
tamarindo | Joined since 2014-08-01

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2015-11-19 15:28 | Report Abuse

Ya.. Changes only. Disposed replaced..


2015-11-19 11:53 | Report Abuse

Bro, joke of the day la. Read carefully the announcement


2015-11-17 00:39 | Report Abuse

better stay this way.. slow and steady.. the show is yet to come..


2015-11-09 16:40 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha... Mee too. Too good babeh


2015-11-09 16:36 | Report Abuse

Zbaikitree2, haha.. Doing good. After exit xox (of course profit becoz i nought really low, sold at highest) i came here.. Bought the anak last week.. Now waiting for the harvest time


2015-11-09 15:37 | Report Abuse

lol zbaikitree2, u r here.. hhahhaa


2015-11-07 11:42 | Report Abuse

All r speculative ctrs


2015-11-06 17:30 | Report Abuse

just visiting how my friends are doing.. my opinion, long run should be ok. the company is performing well and generating profit. more space to grow. This exercise is filed long ago and the company had no choice rather than exercising it. They have paid for paper documentations. So juz wait for the QR report. I believe it's going to be good..


2015-11-03 23:32 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-11-03 14:51 | Report Abuse

i play safe by switching to mrcb wa after getting quite a handsome profit here.. sold yesterday.. if u hv the guts to hold, wish u all the best.. see you all in the next round... me nothing to loose since i bought long ago when the price was very, very low.. adios


2015-11-03 11:54 | Report Abuse

wakahkah.. that's why too lazy to entertain these people..


2015-11-03 11:52 | Report Abuse

mr davidkkw79,many spread kosong news like tin kosong u know. i believe people dont even know what's going on..pity them. sad also because they play contra..


2015-11-03 11:45 | Report Abuse

zbaikitree2, u mmg tak ada manner, tak ada otak, tak respect others, tak ada religion. we are here to express our opinions and views but ur words seem like u are not educated!!! i saw ur comments all all. u shd be banned!!! right guys? blaming others, and all!!! come we condemn this culprit!!! dunno what the hell he is doing here!!! btw, i hv already taken my milllllllliiiioooonnnnssss. i bought at 0.14 lol.. so what?? simply said..


2015-11-03 11:39 | Report Abuse

i give u a simple one ok. scanwolf loss but the share still above 30c and it's only a plastic company. sumatec no destiny but the share also not bad. many others also. xox is a profit making company n waiting for the coming Q report.. so? simple rite?


2015-11-03 11:34 | Report Abuse

now people are confused here.. make ur wise decision here.. to sell, to hold or to cut loss.. up to you.. dont listen to people here. u hv to study everythg, yes, everythg...


2015-11-03 11:01 | Report Abuse

yesterday i thk has flushed out the panic and contrarians. wakahkah.. gd, gd for investors..now we hv our direction. teach them a lesson!!


2015-11-03 10:12 | Report Abuse

agree. 99pc are gamblers and traders. they are not investors


2015-11-03 09:26 | Report Abuse

budak_sekolah. i agree with you..


2015-11-03 09:18 | Report Abuse

banditos. i thk u shd learn fr previous. the same thg happen to sumatec. go and learn from history la.. or u r new here.. just follow people


2015-11-03 09:08 | Report Abuse

oooppsss!!! better keep quiet.. we will see after the ex-date ya..who will be benefited... those yg cabut lari akan melopong la.. kesian.. those who have created chaos will laugh to the bank.


2015-11-03 09:05 | Report Abuse

run, run contrarians.. we know u dont have money but u dont see the beauty infront..


2015-11-03 09:02 | Report Abuse

all contra panic already.. they all run!!! hehehehe good, good then..


2015-11-02 20:04 | Report Abuse

Pls take note. This a potential n gd counter. The same situationas ifca last time. The proposal was made long ago when the company was facing fin problems. If company encounter losses, they cant get financial help fr financial institution so to maintain their business, capital reduction is needed. But june 2015, the compnay is not only proven as a profit making company but the business has started expanding. Their profit fot that quarter has already cover their losses. So, what's that telling u. Yes, now u see people take advantage on weakness. Time will tell. Think rational, do ur investment analysis n pray to God


2015-11-02 19:59 | Report Abuse

Kan? Simply said.. Sacred the contrarians, newbies and panic sellers. I repeat again. Rule ni 1: dontvplay contra. Rule no 2: dont listen to others. Rule no 3: study and learn the analysis and do count rationalisation also. Rule no 4: dknt blame others but u bcoz u made the decision on ur investment.


2015-11-02 19:52 | Report Abuse

And i observe ur acc has juz being created. B4 this where r u hiding? Using other names?


