Stock Pick 2014 - OTB

Owner: Tan KW
Access Type: SHARED | Tag: SP2014
Stock Pick Year 2014 from Mr. Ooi Teik Bee (

Analysis -

Mr Tan,

Below is the composition :

Puncak-WB - 15 %
Homeriz - 10%
Hevea - 10%
Jaks - 10%
Insas - 10%
Inari-WA - 10%
WTK - 5%
Caely - 5%
Latitud - 10% at 1.76 (5/12/2013)
TGuan - 10% at 1.90 (5/12/2013)

Thank you.

Comment by Ooi Teik Bee at Dec 6, 2013 11:59 AM

Dear Mr Tan,

Please sell Jaks and Caely, use all money to buy Hapseng-WA. I will send you the IV write up on Hapseng-WA by today. Please also delete the write up on Jaks and Caely.
Thank you.
20/12/2013 22:04
Total Value
Today's Change
+29.00 (0.04%)


Stock's Value 59,003.50
Current Holding 10 Stocks
All Time Holding 12 Stocks
% of Total Value 90.04%

Available Cash Balance 6,530.25
Current Cash Balance 6,530.25
Unpaid Dividend 0.00
% of Total Value 9.96%

Average Cost 106,293.93
Unrealized Gain -40,760.18
% over Average Cost -38.35%

Total Capital 100,000.00
Total Return -34,466.25
% over Total Capital -34.47%
Last Updated:

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Turn off this switch if you wish to stop the auto refresh feature before the 1 hour limit is up.

[1] Click the icon on table to view the stock's What If Analysis Page.
[2] Click the Shares hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.

Stock Last Price Change Shares Market Value % Average Cost Per Share Unrealized Gain % Day Gain %
$CASH 6,530.25 9.96%
Total 65,533.75 100.00% +29.00 0.04%
6 people like this. Showing 50 of 53 comments


# Thanks OOiTB for the prompt response.

2013-12-07 21:48

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Mr Tan,
My cost for TAS is 1.10, please amend it.
Thank you.

2013-12-10 22:18


OTB always so serious...hehe

2013-12-10 22:22


3 KW / Ooi - I thought this challenge is a stationary one for a one year duration without any trading and the winner will be determined on the basis od the highest returns at the year of the year based on the 100K allocation at the start of the contest. Or perhaps I have misunderstood,

2013-12-10 22:23


# KW - This is what you posted. See the first rule.

You are most welcome to join the Stock Pick and share your knowledge.

Let's assume you will have 100k cash on your hand and you will have to buy and hold the stock pick by you for a duration of 1 year.
- Period: Now - 31-Dec-2014
- You can provide the stock pick (with the reason, e.g., and allocate your fund to the particular stock (e.g.
- Your portfolio and analysis will be created and a link will be added in this TOC post.
- For each transaction, we shall apply 0.1% brokerage fee (min RM8) + other misc fee as per i3investor portfolio tools standard
- no margin, or borrowing... the available cash is your trading limit
- dividend, stock split, bonus issue, etc.... will be recorded and it will be part of your profit, please leave the comments on your portfolio during or after the ex-Date. I shall record the entitlement on\after the ex-date to reflect the portfolio performance.

2013-12-10 22:25

Ooi Teik Bee

I am not keen on competition, I am more interested to know the performance of my selection after one year. I want to know how good or bad is my selection.
Thank you.

2013-12-10 22:29


# KW - Sorry I saw wrongly, I didnt see TAS inside the portfolio.
# OTB - I know where you are coming from but anyway this is just a friendly "contest" where KW is inviting the members to participate. Winning or losing does not matter at all.

2013-12-10 22:33


yes, even if you (OTB) are so unlucky losing the competition, but u will never lose the sifu title in our mind...hehe

2013-12-10 22:38


Mr. Tan KW, is there any portfolio for 2014 stock pick from kcchong?

