BuySoLow SellEvenLower

tiukaulei | Joined since 2012-02-11

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2022-05-25 12:38 | Report Abuse

Never try to fight truth with another lie, it will only bring out more truth. Either truth wil vindicate you or it will destroy you. Good luck to those who still trust this dynamite company.


2022-05-25 12:17 | Report Abuse

Haiyo, when another co-founder aWang also abandon ship, what tell you about this dynamite company ? Something is very wrong in this company !. somemore this company wanted to sue KPMG for raising red flag about the accounts ?..Even JHLow dare not sue PH for the 1AmDiPee scandal.


2022-05-24 21:44 | Report Abuse

SD should borrow from Ah Longs or chettiahs to pay of the banks first lar, at least Ah longs and chettiahs won't file any petitions in court to wind you up, the most they will do is just to splash red paint on your front office doors, no harm done.


2022-05-24 17:07 | Report Abuse

now S'wak gomen also got conned by this Dynamite Co, habislar all the tax payers $$.


2022-05-24 16:25 | Report Abuse

SD, KNM, SapuraEnergy - these 3 O&G should now form a consortium called ' happy together ' consortium.


2022-05-24 15:08 | Report Abuse

Have to CL if cannot hold at .15 ct today


2022-05-24 15:04 | Report Abuse

.0165 to .016 all give in one go, like warehouse sale. 0.15 ct coming soon.


2022-05-24 10:16 | Report Abuse

If sell crown jewel at a premium never mind but now it's sold at a loss of RM 1/2 B. Maybe KNM can JV with Serba.


2022-05-24 10:04 | Report Abuse

For see KNM will drop back to below .15ct.


2022-05-24 09:59 | Report Abuse

Maybe can get dividends if ethanol and peterborough plant got sold as well...


2022-05-24 09:58 | Report Abuse

The other O&G friend resort to cooking accounting records....


2022-05-24 09:56 | Report Abuse

Red or Green come 10am ?


2022-05-24 09:51 | Report Abuse

Yaacob’s view is that KNM should not let the bondholders hold it to ransom to sell Borsig at low price. Borsig is a major contributor to KNM’s bottom line, he says, adding that he believes it will be able to fetch a higher valuation when the industry’s outlook improves.

Look like thai bondholders already forced KNM to sell Borsig at a loss....


2022-05-24 09:22 | Report Abuse

What more KNM going to sell / pawn off ? thailand ethanol plant or UK Peterborough plant or both ? KNM look more like empty milo tin can now. Will knm shares get dumped at 10.00 afterwards ?


2022-05-24 09:14 | Report Abuse

Borsig dulu dibeli KNM general Lee dgn harga RM1.6B++, skg di pajak / jual dengan harga lelong...sedih...


2022-05-24 09:07 | Report Abuse

lama sikit, KNM akan jadi tin kosong milo, semua asset akan di jual / pajak...sigh.....


2022-05-24 09:04 | Report Abuse

Sudah cakap bila dah pajak Borsig, nak buat apa business lagi KNM ?. Bila Lembu susu dah jual, mana ada lagi susu lembu utk minum ?


2022-05-23 21:00 | Report Abuse

Suspend due to pajak off Borsig to pay off thai bond $$....Aiyo, Borsig is a cash cow for KNM. If Lembu susu also jual, mau buat apalagi business KNM ?


2022-05-23 15:49 | Report Abuse

Get enough $$ to pay for the bonds expiring this month ? If not, it's double trouble.


2022-05-23 15:20 | Report Abuse

No $$ to pay back the RM347m thai bond, so maybe CGIF trust says... aya, never mind lar, so little $$ knm also cannot pay, then no need pay lor. that's why knm suspend.


2022-05-23 11:30 | Report Abuse

Heard rumours saying JHLow, Nicky Liow, Terry Teow or NaCheat buying into this dynamite company


2022-05-23 10:31 | Report Abuse

If one co-founder started abandoing his car, you investors still want to jump in that car ? That car sure mati punya, maybe engine already condemned or gearbox jammed, overhaul also useless. So better get out of that condemned car and go or jump inside a new car.


2022-05-23 10:16 | Report Abuse
AT must quickly sign new MOU since no material development in those existing MOUs otherwise its share price won't go up. Maybe AT should quickly call up Elon Musk and propose MOU signing with SpaceX or StarLink before Elon Musk sign it with real investors.


2022-05-23 10:08 | Report Abuse

One co-founder also selling off his shares in serba dynamite. So if the owner of the car started abandoning his own car, something must be seriously wrong with that car.


