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2016-10-31 10:00 | Report Abuse

calvintan is a attention seeker. the more u retaliate will just incite his egoism. ignore him and do your own research then decide. don't be swayed away by such half-baked analysis and no one here can say his own analysis is well rounded.


2016-10-31 06:40 | Report Abuse

hhahahhahaha idiot like smartInvestor1 is a loser keeps making imaginary profits in his head. i've accumulated a lot when the panic selling weeks ago and i got cheaper than Loh Kok Beng too. Why should i sell at all when my entry is lower than current price and climbing still? empty vessels sound the most. pity this dude hahahhahhahahaha

News & Blogs

2016-10-31 06:34 | Report Abuse

just a few photos and some writings, i can do that very simple and fast too. who would spent so much time and efforts talking all negative about one counter? i think most ppl can guess this kiasu's intentions while at the end of his article promoting his own stocks. Be careful with such person. Do your own research and decide yourself.


2016-10-28 11:36 | Report Abuse

hahhahahahahaha smartInvestor1 removed all his comments and disappeared! proven to be a funny clown hahhahahaha


2016-10-28 08:02 | Report Abuse

i suggest u all to google it regarding solar/pv and see where it's heading! u can only buy in big volume at cheap when there was such panic selling weeks ago. Now just wait for it to go up.


2016-10-27 11:20 | Report Abuse

some short term traders still placing out to sell a little above 1.00 now. if they can wait, it will return to 1.20-1.30 very fast within 1-3 months duration hhahahhaahaha


2016-10-27 11:18 | Report Abuse

should follow me accumulated as low as possible all below 1.00 and look it return to mark 1.00 now hahahahhahahhaha


2016-10-27 09:17 | Report Abuse

back on track again hahhahhahaha


2016-10-27 09:13 | Report Abuse

not a surprise TS declaring another round of dividends since company making a lot of money and growing with weakening Ringgit. added some just now


2016-10-27 09:06 | Report Abuse

counting my dividends


2016-10-27 09:06 | Report Abuse

hahahahaha rounds of dividends declared this year already. retouching 1.00


2016-10-26 15:44 | Report Abuse

the idiot chasing homeriz but got burnt down hahahahhaha. buy back? i'm adding at any lower. sold none. i think u are making up ur imaginary profits elsewhere again. pity u hahhahahhaa


2016-10-26 12:03 | Report Abuse

stick to TS. The trend and future is solar renewable energy. Local Malaysia government encouraging & investing in it through own government-linked companies GLC + foreign direct investment FDI mostly from China/Taiwan companies. Japan's NEC is also in M'sia already on solar ventures along with its other Japanese competitors. Ringgit weakening fuels the growth of manufacturers/exporters like TS banking on solar PV related products since no ban on solar related products from M'sia into US/EU markets. Solartech of Taiwan is using TS to manufacture and export to the US. I believe the Ringgit will continue to depreciate against most currencies due to political turbulence domestically and that will lingers until the next General election which is most likely next year.


2016-10-26 11:26 | Report Abuse

hahahahahahahha can't expect much potentials from someone who named himself as smart who jump around to other stocks after a good run-up like homeriz. To make astronomical gains, u need to buy low on growth stocks. TS fits my checklist. Those panic sold out 27/09 week long ended up in my acc since i raise stakes based on bargain values. i will increase if it drops to around 0.90


2016-10-26 09:42 | Report Abuse

i hope it drop to an attractive new low price is where to pick up some. i will acquire around 0.90 so now let markets work on it hahhahahahhaha


2016-10-26 09:00 | Report Abuse

make sure u have holding power. most will want to see the next result to gauge its business in check. just don be like smartInvestor gambling on it hahhahahhahahaa


2016-10-25 20:44 | Report Abuse

Loh Kok Beng raised his stakes in TS at least 3 times already this year which were in multiple of millions of shares thats not small amounts even in this market cap range for a major shareholder/director. This is not illogical or hard to understand either and i can smell something is cooking in the backyard could be BBQ chicken with honey. i will enjoy my harvest soon hahhahahahahaha


2016-10-25 20:38 | Report Abuse

solar RE is here to stay until end of the world. PV sales fluctuate is okay but important as investors must know how to grab the opportunities hahahhahahahahha. now is range bound and i will topped up more if it drops further towards 0.90-0.88 which is more attractive. In the end my shareholdings may be seen in report. Thats not my goal but i just see the very weak Ringgit is very good for manufacturers like TS so i invest heavily and only ppl who are afraid will sell during this time and thats how u take positions in such company. each week its share base enlarging and its to re-attain the billion Ringgit market cap mark again soon. i hope TS will diversify into downstream business soon and corporate exercises will take place to raise more funds to speed things up but that would most likely be in 2017.


2016-10-25 16:41 | Report Abuse

he is daydreaming everyday and now wet his pants hahhahahaahhaha


2016-10-25 12:42 | Report Abuse

ah dumboInvestor...if i sell all, TS share will be sent down until u lose your pants hahhahahahhaha


2016-10-25 08:47 | Report Abuse

it will drop to 0.88 just watch it happen!


