
targetinvest | Joined since 2018-03-12

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2019-03-27 09:25 | Report Abuse

mr shark and market maker.. Come and lift up us la..


2019-03-26 18:39 | Report Abuse

Implement new fnb ordering system for all of kfc branches in south east asia.. booming big project


2019-03-26 14:49 | Report Abuse

Ok la jayakumar and gang already pour out so much $$$, exercise all warrant and put in more.
now become below their cost, is a good bet..

company got good growth prospect. IT is the way forward, automation is the future..


2019-03-26 14:48 | Report Abuse

last time i invest johotin RM 1.1x drop till 85 cents..
that one is gan jiong la


2019-03-26 14:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyah.. market 1700 become 1650..
Cuscapi only drop that 2 cent.. Chill a bit la..


2019-03-25 23:50 | Report Abuse

Fast fast action


2019-03-25 19:56 | Report Abuse

Conquer all SEA market.. nice nice.. all good in plan.


2019-03-25 19:55 | Report Abuse

Cuscapi conquer all f&b. Start to deploy all the tablets and let f&b use their system. Cloud base system..

Then package and sell to an entity that can bring it to a higher level.

Those with ewallet + food business.

Suitable for grabfood gojekfood expansion.. high growth revenue to tap in..


2019-03-25 19:54 | Report Abuse

Looks like mediaprima &rev case study

Revasia buy then proceed to buy other content portal chinese and malay one.. then repackage it so nicely and sell for 100m to media


2019-03-25 19:53 | Report Abuse

More than 100 fnb outlet...


2019-03-25 18:16 | Report Abuse

Da pao all nice nice.. later grabfood or gojek food come and and buy


2019-03-25 18:15 | Report Abuse

Come news ad la.. cuscapi buy singapore POS system and strengthen market share.. shift all to cloud base..


2019-03-24 16:00 | Report Abuse

Bayang di sebelah dayang...

Is wicked bayang


2019-03-23 22:27 | Report Abuse

Confirm yeaaaa yipee yeah yeah la


2019-03-23 19:06 | Report Abuse

Koon say his avg price is 80 cents

Now he say he 30m share and losing badly...

But now share price 1.30 range..
So he is losing badly ? Or losing his profit badly ?


2019-03-22 14:42 | Report Abuse

Waiting signal from wong ts
Confirm burst kaw kaw...
21 215 is so below cost

Their put in almost 60m and do up cuscapi..


2019-03-22 14:41 | Report Abuse

Ding ding ding

Myeg firepower team is ready


2019-03-22 14:38 | Report Abuse

All standby ur bullet and firepower... 4pm burst


2019-03-22 14:37 | Report Abuse

Ok alert alert
Confirm 4pm will goreng liao

News & Blogs

2019-03-22 09:59 | Report Abuse

Banyak cepat hangus


2019-03-22 09:39 | Report Abuse

Myeg up
Eforce also up

Left cuscapi only.. now is best time


2019-03-22 09:29 | Report Abuse

After myeg habis.. hot money will come to cuscapi


2019-03-22 09:07 | Report Abuse

Dun forget grab some cuscapi also


2019-03-22 09:02 | Report Abuse

Myeg also up alresdy..
Cuscapi soon follow.. myeg is leader.. cuscapi follower


2019-03-22 08:49 | Report Abuse

Wadever it is.. new shareholder price 0.25 + 0.35 (warrant fully exercise)

So now is below their cost


2019-03-22 08:49 | Report Abuse

On average 1 year grow 1x


2019-03-22 08:48 | Report Abuse

10 yrs for maximum effect potential...

News & Blogs

2019-03-22 08:48 | Report Abuse

If u dun want 10 yrs.. 3 4 years also can sell take profit.. stage by stage ma

News & Blogs

2019-03-22 08:47 | Report Abuse

Can la. 10 yrs is blink of an eye


2019-03-21 22:23 | Report Abuse

Continue slowly eat and hold
10 years !!! 10 years !!!


2019-03-21 22:23 | Report Abuse

Sell liao dayang then can ready come.cuscapi..


