overall the direction is very positive, but all need time to move, you can't expect the result happen overnight it's the time to test the management team to prove their capilities. Also, I believe they also understand it, hence partnership with top 5 clouding player can solve a lot of technology technical issues which highly required technical skills.

So far, we can see something are being progress lately, not just "talking" such as buying ekyc from xendity, partnership with top 5 clouding , pp exercising and now the restructuring of their debts to save interest and better nta. At least "physical action" is in the progress.

So, if you are patience enough, probably like what PCC said, just like the pp takers for those who believe in GP, you could getting reward in future.


2020-07-25 10:17 | Report Abuse

kK, you don't need to keep on promoting careplus here. This is not careplus site, you can have your comments at careplus.

If everyone have their own preference of counter and promote here that's annoying. Go back to your relevant site there and comments whatever you want.

Good stock no need to promote so hard. Ppl got eyes to see. Even I have other counters on hand that made me a decent profit I also didn't promote here cause it's irrelevant.



2020-07-24 23:10 | Report Abuse

That's why the coming quarter result is crucial. Once it turns to profit ppl will start have some confidence back, or else I believe everyone will standby by more eggs in their AGM lol.


2020-07-24 23:03 | Report Abuse

The dilution is referring to the proposals that made in year 2016. The dilution was happened long ago in 2016, not now.


2020-07-24 22:38 | Report Abuse

@ mikeann

Don't just look at the title to confuse you. The announcement is basically related to the proposals that made in year 2016, not proposal for now. They wanted to vary certain terms in the programmed agreements dated in 2014.

There are some exchange regarding the shares in webe with mobicom and in order Todo so they need to change certain terms in the programmed agreements that signed earlier back to 2014. After the exchange the impact will be next assets of GP will be improved by 63mil and interest saving by 14.9mil per annum.


2020-07-24 20:50 | Report Abuse

The worry part is their cost. I still have no idea why last quarter revenue up so much but eventually they made loss. Something not right about their cost control


2020-07-24 20:32 | Report Abuse

Anyone know when will be the announcement of contract awarded to who ? It seems like dragging for quite some times ady


2020-07-24 20:26 | Report Abuse

I only believe in actual results. If next two quester still can't show any improvements then it's something very wrong. Would expecting with the increase of revenue and with the launching of kiplelive, plus the gain from g3 share price valuation, it should be positive or better improvement in 2nd quarter results


2020-07-24 19:39 | Report Abuse

Meaning to say, debt ratio will decline. While with the interest saving by 14.9mil per annum, it is positive to the company financial result. Hope I interpret correctly.


2020-07-24 19:35 | Report Abuse

It also will results in interest saving by 14.9mil per annum


2020-07-24 19:32 | Report Abuse

When I read carefully. It seems like positive to investor. If I understand correctly. Eventually the exchange program will improve the net assets value based on fair value gain by 63 mil, improve the gearing ratio, but not earning per share.


2020-07-23 21:38 | Report Abuse

Logical sense. When someone here making any profit, they won't give you single cent, when they make any loss, they won't take any cents from you, then why you so bother to keep on asking ppl buy or sell? Everyone is responsible for their own investment.

Yea I am talking to you Nekossan! I do accept different view but I only respect those constructive view.


2020-07-23 21:26 | Report Abuse

I catch no ball why everyone so disappointed after today EGM?

I do understand that so frustrated when the price not shooting. However, at least I see there are some positive information from EGM today.

Everything need time to move, at least I see cloud business is being approved and if management can tell you they are currently undergo partnership with one of the top 5 clouding business partner in EGM, means something are in the progress. At least this is coming out from their mouth and not from any unverified articles or news.

If talking about disappointment, I though we should be disappointed in last few weeks when everyone were in guessing game. At least today I know the status of the progress on new development is much better than before.

To me, I would at least see the coming quarter results to have better judgement on their performance. Ofcourse I also quite disappointed on them but that disappointment was weeks ago and not just happen only now. I don't see any negative from today EGM unless they tell you they failed on any project, which is not.

To me the worst is almost there after taking the consideration of pp price at 0.52 and price has been down about 70% when it hit 1.65 highest.

Just my personal view. No point to keep asking ppl sell, or asking ppl buy or hold. Everyone has your own view and judgement, if you are so good to know price will eventually sink or up you won't be spent all time here to ask ppl buy or sell.

