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2022-02-10 15:10 | Report Abuse

I bought VITROX shares...

WASHINGTON/LONDON, Feb 9 (Reuters) - World stocks rallied on Wednesday, with Wall Street rising again on a Big Tech boost and European shares gaining on strong earnings as investors put aside worries about rising interest rates for now.

News & Blogs

2022-02-10 14:40 | Report Abuse


758K subscribers

#新唐人晚間新聞 #軍事 #新唐人電視台
哥倫比亞山體滑坡 16人罹難36人受傷
美日澳聯合軍演 關島空軍基地秀肌肉
摩根大通:俄烏危機 原油每桶可漲至$120
科羅拉多槍案一週年 案發地雜貨店重新開張
慶祝黃曆新年 紐約市長官邸邀亞裔同樂
紐約初中生與社區互動 拜訪市議員辦公室
美國「超級碗」刺激消費 派對開銷增加
《時代革命》台灣院線上映 導演籲珍惜自由
美中貿易協議2年大限到 北京僅達6成採購目標
日國會挺烏克蘭 應美國要求擬援歐洲天然氣
Meta市值跌破6千億 稱未威脅要離開歐洲市場
美國準駐宏都拉斯大使 承諾致力強化台宏邦交
紐約州宣布 解除室內疫苗口罩令
取消學校口罩令趨勢持續 再有多地跟進
CDC將日本等七國 旅遊風險調至最高
廣西百色封城 疑似戰備狀態
趙本山坑幾千萬? 女演員爆料稱惡有惡報
美媒報彭帥遭中共斷訊 法媒記者揭中共大外宣
中國百強房企銷售跌4成 「保住工作」成新年祝福
英媒:中共用維族運動員演戲 不見她家男性親屬


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2022-02-10 14:37 | Report Abuse

【熱點訪談】北京冬奧風光不再 中共與西方國家關係緊張? 「普習會」釋放什麼信息?| 時評人士唐靖遠 趙培點評


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2022-02-10 14:08 | Report Abuse

習近平沒想到自己的評價那麼差!入選『世界最讓人讨厌的领导人』費力舉辦冬奧卻收穫反效果!為此頻道主 Leonard首次傾情自白!


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2022-02-10 14:07 | Report Abuse

January China's forex reserves fell to 3.22 trillion dollars

China Reports - The BL
12.5K subscribers

China's foreign exchange reserves unexpectedly dropped in January, likely due to valuation effects as the dollar gained.

According to Reuters, the country's forex reserves fell to 3.22 trillion dollars last month, down from 3.25 trillion dollars in December, and was 0.06 trillion dollars less than previously expected by a Reuters poll of analysts.

Meanwhile, the dollar posted a rise of 1.03% against other key currencies, with the yuan losing 0.9% against the dollar.

China at least retained its 62.64 million fine troy ounces of gold at the end of January from the end of December.

At the end of January, China's gold reserves had dropped from 113.13 billion dollars to 112.46 billion dollars.


News & Blogs

2022-02-10 14:07 | Report Abuse



與 #中共 關係良好的巴基斯坦近來出現異常情況,對中共態度大轉變!


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 21:39 | Report Abuse

Uyghur torchbearer disappears right after match
China Reports - The BL

Dinigeer Yilamujiang, a cross country skier, born in Xinjiang, and Zhao Jiawen, a 21-year-old biathlete, placed the lit torch onto a big snowflake at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony on Friday, February 4th. Yilamujiang then ranked 43rd in her Olympic debut in the cross-country skiathlon on Saturday, February 5th, and has since disappeared from the spotlight.

As The Wall Street Journal reported on February 6th, Ms. Yilamujiang is an Uyghur, a Turkic minority group native to China's northwestern region of Xinjiang, which has become the subject of allegations of Chinese human rights violations in the United States and the West.


