
wctberhad | Joined since 2013-08-13

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4 hours ago | Report Abuse

LIke next JCY ... shoot up ... than diving competition champion ...


5 hours ago | Report Abuse

CEB will be a Punter stock ... buy now Big shark will come in sooner or later but onces u made never come in again ... never never see this stock again just 1 Time BET ...


5 hours ago | Report Abuse

Buy this at 100k unit at 0.345 to 0.35 cents is better to brink 35 k to genting Bacarrat Banker or players ... just 1 sec u are gone ... LOL ... here u have so many news to see ...


5 hours ago | Report Abuse

U dare to buy to keep ... Just think off 1 trade of impairment what u buy ... This type of stock need to buy when u have made 35 k from previous stock .... Dump in for 100 k unit ..prepare for loose alll .. or u made double ... I like this type of BET .... so i have brought 100 K unit at 0.345 ... prepare to loose all ... if market dump to 0.01 cents ...


2024-06-19 10:22 | Report Abuse

ESOS all out now ... for sure all staff selling for great profit .. 0.77 - 0.285 = 0.485 almost 50 cent profit ...


2024-06-12 17:54 | Report Abuse

During last 2 year nobody dare to exercise ... cause the mother share fell so badly ... and now look like the prices now is double ... all the staff have big gain ... Usually company ESOS is 10 % of the total share in company n lasted for 10 years in Batch when the Boss n Essos management to determine... The biggest gain will be the boss n CEO more than million unit ...u look at Company Announcement ... The staff just need to pay Rm 2.00 to accept the given prices and last for 10 years... i am sure onces in BUrsa after approx 10 working days ... mostly all staff will sell the esos..


2024-06-11 17:12 | Report Abuse

Got my X date 1 cents yesterday ... and today Add some on 0.440 cents ...


2024-06-04 19:38 | Report Abuse

LOOK like from the graph ... n report Luxchem is much better to buy when it fall to 55 cents ... look like in uptrend ...


2024-06-04 19:28 | Report Abuse

Do u all still remember 3 CHEM ... during the bull days ,,, TEXCHEM """ SAMCHEM"" LUXCHEM>>> all are gone now... maybe wait for next cycle... Now all go to AI ... but dont be greedy it will end up like CHEM company ... sooner or later ... Everest hill graph of company share cannot sustain ,,, any thing go up ..must come down .... GOOD LUCK guys ....


2024-05-28 17:12 | Report Abuse

BUY when stoch RSI 100 days over sell when graph reach bottom below 20 to 0 is very good offer .. and sell when 80 n above .. when over buy ... your chances of profit is good n have a lower buffer prices when u buy in... i wll wait again mostly fall to 0.455 to 0.440... They is no higest n lowest in share .. No body can predict ... Mtag is a cash rich company but this Q.. divident pay only 1 cent ... suppose to give 2 cents ...


2024-02-05 23:25 | Report Abuse

Yes ..I also Tambah at this Prices ...


2024-02-03 17:53 | Report Abuse

Every body scare 0f workers operasi ... now dont know when reach there very Random now a days ... but can buy in batch ... we dont know where is the lowest ... n the highest... from RSI point of view any time now turn around ,,.Good luck those who dare to go in ... company is doing well from the report .. n good dividend yield too...


2024-01-17 23:37 | Report Abuse

I BUY Mtag 0.45 cents cash rich ,, and pay dividen 3 cents each year .. much better than put in bank ... compare to this ..


2024-01-17 23:23 | Report Abuse

Olympic Diving competition champion ...u are right chtan33... total share only 106 mil... must be the champion ... for sure soon or later ... look at the profit report and Rev ... alll are not tally with the prices of share ...


2023-12-21 07:40 | Report Abuse

Thanks to Mtag for another 1 cents dividend which collected today. Hope June will with another 2 cents . Good Job n Thks for your generous Management .


2023-12-12 18:58 | Report Abuse

Look at the last High in 0.23 cents in Sept .... Pattern drop 10 days n start rebound ...


2023-12-11 11:55 | Report Abuse

Just a week end Party ... already Raid by police...LOL


2023-12-10 23:16 | Report Abuse

Good Luck to u all... Bye bye to Reneuco ... Thank u ...


2023-12-04 18:03 | Report Abuse

Look like the next 1 will be... RENEUCO ... K POWER remember the 3 brother ..


2023-11-24 18:42 | Report Abuse

Yes... Mtag... keep it up... Profit improve.. and thks for your generous 1 cent interim Dividend... This company Cash rich in Bank already increase to 144 million divided by total Share 681 million= 21 cents . per share.. This is the Hidden Gem company ... giving dividend profit of 60 % and yeild is 7 % base on today prices .... 3 cents per year... Much much Better than Bank FD... hope next June will get 2 cents ... Thanks MTag ... keep up your good work hope to get more new JOB and win the JC filter case claim ... that is the bonus ..


