
tanbk1949 | Joined since 2013-05-18

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2017-08-07 07:23 | Report Abuse

Yes Rockeboy91. Next question, should you ask " what happen if you don' t have so much amount of money to pick up after 3 years"? Well, the answer is your 2000 shares of ICULS will be divided by 10.99 = 181.98 of mother shares (auto) and credited into your CDS acct. Correct me if I am wrong, someone.


2017-06-20 18:59 | Report Abuse

kksk123, I think it should work out this way. For example, you have existing share of 1000 AEOCR. You are entitled to 2000 shares of Iculs,
on the assumption that Bonus issue is declared.The subscription is RM1 per unit which is equivalent to RM2000,if you take it up. When the conversion price is RM10.8, you will get 2000 shares of Iculs/10.8 = 185 units of AEOCR shares after the conversion.

News & Blogs

2015-03-22 13:20 | Report Abuse

Hudud laws to implement now, I think it is ridiculous. The country is now facing with debts due to corruptions, the politicians should think how to salvage and save this country from going down. Hudud or no Hudud should not be the important agenda in this country. Many times this country always divert attention to something else when the focus should be on main problem which is engulfing this country. Anything you do is between God and you and not using God's laws to govern you. How can one judge a person's sins. That person must be next to God because he knows that you are committing sins. "Judge not and thou shall not be judged in Luke 6.37". We are human beings, so use human laws to govern and not God's laws. God's laws are here to stay is to examine one's conscience and ask for forgiveness, if one thinks that he/she has committed sins. No one can tell you that you have sinned. Pray and be repentant for the sins you have committed and sin no more. This country is not going forward but instead backward. Look around our neighbouring countries and see where we stand. Malaysia is a beautiful country with rich natural resources. Due to corruptions, misappropriation of funds and constant playing up racial and religious issues by politicians, it augurs bad for this country. Can we do something for our future generations? God saves Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2014-04-26 13:51 | Report Abuse

Water is life. It is a our daily needs and a necessity.
The Government by all means must protect and safeguard this essential utility. Whatever issues between the relevant parties, it must be settled soonest possible. This problem is a political one and not issues relating to mother nature as an excuse. Malaysia is a tropical country and we experience rainfall throughout the year. It is no excuse to say that we have water rationing/crisis. It is a shame when such announcement is made in the press. This problem becomes an annual problem and nothing is being done to rectify it. It shows the relevant authorities cannot be bothered and left it to carry forward to next year.

Instead of building more dams or resolving the problem, the government is more interested in building highways and mega projects. By having these mega projects, it gives avenue to corruptions and cronyism.

Malaysia should look at her neighbouring countries like Singapore and Australia. Our neighbours have done their homework well and able to prevent such water crisis.They know the hardship and sufferings the people will go through if there is water crisis. They also realise they may be booted out of the government if performance is not up to expectations.
The repurcussions of this problem may frighten the investors and tourists away. Malaysia is promoting tourism this year. Being a tourist, do you think you like to visit Malaysia had you known there is water crisis here?

Health department better pull up theirs socks and be on guard because waterborne diseases are on the rise.

The Malaysians are getting very impatient and anger is flaring up.
The government should not play with fire and is sitting on time bomb

Malaysia should attend to the needs and domestic problems first, before she looks elsewhere.


2014-04-13 08:36 | Report Abuse

Migration from second board to first board, there are certain criteria and conditions to fulfil before a small capital company can do so. This company was listed in Bursa around June, 2012. I think it may not be approved so fast. Maybe end of next year.


2014-04-04 23:24 | Report Abuse

Hi Investors,
Today Dsonic is down by RM1.00 and it looks that everything is gloom and doom. But look at it from longer term. There are quite number of projects in their pipeline. You can google at
"Datasonic Group Berhad's Media News / Announcement". Some of you may
have read it. Looking at their projects, there is upside here for this counter. Now, as the famous quotation by W.B " When people are fearful, you must be greedy. " As a result of today's drop, everyone is very negative and fearful. You have the liberty to decide whether to be greedy or fearful.

The price escalation was caused by retailers and not institutions.

News & Blogs

2014-02-01 09:01 | Report Abuse

I think in this forum, we have to be very focused . The objective is trying to share and achieve what best investment advice we can get from each other. We should not try to point fingers at someone, just because we followed and lost some money what he/she said this counter A or B is good. To those newbies, what you buy or sell, is no one to be blamed. You are responsible for what you did. What Mr Koon said in this forum is his opinion. We must respect his view and if don't like it, do not belittle him. Give some good constructive criticism and share your view. Make this an interesting forum for people to read and enjoy it. Have a good day.


2013-10-07 22:50 | Report Abuse

Ali Rustam should be more responsible when making such speeches. He is very racist and blames the chinese for the wrong doings. He has conveniently forgotten his history. He lost in last election and blamed it on the chinese. It is always the chinese being the scapegoat when things go wrong in the country. Does he know that Malaysians who voted him out in the last election. He is playing with communal issues and should be stopped immediately. A good poltician will talk about nation building and how to improve the economy and not always marginalise one race to show the bumiputras that he is the champion.
What sort of person is he? Can he be a minister or PM? I think he will bring chaos and unrest in the country. A wise person is a person who knows how to differentiate what is good and what is bad. I always pray to the Almighty above with the following prayer :

" God grant me the serenity to accept the things
I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference "


2013-08-16 08:28 | Report Abuse

The old name of this co is LKT Industrial. It has no connection with SAM in USA dealing with beer. Initially, it was reported wrongly in I3investor. This co deals with engineering
like airplane spare parts and repair air crafts. Set up head office in Penang. Singaporeans are major shareholders


2013-08-01 12:25 | Report Abuse

The number of shares in the market is only 144m. Most of the shares are held by fund managers and directors themselves.
It is easy to push the price up. Remember that ACS M'sia has 20%
share of ACS India.
This counter has to grow and to do that is by way of Rights and Bonus issue.I remember Pulic Bank chairman (Datuk THP) once said : " If you had bought one lot of PBB share in early 1970 and keep until now, you would have been a millionaire.". This is a good share. Grow with the company.


2013-06-18 05:59 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffet 's quotation
" When ppl are fearful, you must be greedy. When ppl
are greedy, you must be fearful".
Ponder awhile before your next move


2013-06-17 00:17 | Report Abuse

Hi KC hongnz,

Appreciate your help if you could forward a copy of template to tbkmichal49@yahoo.com