
wahahaha | Joined since 2016-09-27

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2016-10-07 16:19 | Report Abuse

talk so much theories, perceptions, estimations, speculations also of no use. if u don't think TS is running a good business and at the right directions or manage the company well then it's only very simple for u and that is just sell it outright. me wahahaha is waiting to buy as cheap as possible. u won't get richer if u think and decide on things the same as the rest of the population and that is why only a small number of those able to succeed to the top! hahahahahahhahahaha


2016-10-07 16:13 | Report Abuse

hahahaha beso has shown me that his limitation on the unknown of investing in TS. well, u can just sell it outright at current market prices if u not confident or having no money to pay up.


2016-10-07 16:10 | Report Abuse

the paradigm is shifting as time passes by. just as bolts, nuts, nails being the necessities to many fields, renewable energy solar related products will necessitate various fields into the future. Those who don't believe in this kind of trend, u can just bail out yourself and stay away from investing into TS. The m'sia government is also getting involved and encouraging RE through various channels. For that one bragging sifu from singapore also, i would suggest him to refrain himself from looking into TS as well since s'pore has scarce land masses that most of them don't see the enormous amount of potentials in RE solar related products or downstream businesses.


2016-10-07 16:03 | Report Abuse

hahhhahaa chinese school kah here? smartInvestor1, please bring your chinese writing elsewhere and respect that this is a forum for the masses not your own nuisance.


2016-10-07 13:20 | Report Abuse

what is ur main struggle intent here? u talk so much negative everyday & raising so much doubts about TS's businesses endlessly but at same time want to buy TS shares. real funny lah you. i think people especially TS shareholders do feel this way about u. hahhahahhahahahaha


2016-10-07 13:18 | Report Abuse

every once in a while the forum will bump into such person like u. it's like a cat enjoying its food but at same time complaining a lot and throwing tantrum but continue to want to eat that food. so when food is not given the cat will start to look for the same food and in the end this cat just come back to the same spot to continue eating the same food but with less complaint because this cat realizes the feeling of starvation is not that enjoyable.


2016-10-07 12:29 | Report Abuse

u better change ur name to "missedboatInvestor" or "wrongtimingInvestor" hahhahahahahhahaha


2016-10-07 12:25 | Report Abuse

hahhaaha someone who talked badly on TS has bought just now for contra play and doing intensive marketing and promoting now hahahahhahahaha

smartInvestor1 will sure lose money


2016-10-07 12:20 | Report Abuse

someone changing his tones and tunes hahahahahahahha


2016-10-07 11:55 | Report Abuse

hahhahaha the loser called "sell" trying too hard out of thin air. those retrenched are probationary contract workers. it's already in the news and i think u spooking all innocent shareholders here? hahhahahahahhaa another ugly failed attempt.


2016-10-07 11:38 | Report Abuse

hahhahaha loser smartInvestor1 slowly realized now that there is medium to long-term huge cost savings in TS in place instantly now therefore profitability is maintained and sustained. Expecting subsequent solid business results days to come. the directors and management is one of a strong pack with proven track records for many years and latest retrenchment is one strong signal that they decide and act on issues at lightning speed. u don't see this kind of management skills in many other companies. if u cannot understand or get the fundamentals right about a company then u cannot regard yourself as an investor.


2016-10-07 11:32 | Report Abuse

no one spends so much time commenting bad about a company everyday asking people to sell unless they themselves want to buy at cheaper price (their only intention). nice try but another failed attempt. be ready to compete with me too because i have funds to buy more at cheaper. ur efforts are good for me since i'm collecting so u might want to rethink ur strategy in order to be able to buy in cheaper from now on.


2016-10-07 11:28 | Report Abuse

hahahahhaha conmen work as team to promote sell so they can buy. pls try hard hard so bulls will mop clean clean hhahahahahhaha


2016-10-07 11:15 | Report Abuse

hahahahhaa titus u can throw ur theory into rubbish bin. no matter what research house or smarty pants like some of u here talk so highly of it, as long loaded well-backed funds are buying TS shares, rest assured that it won't go down much. if u know what is coming, u are certainly more confident than the rest of the people. hahahahahhahahahaa


2016-10-07 11:12 | Report Abuse

smartInvestor1, i can tell u that u will never make it a success because u are not same as ur ID name. hahhahahahahhaha


2016-10-07 11:09 | Report Abuse

let me tell u this "the loser", u will always lose because u think like the rest of the typical average ones.