2023-10-30 18:57 | Report Abuse

Mtag 2023 Report is out ... Net cash increase to 144 Mil... from 127 ... wow = 21 cent ... very good keep up... hope 1 Day give us back some special dividend and Thanks for the yearly 3 cent dividend which i have collected last year ... as per today share price i will collect more for long term ... 42 cents - 21 cents cash = 21 cents only ... Keep up the good work n find more customers n increase Revenue


2023-08-01 09:45 | Report Abuse

Very consistent for 3 years 3 cent each year ... still have a lot of positive PFC as long as company is in Green ... and making profit every year ... with such good management at 0.43 cents Just buy at this price better than putting in Bank FD ... This Dec hope to get another 1 cents n June will be getting 2 cents ...


2023-07-17 21:00 | Report Abuse

Break 3 fold today ... break 0.435 hope next resistance break is 0.47... wake up already ... 11 million sudden surge ... from less than 1 mill yesterday ... must be have something good to report ...


2023-07-17 20:53 | Report Abuse

I sold all of my PTRB ... made around 10 cents ... to good to be true ... cause the boss push up the profit and sell quite alot ... need to follow selll... and now buy MTag now... good buy at Mtag chart today break 3 fold ...


2023-06-09 11:22 | Report Abuse

Just run a quick check FCF now have 127 Mil... as of 2022 annual report ... If we take 127 mil divided by 681 mil share in IPO = 0.18 cents per share .. There for today share prices assume 0.41 cents - 0.18 cents = 0.23 cents if we buy today ... of cost we need to see the future grow ... to win back some customer n maintain every year average made 30 million... Such a good prices to buy now ... I am not promoting, just a quick check ...


2023-06-08 17:12 | Report Abuse

Hap seng consolidated start the bull at Year 2013 from 1.97 Rm all the way to reach 8 to 9 Rm ... Its time to come back to Original ... prices in year 2013 ...This is the prices i am waiting again.... in a cycle ...


2023-04-22 07:57 | Report Abuse

At 0.44 cents is lower than IPO 0.53 cent ... What u want some more with profit Intact and cash FCF not bad ... Almost ATL sinces 2 years ... Graph consolidate .. common sense... BUY or Not buy at your own Risk .


2023-03-30 07:51 | Report Abuse

Just for your information ... That director sold at 0.44 in Sept is not the MD ... MD still hold 71% of share not even sell a single till after March 27 Due ...WE can monitor the report ... and RSI and CMF money movement in market is just 150 million share... float in market ... 150 mill out of 535... mil from 0.685 Transaction volume till today is almost distributed. Enough buffer for my Entry point at 0.4 plus ... Some times we must not only see TA n FA .... unless the company is totally Gone case .... Food business is in recession proof ... every body still need to eat...


2023-03-27 16:57 | Report Abuse

This few months will not go up in share .... no more Retailer n fund even goreng Kaki also dry up already ... Just safe your Rm to Pick up Lelong sale in good company . Than go and sleep n keep in the Freezer for a year... and u will be rewards ... Dont ever think of overnight profit ... no more this SONG ..


2023-03-24 09:55 | Report Abuse

The most important is done chase high when everybody going in for party ,,, if not u will end up staying in Penthouse ..Buy those good value company which have profit n throw down which we have lower risk to get lower ... and check the RSI 100 days which in over sold ...This is the best option we can buy... Share in cantonese means GUESS ... No 100 % win ... BUy n trade at our own Risk ...


2023-03-22 11:10 | Report Abuse

Morning all ... my guess is right 180 million share 25 % in the market all mostly distributed . Time to turn around to PE 12 again ... Good luck to all those have buy low all the way back to 70 cents .. hope for good result n give 1 st dividend cause the boss hold 75 % ..BUY AT OWN RISK...


2023-03-16 17:18 | Report Abuse

PTRB is a very profit counter ... 2 Q good profit ... and The boss hold 75 % of share and market float only 25 % about 180 mil... This business is a sea food business n 7 outlet food mart .. selling Daily food product ... and record of profit cont... Buy and keep this hidden gem ... when next report out and it just new IPO and a hidden Gem to buy... buy when prices now is low.... it will come back to 70 cents very soon...


2013-08-13 13:02 | Report Abuse

8 cents Dividend suppose to give on 6 August ... but still didnt received the Cheque ... any body know why delay ... or any body received the cheque ...