Crocs and Tigers in Bursa Malaysia

张懂赔了夫人又折兵 :Protasco Bhd turn hostile with EPF? Chongs surface and race for share grab intensified.

Publish date: Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 09:26 PM
News within news. Trend readers.

2017年6月8日 - 道路维修公司“富达”(5070 PROTASCO)近来股东动作频频。股价在没有基本面的基础下,业绩一落千丈,股价暴跌,最低达到RM0.95 历史新低。公司赢利大跌75%,现金从2014年的RM2亿8千万,跌到上季度的RM3千万左右,公司基本上以举债度日,打肿脸皮当胖子,借钱发股息。


鹰派投资机构国民退休基金 EPF 虎视眈眈,终于下手大量收购富达股票。以6月6日股票交易所的报告显示,EPF已经累计了 25,394,800 富达股票。

不甘示弱的当权派富达单一大股东张吉平终于出手抢票,一连串扎了RM5百万购买5百万股,私底下买了多少,只有张懂知道。场内场外波涛汹涌,捞钱本事令人咋舌。直至6月8日,张吉平持股 106,486,239,市值RM1亿。张懂20年为政府公共事务部打工,过后为富达前老板徒劳受薪每月RM50千,10年不吃不好不过RM6百万收入,如何取得RM1亿现金购买富达股票,市场怀疑有关当局调查还在进行中。突然来了个老鹰张牙舞爪,张懂不得不出手,恐怕此地无银三百两,不打自招,为有关当局调查铺路。

看见张懂追击,狙击手EPF乘机倒卖1,000,000 股让张懂高价接货,从中套利。张懂还利用富达回购公司股票,希望达到稳住股东信心,扶持股价效果。





8 June 2017 - Road maintenance company Protasco Bhd saw the share price drop to 52 weeks low of RM0.95 when the company reported 2 continuous bad years, followed by 2 damaging quarterly results, with the recent quarter suffered 75% plunge of net profit. Cash in bank had vanished from around RM280mil in December 2014 to close to RM30mil in last quarter. The company is basically living on bank loan to pay off operation expenses and dividend.

Investors had lost patience due to capital loss which is more than the dividend paid. Great Eastern had disposed their investments, apparently cut loss, followed by retail investors. The share drop had alerted Employee Providence Fund (EPF), which bought substantial shares from RM0.95-RM1.02. EPF held 25,394,800 shares as of 6 June 2017.

On the other hand, according to Bursa announcement, Protasco single largest shareholder had purchased over 5 million shares from 25 May 2017 - 8 June 2017. Chong Ket Pen held 106,486,239 share as of 8 June 2017, with recent purchase price ranges from RM0.99-1.04. 

In view of strong accumulation by EPF, Chong Ket Pen also used Protasco Bhd to buy shares in hope to build confidence in the market. Bursa announcement reveal that Protasco Bhd on 25 May 2017 acquired 1,000 shares.

The public doesn't seem to buy the dividend story when Protasco Bhd substantial shareholder which controls the board seems to be using Protasco to borrow money to pay off dividend. With no intention to sell shares, the substantial shareholder literally used the company to paid themselves off, at the cost of other minority shareholders who suffered capital loss. Since the helm of power by Chong in 4th quarter 2014 until today, Protasco had ballooned total debt to RM800 million, where close to RM600 million are bank borrowings.

EPF is famous for long and short to enterprise owners, and has track record of hostile or sell their controlling stakes in their portfolio for a profit - regardless of who their investee is. With Chong's aggressive purchase of shares to support share price, EPF sold back 1,000,000 shares for a profit on 1 June 2017, apparently sold to Chong Ket Pen as per Bursa announcement.

With Chongs (Father and Sons) broke the silence and plunge into the stock market to grab for shares, market is anticipating more happenings in near future. The year 2014 reckless blame Chong manufactured and crowned on Protasco former substantial shareholders in order to take control of Protasco is still a time bomb which will back fire anytime. The entry of EPF is just in time to wrap this up, and confirm the insider rumor of nationalisation plan, which seems intensified and unavoided. The show has just begun.


