
spinninglotus | Joined since 2012-02-27

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2019-01-06 10:50 | Report Abuse

Actually Ikan bilis all don't be cheated by Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid Mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
Dia ini bukan referree
Dia ini sebenarnya Di bayar Shark
Sharks bayar dia tipu Ikan bilis
Kasi maklumat Ikan bilis kepada sharks
Sharks bayar dia duit punya
Dia punya shark banyak OR queue sell 0.5cent sana
Nak tipu Ikan bilis Pergi beli sharks punya OR 0.5cebt RM5juta
Hahaha Kena tangkap!!!


2019-01-06 10:47 | Report Abuse

Saya sudah dapat maklumat baru
Situation is very clearcut
Have to pusing pusing ---volatile trading
Ini Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid Mathematics " Dragonshit Kok
Cakap tak boleh Pusing
Sekarang takut commit below 30cents dah?
Hari itu sangat berani cakap below 30cents
Sekarang takut commit below 30cents???
Patutlah Pondan namanya
Atau Sengaja Tak mahu cakap?
Sebab ini orang Sharks Spy
Kena tangkap


2019-01-06 10:43 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid Mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
Aha! Kena tangkap
Tak mahu commit la
Takut nanti kena shark pusing pusing
Takut Pusing la
Baru you tahu kerja saya 1000 Kali susah
You punya simply cakap cakap senang
Tak guna duit, cakap Song song

dragonslayer Aiyo jipun macai...dun ask me...I dunno...you know every idss move...shark move...why ask me...lol...my plan still there...not chg yet....stage by stage lah...not day by day lah...lol...you are gambler without thinking a whole plan....you just pusing pusing everyday...like hardcore gambler...everyday must gamble..what lah..cakap you are investor....you buy saham or judi saham...can answer me kah...lol....wakakaka...kikiki
06/01/2019 10:04


2019-01-06 09:55 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid Mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
What is your call then?
Go up above 30cents?
Or go down below 30cents?
Aiyoo.....what is your call? Aiyooo
Don't Pusing Pusing


2019-01-05 23:24 | Report Abuse

Nobody can take your share away


2019-01-05 13:33 | Report Abuse

I put 1000 photos of Raja Shahril
Invite a group of 10 people
Chant the curse to Raja Shahril
One day he will insaf


2019-01-05 13:25 | Report Abuse

Choivo Capital
Thank you for your information
This is the reason why I have been cursing him all these while
I know Raja Shahril kuat sembahyang
Everything he sembahyang for Ikan bilis to donate more money to him
But now he has to donate RM400million first
If by pushing the share price down to 20cents can make Raja Shahril work harder!
Then sharks please push the share price down to 20cents
Raja Shahril has UMNO mentality
Lazy work but want big money
I will curse him until he becomes good
You may laugh at me
But so far my curse has worked
I see some changes in him


2019-01-05 13:21 | Report Abuse

I3lurker brother
I know you are good to me
But I am in a war here
Looking at so many Ikan bilis kena killed by this shark
I need to work hard
Any further information I will let you know
This stupid shark
Curse them until they die


2019-01-05 12:49 | Report Abuse

15billion shares
Sapnrg to get RM1.5billion annual earning to sustain 10cents per share earning
You calculate yourself to get the desired PE


2019-01-05 12:40 | Report Abuse

Choivo Capital
You are right
Malaysian people all selfish lots
To be successful company
We need a system to prevent selfish people from cheating shareholders
From my analysis of current set up of Sapnrg new management post RI, Tan Sri Zeti I have full trust
Raja Shahril will work hard towards benefits together


2019-01-05 12:28 | Report Abuse

I3lurker brother
This war has to follow through
Day 4 Stage 3 war
Fully engaged
Next watch 30 cents
War at 30cents
Who will win the war?


2019-01-05 11:44 | Report Abuse

I3lurker brother
I am in a war here
Can't afford to go for holiday
Need to plan my strategy correctly
Sharks attack anytime
Weekdays busy hard to defend
The strategies have to be done during weekends


2019-01-05 11:41 | Report Abuse

You are right
I agree with you long term prospects of Sapnrg is good
Just that we are all attacked by sharks
Sharks push it lower and lower
What to do? We Ikan bilis have to face the war


2019-01-05 11:32 | Report Abuse

I3lurker brother
You could be right
My only hope is Raja Shahril work hard to get more contracts for us
I believe he will work harder this time
His RM400million is at 27.5 cents now
He has to work hard

By the way, Sapnrg just got a new contract
Waiting for good news announcement


2019-01-05 11:23 | Report Abuse

I3lurker brother
You know the more I deal with Sapnrg
The more dark sides I see in Sapnrg sharks
They only want to make everybody lose money except themselves
Like for this RI
There are so many possibilities for us to earn
However, they choose the last one to force us to lose money
Using IDSS as their weapons
Cheating Ikan bilis nonstop
Everything I tell you here are the truth
Above 30 cents everybody earns
Why they push down below 30cents?
Why they don't want anybody to subscribe?
Why they make all these 1billion OR half cent potentially worthless? 2 more days to go before it lapse
Now Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid mathemathics" Judi Dragonshit Kok
He wants us to believe Mokhzani will buy all the 1billion OR by Tuesday 5pm?
Is that our only hope in the face of Bank sharks and IDSS?
Bank support 28 cents will go after Tuesday
We all know
I am telling Ikan bilis
Sharks are always here
Maybank CIMB RHB will leave soon after Tuesday
What will happen with us facing this massive sharks attack?