2016-10-25 08:45 | Report Abuse

want to accumulate more? don't worry because it will drop more so make sure u have $ to acquire it hahahahhahahahhaa why idiot heavy promoting now? got stucked? hahahahahahaha


2016-10-25 08:44 | Report Abuse

someone is so nervous now! hhahahahhahahhaa


2016-10-24 09:43 | Report Abuse

just keep it and wait for next result. renewable energy sector is expanding very fast. even domestically the government is investing continuously in it. TS is not for u if u looking at quick profit so those should just sell hahhahaahahaaha


2016-10-20 11:41 | Report Abuse

release leaked bad news so can scare ppl to push down price and accumulate. goreng up a stock then release good news so they can sell at high to u all dumbazz hahhahhhaahhahaha u don blieve? so many examples u can see others already hahahhahahhahaa


2016-10-20 11:03 | Report Abuse

prefer weak holders to dispose and after quiet down will have geiser actions! hahahhahahahhaa


2016-10-20 11:01 | Report Abuse

hahahhahahaha fools cannot see it coming. already its re-accumulating currently thats why i told u all to keep what u bought! u all will be so happy later when it fly high returning to its former glory! will let the show tell u all hahhahahhahahaa


2016-10-20 08:40 | Report Abuse

hahaahhahaha fundamentals pointing all good for it and TS is going up sooner or later. Accumulate as cheap as possible and be patient to witness it to rebound.


2016-10-19 07:22 | Report Abuse

hahhahahaha someone from bearish became bullish because he bought at high and falling now. i suggest u to sell it if u hav no holding power...not for u. TS is for investors to keep and bank on the solar RE super growth! just look at all big boys like sime and other china solar giants setting up solar farms and manufacturing plants in m'sia....this country sits on the earth equator! lots of downstream potentials into solar farming. whoever owns lots of vacant lands can do solar farming and sell to TNB or developers supplying RE power to residents. TS is already a leading manufacturer in pv related products in the country. any others can compete to date?


2016-10-17 16:06 | Report Abuse

if u not interested or no holding power, i suggest u sell all out quick...don block the way hahhahahahahha just sell!


2016-10-17 07:32 | Report Abuse

dragon1, u better sell yours if u not confident! no reason for u to hold on if u afraid everyday hahahhahahhahaa


2016-10-17 07:31 | Report Abuse

no money don buy. buying TS shares is for real investors not contra ok hahhahahahhaha


2016-10-13 12:13 | Report Abuse

sell now lah. why tomorrow? hahaahahahaha i want to collect more below 1.00 immediately


2016-10-13 11:56 | Report Abuse

no money don bother to buy ya. let the real investors buy so kkbull better stay out of this TS hahahhahhaa


2016-10-13 11:55 | Report Abuse

those who don hav TS shares, no need buy and move on to other stock. those who have, just sell it out. simple only hahahahahhahaha


2016-10-13 11:04 | Report Abuse

beso, if u have any TS shares & not confident, i strongly suggest u to sell now...don wait hahhahahhahaha


2016-10-13 11:03 | Report Abuse

hahhahahaha i can't wait for it.....the place is too clean already after days mopping. today just little smudges here and there but still will mop hahahhahahahaaaa


2016-10-13 10:30 | Report Abuse

low volume still. i believe most heavy contra are flushed out already. now checking on real demand & supply. i'm looking at anything below 1.00 if any weak holders.


2016-10-13 10:23 | Report Abuse

just sell if u not confident. i'm waiting below hahhahahaha


2016-10-13 09:45 | Report Abuse

Prices in China’s PV Market Rebounded in Late September, TrendForce Says


2016-10-13 09:43 | Report Abuse

The Cost Of Half A Billion Solar Panels Keeps Going Down, Down, Downhttp://cleantechnica.com/2016/09/29/the-cost-of-half-a-billion-solar-panels-keeps-going-down/


2016-10-13 09:36 | Report Abuse

gusheng, there are many of such ppl who missed the chance to buy TS cheaper but nevertheless they will buy in at higher after much thoughtful


2016-10-13 09:34 | Report Abuse

correct! pv cells price is picking up. that is why do ur own research is important before u invest heavily hahhahahhahaha


2016-10-13 06:51 | Report Abuse

You want to be greedy when others are fearful. You want to be fearful when others are greedy. It's that simple. … They're pretty fearful. In fact, in my adult lifetime, I don't think I've ever seen people as fearful economically as they are right now.


2016-10-13 06:50 | Report Abuse

hhahahhaha i don kiss and tell the world like u. since u so arrogant then let me tell u that i had been waiting for it to fall like crazy because that is the only time to buy in big volumes and i mopped up so much below 1.00 not gonna disclose exact details. anyone can check back my past comments to confirm that huge volumes were absorbing the panic sold down shares volume and i was the one of the few to suggest strong buy and absorbing them! even calvintan also came in and said so much rubbish abt TS but while he was talking down on TS, i had been "ACCUMULATING" so much. hhahahahhahahaha u are dumb to guess and assume about me bought at high.


2016-10-12 16:04 | Report Abuse

for sure i will never delete my own past comments hahhahahhahaha


2016-10-12 16:02 | Report Abuse

smartInvestor1 clown trying so hard to sell his reputation! hahhaahahahaha ppl can just check the past comments and know ur funny acts and drama but too bad that u deleted a lot of your funny comments. Go see what i replied u and ur missing comments as the proof. Where is ur comment that scold others "stupid"? u have no integrity lah cheap clown. Go home lah


2016-10-12 15:05 | Report Abuse

heavy demands queued at 1.01 and 1.00


2016-10-12 14:42 | Report Abuse

thanks to those panic sell for the past 2 weeks that opportunists can take positions in this fundamentally strong company. do ur own research and be confident to reap the rewards. when they fear, u be more greedy. i expect it to return to pre-fall price range soon.