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 21:36 | Report Abuse

中國首位「歸化」運動員谷愛凌國籍之謎,VPN翻牆、一年賺幾個小目標?中共上將楊勇之子,生日呼喚中國憲政;普京們冬奧會的出場費到底是多少?| 秦鵬觀察 02/08 | 新唐人電視
758K subscribers

0:00 谷爱凌的國籍之謎 她怎麼用VPN翻牆的?
11:54 中共上將楊勇之子楊小平 呼喚中國民主憲政
21:28 普京冬奧會出場費多少?阿根廷總統一句話值230億美元


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2022-02-09 21:32 | Report Abuse

徐州官方2月7日半夜再發「8孩媽」通告,評論大翻車!胡錫進「五問」,補刀還是精細洗地?中共真正想轉移的,是這4大問題!| 秦鵬觀察 02/07 | 新唐人電視台


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2022-02-09 21:22 | Report Abuse

獨!俄烏開戰倒數!普丁重兵部署!戰機、飛彈瞄準烏克蘭?!戰火一觸即發!玉米價格飆漲! 歐洲經濟陷危機?!美日澳在關島秀大象漫步?!全球貨幣政策變化解析?!【年代向
844K subscribers



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2022-02-09 21:20 | Report Abuse

谷愛凌國籍問題水很深! 冬奧會突現大量中國歸化運動員, 洋面孔的”愛國心”裡有騙局? 真觀點|真飛【20220209】

隨著冬奧會賽事的推進,各種奇葩式“中國特色”又如期而至了。代表中國隊參賽的19歲的花滑小將 朱易2次失誤摔倒,引發了中國網民的2輪的輿論撻伐。另一邊,同樣代表中國隊參賽、同樣備受關注的18歲的滑雪女將谷愛凌,在8號的自由式滑雪女子大跳台決賽中斬獲冠軍,摘得自己的奧運首金,為中國獻上冬奧的第三金,也是即刻就引發了中國網民的又一輪輿論浪潮,在昨天的微博熱搜排行榜中,前十名中的7個都是關於谷愛凌的…… 朱易和谷愛凌,同樣出生在美國,同樣因“愛國”而選擇了放棄美國 轉而代表中國參賽,為何兩人的境遇大不相同?除了她兩形成的鮮明對比,這次冬奧會上還有一個扎眼的“特色”,就是那些身著紅色中國隊服的洋面孔“歸化運動員們”,這次中國政府大力舉用歸化運動員“為國爭光”的背後,有哪些是值得我們去留意和思考?今天我們就來議論議論這些話題,如果你也感興趣的話,就和我一起看到最後吧~


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2022-02-09 21:17 | Report Abuse

China can hardly rescue Russia with trade between the two nations at 2%

China Reports - The BL
12.5K subscribers

According to CNN, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony.


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 21:15 | Report Abuse

China's financial market sends out 3 red flags to foreign investors: Expert
China Reports - The BL
12.5K subscribers

According to Chinese-language media Da Ji Yuan, the Chinese regime has liberalized finance to attract foreign investment in recent years. According to official data from the Chinese government, the cumulative net increase in foreign holdings of domestic bonds and stocks surpassed U.S. $700 billion from 2018 to 2021, representing a 34 percent annual growth rate. However, compared to economies like Japan, South Korea, and Brazil, the proportion of foreign money in China's stock and bond markets is only 3 % to 5%.

As a result, the Chinese government wants to keep increasing the share of foreign capital in China's financial market. Sudden changes in the policies and the downturn of China's economy have caused major setbacks for foreign investors in China's financial market since 2021 and have had a significant impact on international investors' judgments on China's financial, economic, and political trends.

A finance expert from Chinese-language media Da Ji Yuan has pointed out three red flags that China's financial market sends out to foreign investors.


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 21:13 | Report Abuse



其實郭耀名還真不能怪銀行,銀行提供了80%的資金,20%是信託給的錢,但是2011年房地產政策調控之後,郭耀名一下子就被打蒙了,誰讓他太過依賴銀行呢?無奈之下, 他想到了上市圈錢,可惜的是,兩次買殼失敗,花了12億元,打了水漂,真是雪上加霜。


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 21:11 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-02-09 21:04 | Report Abuse

The UGLY FACE of racism in CHINA - VisualPolitik EN
The assassination of George Floyd has brought one of the biggest social scourges into the political forum: racism. But the United States is not the only country with a racism problem. China is currently an example of apartheid and even extermination of racial minorities.

