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1,256 comment(s). Last comment by Justmeme 2024-09-03 11:06


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-04-29 11:45 | Report Abuse

Petronas-daddy sugar?but for how long can tahan?

Rick Ng

11 posts

Posted by Rick Ng > 2014-04-30 15:21 | Report Abuse

kkng,haiyo all big ppl come where need pay one??haha


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-04-30 16:27 | Report Abuse

Let it be...let it


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-05-04 15:40 | Report Abuse

No corporate news lately?


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-05-05 15:31 | Report Abuse

Hi, kkng. Nothing much. One general announcement on 31 March 2014 stating that the NAV of YTLREIT is RM 0.9957. That means the current market price is trading at 8.1% below NAV.

Another earlier announcement stated that YTLRMTN was incorporated on 6 March 2014 with its present authorized share capital of RM 400,000.00 comprising 400,000 ordinary shares of RM 1.00 each.

The intended principal activity of YTLRMTN is to raise funding on behalf of YTL REIT.

Maybank Trustees Berhad, the trustee of YTL REIT shall hold the Shares in trust and on behalf of YTL REIT. As a result of the Acquisition, YTLRMTN has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of YTL REIT.


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-05-05 15:50 | Report Abuse

Tks a..beta,will lock it up and go somewhere else till show time again!


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-05-05 15:51 | Report Abuse

Another good piece of news is Accor expects room rates across Australia to rise in 2014, with signs that corporate and government travel is growing and with high occupancies achieved in most states year to date.

Over the last 12 months, according to STR Global, occupancy rates have continued to remain strong in Australia’s largest cities, with Sydney at 85.2% and Melbourne at 83.7% overall.

While Brisbane and Melbourne will expect an increase in hotel supply of 11% and 6.2% respectively, new room supply in Sydney (0.7%) and Perth (0.8%) will remain low, putting additional pressure on rates.

It is expected that rates will rise between 7-10% in Sydney and around 7% in Melbourne and Perth, with rates in Adelaide, Canberra and Brisbane to rise between 3-5%.


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-05-05 15:55 | Report Abuse

Accor, the world's leading hotel operator and market leader in Europe, is present in 92 countries nearly 3500 hotels and 440000 rooms.


68 posts

Posted by assaji > 2014-05-09 11:44 | Report Abuse

As of May 02, 2014, the investment analyst covering YTL Hospitality REIT advises that the company will outperform the market. This has been the consensus forecast since the sentiment of investment analysts deteriorated on Jul 23, 2013. The previous consensus forecast advised investors to purchase equity in YTL Hospitality REIT. ~


68 posts

Posted by assaji > 2014-05-09 11:45 | Report Abuse

trending up slowly already.


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-05-12 10:41 | Report Abuse

Some upward movement detected recently


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-05-12 21:13 | Report Abuse

Ytl boss said he got expensive brain


95 posts

Posted by WLiang777 > 2014-05-14 16:47 | Report Abuse

Anyone know any info regarding to the progress of the private placement ? It has been quite some time....think the Yeoh family run this biz like KGB ...


230 posts

Posted by Wave > 2014-05-14 20:11 | Report Abuse

Anyone here can tell whats this all about? Will this further dilute the EPS? and cause the share price drop? Kindly enlighten me. Thousand thanks!

Posted by investfuture > 2014-05-14 20:25 | Report Abuse

how come no 31/3/14 quarter report??


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-05-21 10:41 | Report Abuse

Dps>eps.great....great....gud buy below .90,value for money!enough wang for bak kut teh


68 posts

Posted by assaji > 2014-05-21 16:58 | Report Abuse

Rick, this thread is for YTLreit, not YTLcorp. Anyway, today hit 93.5 as it is clear they won't place out at these prices. I don't think it'll go below 90sen. The yield already very attractive at this price.

Jason Lim

180 posts

Posted by Jason Lim > 2014-05-21 17:08 | Report Abuse

Is YTL's overseas hotels included into this YTLREIT?


230 posts


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-05-24 22:21 | Report Abuse

As expected, the 9 months result ended 31/3/14 showed vast improvement in its Australia hotels performance in term of growth in revenue and PBIT. Compared to previous years, revenue grew 122.4% from RM 107.7 mil to RM 239.5 mil, PBIT has treble from RM 10.6 mil to RM 32.5 mil. PBIT margin grew from 9.8% to 13.6%.

It has announced a gross dividend distribution of 2.0804 sen per unit to be paid on 24th Jun 2014, 0.1018 sen more than the previous dividend payment of 1.9786 sen per unit. Net after tax dividend is 1.8724 sen (2.0804x90%) which give a yield of 2.05% based on the current price of 91.5 sen per unit.