The value of this site is to share different opinions based on contructive view and not just simple words sell ... Collapsed and etc.

Good luck.


2020-07-23 13:04 | Report Abuse

Thanks. But if they want to make investor confidence, not only need to make the revenue increase but have to turn the loss to profit.

got any clues from them how would be the coming 2nd quarter results?


2020-07-23 12:47 | Report Abuse

so EGM passed ady?

for me its doesnt matter who, so long its top 5 its still got hope, no matter is tencent or someone else.

they got mentioned how likely the chances of getting the digital license and when we can expect all these come true?


2020-07-23 12:37 | Report Abuse

@wolfidea, thanks for the info.

any info about who are the buyer from kendall at 0.80, CCP 0.65 and PP 0.62? any further info from the egm except what you mentioned?


2020-07-22 21:07 | Report Abuse

Looking at the buy q when closing, it's highly likely shoot further tmr morning. Hoping it sustain after that and have another limit up again.

The shooting patterns for pharma counters like the shooting of glove 3 months ago. So I believe the funds will switch from glove counters to pharma counter slowly onwards.

Just imagine now almost 60%-70% of funds are flow to glove sector. Once at least 20-30% of the funds switch to this sector, it will continue support this sector to shoot further.

Dont forget on and off vaccine news and new development will push the price to another level. When vaccines is out, surely this counter will shoot like no tmr. Hold tight. Good luck and cheers.


2020-07-22 20:56 | Report Abuse

Q2 result no need to show superb but better than Q1 is good enough cause Q2 being affected the most due to MCO. Can expect automotive section being hit the most in Q2 but cover by POS section.

Anyway expecting strong rebound in Q3 and Q4 due the reopening of business and news launching of X50.

If the share price can sustain at least 1.80 after Q2 results then the price will be heading to the north in Q3 onwards, by the time 2.50 shouldnt be any issue.

Looking forward on July sales data about automotive sector then will have more clues.


2020-07-21 22:28 | Report Abuse

Who attend coming EGM? Appreciate if you can update any info here when you get any updated info in EGM.


2020-07-21 22:26 | Report Abuse

Step by step. 2.00 first before talking too far.....


2020-07-21 20:41 | Report Abuse

Who is still holding? As I said earlier triangle break out soon and it did. Resistance 1.85 also break and now towards next resistances. 2.00 soon is coming, it's party time.

Hopefully AGM bring some good news and another boost. Good luck and cheers


2020-07-20 15:21 | Report Abuse

@ Stock Wizard (know yourself)

you cant call their CEO but u can attend the coming EGM and standby eggs and throw to them lol.

they will be there.......LOL


2020-07-17 16:10 | Report Abuse

who will attend the coming EGM? you can standby eggs and throw to them


2020-07-17 11:18 | Report Abuse

actually no need to keep on promote how good is the digital business and etc. I believe all are agreed that's good.

The only concern here is the Management team performance and how likely all these business can become true and realised, the point here is not about the business, its about the motive of share price movement behind the scene thats most of us not comfortable with. A stable and good company the share price wont be dramatically up and then down, the manipulation of the price is beyond the concern of the business itself.

Anyway, take your own risk to trade if you are exited with just go ahead you could earn/loss a lot with this kind of counter. If you are not comfortable with, i would said this counter not suit you as you can expect high volatility on this counter form time to time.


2020-07-17 06:33 | Report Abuse

Relax guys!

There's nothing wrong for everyone here to share your view here, just be polite and give constructive comments and no personal attack.

When a price up or down, definitely there will be two different voices either looking good or bad of the company, that's very common. But to let this site more valuable and workable you can share your view with the reason of why you look good or look bad.

I do not offend anyone here, do your own judgement and research before invest and not just based on Ppl words here to invest. That's nothing wrong for good123 to promote here when he looks good on this company, if you solely based on his word to invest, that's your failure not him coz you never do your own research and invest just soly based on his words!! However, there's no point good123 keep sharing old news articles to flood the whole site without a constructive opinions and comments, that's not valuable at all keep on flashing the articles everywhere. Give your contructive comments why this company so good and not all old news will be appreciated!

Responsible for your own investment and not other People. No one using gun pointing you to press the button buy or sell.

Good luck!