China is an extremely diverse country: ethnically, linguistically, and culturally. Only 70% of the population has Mandarin Chinese as their mother tongue. And the remaining 30% don't have an easy life. We're not just talking about social or labor discrimination, but about laws that systematically violate human rights: eugenics, forced sterilizations, and re-education camps. But why exactly is China so hostile to its racial minorities? How is it possible that its Constitution recognizes racial equality yet its government is so racist? In this video, we'll tell you.


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 21:03 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-02-09 21:02 | Report Abuse

Gravitas Ukraine Direct: Infected Athletes in China's Quarantine camps lash out
4.5M subscribers

Infected athletes in China's Quarantine camps for the Beijing Winter Olympics are sharing stories of horror. They're lashing out over bad food, dirty rooms & miscommunication by Chinese authorities. Palki Sharma gets you a report on their ordeal.


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 20:58 | Report Abuse

Hong Kong: More foreign businesses plan to leave/the economy in trouble as follows Beijing's orders

China Insights

2022 Chinese new year falls between late January and early February. It's the most important holiday for Chinese people, and the celebration usually lasts for 15 days. It’s normally the peak season for the flower business, as the Chinese word for "flower" is pronounced like "fortune", which means to make a fortune or to have great development.
But this year, some Hong Kong flower farmers are burning flowers, why is that?
A survey conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong in January on Hong Kong's business outlook to 2022 reported that while Hong Kong still has business opportunities, international travel restrictions imposed by Hong Kong have severely impacted business and personal morale.


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 20:47 | Report Abuse

北京冬奧「萬邦來朝」對抗西方!?吳:都是用錢買的 共產主義變資本主義!?【關鍵時刻】吳子嘉

2.55M subscribers

美解除日本鋼鐵關稅、台灣開放福食 美中鬥爭下的「台日美大棋局」!?
拜登敵人不是普丁!俄羅斯國家生產總值僅1.4兆 中國卻是美國7成!?
習近平稱「反對北約東擴」中歐協議恐更難產 拜登趁機揮兵劍指中國!
福島食品解禁是台灣投名狀? 吳子嘉:外有美日壓力、遷就大國臉色!?
黃郁婷穿中國隊服全民炸鍋台灣官方卻異常冷靜? 吳:不尋常的味道!


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 20:41 | Report Abuse

Now at least SSLEE agreed that America gov & China CPC boths are evil

Posted by uncensored > Feb 9, 2022 8:39 PM | Report Abuse X

WHY you asked me ??? Evil is evil.

So you are agreed now that China CPC is indeed evil as you compared evil happened in others place. Right ?


Now at least Sslee agreed with me America & China boths are evil

Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 8:31 PM | Report Abuse

Uncensored is the below OK and justified????

According to a 2021 study conducted by the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, the several post-9/11 wars participated in by the United States in its war against terror have caused the displacement, conservatively calculated, of 38 million people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and the Philippines; 26.7 million people have returned home following displacement.[45] The study estimated these wars caused the deaths of 897,000 to 929,000 people, including over 364,000 civilians, and cost $8 trillion.

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 20:39 | Report Abuse

WHY you asked me ??? Evil is evil.

So you are agreed now that China CPC is indeed evil as you compared evil happened in others place. Right ?


Now at least Sslee agreed with me America & China boths are evil

Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 8:31 PM | Report Abuse

Uncensored is the below OK and justified????

According to a 2021 study conducted by the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, the several post-9/11 wars participated in by the United States in its war against terror have caused the displacement, conservatively calculated, of 38 million people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and the Philippines; 26.7 million people have returned home following displacement.[45] The study estimated these wars caused the deaths of 897,000 to 929,000 people, including over 364,000 civilians, and cost $8 trillion.

