
whizzkid125 | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2013-12-02 11:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by whizzkid125 > Dec 2, 2013 11:01 AM | Report Abuse X

The many UMNO Malay supporters here are really the stupid ones & even posts here that speaks the truth, they will stupidly flag it think that they are really smart in this way...what pure idiotracy indeed.

Our Beloved Malaysia is going to the rocks and all these many UMNO Malay supporters here knows is to flag members posts., haahaahaa...what stupidity of the highest order indeed. Please carry on flagging members post and then call yourself "stupid idiot of the highest grade" hohohoo


2013-12-02 11:31 | Report Abuse

Mahathir resigns as Petronas adviser: All eyes on Najib's response

Good riddance indeed. Now maybe our oil will be saved.

KUALA LUMPUR - Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has resigned as adviser to national oil company, Petronas Berhad, effective today.

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=194931:mahathir-resigns-as-petronas-adviser-all-eyes-on-najibs-response&Itemid=2#ixzz2mLbyNbX1


2013-12-02 11:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by whizzkid125 > Dec 2, 2013 11:01 AM | Report Abuse X

The many UMNO Malay supporters here are really the stupid ones & even posts here that speaks the truth, they will stupidly flag it think that they are really smart in this way...what pure idiotracy indeed.

Our Beloved Malaysia is going to the rocks and all these many UMNO Malay supporters here knows is to flag members posts., haahaahaa...what stupidity of the highest order indeed. Please carry on flagging members post and then call yourself "stupid idiot of the highest grade" hohohoo


2013-12-02 11:08 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
If UMNO truly want to help the Malays and all of its related agenda then this week they must ask for a Press Law like in Indonesia


2013-12-02 11:07 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Only free and responsible press can assure the Malays that Harap kan Pagar Pagar makan padi will not keep recurring


2013-12-02 11:02 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
We must be the only country besides North Korea where media/press are controlled absolutely by the political parties in power


2013-12-02 11:01 | Report Abuse

The many UMNO Malay supporters here are really the stupid ones & even posts here that speaks the truth, they will stupidly flag it think that they are really smart in this way...what pure idiotracy indeed.


2013-12-02 10:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by fairjimmy > Dec 2, 2013 09:41 AM | Report Abuse

UMNO is a corrupt n dishonest party with dishonest and corrupt members with no integrity who are LIARS. They are afraid of literally everything from Anwar, LKS, DAP,to the Allah word, Bersih, Comango to ashes and even their own shadows. If one is honest and sincere and upright, one has nothing to fear

I totally agreed with you brother fairjimmy. With such a lousy UMNO/BN government, our beloved Malaysia is becoming a laughing stock of the world. I wonder why there are so many UMNO Malay supporters who really tak malu. But the REAL NON-UMNO Malay suppporters knows the REAL TRUTH.


2013-12-02 10:46 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
We must be the only country besides North Korea where media/press are controlled absolutely by the political parties in power


2013-12-02 10:45 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
We must be the only country besides North Korea where media/press are controlled absolutely by the political parties in power


2013-12-02 10:16 | Report Abuse

AA coming now, watch out for it.


2013-12-02 09:39 | Report Abuse

Baik terima gaji BERBANDING rasuah dan pecah amanah

Baik terima gaji BERBANDING rasuah dan pecah amanah

KUALA LUMPUR - “Berbanding mulut dan perut disumbat rasuah dan wang pecah amanah, baiklah menerima gaji secara halal biarpun tinggi nilainya,” kata AJK PAS Pusat, Nasrudin Hassan.

Beliau berkaya, kiranya kenaikan gaji yang tinggi itu sepadan dengan tugasnya yang berat dan banyak, membantu masyarakat miskin dan berkongsi sebahagian pendapatannya dengan rakyat yang memerlukan, pula menghadapi kos sara hidup yang tinggi, maka ia berhak memilikinya.

Tambahnya, semoga dengan gaji yang telah cukup tinggi tidak lagi mendorong mereka culas menjalankan amanah secara tekun dan dedikasi serta mencari makan secara haram melalui rasuah dan pecah amanah.

“Namun kiranya masih memamah harta secara batil dan haram sedang gaji telah diberikan dengan kadar yang tinggi dan sangat mencukupi, maka ia adalah selaknat-laknat pemimpin,” tulisnya menerusi facebook.

Ahli Parlimen Temerloh itu menambah, gaji yang diberi adalah berbeza keadaannya dari satu segmen penerima dengan satu segmen penerima yang lain.

