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This April, I have beaten Icon and next is OTB! It's been a huge motivation for me in this stock picks to compete against you two! Cheers!
2015-04-16 18:57
you and OTB same same.. why must compete leh???
WELL DONE! Great JOB! really far-sighted ya!!!!!!!!!!
Friendship on top of competition ya.. U see me, nt even qualified for the contest...... I monitor my own if I take part believe I will occupy bottom 3 with -ve percentage....
have a great evening.
2015-04-16 19:05
Duit! Many thanks! Just like sport, we compete against the best in order to better ourselves! Cheers!
2015-04-16 19:09
I like sport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES I compete in sports as well.......
I wakil my kampong to National Congkak game last time....
We compete to know better of our weakness but not bcoz of VICTORY ...
2015-04-16 19:14
Engtex dunno do what, sometime do this, sometime do that, GADANG no new book order, GOB better dead than alive, sell assets keep cash by itself.IQGroup export not going same growth next yr, LIIHEN, MMSV,POHUAT,TONGHER all same......dead
2015-10-13 12:04
Dear Mr Tan,
Please adjust share split for Pohuat. 1,000 into 2,000 (13,600 shares become 27,200 shares)
and 1 warrant for 4,000 new shares after split (6,800 free warrants).
Thank you
2015-10-19 23:13
Dear Mr Tan,
Please adjust bonus issue and share split for Lii Hen. 1,000 into 3,000 (3,500 shares become 10,500 shares)
Thank you
2015-10-19 23:22
POHUAT's split -
POHUAT's dividend -
LIIHEN's bonus - - one Bonus Share for every two existing LHIB Shares, gain 1,750 shares
POHUAT's warrant - - remind me once it is listed
2015-10-20 11:58
dear Mr Tan,
you have only adjusted for the bonus, not the share split
the correct number of Lii Hen shares in my portfolio should be 10,500 shares, not 5,250 shares
Thank you
2015-10-20 12:10
Engtex dunno do what, sometime do this, sometime do that, GADANG no new book order, GOB better dead than alive, sell assets keep cash by itself.IQGroup export not going same growth next yr, LIIHEN, MMSV,POHUAT,TONGHER all same......dead
2015-10-20 12:45
Done -
Icon8888 dear Mr Tan,
you have only adjusted for the bonus, not the share split
the correct number of Lii Hen shares in my portfolio should be 10,500 shares, not 5,250 shares
Thank you
20/10/2015 12:10
2015-10-20 13:33
Dear Mr Tan, please add 6,800 Pohuat WB into my portfolio
Those are free warrants (1 for 4 shares held after split)
2015-10-27 22:31
Icon8888 Dear Mr Tan, please add 6,800 Pohuat WB into my portfolio
Those are free warrants (1 for 4 shares held after split)
27/10/2015 22:31
2015-10-29 10:48
Collin Soo
Good luck!
2015-01-01 11:45