Crocs and Tigers in Bursa Malaysia

鹬蚌相争,渔翁获利:Protasco Bhd early signs of nationalisation comes true? EPF staged for hostile take over?

Publish date: Thu, 01 Jun 2017, 02:08 PM
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2017年5月31日,公路维修公司(5070 Protasco Bhd) ”富达”自从执行懂事兼单一大股东张吉平独掌控制董事局以来,除了拼媒体头版新闻曝光率成绩显著外,实际上股价连续三年大跌,派股息不如股价暴跌率,业绩一落千丈。前大股东时代昔日风光不再。

国民退休基金“EPF”和一众国有投资机构早就有闻潜伏收购政府和公共事务相关公司后夺权大刀阔斧前科,富达这条大鱼岂能错过。当年向实达SP Setia刘启盛开刀,相关重量级人物都爱莫能助,更何况富达。截止2017年5月29日,EPF已经收购了25,742,000股,大约6%富达公众股。
古圣贤有云,“弃信违义,而背叛天下之所共主,以自行其智,虽得天下,其亡益违。” 张懂忘恩负义,陷害嫁祸不说,属于个人品德问题。富达公司董事局在没有其它大股东监管下,由张懂自己随性摆布,贪赃枉法,裙带关系严重,公众公司变成父子公司,搞到各领域业绩一败涂地,与其信誉破产有莫大关系。如今股价迫近5年新低,EPF的收购证明,张懂和其他大股东的控制权争夺战表面上看张懂好像胜利了,实际最后可能也就白忙一场,徒劳无功。不义之财强求也没用,亡羊补牢也无能为力。

31 May 2017, Road maintenance company Protasco Bhd since the single largest shareholder cum Executive Director Chong Ket Pen took control 3 years ago had saw series of massive press coverages and public relations promoting company prospects and Chong personal publicity being excessive. The share price however had been consistently going downhill over the last 3 years, with dividend yield lower than share price declines, and profit margin going South. The golden days of high margin concession income during the former substantial shareholders’ era had faded.

The mysterious shareholders fight between Chong and new substantial shareholders was classic, where Chong won the battle only to know that the plate is too large for him to chew. While Chong is trying to recreate the old glory of former substantial shareholders, business environment had gone against him. Share price tanked, and institution investors fled. However, this has created buying opportunity for other institution investors such as Employees Provident Fund Board (EPF) to collect over 25,742,000 shares, or 6% as of 29 May 2017.


Bursa Malaysia had shown EPF announcements as follow:

25 May 2017 - Great Eastern Holdings Limited exit being a substantial shareholder 

26 May 2017 - EPF acquired additional 635,000 shares to add up to 21,503,900 shares

29 May 2017 - EPF acquired more shares

30 May 2017 - EPF acquired more shares

31 May 2017 - EPF acquired more shares


The accumulation of shares by EPF is likely to happen over time, which gave the company short term relieves from negative perception and loss of investors’ confidence. With the few left over government linked public listed company control by Chinese businessman in the market, the shareholders fight had created perfect opportunity for predatory funds to take the last prize. The current single largest shareholder worst nightmare and fear of losing power might just got started and turns reality eventually.


FL FinNews



Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int (Section 138 of CA 2016)


Particulars of substantial Securities Holder

Address Tingkat 19, Bangunan KWSP, Jalan Raja Laut 
Kuala Lumpur 
50350 Wilayah Persekutuan 
Company No. EPF ACT 1991
Nationality/Country of incorporation Malaysia
Descriptions (Class) Ordinary Shares

Details of changes

No Date of change
No of securities
Type of Transaction Nature of Interest
1 26 May 2017
Acquired Direct Interest
Name of registered holder CITIGROUP NOMINEES (TEMPATAN) SDN. BHD.
Address of registered holder LEVEL 42, MENARA CITIBANK, 165 JALAN AMPANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction  

Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred Acquired
Nature of interest Direct Interest
Direct (units)  
Direct (%)  
Indirect/deemed interest (units)  
Indirect/deemed interest (%)  
Total no of securities after change 25,742,000
Date of notice 29 May 2017
Date notice received by Listed Issuer 31 May 2017

Announcement Info

Stock Name PRTASCO
Date Announced 31 May 2017
Category Change in the Interest of Substantial Shareholder Pursuant to Section 138 of CA 2016
Reference Number CS2-31052017-00017
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2017-06-01 18:49


All stories are the same story. Chong Ket pen steals and cheats protasco from investors. full stop.

2017-07-16 15:26

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