News & Blogs

2019-03-21 11:36 | Report Abuse

Wong TS dun want to be appearing in shareholder list ma..
So send his right hand man over


2019-03-21 10:51 | Report Abuse

ya this shark really jinasai max.
no money goreng properly..

need goreng cuscapi for greater good now


2019-03-21 10:49 | Report Abuse

Come invest cuscapi la

4 reason to invest cuscapi

1. The new owner of Cuscapi is the same team of pioneer that brought MYEG from scratch to a billion ringgit company.
MYEG 2008 is 200 million company.
10 years later is 4.5 billion company

2. Solid top management from pioneering team of MYEG
Same pioneering management go to Cuscapi to make cuscapi great again

3. New management cost of share if higher than current share price
Ordinary share issuance is 25 cents
warrant 8 cents + exercise price 27 cents = 35 cents (fully converted)
Now is more than 10% below their buying price

4. Entry of new market
Following myeg footstep to enter to bangladash market
population 160 million, means market is 5 times larger than Malaysia


2019-03-21 10:49 | Report Abuse

so invest both for greater exposure


2019-03-21 10:49 | Report Abuse

myeg good..
another option is Cuscapi..

abang adik..

laggard is cuscapi now..


2019-03-21 10:49 | Report Abuse

recover ur investment thru cuscapi
janji ok
makan ok


2019-03-21 10:35 | Report Abuse

Edrm edaftar


2019-03-21 10:34 | Report Abuse

Not only that.
They also partner with kastam and also jpj for vehicle registration


2019-03-21 09:57 | Report Abuse

sama sama is stock ma.. most important stock make money :D :D


2019-03-21 09:57 | Report Abuse

Those profit dayang already, then channel to cuscapi.
now 22 cents.
10 years later is RM 2.2
appreciate 10 times..
if lucky, appreciate 20 times, become RM 4.4


2019-03-21 09:56 | Report Abuse

Carimin later use cuscapi POS system sell oil also la.. hahaha


2019-03-21 09:46 | Report Abuse

Come invest cuscapi la

4 reason to invest cuscapi

1. The new owner of Cuscapi is the same team of pioneer that brought MYEG from scratch to a billion ringgit company.
MYEG 2008 is 200 million company.
10 years later is 4.5 billion company

2. Solid top management from pioneering team of MYEG
Same pioneering management go to Cuscapi to make cuscapi great again

3. New management cost of share if higher than current share price
Ordinary share issuance is 25 cents
warrant 8 cents + exercise price 27 cents = 35 cents (fully converted)
Now is more than 10% below their buying price

4. Entry of new market
Following myeg footstep to enter to bangladash market
population 160 million, means market is 5 times larger than Malaysia


2019-03-21 09:45 | Report Abuse

Come invest cuscapi la

4 reason to invest cuscapi

1. The new owner of Cuscapi is the same team of pioneer that brought MYEG from scratch to a billion ringgit company.
MYEG 2008 is 200 million company.
10 years later is 4.5 billion company

2. Solid top management from pioneering team of MYEG
Same pioneering management go to Cuscapi to make cuscapi great again

3. New management cost of share if higher than current share price
Ordinary share issuance is 25 cents
warrant 8 cents + exercise price 27 cents = 35 cents (fully converted)
Now is more than 10% below their buying price

4. Entry of new market
Following myeg footstep to enter to bangladash market
population 160 million, means market is 5 times larger than Malaysia


2019-03-21 09:44 | Report Abuse

Come invest cuscapi la

4 reason to invest cuscapi

1. The new owner of Cuscapi is the same team of pioneer that brought MYEG from scratch to a billion ringgit company.
MYEG 2008 is 200 million company.
10 years later is 4.5 billion company

2. Solid top management from pioneering team of MYEG
Same pioneering management go to Cuscapi to make cuscapi great again

3. New management cost of share if higher than current share price
Ordinary share issuance is 25 cents
warrant 8 cents + exercise price 27 cents = 35 cents (fully converted)
Now is more than 10% below their buying price

4. Entry of new market
Following myeg footstep to enter to bangladash market
population 160 million, means market is 5 times larger than Malaysia

News & Blogs

2019-03-21 09:38 | Report Abuse

I believe they can turn cuscapi into a growing company.
in 10 years, no need repeat x22 times, 10 times is good enuf

News & Blogs

2019-03-21 09:37 | Report Abuse

Anyhow, cuscapi is still young because management just took over approx 1 year..
But they already came out with new system c360 engage, means they are working on it.. at least some sellable software, and client base also increasing in southeast asia

News & Blogs

2019-03-21 09:36 | Report Abuse

Is a good thing they already do away with those rev tablets thing.. Now business is look better sense

News & Blogs

2019-03-21 09:05 | Report Abuse

investor999, i am not selling my stock la.. holding for 10 years

News & Blogs

2019-03-21 09:05 | Report Abuse

those want to buy faster buy
those want to sell faster sell