2016-10-07 11:07 | Report Abuse

same loser keep using different ID to promote his deeds and to justify his wannabe sifu ideas. worst kind of loser hahahhhahha


2016-10-07 10:49 | Report Abuse

hahhahaa loser always talks like one. why use new ID to attack? no use u rant and grunt hahahhahaha


2016-10-07 10:38 | Report Abuse

tomyam yam yam gong.....hahhahahaha


2016-10-07 10:28 | Report Abuse

loser like smartInvestor1 always have the same old patterns and panic to buy in last minute. That is why he lose money! hahhahahhahahaha


2016-10-07 10:26 | Report Abuse

hahhahhaha smartInvestor1 now using new ID to promote his deeds. he missed the boat to make money yesterday and bought on panic at high 0.995 then now momentum is absent that's why he hold grudges now. ranting some more hahhahaahhaha he deserve to lose money hahhahhahaha


2016-10-07 08:54 | Report Abuse

some losers missed the boat yesterday and still rant about it hahahhahahahaha


2016-10-06 16:45 | Report Abuse

malaysia is blessed with lots of sunshine exposure annually because it's located in the equator line. so there are more potential to TS with downstream businesses ahead. hahahahahahaha


2016-10-06 15:00 | Report Abuse

loser always talk like one and even dare say he "buy some when rebound only". let me sneeze out what's stuck first and ignore such loser. today i bought enough. anyway let smartInvestor1 learn his lesson but i suggest him to pls make less noises and don't rant or blame anyone, ok? hahhahahahahaha


2016-10-06 14:43 | Report Abuse

hahahaha tomyam soup is tasteless. SmartInvestor1 is another loser who missed the boat while making lots of noises hahahahhahaha


2016-10-06 14:31 | Report Abuse

some losers who missed the boat are ranting endlessly hahahhahaha


2016-10-06 12:29 | Report Abuse

hahhaahaha someone miss the boat and making noises here


2016-10-06 12:08 | Report Abuse

hahahaha u better hold TS if u know what i mean. funds are collecting.


2016-10-06 11:53 | Report Abuse

stomach still not full yet...mop mop mop...mop clean clean..hahahahahaa


2016-10-06 11:48 | Report Abuse

buy beaten down stocks like TS to make more money. u will not regret with more of upside! those who want to sell better make it quick. hahhahahaha


2016-10-06 11:35 | Report Abuse

mop mop mop....mop clean clean


2016-10-06 11:27 | Report Abuse

only true bargain value seeker can see this as opportunity others just too stubborn to skip the chance. hahahahahahaha


2016-10-06 11:20 | Report Abuse

TS is no gimmick business. well-backed funds already looking into it and still collecting. that is why i told u all if u hav no money to pay what u bought then don't bother to look into this or play it.


2016-10-06 11:18 | Report Abuse

joni, u got it right!


2016-10-06 11:17 | Report Abuse

hahhahaha don buy if u hav no money to pay up. stay on sideline and make less noise.


2016-10-06 11:13 | Report Abuse

abt 3m shares lined up to sell from 0.985-1.01 How much transacted today so far? hahahahaha


2016-10-06 11:11 | Report Abuse

rubbish research house. when the tide recedes we will see who is naked. hahahhahaha


2016-10-06 11:09 | Report Abuse

u will be surprised when TS share price is pushed up instantly. if u hav no money pls don play or bother to participate. many say opportunists and optimists like myself will perish soon then how come those sold out their shares got buyers filled in their supply continuously? hahahahhahaha


2016-10-06 11:03 | Report Abuse

gusheng, they losing their pants once they started to sell lower. after all rounds of t4 finishing today tomorrow or day after, loaded funds will buy up. with the absence of price manipulation, once selling force is done, demand force will pick up where it's left off. hahahahahaha


2016-10-06 10:51 | Report Abuse

those who don't have money to pay for their purchases, i suggest them to sell it off. only if u have money to pay then u buy. hahahhahahaa


2016-10-06 10:44 | Report Abuse

mop mop mop.....mop clean clean


2016-10-06 10:35 | Report Abuse

export sales rebounding from september ending period! u will see it in the coming Q3 result to be announced in november. the retrenched workers are being reassigned into TS's other subsidiary division so this was to play down the share price. Strong buy!


2016-10-06 10:23 | Report Abuse

hahhahaha u will be disappointed and drink ur own tomyam sup.


2016-10-06 10:21 | Report Abuse

thousands are peanuts. watch how TS rebounds!


2016-10-06 10:03 | Report Abuse

buy sell buy sell buy sell.....in the end weak holders will sell and when finished, i will watch a good show TS ballooning! how exciting! hahahahahaha


2016-10-06 09:38 | Report Abuse

when people fearful, i'm very greedy...hahahhaaha


2016-10-06 09:35 | Report Abuse

money tunes hahahhahaa


2016-10-06 09:34 | Report Abuse

better sell your shares quick. mopping up......


2016-10-06 09:23 | Report Abuse

when u have funds to buy, nothing to worry. just remember to buy and pay. don't contra play hahhahahaha