2013-12-12 18:38

Ooi Teik Bee

WTK and Caely are the 2 weakest stocks according to TA, hence they will not perform. I should not select them in the first place. YOCB and Pohuat should be better than them.
Thank you.

2013-12-13 20:39


Still waiting for kcchongnz's stock pick for 2014... I'm looking forward to it!!

2013-12-18 15:09

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Mr Tan KW,
I want a favour from you, I want to replace 2 stocks with a new stock since 2014 is not began yet. This list will be a final one so that everyone can use it as a reference. I want all valued members here to make money since this stock is so beautiful. After this adjustment, I will not make any change further. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards always,

2013-12-20 20:56

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Mr Tan,

Please sell Jaks and Caely, use all money to buy Hapseng-WA. I will send you the IV write up on Hapseng-WA by today. Please also delete the write up on Jaks and Caely.
Thank you.

2013-12-20 22:04

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Mr Tan,
I had email you my write up on Hapseng-WA. Please follow up.
Thank you.

2013-12-20 23:16


any reason why you have remove JAKS.?

2013-12-21 09:51

Ooi Teik Bee

Hapseng-WA is a better pick. The price of Jaks is at support, it will not drop a lot. The up trending is very weak. Likewise, Caely.
Thank you.

2013-12-21 10:05

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Mr Tan,
I had email you my write up on Hapseng-WA. However, it appears to me that you did not receive it. Please follow up and advise.
Please send me your new email address if necessary.
Thank you.

2013-12-21 10:17

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear all value members,
Please sell TAS and use the extra money to buy MFCB. To me, MFCB will be Miss Universe stock of 2014.
Thank you.

2014-01-10 00:19


Mr OTB, do u have any classes for us this 2014 for TA ? Im keen to enrol, tq

2014-01-14 12:11

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2014-01-17 21:55


lolx..still holding HEVEA ?

2014-01-25 21:52


Mr OTB, can you e-mail me details on your upcoming training course on 15-16.03.2014. My email

2014-02-22 13:44

Steven Yong

why no PJDev warrant, thought you have buy a lot

2014-02-24 22:28


Post removed.Why?

2014-02-27 07:34

Ooi Teik Bee

28.7% gain now for my 2014 portfolio. Puncak-WB is the only disappointed stocks I had selected.
Thank you.

2014-03-24 12:33

Kelvin Loh

Well done Mr Ooi, 30.3% in 3 months. Hope PJDEV-WC will follow this too.

2014-03-24 20:20


good pick, Ooi.

2014-05-05 09:34


Would you consider Tongher(stock code 5010) as a FA & TA candidate for your next investment?

2014-05-05 09:45

Ooi Teik Bee

I am sorry, I do not cover this stock. Hence I cannot comment.
Thank you.

2014-05-05 09:57


Posted by milopanas > May 6, 2014 11:12 PM | Report Abuse X

i suda research dan anlyse otb sotckpick 2014.dia cakap dia untung 36% tapi entry cost dia murah pada 20 dec 2013.banyak orang entry cost pada 2/3 jan 2014.

tengok 9 stock otb paling untung pada 20 dec 13 vs 2 jan 2014

2-Jan-14 OTB 20 Dec 2013
hapseng wa 1.26 1.042 20.9%
hevea 1.39 0.942 47.6%
homeriz 0.675 0.556 21.4%
insas 0.88 0.922 -4.6%
inari wa 1.22 1.132 7.8%
latitud 2.07 1.764 17.3%
tas 1.15 1.103 4.3%
tguan 2.10 1.904 10.3%
wtk 1.32 1.223 7.9%

data tunjuk cuma insas sja lebih mahal pada 20 dec 2013.yg lain semua murah-hapseng wa 20.9%,hevea 47.6%,homeriz 21.4%latitud 17.3%,tguan 10.3%,wtk 7.9%,inari wa 7.8%,tas 4.3%

kalau tukar balik otb entry cost kpd 2 jan 2014,kamu akan kecewa

2014-05-06 23:41


Posted by milopanas > May 6, 2014 11:37 PM | Report Abuse X

19% untung ialah entry cost 2 jan 2014.mesti mau fair dgn semua orang,data betul punya.

otb stockpick 2014 untung 19% bukan 36%.