2019-01-05 11:17 | Report Abuse

I3lurker brother
Thank you for your advice
Pondan Pusing Psycho "stupid Mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
This name suits him a lot
Pondan---> play with flowers
Pusing---> he is Master of Pusing
Psycho Judi---> king of Judi
Stupid mathemathics--> he cannot calculate properly so I help him with mathemathics
Dragonshit----> not dragonslayer
Kok---> kakaka Kikiki
Very suitable for him


2019-01-05 10:52 | Report Abuse

I know your definition of bear market
But KLCI index is NOT a GOOD MARKER of Bear market
We have to look at the % of counters falling into bear market versus KLCI component stocks
The Bursa keeps changing the KLCI component stocks
They ONLY choose the outperformed market capitalisation to sustain the abnormally high KLCI index
Keeps changing KLCI component stocks
Cheat all of us
We must be careful
KLCI is the last to go down to lure Ikan bilis buying


2019-01-05 10:48 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid Mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
At 35 cents I bought also
It was good
Just that IDSS sharks attacked
This one I cannot control
I still think those buying 35 and subscribe OR is not losing
So no cheating
The 28 cents war zone call is real
No cheating
The 28 cents attacks
No cheating real story
Just in the war
Banks won the war
RM750million to defend 28, I calculated for you right? Forgot already?
I think Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
You are totally confused
The war is sharks and Ikan bilis
Not I cheat Ikan bilis
Don't get confused


2019-01-05 10:28 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid Mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
Your plan of holding OR I think as RISKY
Either earn 100%
Or lose until all money 100% gone
Your way is JUDI way
My way not Judi like you
Don't ask Ikan bilis to follow your JUDI way buying OR half cent
You have to buy Sapnrg mother share to get OR free
Losing half cent at mother share get free half cent OR
Nothing earn either

dragonslayer Aiyo ..jipun macau....what you follow my stage 1 n 2 ..not earn...I only TP buy 2x..wei...buy 32 sell 40...buy below 30..(i.e 27.5 to 29.5) sell after ex date 27/12 that 3days 28 to 30..you kuku cannot win in this trading range...you better dun gamble....before OR trading...cannot win kah...wei...you kongkam kah...now my plan on hand should be holding free OR only....my plan like this ...how can dun earn...lol...stage 3 belum habis lagi...ada 2 days...who know apa mau jadi...want or dun want subscribe RI...belum cfm lagi lah...you can stop at stage 3...or..continue stage 4...and..5...lol...wakakaka....kikiki
05/01/2019 10:22


2019-01-05 10:24 | Report Abuse

I said repeatedly
War 28 cents
Local banks versus IDSS sharks
I said multiple times
War at 28 cents
If 28 defence lost 20-25
If 28 defence wins, small rebound
30cents above all earn
Below 30cents PNB Raja Shahril local banks earn
Is that not clear
Did I cheat by saying all these above???
Show me where I cheat???


2019-01-05 10:21 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
28cents defence successful
I told you 2 hours before it jumps up to 29.5right?
I inform real live the trading activities of local bank sharks right?
Did I cheat?
How about you?
You cheat Ikan bilis Mokhzani buying OR half cent
You are real cheater!!!

dragonslayer Aiyo penkianat jipun macai...after bot back yesterday..cutwin dapat half sen kfc ..keep half...now cakap no crash...world market very bullish..after saw dji up 3digits..oil price up...you well known...mhp king lah..cheater...cheat kfc...cheat your mlm members...cheh..chisss..wa mau wallop this cheater if he appear in front if me...lol....wakakaka...kikiki
05/01/2019 10:12


2019-01-05 10:18 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
Did I cheat when I said market bullish oil up Dow Jones up?
Did I cheat!
Something wrong with you?


2019-01-05 10:10 | Report Abuse

If Sapnrg jumps above 30cents, everybody earns
If Sapnrg below 30, everybody loses except PNB, Raja Shahril, local banks
Which one more likely?