2020-07-16 20:37 | Report Abuse

For those who wish to attend the EGM can ask:
1. Kendall and pp shares taken by who?
2. Why share price up down dramatically? If this happen how can they make investor confidence on them?
3 what are the chances of getting digital license and when can we expect this will come?
4 future prospects and how would the 2nd quarter results be , better or worse?


2020-07-16 20:12 | Report Abuse

This is very unusual on the price keep pushing down at this level.

The price has been down for about 2 months already. When price down from 1.65-0.70 I could understand it due to the trap on warrant as it was intention to press up and down by operator for warrant holder to exercise it.

Considering the 0.80 cents buyer from Kendall, PP at 0.52, the buyer have to came out millions of dollars for this loss company. These transaction cannot be hanky panky as Kendall is a trust company from Singapore and the money from pp exercise got to cash in to company acc.

While certain off market transaction could be false impression that some investor bought it from another shareholders. It could be left pocket to right pocket kind of transaction. So I would not that it too serious about "price" that transacted beyond or lower market price on that day.

So the firm price that cannot run was the buying price from Kendall 0.80 and pp 0.52. When Kendal sold at 0.80, GP price was never go beyond 0.80, when pp price issued at 0.52, gp price was just about 0.53-0.55. It doesnt make sense the price keep pushing down below these two buyer cost, 0.52 and 0.80.

Usually price keep pushing down without any technical rebound in between (price ady down for 2 months) mainly due to something bad happened in the company. In this case GP I did not see any so far, in fact it should have better future if based on their clouding business plan. And usually the price down dramatically was always due to panic selling from operator and smallholders. But in GP, I only see the operator show to push the price down intentionally.

Then the question now is why operator want to do that? And they want to push down at this level surely that have many on hands then only able to do, with only 240mil in the market. So I guess the off market transaction, or even the pp may be also taken by operator Todo that.

There is no benefit for operator at all if he keep pushing the price down, the so called "Investor" buy from Kendall at 0.80 and pp at 0.52 won't allow this to happen, this is totally not making any sense at all. The only reason I could think of is operator want to push lower to sapu at lower cost before it push up.

The same was happened last year started since September there were so many off market transaction and price was pushing down slowly before it push up in Feb and May this year.

My view is unless something bad happened in the company, otherwise there is not logical for operator to push further down as he has no benefit at all except he wants to sapu more lower price before push up. Key considerations still back to the cost 0.80 and pp 0.52, 100mil each and are they so stupid to allow the price down at this level?

It could take few months silent and the price at 0.50 moving sideway before they want to push it. This will test you patients

Good luck.


2020-07-15 10:11 | Report Abuse

Dont expect Q2 (April - June) is good. The recovery only started in 2h 2020. Q3 and Q4 can expect better results.


2020-07-14 16:23 | Report Abuse

surprisingly you said that, my friend surrounding me all were saying X70 worth buy as they gave good quality with such pricing Can see many X70 on the road too. Abt 30k diff compare to CRV, so cant expect it as good as CRV.


2020-07-14 14:02 | Report Abuse

X50 cannot be 40k la. Selling price is estimated about RM79,800 to RM103,800 (

Everyone is looking at glove and IT counter now. Once the heat is over the funds will eventually switch to other sector, Automotive sector is worth to look at start from now before too late.


2020-07-12 09:02 | Report Abuse

Support 1: 1 67
Support 2: 1.58
Resistance 1: 1.85
Resistance 2: .2.02

Forming triangle now and it may breakout in near term.

Good luck.


2020-07-10 14:21 | Report Abuse

interesting part is consumer group are those students, this is rather monopoly business in a school, when the school decide to use this app, all students consumption will generally spend via this app Imagine 500 schools? how many students? how many spending daily ?


2020-07-10 13:56 | Report Abuse

you can have a look how the e-wallet company make money generally:

Its something like your credit card, when you by something thru credit card, the bank will charge the merchant at certain fees


2020-07-10 13:39 | Report Abuse

Dont overly focus on the 500 kiplelive free giving to school for charity.

The income are mainly come from kiplepay, ewallet by students. Every merchant has to pay on per transaction basis to this, generally between 1.85% to 2%. Not sure the charges through kiplepay. For me, the entering of kiplepay to school is a good marketing strategy for subsequent income from kipleypay.