2014-05-06 23:41

Ooi Teik Bee

Posted by milopanas > May 6, 2014 11:41 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by milopanas > May 6, 2014 11:37 PM | Report Abuse X

19% untung ialah entry cost 2 jan 2014.mesti mau fair dgn semua orang,data betul punya.

otb stockpick 2014 untung 19% bukan 36%.

Ans : I do not want to waste my time, the figure is computed by Mr Tan KW, he is the empire. I have no hand in it. I always behave like a gentleman. In my life, I do not cheat. This is the good personality I posses which cannot be taken away. Honest is always honest, never cheat.
Thank you.

2014-05-07 00:18


Mr Tan,
What is your opinion on Symlife, LCTH, LTKM & Hlcap?
Those are the stocks I'm holding now.
Thank you.

2014-05-25 17:46

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear valued members,

I do not want to show off, Puncak-WB is in profit now. Hence my stock selection is 10/10, 100% accuracy. I post it today because there is a person (only 1 person who is mentally unsound) tries to tarnish my name using all newly created IDS to bad mouth me.
"Real gold does not afraid of fire" a Chinese proverb. I did it with my honesty and good intention. Please note that I do not play out any valued member here.
Thank you.

2014-06-11 13:39


Forget about it Mr Ooi. Later some idiot(s) here will come out shout on you. Anyway, i'm alway on your side.

2014-06-11 13:50


TLTAN how u get inside news on Sona?

2014-06-11 14:04

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Mr Tan,
Please compute and add the dividend for the following stocks :-
Tguan 8 cents 8/8/2014
Hevea 2 cents 1/8/2014
Homeriz 1 cent 13/6/2014
Insas 1 cent 24/2/2014
Latitud 6.3 cents 28/1/2014
Tas 2 cents 12/6/2014
WTK 5.04% 1/8/2014.

Thank you.

2014-09-09 22:46

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Mr Tan,
Please adjust for right issue of 1 for 2 for Tguan.
Thank you.

2014-09-15 19:02


Post removed.Why?

2014-09-15 19:06

Alex Toh

60% Return! Very power pick.

2014-09-15 19:11

Lollipot Anison

impressive. over 4 counter is over 100% gain. keepup ur goos work. I'm one of your follower

2014-09-15 19:15


koyak 6000....

2014-12-01 17:07

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Mr Tan,

Please compute and add the dividend for the following stocks :-
Tguan 3 cents 7/11/2014
Homeriz 1 cent 2/9/2014
Latitud 8.5 cents 31/12/2014

Thank you.

2014-12-08 23:35

Eden Thean

Is Insas still worth to hold it now? :)

2014-12-17 22:25

Tan KW

Latitud 8.5 cents 31/12/2014


2014-12-30 11:03

Ng MC Angie

Hi, Mr Tan, can you give advise or comment on tekseng.whether stil can hold. My enter price was .835. I'm affair index drop, tekseng also fellow. Tqvm

2014-12-30 18:44

Ven Felix

Tek seng are putting himself on transformation, path that need to compete to China . Why not be patient a bit to check on the result, furthermore it ain't inexpensive at $0.85.. the path it take are for those could take risky appetite .

2015-01-05 02:00

Ven Felix

Its a long path to go. But, it looks interesting to me. Juz not the rite time to bite yet.

2015-01-05 02:02

Ven Felix

Adventa, Gpacket, Tekseng which one you prefer ? Problemis their earning are easily deteriorated .

2015-01-05 02:08


2 yrs no change also 109%

2015-10-20 14:12

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