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 20:30 | Report Abuse

Olympics athletes from many countries complain about conditions at quarantine hotels
China Reports - The BL

According to Chinese Media Da Ji Yuan reported that on February 6th, 2022, there was not enough food, no exercise equipment, and poor hygiene in the isolation room. Some foreign athletes who unfortunately tested positive for COVID during the Beijing Olympics said their isolation conditions worsened.


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 20:28 | Report Abuse





News & Blogs

2022-02-09 20:25 | Report Abuse


其實郭耀名還真不能怪銀行,銀行提供了80%的資金,20%是信託給的錢,但是2011年房地產政策調控之後,郭耀名一下子就被打蒙了,誰讓他太過依賴銀行呢?無奈之下, 他想到了上市圈錢,可惜的是,兩次買殼失敗,花了12億元,打了水漂,真是雪上加霜。


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 20:23 | Report Abuse

SSlee is that ok ??

Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 7:48 PM | Report Abuse

Destroyed graves??? How about Israel destroyed houses and shoot to kill.

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 20:18 | Report Abuse

这就是所谓的, "愿者上钩". 不要责怪别人

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 18:05 | Report Abuse

'Pure evil': Satellites show destroyed Uyghur graves in China
More than 100 Uyghur gravesites and tombs in China appear to have been destroyed. CNN's Matt Rivers reports


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 14:56 | Report Abuse

choosing the denial defense mechanism also a way to protect little pinky communists from the TRUTH... as their heart are fragile

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 14:54 | Report Abuse

Sslee, God given you the choice ...it is up to you to choose.


Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 2:26 PM | Report Abuse

So whose truth? Like I said before to Karim and Najib the truth is I had done nothing wrong

Posted by uncensored > Feb 9, 2022 2:17 PM | Report Abuse
Sslee I believed that you do understand what its means " The TRUTH will set you free " right.
So carrying the truth should not be a burden right ?

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 14:53 | Report Abuse

Tobby are you the same person as Sslee,

I am not talking with you la...

If talking with you a soclialist that still care about his own pocket then my writing will be different.


Posted by Tobby > Feb 9, 2022 2:25 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Feb 9, 2022 2:17 PM | Report Abuse

Sslee I believed that you do understand what its means " The TRUTH will set you free " right.

So carrying the truth should not be a burden right ?

Answer : Ignorance is a bliss when a person who does not know about a problem does not worry about it He never keeps up with the news or cares about the troubles in the world!
And here's the truth will set you free mantra that nobody actually knew! The truth is meant to represent Christianity, God or Jesus which will set you free from worldly impediments such as sin, misery, or ignorance!

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 14:17 | Report Abuse

Sslee I believed that you do understand what its means " The TRUTH will set you free " right.

So carrying the truth should not be a burden right ?

Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 2:06 PM | Report Abuse

If that is soo is that worth carrying that baggages on your back for the rest of your life?

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 14:14 | Report Abuse

Disclaimer All the posting here by me does not necessary meant that I agreed of its content. Some part of its I might disagreed.

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 13:52 | Report Abuse

I already opened my bags but it is your courage whether you wants to open your EYES to see & used your brain to understands.

But you only just use your brain to ASSUMe only...then how ?

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 13:26 | Report Abuse

Sslee, what you believe in your mind do not always similar in real life.


You need to take courage to open my bags to uncover what is hidden inside...

Right ?

Courage to discover..

Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 1:22 PM | Report Abuse

So what do you get from carrying so many baggages and monkeys on your back?

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 13:17 | Report Abuse

It is always easy to say then done...

But in real life ...easily to be done ???

Forgive those who trespassed you... can forgive ???

Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 1:14 PM | Report Abuse

Why need to be so complicated. The meaning of life is as simple as:
(拿得起), (放得下), (看得开)

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 13:15 | Report Abuse

Sslee this is called illusory truth effect.


Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 1:06 PM | Report Abuse

Religion usually entails adhering to a certain dogma or belief system.
Spirituality place little important on intellectual beliefs but is concerned with growing into and experiencing the divine consciousness, the inner self. Spiritual seek to conquer self whereas religion seek to conquer others into believing and adhering to a certain belief system. Spiritual is inner whereas religion can be inner but mostly external. Spiritual emphasis more on self-actualization in this earthy world whereas religion emphasis on the afterlife.
You can be an atheist but still remain spiritual.
You can be religious but lack spirituality.

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 13:04 | Report Abuse

Some thinkers have suggested that a complete analysis of the concept of life’s meaning should include what has been called “anti-matter” (Metz 2002, 805–07, 2013, 63–65, 71–73) or “anti-meaning” (Campbell and Nyholm 2015; Egerstrom 2015), conditions that reduce the meaningfulness of a life. The thought is that meaning is well represented by a bipolar scale, where there is a dimension of not merely positive conditions, but also negative ones. Gratuitous cruelty or destructiveness are prima facie candidates for actions that not merely fail to add meaning, but also subtract from any meaning one’s life might have had.

Despite the ongoing debates about how to analyze the concept of life’s meaning (or articulate the definition of the phrase “meaning in life”), the field remains in a good position to make progress on the other key questions posed above, viz., of what would make a life meaningful and whether any lives are in fact meaningful. A certain amount of common ground is provided by the point that meaningfulness at least involves a gradient final value in a person’s life that is conceptually distinct from happiness and rightness, with exemplars of it potentially being the good, the true, and the beautiful. The rest of this discussion addresses philosophical attempts to capture the nature of this value theoretically and to ascertain whether it exists in at least some of our lives.

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 13:04 | Report Abuse

Yet another relatively uncontroversial element of the concept of meaningfulness in respect of individual persons is that it is conceptually distinct from happiness or rightness (emphasized in Wolf 2010, 2016). First, to ask whether someone’s life is meaningful is not one and the same as asking whether her life is pleasant or she is subjectively well off. A life in an experience machine or virtual reality device would surely be a happy one, but very few take it to be a prima facie candidate for meaningfulness (Nozick 1974: 42–45). Indeed, a number would say that one’s life logically could become meaningful precisely by sacrificing one’s well-being, e.g., by helping others at the expense of one’s self-interest. Second, asking whether a person’s existence over time is meaningful is not identical to considering whether she has been morally upright; there are intuitively ways to enhance meaning that have nothing to do with right action or moral virtue, such as making a scientific discovery or becoming an excellent dancer. Now, one might argue that a life would be meaningless if, or even because, it were unhappy or immoral, but that would be to posit a synthetic, substantive relationship between the concepts, far from indicating that speaking of “meaningfulness” is analytically a matter of connoting ideas regarding happiness or rightness. The question of what (if anything) makes a person’s life meaningful is conceptually distinct from the questions of what makes a life happy or moral, although it could turn out that the best answer to the former question appeals to an answer to one of the latter questions.

Supposing, then, that talk of “meaning in life” connotes something good for its own sake that can come in degrees and that is not analytically equivalent to happiness or rightness, what else does it involve? What more can we say about this final value, by definition? Most contemporary analytic philosophers would say that the relevant value is absent from spending time in an experience machine (but see Goetz 2012 for a different view) or living akin to Sisyphus, the mythic figure doomed by the Greek gods to roll a stone up a hill for eternity (famously discussed by Albert Camus and Taylor 1970). In addition, many would say that the relevant value is typified by the classic triad of “the good, the true, and the beautiful” (or would be under certain conditions). These terms are not to be taken literally, but instead are rough catchwords for beneficent relationships (love, collegiality, morality), intellectual reflection (wisdom, education, discoveries), and creativity (particularly the arts, but also potentially things like humor or gardening).