Think the logic behind the motive, dont just see the word "free" giving. Again, your emotion follow the price up and down surely u will kick out by the operator soon or you cant sleep overnight when the price fall. Knwo what you are doing and relax, if you cant suffer any loss then this counter surely not suit you. expected high volatile at this counter if you aim to earn here.

Overreact based on price certainly will make you panic. Even if you buy based on price, just learn how the operator play.

Good luck.


2020-07-09 21:24 | Report Abuse

Time yet to come. Guess sept - Nov will be the time for this stock when x50 out and expected 3rd quarter financial results would be fantastic compare to first half. By the time only everyone will start to notice and talk. Now everyone still focus on glove and IT stock. Now is good time to buy and park here before it shooting.


2020-07-09 06:25 | Report Abuse

@ michaelwong and Spartanburg

As I said , it's all are pre-agreed upfront months ago CCP and the buyer deal at 0.65. Then only PCC bought from market 2 weeks ago and sold to this buyer. You need to think about the timing, got buyer first then only buy from market. Not buy from market first then only sell.


2020-07-08 23:17 | Report Abuse

I keep on mentioning and wanted to know who are the new members coz it's critical or turning point to change the GP fate going forward.

Otherwise the existing shareholders and business model you can see it nothing can be excited for so many years of losses. Only new big member and biz product can change the situation.


2020-07-08 23:07 | Report Abuse

I don't think their products in the past was competitive enough to compete with other big players in the market. From their poor performance you can tell.

The only hope for this company now is the newer product kiplelive which is lucky to suit the pandemic environment. The more crucial part is now they need to get digital and cloud then only you can forsee a more sustainable or promising income in future. Otherwise if just relied on existing business I think can just forget this counter. They ady had proven they were lousy in last 10 years lol.


2020-07-08 22:56 | Report Abuse

I only know something big goona to be happened very soon, from what had happened lately in past two months we shall see.


2020-07-08 22:24 | Report Abuse

Do you all think CCP suddenly sell his shares at off market today?

All are pre-planned with schedule agenda. Starting from how they push the price from 0.60 to 1.65 then push down to 0.5 then up again today, at the same time PCC bought from market at cost around 0.62 26mil shares and now sold at off market 0.65 30mil shares. Kendal sold at 0.80 100 mil shares off market and some off market trade also noted on 29/6 at 0.64.

All movement are just pre-planned. PCC had buyer to buy from.him at off market at pre-agreed 0.65 price then only he bought from open market earlier to fulfill this buyer, and not he sudden sold off his 30m shares.

Now interesting part is who are the buyer's? 4 mystery transactions which we don't know who are: the buyer:-
1. Buyer who bought from Kendall at 0.80 100mil units
2. Buyer who bought from off market at 0.64 on 29/6 which the market price was 0.565 at about 3mil++ shares
3. PP at 0.52 100mil shares
4. Buyer who bought from CCP today at 0.65 30mil shares

There are about 230mil++ shares being transacted above and yet we don't know is who. It could be from same buyer Definitely there are something blewing for the new development in GP.

Looking forward for it.


2020-07-08 15:33 | Report Abuse

Congrats to those still holding and again, always not too optimistic and pessimistic you can make better decision.

Those who look down and too pessimistic and bad mouth to this counter, just before today, it give you a big slap and surprise now. Same better not to too optimistic when it shooting up now..

Always based on fact to make better decision. Foresee a better Quarter ahead too:--
1. Price was plunge in G3 in Q1, 2.60 to 1.76 , resulting fair value adjustment loss for an investment (RM17.25 million), the share price was up from 1.76 and ended at 2.40 in 2nd quarter. So predict it would be fair value adjustment again, with gain of about RM13mil)
2. Revenue is growing QoQ since last 3 quarters, foresee it will continue, with a good respond of kiplelive product, when reopening of school/university and RMCO.
3. Partner with Tencent for E-KYC and clouding business, with recent purchased of Xendity, chances of getting digital license you can assess yourself, Think deeply, if the chance is low they wont be using USD10m to buy over Xendity, issue PP, push up and down the price for warrant holder to exercise. All need time and money for business expansion. Of course all need times to be done. You cant expect it happened over night.
4. Can imagine, once the approval of bank digital license is confirmed, what should be the price?

Again, make you own judgement and invest wisely, always not too optimistic and pessimistic you will get better result on your investment.