FL FinNews




Changes in Director's Interest (Section 219 of CA 2016)



Information Compiled By KLSE

Particulars of Director

Descriptions(Class) Ordinary shares

Details of changes

Date of change
No of securities
Type of transaction
Nature of Interest
Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Dato' Sri Chong Ket Pen
Address of registered holder No. 2 Jalan Bukit Seputeh, Seputeh Heights 58100 Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction  
Consideration (if any) 1.00
Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Dato' Sri Chong Ket Pen
Address of registered holder No. 2 Jalan Bukit Seputeh, Seputeh Heights 58100 Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction  
Consideration (if any) 1.01
Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Dato' Sri Chong Ket Pen
Address of registered holder No. 2 Jalan Bukit Seputeh, Seputeh Heights 58100 Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction  
Consideration (if any) 1.01
Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Dato' Sri Chong Ket Pen
Address of registered holder No. 2 Jalan Bukit Seputeh, Seputeh Heights 58100 Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction  
Consideration (if any) 1.05
Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Dato' Sri Chong Ket Pen
Address of registered holder No. 2 Jalan Bukit Seputeh, Seputeh Heights 58100 Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction  
Consideration (if any) 1.03
Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Dato' Sri Chong Ket Pen
Address of registered holder No. 2 Jalan Bukit Seputeh, Seputeh Heights 58100 Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction  
Consideration (if any) 1.04
Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Dato' Sri Chong Ket Pen
Address of registered holder No. 2 Jalan Bukit Seputeh, Seputeh Heights 58100 Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction  
Consideration (if any) 1.03


Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred
Nature of interest
Direct Interest

Total no of securities after change

Direct (units) 62,239,177
Direct (%) 14.672
Indirect/deemed interest (units) 43,604,562
Indirect/deemed interest (%) 10.279
Date of notice 05/06/2017
Date notice received by Listed Issuer 05/06/2017


Remarks :
1. The dealing of 4,400,000 shares represents 1.037% of the issued shares of the Company. 2. This announcement also serves as an announcement on notification under chapter 14 of the Listing Requirements (Dealing Outside Closed Period).


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There is important public information that Chong Ket Pen of Protasco afraid to exposure to the public. Take away the years of dozens of manufactured news and smoke screens, the Central Intelligence source would summarize the movie synopsis in 10 points.

To recap, here are the snapshot of rising and fall of Chong Ket Pen movie:

Before the year 2000 – Chong Ket Pen was a public servant in JKR. (Malaysia Government Agency GLC related to Road Maintenance)

Year 2000 – 2012 – Chong Ket Pen and Hasnur was hired by their BOSS to handle Protasco national road maintenance contracts. (Privatise government contracts).

24 June 2012 – The BOSS fired Chong Ket Pen by designated him to non-executive director role in Protasco Bhd (Bursa Malaysia 25 June 2012 public announcement). As of to date, Chong Ket Pen has 13% shares of Protasco Bhd (as an appreciation token by the BOSS).

3 November 2012 – Chong Ket Pen engaged Global Capital to find investors through proxy of Ooi Kock Aun and Teh Por Yee to take over Protasco substantial shares from the BOSS (worth US$30mil); in exchange, Chong cheated investors by promise to cause Protasco to acquire basket of assets referred by Global Capital at total investment value of (US$55mil). Chong actually has no intention to honor but merely a lie to cheat investors.

30 November 2012 – Chong Ket Pen regain power as Managing Director, Ooi was appointed as non-executive director.

August 2014 – Chong Ket Pen had gained full control of Protasco board and management and manufactured series of blames to sue and voted out Ooi and Teh.

Chong Ket Pen never had the intention to complete or exchange the assets as per 3 November 2012 contract. He only used Ooi and Teh to gain control of Protasco and put blame on them to escape his wrongdoing.

Chong Ket Pen having a hard time explaining away billion Ringgit money trail related to potential graft and money laundering during his time in Protasco.

September 2014 – 2017 – Chong Ket Pen manufactured series of blackmail, flying letters and defamation actions on Ooi and Teh. Chong at the same time “suddenly found” & spent over 100 million Ringgit to buy Protasco shares within a short period of time. Bizarre money missing scheme in Protasco and strange dividend payout by using bank borrowed money becomes a hot topic in the financial market as legalizing “money siphoning”.

2017-2018 – Trails of manufactured evidence and fabricated legal suits, directly and indirectly using Protasco money which trace back to Chong Ket Pen and his organized corporate criminal team was made public. How would the story escalate will be a billion Ringgit question?

2017-07-16 15:36


The information was old posting.

2017-07-16 15:41

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