6,930 posts

Posted by 林俊松 > 2014-05-25 13:31 | Report Abuse

What is the target price for this counter?


13,598 posts

Posted by AyamTua > 2014-05-25 13:32 | Report Abuse

#Pray4LIM! kikikiii


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-05-25 19:52 | Report Abuse

After checking in detail the segmental report for the last 3 Qs of FYE 06/13, YTL REIT recognized the Australia Hotels result only in the 2nd Q. Hence, it is misleading to compare the 9 months results, my apology.

However, the Q to Q comparison on profit after tax per unit showed a slight improvement of 0.08 sen per unit (1.19 sen per unit in the current Q ended 31/3/14 compared to 1.11 sen per unit in the preceding Q ended 31/3/13).

Likewise, its distributable income per unit (after adj for depn and others) in Q3 is 2.3115 sen per unit which is better than 2.0828 sen per unit recorded in previous year Q. In term of gross dividend distribution, it also showed an improvement by 0.1732 sen per unit from 1.9072 per unit to 2,0804 per unit. In term of cash flow, it is able to sustain the dividend payout.

At current market price of 91.5 sen, it is trading at 8% discount to NAV at 99.53 sen per unit.

Unless it’s earning after tax catch up to 2 sen per unit, it is not justifiable for a P/E multiple revaluation at the moment.


44 posts

Posted by LouisChoo > 2014-05-26 08:42 | Report Abuse

What is the DY ?


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-05-26 08:51 | Report Abuse

Alphabeta-tq for yr write up


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-05-26 15:13 | Report Abuse

Dear LouisChoo, DY stand for dividend yield. In YTLReit case, if the gross dividend distributed is 8 sen per unit, based on 91 sen, its gross DY will by 8/91 = 8.79%.

However, Reit dividend is subjected to 10% tax, hence its net after tax dividend will be 7.2 sen (8x90%). In other word, the actual dividend yield after tax will be 7.91%.


44 posts

Posted by LouisChoo > 2014-05-26 16:49 | Report Abuse

1. Where are the most reliable sources of information for DY ?
2. Buy then sell after dividend ex date, will it be a good strategy for REIT stock ? Even If stranded (price drop till loss position after ex date), the DY will defray financing costs . Kindly advise


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-05-26 19:13 | Report Abuse

Peoposed placement extended by sc to 6 mths,good or bad?


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-05-28 11:36 | Report Abuse

You can use I3investor's "Disclosures" tab on top to check the dividend payment history. Company with fixed dividend policy (like REITs) will announce and pay consistently.

Reliability of DY depends on your entry price and the anticipated dividend payout. You need to work that out yourself. All dividends declared other than REITs are single tier.

The Ex-date or Ex-dividend date is when you purchase a dividend paying stock one day before the ex-date, then you are entitled for dividend payment. Conversely, it you sell a stock and still want to receive the dividend that has been declared, you need to sell on (or after) the ex-date. Ex-date is used to make sure dividend payment go to the right person.

Since we can receive dividend by purchasing the shares before the ex-date, can we make more money? It’s not that easy, everyone knows when the dividend is going to be paid, and the market sees the dividend payout as a time when the company is giving out part of its earning and reducing its cash. The price of the stock will drop approximately by the amount of the dividend on the ex-date. The actual drop in price can be different due to tax considerations or other reasons.

Don’t forget you also have transaction costs. In YTLREIT case, it pays dividend every quarter. If you go in and out four times in a year for a yield of less than 2% per quarter, your return after transaction costs will be much lower. However, you will be a value client for your remisier and broker. The crux of the matter is there is no free lunch on the ex-dividend date.

Delay in share placement can mean a lot of things; it can be more time to negotiate for better terms, buyers required more time to seek approval and arrangement of funds etc. I am not too worry on this as long as the revenue and earning are improving over time, Its cash flow is positive and continue to support dividend payment. There is still time for the earning to catch up.


68 posts

Posted by assaji > 2014-05-29 10:45 | Report Abuse

This site says an Analyst Report earlier this month calls an Outperform and valued YTLReit at RM1.23. But no mention which analyst. Anyone want to buy it?

Posted by Feng Ning Yeoh > 2014-05-30 16:39 | Report Abuse

After share placement the earnings & dividend will be diluted, is just how much diluted. hope it wont impact too much. it is the share placement that cause the share price to come down to 92cent in the 1st place.


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-05-30 19:11 | Report Abuse

Ytl r 's latest nav is 1.2618 rm


67 posts

Posted by Winner > 2014-05-31 05:26 | Report Abuse

This latest nav has not reflected the impact of share placement.