Pressing further, is there something that the values of the good, the true, the beautiful, and any other logically possible sources of meaning involve? There is as yet no consensus in the field. One salient view is that the concept of meaning in life is a cluster or amalgam of overlapping ideas, such as fulfilling higher-order purposes, meriting substantial esteem or admiration, having a noteworthy impact, transcending one’s animal nature, making sense, or exhibiting a compelling life-story (Markus 2003; Thomson 2003; Metz 2013, 24–35; Seachris 2013, 3–4; Mawson 2016). However, there are philosophers who maintain that something much more monistic is true of the concept, so that (nearly) all thought about meaningfulness in a person’s life is essentially about a single property. Suggestions include being devoted to or in awe of qualitatively superior goods (Taylor 1989, 3–24), transcending one’s limits (Levy 2005), or making a contribution (Martela 2016).

Recently there has been something of an “interpretive turn” in the field, one instance of which is the strong view that meaning-talk is logically about whether and how a life is intelligible within a wider frame of reference (Goldman 2018, 116–29; Seachris 2019; Thomas 2019; cf. Repp 2018). According to this approach, inquiring into life’s meaning is nothing other than seeking out sense-making information, perhaps a narrative about life or an explanation of its source and destiny. This analysis has the advantage of promising to unify a wide array of uses of the term “meaning.” However, it has the disadvantages of being unable to capture the intuitions that meaning in life is essentially good for its own sake (Landau 2017, 12–15), that it is not logically contradictory to maintain that an ineffable condition is what confers meaning on life (as per Cooper 2003, 126–42; Bennett-Hunter 2014; Waghorn 2014), and that often human actions themselves (as distinct from an interpretation of them), such as rescuing a child from a burning building, are what bear meaning.

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 13:04 | Report Abuse

Sslee, you love to write & read philosophy. No all philosphy good to be ponder on... some might even lead you to astray...

1. The Meaning of “Meaning”
One part of philosophy of life’s meaning consists of the systematic attempt to identify what people have in mind when they think about the topic or what they mean by talk of “life’s meaning.” For many in the field, terms such as “importance” and “significance” are synonyms of “meaningfulness” and so are insufficiently revealing, but there are those who draw a distinction between meaningfulness and significance (Singer 1996, 112–18; Belliotti 2019, 145–50, 186). There is also debate about how the concept of a meaningless life relates to the ideas of a life that is absurd (Nagel 1970, 1986, 214–23; Feinberg 1980; Belliotti 2019), futile (Trisel 2002), and not worth living (Landau 2017, 12–15; Matheson 2017).

A useful way to begin to get clear about what thinking about life’s meaning involves is to specify the bearer. Which life does the inquirer have in mind? A standard distinction to draw is between the meaning “in” life, where a human person is what can exhibit meaning, and the meaning “of” life in a narrow sense, where the human species as a whole is what can be meaningful or not. There has also been a bit of recent consideration of whether animals or human infants can have meaning in their lives, with most rejecting that possibility (e.g., Wong 2008, 131, 147; Fischer 2019, 1–24), but a handful of others beginning to make a case for it (Purves and Delon 2018; Thomas 2018). Also under-explored is the issue of whether groups, such as a people or an organization, can be bearers of meaning, and, if so, under what conditions.

Most analytic philosophers have been interested in meaning in life, that is, in the meaningfulness that a person’s life could exhibit, with comparatively few these days addressing the meaning of life in the narrow sense. Even those who believe that God is or would be central to life’s meaning have lately addressed how an individual’s life might be meaningful in virtue of God more often than how the human race might be. Although some have argued that the meaningfulness of human life as such merits inquiry to no less a degree (if not more) than the meaning in a life (Seachris 2013; Tartaglia 2015; cf. Trisel 2016), a large majority of the field has instead been interested in whether their lives as individual persons (and the lives of those they care about) are meaningful and how they could become more so.

Focusing on meaning in life, it is quite common to maintain that it is conceptually something good for its own sake or, relatedly, something that provides a basic reason for action (on which see Visak 2017). There are a few who have recently suggested otherwise, maintaining that there can be neutral or even undesirable kinds of meaning in a person’s life (e.g., Mawson 2016, 90, 193; Thomas 2018, 291, 294). However, these are outliers, with most analytic philosophers, and presumably laypeople, instead wanting to know when an individual’s life exhibits a certain kind of final value (or non-instrumental reason for action).

