Investing: Know Everything

Secured borrowings and unsecured borrowings (抵押借款和无抵押借款)

Publish date: Wed, 04 Nov 2020, 01:00 PM
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Investing: Know Everything is a page that share lots of investing knowledge, especially on a company's fundamental. However, some technical analysis will also be included if necessary, making the page more approachable to all investors.

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In the quarter report or annual report, we often notice there are two types of borrowings, namely secured borrowings and unsecured borrowings. Today, the writer is going to share what exactly are the differences between these two. Although knowing this knowledge may not help you when investing, but it is still a good knowledge to obtain.


Secured borrowings is when a company pledge something to the lender, allowing the lender to provide funding to the company. For example, Company A can pledge one of their property to Bank A in order to secure an amount of borrowing, but if Company A failed to pay the interest and borrowing back to Bank A in time, Bank A has the right to claim the pledged property from Company A.


On the other hand, unsecured borrowings mean that company need not to pledge anything to the lender, and the lender is confident that the company will return the money in time. For example, Company B that has a better image is able to borrow money from Bank B easily, and Bank B agree to borrow without requiring Company B to pledge anything. Company B shall always pay the money back to prevent leaving a bad image towards Bank B.


In short, unsecured borrowings will only be provided to company that left a good image to the lender before, and secured borrowings may come from a new lender that is still unfamiliar with the company, hence unable to feel at ease when lending out their money without having the opposition to pledge anything.










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