“Contoh gaji seorang guru adalah 100 peratus kembali kepada guru kecuali potongan wajib seperti KWSP atau cukai pendapatan dan sebagainya berbeza dengan gaji seorang wakil rakyat khususnya wakil rakyat pembangkang, sebahagian besar gajinya terpaksa diguna untuk menjalankan tugas rasmi sebagai wakil rakyat seperti kos pusat khidmat, bantuan fakir miskin, aktiviti ziarah, kenduri kendara, sakit mati dan sebagainya,” ujarnya. - Harakahdaily



2013-12-02 02:15 | Report Abuse

Gaji wakil rakyat PKR S’gor untuk tabung pendidikan


KUALA LUMPUR: Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah menerima pandangan semua pihak mengenai kenaikan gaji yang melibatkan wakil rakyat Selangor.

“Saya juga telah mendapat penjelasan daripada Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim mengenai rasional kenaikan gaji tersebut,” jelasnya dalam satu kenyataan.

Pun begitu, katanya PKR sebagai parti yang membawa semangat reformasi perlu terus sensitif dengan kesempitan hidup yang dihadapi rakyat terbanyak.

Oleh itu, ujarnya setelah berbincang dengan Khalid, beliau bersetuju bahawa satu Tabung Pendidikan PKR Anak Selangor akan ditubuhkan bertujuan mengagihkan biasiswa pendidikan kecil dan mengendalikan program pendidikan terutamanya di peringkat sekolah menengah dan pra-universiti.

Katanya, setiap wakil rakyat PKR akan menyumbang RM1,000 sebulan atau 20% dari jumlah kenaikan gaji bulanan yang diumumkan untuk membiayai pemberian biasiswa kecil dan program pendidikan di bawah tabung pendidikan itu.

Menurutnya, jumlah sumbangan wakil-wakil rakyat PKR dari Selangor kelak dijangka mencecah setengah juta setahun dari kenaikan gaji mereka yang dapat membantu keluarga berpendapatan rendah dalam bidang pendidikan.



2013-12-02 02:07 | Report Abuse


Lee Lan will speak on Dr. Pornthip's banned entry to Malaysia at a talk organised by the 2013 Johor Bahru Book Fair. Date 7 Dec 2013 (Sat), 8pm at the main hall of SJKC Foon Yew (1). Welcome to join and give support.


2013-12-02 02:04 | Report Abuse





2013-12-02 02:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > Dec 2, 2013 01:34 AM | Report Abuse

C'mon Wan Ahmad - please show some respect to our young people. They know the truths from the lies - and this is the reason why they read online instead of listening to lies and rubbish from Utusan, Star and NST. I believe you are saying what you did us because the current corrupt and incompetent government is taking care of your pension as well as giving buta gaji appointment pretty soon.


Just speaking the truth lah.


2013-12-02 01:59 | Report Abuse

The best joke for today , selangor MB earn more than najib.

If najib is earning rm22k , how is he going to pay for his electric bill of rm2.5million per year -Rm208,333 per month not including Rosmah expenses !!! .Well maybe Najib is earning some side income along the way , I'm glad that the government slam the Selangor state government on the increased in salary but i hope that they will do the same thing to Sarawak state government as well.

Najib control his own expenses by approving the federal budget "PM dept" ,The tax payer money is under his control.
1. Personal Bday Celebration - cost borne by PM's Dept
2. Daughter's Wedding - cost borne by PM's Dept
3. 2.5 million electric/water bill - cost borne by PM's Dept
4. Rosmah traveing expenses - cost borne by PM's Dept
5. Najib petrol expenses - Cos borne by PM's Dept
6. 5 star hotel chef at seri perdana - Cost borne by PM's Dept
7. 20 body guard protection fee - Cost borne by PM's Dept
8. Permata operation cost - borne by PM's Dept
9. Rosmah expenses - borne by PM's Dept
10. much more

Najib spending much more than he could earn ??, This is why our country is making more loss than profit...Selangor/Penang state government is performing much better than federal/sarawak state government, i dont see why we should not increased their salary

PS - Telur hannah yeoh is bigger than najib, she deserved a better salary than our PM... Selangor speaker is willing to declare her personal asset ,how about our dear PM ??


Ini dia???


2013-12-02 01:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by camrybenz88 > Nov 30, 2013 05:28 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by fairjimmy > Nov 30, 2013 04:33 PM | Report Abuse

I m pretty sure if PR takes over Putrajaya PR would provide interest free loan to all low income earners Malaysians. What a magnanimous Govt that would be in the whole world

Totally agreed with you brother.

I also agreed 100%. UMNO boleh kah?


2013-12-02 01:29 | Report Abuse

keep for longer period.


2013-12-02 01:28 | Report Abuse

going higher & higher.
