Blog Posts
1 month ago | Report Abuse
Thanks for your effort lee. Replanting Cost only 3 years? What about year 4 onwards?
The cost per Ha is as follows:
Land preparation & seedling: RM7,500 per Ha
Upkeep Year 1: RM3000 per Ha
Upkeep Year 2: RM3500 per Ha
Upkeep Year 3: RM4000 per Ha
Total replanting cost: RM18000 per Ha
1 month ago | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
Or is he soooo dumb and cannot understand the different between impairment of trade and other receivables with depreciation and amortisation of PPE?
why la ss lee? this forum has become a spam dump
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Below dividend received from jayatiasa.
You should be able to work out when I bought most of my jayatiasa.
Posted by Sslee > Nov 1, 2024 8:42 AM | Report Abuse X
Aiyoyo Mike-tikus below are the date and amount I received dividend from jayatiasa.
18/10/2022 Jayatiasa 1,680.00
30/3/2023 Jayatiasa 4,500.00
29/09/2023 Jayatiasa 8,245.00
2/4/2024 Jayatiasa 22,500.00
30/9/2024 Jayatiasa 81,200.00
Nice one lee
2 months ago | Report Abuse
the only thing i dont particularly agree with him is he goes big on oil and gas company. i like sustainable cash flow
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
If you are young, count your good fortune.
Indeed how nice to be young, as you can afford to make mistake, learn from the mistake and start all over again.
To compound your wealth consistently u need more than timing the market.
Care to elaborate?
I happen to share the same mindset with phillip. Pick a company that has very long track of growth to minimize your buying and selling and dollar cost averaging, take dividend reinvest or take loan to buy more with dividend. The key here is you have to be right. Over a long term you will be rewarded. I mean cyclical bet can do also but how many times u want to repeat and how often you can see find good deal
2 months ago | Report Abuse
I would say your habit is the most important trait distinguishing returns long term
2 months ago | Report Abuse
I have compounded my wealth few fold. Partly has to thx him. To compound your wealth consistently u need more than timing the market.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Haha maybe philip can tell u a little bit about me
2 months ago | Report Abuse
How can u tell I'm young though. Not really a risk taker. I did work very very hard to get to where I am
2 months ago | Report Abuse
It really depends where u stand. Are u ahead of life or behind. When your life is not set life has to be tough. When your life is set why want to intentionally make your life miserable
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Timing of buying and selling is the most critical decision you need to make if you are not as rich as Philip and want to outperform the market
If you are as rich as Philip then no worry you can continues average down your cost at the down cycle and if you do that long enough then for sure the up cycle will come one day and your stocks start to perform again
Or u can just avoid buying cyclical business. life dont have to be tough
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Hahaha if you are a natural compounder u will find ways to compound your wealth
2 months ago | Report Abuse
thx ss lee
2024-09-18 16:21 | Report Abuse
Harta definitely can survive without any help. What about Intco without the big hand behind doing all the heavy supporting? Think again
2024-09-18 16:18 | Report Abuse
Mr.Goh their price is low because of scales, energy subsidy and very low interest borrowing from china. That's provided they operate in china yea. When they come out they lose majority of walking sticks.
Working culture will be different, no energy subsidy, potential workers problem, Logistic problem. I dont understand why u can say there will be slight decrease in profit.
2024-09-13 17:33 | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Disclaimer: This is not a buy or sell call but just facts and figures from jayatiasa annual report, quarter report and presentation slide.
I am not oblige to tell anyone when I buy or sell jayatiasa but currently I hold 2,320,000 units of jayatiasa shares.
Almost top 30 =). I have 550k units
2024-09-05 11:36 | Report Abuse
SSlee what authority do u have on managing the money. Balian is right
2024-09-05 10:46 | Report Abuse
when u need to beg management for dividend its time to dispose. bet a bit can la never go big betting on this type of management
2024-09-05 10:09 | Report Abuse
he just trapped himself inside. low liquidity, no dividend
2024-09-03 10:06 | Report Abuse
i really respect and be friend with people like you. most ppl will hide their losses or unwilling to share them.
2024-09-02 17:18 | Report Abuse
ss lee did u manage to recover any money from xinquan?
