Year’s ago there were two eminent lawyers, one named Lyttleton and the other West. These two men were Deists; that is, they had faith in a supreme being, but did not believe in revelation, or in inspiration, or in the miraculous. One day they got to talking about their views, and finally one said to the other, “Well we cannot maintain our position until we disprove two things; first, the reputed conversion of Saul of Tarsus, and secondly, the reputed resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Said Lyttleton to West, “I will write a book to prove that Saul of Tarsus was never converted in the way which the Acts of the Apostles record.” And said West to Lyttleton, “I will write a book to prove that Jesus. Christ did not rise from the dead as the evangelists say.” Well, they wrote their books, and when they met afterwards, West said to Lyttleton, “How have you got on?” “I have written my book,” said Lyttleton, “but as I have studied the evidence from a legal standpoint, I have become convinced that Saul of Tarsus was converted in just the way the Acts of the Apostles say he was, and I have become a Christian. How have you got on?” “Well,” said West, “I have sifted the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the legal standpoint, and I am satisfied that Jesus of Nazareth was raised from the dead just as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John record, and I have written my book in defense of Christianity.” And these two books can be seen in our libraries today.
Calvin comments:
The 2 skeptical but honest lawyers mentioned by R.A.Torrey were Gilbert West & John Lyttleton
John Lyttleton wanted to disprove The Conversion of St Paul
According to the Bible Saul saw Jesus Christ on Damascus Road & was converted. Of the 27 books of the New Testament it was said that Paul authored 14 which is more than half of the New Testament.
After Lyttleton did his research he became convinced by all the historical facts and wrote his book in defense of the truth
@ calvintaneng. This is a place for people to share their views on stocks and shares and not religion. Don't follow PAS and use religion in politics. If you want to preach, go to a place of worship., shssssssh.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
57,853 posts
Posted by calvintaneng > 2019-02-10 06:59 | Report Abuse
Year’s ago there were two eminent lawyers, one named Lyttleton and the other West. These two men were Deists; that is, they had faith in a supreme being, but did not believe in revelation, or in inspiration, or in the miraculous. One day they got to talking about their views, and finally one said to the other, “Well we cannot maintain our position until we disprove two things; first, the reputed conversion of Saul of Tarsus, and secondly, the reputed resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Said Lyttleton to West, “I will write a book to prove that Saul of Tarsus was never converted in the way which the Acts of the Apostles record.” And said West to Lyttleton, “I will write a book to prove that Jesus. Christ did not rise from the dead as the evangelists say.” Well, they wrote their books, and when they met afterwards, West said to Lyttleton, “How have you got on?” “I have written my book,” said Lyttleton, “but as I have studied the evidence from a legal standpoint, I have become convinced that Saul of Tarsus was converted in just the way the Acts of the Apostles say he was, and I have become a Christian. How have you got on?” “Well,” said West, “I have sifted the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the legal standpoint, and I am satisfied that Jesus of Nazareth was raised from the dead just as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John record, and I have written my book in defense of Christianity.” And these two books can be seen in our libraries today.
Calvin comments:
The 2 skeptical but honest lawyers mentioned by R.A.Torrey were Gilbert West & John Lyttleton
John Lyttleton wanted to disprove The Conversion of St Paul
According to the Bible Saul saw Jesus Christ on Damascus Road & was converted.
Of the 27 books of the New Testament it was said that Paul authored 14 which is more than half of the New Testament.
After Lyttleton did his research he became convinced by all the historical facts and wrote his book in defense of the truth
By Lord Lyttelton.
Paul was converted by seeing the appearing of Jesus on Damascus Road
So the Resurrection of Christ is the foundation of Christianity
Gilbert West sought to disprove it but after an honest study he wrote a book in defense of it