KLSE (MYR): MITRA (9571)
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0.00 (0.00%)
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0.325 - 0.33
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Company warrants are issued by the company and give the holders the right, but not an obligation, to subscribe for new ordinary shares at a specified price during a specified period of time.
Structured warrants are proprietary instruments issued by a third-party issuer, namely an eligible broker or financial institution that give holders the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call warrants) or sell (put warrant) the underlying instrument in the future for a fixed price.
A call warrant is in-the-money when the exercise price is lower than the price of the underlying share.
A put warrant is in-the-money when the underlying share price is lower than the exercise price.
In the money
touch 30. hope can break 30 for next station 35. Most construction moving
2021-03-09 11:15
Good. Nice price to sell all my mitra share. As I said, if the directors approve the durian deal, I will sell. Anyway, making 50% of profit. Bye bye mitra.
2021-03-09 17:11
It's a strong buy when the conman kenanga has a sell call at TP 0.21. Look at what happened to Annjoo, Media and Armada.
2021-03-11 18:06
sales of land to Parkland already contribute 63 mil to 2021 earnings. PE 10 should be worth 600 mil or 60 cents
2021-03-11 22:40
More construction activities - Koon Yew Yin - Construction theme gonna goreng soon?
2021-12-31 10:33
this hidden gem in construction sector,many retailer dunno.Chances is here.
2022-04-02 08:42
The Board of Directors of Mitrajaya Holdings Berhad (“MHB” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Pembinaan Mitrajaya Sdn Bhd has on 28 May 2024 accepted and executed the Works Contract with Lendlease Projects (M) Sdn Bhd for the foundation works of the NEXTDC KL1 data centre project in Petaling Jaya area for a contract sum of RM86,628,095.00 (the “Contract”).
The Contract will commence on 13 June 2024 and is expected to complete by 15 December 2025.
2024-06-11 16:55
newbird is correct! No wonder Mitra shares has been going up strongly for the past 1 week. Easily I can make 15% profit this week. Thanks for the news.
2024-06-12 11:35
Mitrajaya wins RM152m construction contract !! https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/722266
2024-08-09 17:59
Mitrajaya clinches RM376 mil contract for data centre construction in KL
Luqman Amin/theedgemalaysia.com
17 Jan 2025, 08:07 pm
3 weeks ago
Their coming reports and earning will be good, their hospital projects @ IMU is under construction and that will give them great earning.
2021-03-05 11:50