2024-09-02 16:22 | Report Abuse
interesting. thx for sharing. no la u just need to pick companies that are honest and have integrity. if they are not honest whatever numbers projected are of no use. u can throw the book into dustbin
2024-09-02 16:02 | Report Abuse
see how the management reply. treat shareholders like beggars
2024-09-02 15:58 | Report Abuse
wa this ksl really chao ka. first time i hear this adopt already can u turn and totally remove from the yearly report. Run and dont look back this company has no integrity
2024-09-02 15:32 | Report Abuse
KSL the chao ka lol. i just browse through their annual report dont have such formal dividend policy. nothing mentioned about it. 100% use mouth say talk cock sing song
2024-09-02 14:45 | Report Abuse
u cant even find one example to substantiate your point?
2024-09-02 14:41 | Report Abuse
Posted by Berlin > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Huh? It says dividend policy, not dividend guarantee. Better go find out the difference between a policy and a guarantee.
whats the point of setting a dp if u are not going to follow it? Putting shit in your own pants?
Why dont u give me one example where a company didnt pay according to the dp they set. Since u say its not certainty im guessing u are smart and resourceful enough to share me 1 example indicating dp is not certainty
2024-09-02 13:40 | Report Abuse
hello.. dividend policy is the guarantee la what u talking about
2024-09-02 11:55 | Report Abuse
Payout 6% dividend FY2024 is RM58 m or 41% of net profit RM141 m when guideline is 20%. Tell you anything?
U dont understand where im coming from. i can give u all the info profit cashflow etc but u still cannot guess the dividend. min 20% max ?. U see the range? for an investor 20% and 80% is a world of difference
2024-09-02 11:43 | Report Abuse
unless u can convince the bod to raise dpolicy
2024-09-02 11:41 | Report Abuse
yea i get u. just dont be overly optimistic. its not certain. i have jtiasa too but im okay with the worst case scenario i wont lose money
2024-09-02 11:11 | Report Abuse
Only death and taxes are certain. Dividends can never be fixed and certain; it depends on the company's performance, future needs and ultimately the BOD who determine and can vary the set policy. That is why 2.5% + 3.5 % for FY2024 is so significant being the highest for decades.
i wonder how u invest if theres no aspect of certainty when it comes to your decision making. so are u happy with 6cents dividend? if they dont tune their policy. they are only committed to pay u not more than 8c every year for the next decade or so.
its up to them. not you.
2024-09-02 10:37 | Report Abuse
sorry to hurt you sslee. but your pick in jtiasa is still a way better choice than insas which cant even formulate a d.policy till date
2024-09-02 10:34 | Report Abuse
the reason why jtiasa price seems undervalued is because there is no revision to dividend policy yet. they can have 500m operating profit what is the use if the minorities dont have absolute certainty? price will always be in discount due to lack of transparency and clear direction.
2024-08-31 08:47 | Report Abuse
Reply: Our existing policy is to pay a minimum dividend of 20% of net profit subject to not compromising the Group's ability to support its pursuit for long-term growth. However, that will not restrict declaration of dividend of more than 20%. With improvement in financial position and market condition, the dividend payout will increase accordingly
This is not good enough. they need to commit
2024-08-30 19:37 | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 40 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Market cap 1,081 million
Net cash flows from operating activities 360,029,000 FYE 30/6/2024
If CPO can hold above RM3,900 then plenty of room for Jtiasa price to move north.
u can talk all u like but the risk is dividend policy is 20%. they can still fxxx u up by not paying u more dividend and spend like fxxx all. remember insas? hoard cash
2024-08-30 19:27 | Report Abuse
my dividend 40k+ this year have some catching up to do
2024-08-30 19:25 | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 10 minutes ago | Report Abuse
With 3.5 sen dividend this will push my dividend received for this year to over 200k+
Mike-tikus don't be jeoleous. Your jaks and Priva when can give dividend?
hahaha dont like that
2024-08-28 09:00 | Report Abuse
Its like a zoo. grown up having arguments without info sharing. The only good thing about this website is i can get access to reports
2024-08-27 15:46 | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 28 seconds ago | Report Abuse
It remind me of one upon a time qqq3 vs OTB.
