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Bro, all you shares except tmc very jialat tbh.
If i were you, id load up some on, airasia, aax, tunepro, csc, mycron, MSC, klcc, pbbank, aeoncr.
If you want hold very long term and want strong div, get the last 3, they drop abit recently, but look at the chart, always climb one. No need scared, and dividend every year go up.
2016-11-24 18:20
@jon choivo erm..what mean for tbh?and why other very jialat@@
those reference price not my holding price actually..just record the price on that day
2016-11-29 18:40
Tbh is "To be honest".
Because its very different from your goals. You want strong div but the stuff you have is not very stable.
2016-11-29 18:42
@jon choivo oh I see
3大准则 长期 股息 成长
前不久是还有Igbreit sunreit 的,只是卖掉了才把它们删除
2016-11-29 23:21
长期投资 靠的是心态
2016-08-10 09:06