Another claim about which there is substantial consensus is that meaningfulness is not all or nothing and instead comes in degrees, such that some periods of life are more meaningful than others and that some lives as a whole are more meaningful than others. Note that one can coherently hold the view that some people’s lives are less meaningful (or even in a certain sense less “important”) than others, or are even meaningless (unimportant), and still maintain that people have an equal standing from a moral point of view. Consider a consequentialist moral principle according to which each individual counts for one in virtue of having a capacity for a meaningful life, or a Kantian approach according to which all people have a dignity in virtue of their capacity for autonomous decision-making, where meaning is a function of the exercise of this capacity. For both moral outlooks, we could be required to help people with relatively meaningless lives.

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2022-02-09 12:43 | Report Abuse

Tobby, I believed that i3 is a site with limited freedom of speech. This is not a site control by CPC so Tobby you can assume whatever you wants.


Posted by Tobby > Feb 9, 2022 12:41 PM | Report Abuse

Uncensored! I belief you are good christian girl! That's my assumption!

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 12:41 | Report Abuse

Tobby ai yo yo yo please don't tell me you are him


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 12:39 | Report Abuse

Tobby please ask him. Sslee

My answer is to him. Not to you.

I don't really care what you believed in.


So sorry your belief is not my concern.

Posted by Tobby > Feb 9, 2022 12:31 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by uncensored > Feb 9, 2022 12:17 PM | Report Abuse

SSlee that I knew believe in God that said we all are sinner. Right ?
if you chosen to believe "the inherent good of people" then are you questioning your only belief ?????

Answer : You are assuming SsLee is a christian! What if he is buddhist! What if he is free thinker! Anyway, been 'religious' is between you and God! Don't be like those good for nothing self righteous who make it public wearing 'holy' robe, walking and talking like already gotten ticket to heaven but never help anyone! Only in their sick mind thinking everybody else are sinners!

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 12:36 | Report Abuse

How Racist is China?! COVID-19 exposes shocking racism in China!
Project Nightfall
1.62M subscribers

How racist is China is a question not easy to ask... Not very often do I get angry while making videos... but all these stories are simply outraging. Someone needs to spread awareness about this, we simply cannot ignore this. Watch the whole video for an important message.


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 12:20 | Report Abuse

How Racist is China?! COVID-19 exposes shocking racism in China!
Project Nightfall
1.62M subscribers

How racist is China is a question not easy to ask... Not very often do I get angry while making videos... but all these stories are simply outraging. Someone needs to spread awareness about this, we simply cannot ignore this. Watch the whole video for an important message.


News & Blogs

2022-02-09 12:17 | Report Abuse

SSlee that I knew believe in God that said we all are sinner. Right ?
if you chosen to believe "the inherent good of people" then are you questioning your only belief ?????

Words for you to be pondered on....hehehehe


Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 12:10 PM | Report Abuse

I choose to believe in is the inherent good of people. Obviously there are evil people in this world and people that are conniving scumbags, but in general I believe most people are legitimately good inside and do not intentionally cause harm or duress to others. This is a prerogative that I choose to believe in and those who do evil is because of their misplaced hatred and anger.

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
-Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 12:05 | Report Abuse

Question China’s Olympic weapon Eileen Gu refuses to answer
An American deserter and Olympics superstar has given China a dream political win, but it couldn’t cover up an act of propaganda.

Californian-born Eileen Gu won gold for China at the Beijing Winter Olympics — and then repeatedly refused to answer the burning question surrounding her defection from the United States to the host country.

Gu, already arguably the biggest star at the entire 2022 Games, secured a thunderous political win for China when she claimed gold in the inaugural women’s freeski Big Air with a stunning jump she had never tried before.

She shed tears of joy after only picking up the gold medal with her final run.

“The tears were mostly of joy, that I had pushed myself to the absolute limit,” Gu said.