2019-01-05 10:07 | Report Abuse

As for the crash, yes the probability is there:
All depends who push above 30 who push below 30
Sapnrg has already crashed!!!
What if major market crash??? Will Sapnrg share price immune to it?
20-25 cents can happen after RI, depending on world market factors
Unless Trumpand China stops trade war then ok
If not then expect market crash

Dow Jones is in early bear stage no doubt
No need to wait till 20% plunge, by then too late
Of course if trade war stops
Then 2019 to 2020 is bull market
Do you think Trump will stop???? Only God knows


2019-01-05 10:03 | Report Abuse

I am telling you all the details of war in the market
Market Pusing Pusing is like that
Nobody can deny it
Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
Even I followed you Stage 1 and 2, still unable to earn
Stage 3 still unable to earn
You can predict below 30cents
But you cannot earn from this "below 30cents" predictions
Sharks attack Ikan bilis while we bought above 30cents
All were good until the local bank sharks attack and bring down below 30 cents
Nothing wrong for me to inform
Informing is not pengkhianat
Just keep after bought, we cannot buy the lowest


2019-01-05 10:00 | Report Abuse

We must not forget crash
2008,2018, now 2019
Crash eventually will happen
We must be ready to exit anytime from now
Trade, but don't forget crash


2019-01-05 09:09 | Report Abuse

Based on current Dow Jones technical charts:
Dow Jones is still in the bear stage
The 700points surge brought Dow Jones back to 50days MA, still below the 50 MA and much lower than 200 MA
Such rally back up "Can be meeting resistance" at 50 MA or 200 MA, still in long term bear stage
Even though Sapnrg is ok after RI and OMV, but we have to stomach the volatility to be long term in Sapnrg
It is very hard to be long term, very hard to trade, very hard to earn
People thought this is gambling, but they are quite reasonable one, not like gambling no reason one

Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok
His weakness is using Judi psychology and wrong mathematics calculation to buy OR half cent
If eventually subscribe OR is ok, if no money subscribe OR RM5MILLION OR will get burnt

I have to repeat:
For long term investor, please ignore what I said about the short term IDSS and sharks
For short term investor or gamblers, be careful of all these sharks, they want to kill everyone


2019-01-05 09:00 | Report Abuse

Also a lesson to some Ikan bilis Kaki Judi
It is very hard to trade Sapnrg and earn due to all these manipulation
And also to get us know how sharks manipulate Ikan bilis for their benefits


2019-01-05 08:58 | Report Abuse

Good morning risktransformer
This is how the market works
Ikan bilis either all bullish or all bearish
Adapting to the market is the way forward
However, for long term investors you can ignore what I said about recent war
I do believe eventually Sapnrg can go up to RM1-2


2019-01-05 00:32 | Report Abuse

World market is very bullish now
Oil price keeps surging
Everything seems good


2019-01-04 22:22 | Report Abuse

Is it not clear enough
Above 30cents--> they want Ikan bilis and sharks to subscribe Rights Issue
Below 30cents---> they don't want Ikan bilis and sharks subscribe Rights Issue
As simple as that


2019-01-04 21:22 | Report Abuse

If Sapnrg jumps to 30cents
All Ikan bilis will subscribe RI
Then those you mentioned cannot achieve 100% subscription already


2019-01-04 19:04 | Report Abuse

Then I have OR queued sell at 1.5cents waiting for you guys to buy from me....


2019-01-04 19:04 | Report Abuse

Once it breaks 30cents, I sell all my Sapnrg and go buy OR half cent and get back Sapnrg 27.5cents
Go go go Sapnrg!!!!


2019-01-04 17:50 | Report Abuse

Wah, very bullish now
29 cents all sapu habis


2019-01-04 15:54 | Report Abuse

They don't want us to subscribe RI
They want only themselves subscribe RI
That is their main purpose
IDSS attacking again
Seen clearly


2019-01-04 15:40 | Report Abuse

Some kaki Judi Ikan bilis going buy OR too
After advised by Pondan Pusing Psycho "Stupid mathematics " Judi Dragonshit Kok


2019-01-04 15:37 | Report Abuse

Let me tell you who bought up the share from 28.5-29


2019-01-04 15:33 | Report Abuse

Sell half 29 cents first
IDSS coming out fast


2019-01-04 15:32 | Report Abuse

IDSS coming out
29.5 ready to sell
28.5 bought
Easy 1 cent profit
Get ready
IDSS is coming....


2019-01-04 15:25 | Report Abuse

Buy 28/28.5
Sell 29/29.5
Easy profit


2019-01-04 15:20 | Report Abuse

28cents tradable bottom
Easy profit


2019-01-04 15:01 | Report Abuse

OR buyers also coming


2019-01-04 14:57 | Report Abuse

28.5 buyers coming
So double confirm 28 bottom!!!


2019-01-04 14:43 | Report Abuse

28bottom confirmed!
IDSS don't kacau
Local banks support
Volume shrinking
Just wait la


2019-01-04 13:11 | Report Abuse

Now we know CIMB maybank RHB will support 28
So it means 28 is a tradable bottom price
27.5= buy RI 30cents plus warrants
Buy from market 28


2019-01-04 13:00 | Report Abuse

I learn from IDSS
1 cent half cent also must take profit


2019-01-04 12:50 | Report Abuse

Yes plug
Still earn half cent to 1 cent


2019-01-04 12:47 | Report Abuse

In a war, retreat first and watch our enemies
Once clear only take actions