2015-11-02 19:50 | Report Abuse

Zbaikitree2, u sibuk2 sini buat apa? Yelling and barking (juz like prince-ur words).. To scare people.. So if u thk u r gd, then suggest to people la? Dare not right? Because if i found a gold mine, i wont tell others. Instead i will scare people to chase them away like saying the place is haunted! U tell me la! Heart sick person!


2015-11-02 19:23 | Report Abuse

Zbaikitree2, yes true but ur share price will be doubled. It means, it will be more exclusive.. People wont be able to buy share which at that point of time is double the price.. Haiyoh..


2015-11-02 19:00 | Report Abuse

In this crazy world, when the situation is favorable to u, u thx to the person who u thk caused the happening. If unfavorable, then u blame the person! Well hello!!! Make ur wise decision la weih! Dont blame people. U r the one to be blamed!!


2015-11-02 18:47 | Report Abuse

This zbaikitree2 is exactly like prince. I suspect he is prince, dont u thk so. What's his agenda? He wants tk buy cheap. He is smart enuff


2015-11-02 17:13 | Report Abuse

Skyz, hey brother, can u see their june report was juz out. I mean huge here is, before this they r making huge losses. This time around they hv big profit and being able to cover all losses. In fact profit some more


2015-11-02 16:54 | Report Abuse

Xox has to carry out the xercise since it qas approved. That was done a long ago b4 the company is making profit. But aa june 2015, xox is making huge profit lol. Now waiting for sept result lol, which is believed to be doubled


2015-11-02 15:58 | Report Abuse

Well explained richkid. I thk contra all panic already and the newbie here with no experience also panic. If u want to play shares, rule no.1, dont play contra. Rule no 2, dont panic. Rule no 3, dont listen to orhers. Rule no 4, go back n study la.. Anyone who wants to add some more rules?


2015-11-02 15:29 | Report Abuse

Kesian contra players.. Kena mercun katak!!


2015-11-02 15:24 | Report Abuse

Supermix, pls read my Q la brother!! I am questioning whether i am correct or not! Cannot read aaa?


2015-11-02 15:20 | Report Abuse

Am not really gd but fr my understdg, if now i hv 100k. If after the ex date, then my holding will reduce to half right? If the price at that point of time will be 0.40. Then my share price will be doubled to 0.80 right? Which means it is gd la.. That means the xox shares become exclusive because it is not cheal anymore!! Correct or not?


2015-11-02 15:07 | Report Abuse

Hey those who r shouting, cant u do ur maths calculation? Yes, ur shares reduce but thebprice increase.


2015-11-02 14:57 | Report Abuse

All the contra lari ljntang pukang.. Wakahkah.. Actually nothg un the anniuncement basically. Why u must be scared?


2015-11-02 09:05 | Report Abuse

i think the price is gonna be very bullish. remember last week 6 mil shares @ 0.305 gone in juz few seconds. i wonder who bought it


2015-11-01 17:27 | Report Abuse

Maybe a little but of pulling back for profit taking but its juz normal. Mana ada counter up saja.. But the direction is gonna be bullish.. For me, juz hold tight to it..


2015-11-01 14:37 | Report Abuse

If u r scared n not confident with ur investment in this counter, then sell and ay in another safe counter. If u believe in the potential n opportunity in this counter, juz buy n hold. The choice is urs. people here can talk gd n shit depending on their agendas. Only God knows.


2015-10-30 15:22 | Report Abuse

wondering who bought that 6 millions. juz few seconds liao..


2015-10-30 15:20 | Report Abuse

@richkid. yup, i am still holding.. i have not yet sold any unit which i bought @0.14 :)


2015-10-30 15:18 | Report Abuse

yeah.. 6 milion 0.30 gone juz like that!!! OMG!!!


2015-10-29 10:53 | Report Abuse

i think this zbaikitree2 is prince la.. change name already.. sometimes become a prince, sometimes become a tree..


2015-10-29 10:51 | Report Abuse

0.265 and 0.27 fighting


2015-10-29 10:02 | Report Abuse

yes, richkid has been shouting this in another forum. that's why I followed by buying at really lower price.. i think a month ago..


2015-10-26 10:52 | Report Abuse

UMA is nothing la.. we have experienced it thousand times in other counters also


2015-10-26 10:17 | Report Abuse

richkid i agree.that time i was like crazy defending xox fr prince. normal la mkt down after 2weeks bull (that time).. those who are panic juz sold, then rugi la..


2015-10-26 09:53 | Report Abuse

better you grab before u miss the boat again. I bought @0.14 2 weeks ago and still holding tight.. Nearest TP is 0.30. I believe it can go higher since the IPO was 0.80. Still have more space..