“That was the best moment of my life. The happiest moment, day of my life. I just cannot believe what just happened.”

The 18-year-old has been the headline story of the Games after she left Team USA officials baffled by her decision to represent China while the country remains accused of abusing human rights and engaging in unfair trade policies.

Her face has been everywhere, flooding TV ads, promotions and billboards.

It’s why she is a powerful weapon for China at the Games — and it was on full display during her event when former tennis doubles world number one Peng Shuai also popped up cheering her on from a VIP section of the crowd.

Peng alleged in a social media post in November that former Chinese vice-premier Zhang Gaoli forced her into sex and she was not heard from for nearly three weeks, prompting concern around the world about her safety.

Now the stunt is being called out as an act of propaganda from the Chinese government, attempting to smooth over a saga that has heaped international pressure on the country.

It didn’t take long for the dark side of Gu’s Olympics fairytale to emerge after the victory as she repeatedly refused to directly address questions surrounding her American citizenship.

China does not allow its citizens to carry dual citizenship.

USA Today’s Dan Wolken posted on Twitter she showed impressive athleticism in dodging the questions.

“I definitely feel as though I’m just as American as I am Chinese,” she said.

“I’m American when I’m in the US and Chinese when I’m in China. Both continue to be supportive of me because they understand my mission is to use sport as a force for unity.

When asked how she is juggling trying to keep her fans in both countries, her answer surprised reporters at the post-even press conference.

“I think that here’s the thing I’m not trying to keep everyone happy,” she said.

“I’m an 18 year old girl out here living my best life. I’m out here having a great time.

“It doesn’t matter if other people are happy or not. I’m doing my best. I’m enjoying the entire process and using my voice to create as much positive change as I can in an area that is personal and relevant to myself.”

She went on to say she is not going to try to “placate people who are uneducated”.

Gu is competing in two more events in Beijing — the freestyle halfpipe and slopestyle — so could become the first freestyle skier to win Winter Games medals in three different disciplines.

“I don’t want to think about the next two events, I am a very fast-pace person, so I just want to soak it all in,” she said.

Gu, whose father is American, will see her already huge popularity in China increase further after winning Olympic gold.

She is a model and ambassador for several luxury brands, but she says the work she put in to win the gold medal happened far away from any spotlight.

“There were no cameras in the gym when I worked out after eight hours of modelling or at 4:00 pm when I hiked up to get the last ski lift so I could try one more jump,” she said.

The level-headed teen is grateful for all the support she has received from her Chinese and American fans.

With striking eyes that led her to modelling deals with Victoria’s Secret and Vogue and more than 400,000 Instagram followers — and now the first of what she hopes will be three golds — Gu will have a large platform to influence. She will enter the slopestyle and halfpipe events as the favourite to win.

After her final run, with tears in her eyes and the shouting done, she could be heard telling herself, “Definitely not crying, definitely not crying.”

— with AFP, New York Post


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2022-02-09 11:54 | Report Abuse

“Believe nothing, question everything, assume nothing.”
― vincent de paul

Sslee are you really SSLEE ?


"Believe nothing" the Sslee that I knew believed in God.

"question everything", the Sslee that I knew only question things concerning America.

"assume nothing", the Sslee that I knew only assume things all things are good in China with CPC.


sslee, right Booo...??

Posted by Sslee > Feb 9, 2022 11:32 AM | Report Abuse

Never swallow hook, line & sinker what is portraying out there.
The truth is far deeper than realized.

“Believe nothing, question everything, assume nothing.”
― vincent de paul

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 11:21 | Report Abuse

When did Uncle sold off all his Hiap Teck ?

News & Blogs

2022-02-09 11:18 | Report Abuse

Truth is whether China CPC really did the evil deed said by insider of China & outsider?

Truth is whether Sslee, i3lurker & qqq3333 really interested to seek the truth or just being racist trying to coverup?

Truth is whether Sslee is really what he claimed to be a God fearing guy who hated evil?

So what is truth?

Hahaha hahaha Hahaha hahaha