Posted by freecooper > 2014-05-31 06:40 | Report Abuse

Hi kkng0819kk, , where do you get the latest NAV for ytlreit?


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-05-31 09:22 | Report Abuse

Bursar announced yesterday


235 posts

Posted by Alphabeta > 2014-05-31 20:32 | Report Abuse

The primary objective of the REIT manager is to ensure the Placement Units are done at optimum prices which reflect the fundamental value of YTLREIT.

The announcement in changing the revaluation of investment properties from triennially to once a year and seeking for additional six months will provide more time to conclude the exercise are steps in the right direction.

The objective is to raise up to RM 800 mil with increase in fund size from 1,324 mil units to maximum of 2,125 mil units. The placement price will be around RM 1.00 per unit if fund size were up to maximum to raise the RM 800 mil proceeds.

In determining the placement price, if you use the current market price as a yardstick, it is at a discount of 26.7% to its current NAV. It is wide gap.

The earning per unit (EPU) up to 3rd Q of FY 14 was 3.71 sen per unit, if the 4th Q EPU is similar to 3rd Q at 1.19 sen per unit. Then the P/E of 18.88 (92.5/4.9) is relative high. Other REITs are in the region of 10 to 14.

The dilution of EPU and income distribution per unit (DPU) after placement exercise will depend very much on place price and YTLREIT future earning potential.

At RM 1.00 per unit, 800mil new units will be issued to raise the required RM 800mil. Repayment of loans with the placement proceeds will reduce interest charges. The total borrowings will reduce by 51% from RM 1.58 bil to RM 0.78 bil. Interest saving per quarter can be around RM 9.24 mil, per annum will be in the region of RM 37 mil which is quite substantial.

Assuming the exercise is completed by end of FY 14 and its FY15 PBT mirrors previous year 3Q result at RM 16.6 mil, annual PBT plus interest saving will come to RM 103.4mil (16.6x4+37). For simplicity, PAT say around RM 100mil, EPU will be 4.7 sen per unit. Annualized depreciation charge is around RM 65mil, which work out around 3.1 sen per unit. Income distribution per unit will be around 7.8 sen per unit.

Based on the above conservative approach of no improvement in earning with maximum placement units to raise the RM 800mil, the dilution impact is not substantial.

A revaluation of unit price is possible if there is a visibility of better earning ahead, especially if the coming 4Q shows better result. This revaluation will improve the placement price and reduce the total number of new units to be issued for the placement exercise.


230 posts

Posted by Wave > 2014-06-02 01:09 | Report Abuse

Thanks Alphabeta for the above analysis!


315 posts

Posted by kuihmoi > 2014-06-03 11:51 | Report Abuse

There will be some increment of rental from all the hotel starting 2015 . Some 5% . Increment is every 5 years for 5% .


1,528 posts

Posted by yuanlong57 > 2014-06-04 01:56 | Report Abuse

ahem ... a newbie. any 101 for REIT? TQ


1,528 posts

Posted by yuanlong57 > 2014-06-04 08:30 | Report Abuse

Wah, alphabeta like SSI.(Share Scene Investigator) Great data in made-simple explanation. Thanks


265 posts

Posted by bathgel > 2014-06-10 14:42 | Report Abuse

conclusion ?


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-06-11 10:14 | Report Abuse

Hotel business profit takes long time to realise.When profit comes onstream,refurbushment costs will again be incurred.Unless the acquisition cost is reasonable;hotel business is not that easy to make money!


1,528 posts

Posted by yuanlong57 > 2014-06-13 00:23 | Report Abuse

aquisition of high-yielding-prospect land to increase land bank is a good diversified option. With intense property development in Johore, prime areas in KL, Klang, Penang, etc sales of premium land ups the income of REIT co. & retail investors.


1,528 posts

Posted by yuanlong57 > 2014-06-13 00:28 | Report Abuse

Read this Wednesday, 07 May 2014 article by Insider Asia, "REIT Oh REIT," for an update on REIT in Malaysia.

Posted by Caiyi Choo > 2014-06-19 19:20 | Report Abuse

am newbie in reits....anyone can explain why not much increase in price ? dividen about 12cts in 2013 i went through..... what is the different of reits and other stock tht price can see up n down very fast?


1,566 posts

Posted by kkng0819kk > 2014-06-24 17:28 | Report Abuse

Start moving already?


230 posts

Posted by Wave > 2014-06-30 23:41 | Report Abuse

An announcement from YTLREIT in Bursa. The NAV per unit of YTL Hospitality REIT as at 30 June 2014 is RM1.2609.

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