But at least qqq3 now trapped in China market and have no one to blame.
blame xi jin ping
2024-08-19 14:25 | Report Abuse
but again ss lee the correct approach is not to value a company based on the current situation now especially a cyclical one like this but to access the competitive edge it has over china albeit a very slim one.
2024-08-19 10:19 | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 25 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Once PIC (Pengerang Integrated Complex) in operation with negative margin spread of naphtha feedstock-ethylene derivative and finance cost cannot be capitalized and huge depreciation cost come in plus if ringgit strengtening against USD then next quarter result will be ugly.
yes. u are very right the following quarter will look horrible. if im right its not going to be in operation ethylene propylene are in excess. they are lucky if profit is not in negative territory
2024-08-16 14:33 | Report Abuse
Individual quarter ended 30 June 2024: Cumulative quarter ended 30 June 2024
RM Mil
Revenue A9.1 7,728 15,227
Cost of revenue (6,255) (12,383)
Gross profit 1,473 2,844
Selling and distribution expenses (523) (1,030)
Administration expenses (400) (766)
Other expenses (63) (51)
Other income 549 886
Operating profit B4 1,036 1,883
Financing costs (30) (73)
Share of (loss)/profit after tax of equityaccounted associates and joint ventures (66) (65)
Profit before taxation 940 1,745
Tax expense B5 (131) (233)
Profit attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company 777 1,445
Non-controlling interests 32 67
Basic earnings per share attributable to
shareholders of the Company:
Based on ordinary shares issued (sen) B13 10 18
Is above a good result?
If without the other income of 549 million what will be the PAT?
this result is expected and going to be like that for quite some time. their cracker is not even online. lets talk about competitive edge. they have all of the feed stock crude, coal, gas vs china coal and gas. i can deduce for sure for every metric tonne petchem breakeven company like Sinopec CNPC and their company will burn money. This itself is good enough. China recently become nett exporter of PP and PE
2024-08-13 14:30 | Report Abuse
Geographically wise Pchem has advantage as a world class port.
2024-08-13 14:29 | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
i tried looking at 2023 agm Q&A cant seem to find the same batch of questions. anyway, The real question we need to ask is do they have competitive edge against china. We dont know about how well china vertical integrations are. chances are its going to be very well integrated
2024-08-13 10:55 | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 20 hours ago | Report Abuse
The question what will happen when China turn from big importer of petrol chemical to big exporter of petrochemical?
any reading material boss?
2024-08-12 08:51 | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 5 days ago | Report Abuse
How can strengthening of RM good for our export oriented economy?
its only good thing is if cost is export orientated and your revenue is domestic orientated
u have pricing power but that would require you to be in niche position or high up in export chain
2024-08-09 20:45 | Report Abuse
Posted by Sslee > 9 hours ago | Report Abuse
Why set the horizon for next decade when I not even know what will I have for a dinner? So I settle for a trader aim for 30% gain or just for a free bintang beer and lobster.
Just trade for fun and collecting dividend.
Hahaha. thats what i used to thought too. but thats actually too much work for me. i want my capital to grow as easy as breathing
Blog: Stock Pick Year 2024 - 31 Dec Result
1 month ago | Report Abuse
Hi Mr. Tan KW, let me make 2 suggestions:-
1. Let the same SPC continue for a second year i.e. until the end 2025.
2. Make it more simple using 2024 list of participants with the followings rules:-
a) Maintain RM100k
b) Fixed at 5 stocks with all at 20%
c) Maintain stock price 10sen and above
d) Individual to key-in own stocks selection. Price of stocks as at end 2024
e) No more monthly results, only Quarterly or Half yearly
All this will save you time if too tedious to monitor such a big database. We just need a common place (domain?); suggest re-use 2024 location, just remove data and key-in new data by individual participants. Dateline to perform adjustments by this weekend, otherwise not interested to participate. I hope whoever is interested in participating will sacrifice some time to share some of your load..hope it is doable and agreeable to you. Happy vacation and a Very Happy Healthy Prosperous 2005 year for All. Thanks
This is a very good suggestion. Longer time frame will distinguish real performance less luck