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guazing got private group? can can. how to add him? can share share in email?
2018-01-05 18:04
Hengyuan Sexy Babe can you please invite me to your private group and make friends?
2018-01-16 18:39
Why johan? What do you see in it? Cant seem to wrap my head around why its a good buy.
Ekovest makes me sad man, wanted to buy the warrant since last year end, but keep delay for other shares.
2018-01-25 15:53
Haha, can i join?
VenfxPandora18 Pplane2016 would u like to join 瓜子兄's private group (whatsapp)
04/01/2018 15:44
2018-01-25 15:54
haha. Up to VenFX to decide, not my group. I don't have a group/
johan is for surprise play,thts why it is only 5% of exposure. Hope it wont be disappointing
2018-01-25 16:15
keep it if your cost is low. I still holding some. Dividend should be this year. hopefully around 0.50 per share
2018-02-01 17:49
Well, ytd already out. Confirm my earlier thinking, fd return is winning all this year....hehe
2018-06-03 01:08
Anyway, the portfolio never consider political risk at the end of last year...
Still I think abolishing tollroad not a fast thing to decide, and it's not workable in too short period of time. At least another 15 years to bring out Malaysia into better shape.
2018-06-03 01:12
This yr bad luck. FD wins all. So for all new investors, its a good lesson. Always diversify your portfolio as strategy. Have a stable portfolios whicb give consistent cashflows such as fixed deposit or stable div portfolio like REITs. Reits relatively fare better you see.... Haha. Its a good learning for everyone including myself. No one will rver know where mkt at top or. Bottom. Stay positive, stay invested. Invest using only extra money you can lose, have stable cashflows
2018-12-01 08:17
Look for safe haven where more funds will park their money with...
In 1997 it was oil palm plantation counters
In 2014 it was export co
In 2018 its glove..
In 2019 glove n aiasia n genm
2018-12-01 08:21
HENGYUAN Sexy Babe @ RM21
Thanks Tan
2018-01-01 23:39