2022-05-23 09:33 | Report Abuse

Game over, back to below .08 ct soon


2022-05-18 16:56 | Report Abuse

Change name to convest better, since so many times investors get conned by this counter and all the non-existent sand mining and iron ore trading business.


2022-05-18 11:31 | Report Abuse

HK airport runway cannot use sand from vinvest, sand not suitable or what ?. Iron-ore all rusted, nobody want to buy or what ?. So share price keep on dropping back to .04 ct and then another round of consolidation to push it back to .40 ct ?


2022-05-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

Sand mining and iron-ore trading all gone to Holland.


2022-05-12 14:40 | Report Abuse

.005ct coming. E-sauce kacang putih papers not even fit to be used to balut kacang putih.


2022-05-12 13:24 | Report Abuse

AlamFlora dump trucks all waiting outside, E-sauce kacang putih papers all dumped to paper recycling plant. Habislar kali ini.


2022-05-11 10:14 | Report Abuse

@joyvest, when there is no more sellers in the market, SD will also no longer be in the market.


2022-05-11 10:00 | Report Abuse

@BobAxelrod, u are quite right. if after fingers get chopped off but still want to play with crocodile, then kuku bird will be next...hehe


2022-05-11 09:55 | Report Abuse

Rubber stamping business company usually don't last long when it get exposed. So investors, it's still better to save your burnt fingers now rather than having it get chopped off later.


2022-05-11 09:39 | Report Abuse

Bond payment coming, winding up petition coming, shares also having serious diarrhea so SD BoD better get a container of panadol on standby.


2022-05-11 09:20 | Report Abuse

Forsee SD continue to have serious diarrhea and purge down to .05ct. Feel so sorry for those investors who got tricked into buying the shares before it got suspended last year. Don't know which promoter or JHLow disciples came out and ask investors to go and buy SD saying it is an undervalue gem at that time.


2022-05-10 14:47 | Report Abuse

If you are are Crocodile Dundee, don't play with a crocodile. Crocodile swallow whole and it does not spit out any change.


2022-05-10 14:41 | Report Abuse

Look like JHLow has mentor many disciples before he went into hiding


2022-05-10 14:22 | Report Abuse

SD now look like a crocodile with mouth wide open. If you put your hands into its mouth, it will surely clamp down on you sooner or later. Better put your hands into good counters like PBBank or GenM rather than playing with a nasty crocodile.


2022-05-10 12:58 | Report Abuse

@Russel, those fundamentals investors better don't come back or else underwear also hilang.


2022-05-10 12:55 | Report Abuse

SD habislar, ada harapan lagi ker ?. Share investors all sudah lari, the banks will come next and take whatever remains - Office glass doors, mangkuks, table, chairs, underwears, everything that can sell, creditors semua pun mau ambil.


2022-05-10 10:05 | Report Abuse

How can a 6 billion profit company shares now become a .065 ct ?. This can't be true, it's just a hoax right, someone just playing prank on Bursa, this can't be true, had to be a hoax.


2022-05-10 09:35 | Report Abuse

SD share holders better start praying to their gods for mercy otherwise they are going to get hysteria. this is real blood bath !


2022-05-10 09:19 | Report Abuse

Forsee SeriousDiarrhea will go to purge down to .07 ct today. Unless it take strong medicine, the purging will continue unabated and will lead to serious dehydration and be admitted to ISeeYou very soon.


2022-05-09 16:42 | Report Abuse

Haiyoooo....if SD haven't already taken all your $$$, then the banks will come later and take your underwear since they already served winding up petition on SD. Habislar kali ini.


2022-05-09 16:06 | Report Abuse

SD sudah kena served winding up petition from a few banks....habislar kali ini


2022-05-09 15:49 | Report Abuse

Tolong, tolong, ....already SeriousDiarrhea......cepat kasi ubat makan.


2022-05-09 15:43 | Report Abuse

Tolong2 lar.... last time at .35ct, thought so cheap already so beli macam warehouse sale. Today another even cheaper warehouse sale, habislar semua.


2022-05-09 15:20 | Report Abuse

Aiyooooooo........mana bolih jadi ni macam, look like become serba dynamite already, very dangerous.....don't play2


2022-05-05 09:29 | Report Abuse

GenM next TP = 3.30.


2022-05-05 09:26 | Report Abuse

Saya sudah cakap, lepas raya, semua kaki genting ( pembeli saham GenM ) pasti kaya. Lebih banyak beli, lebih cepat naik lagi.