Intelligent Investing

How to Make Money Day Trading

Ricky Yeo
Publish date: Sun, 06 Jul 2014, 03:25 PM


By  | Montley Fool

Frankly, I'm tired of hearing how dangerous and unprofitable day trading is. After doing a little research, I've found several ways to make good money at it.

But first, a little background
By "day trading," I'm talking about folks who buy and sell stocks rapidly during the course of a day, often hanging on to each one for mere hours or minutes. When they want to make money, day traders often pursue companies with high "betas" -- businesses that are more volatile than the overall market. To illustrate, I've assembled a few high-beta companies below:


Market Capitalization

3-Year Beta Avg.

Recent Stock Price*

3-Month Avg. Daily Volume in Shares*

Conexant Systems

$221 million



2.68 million

Powerwave Technologies

$169 million



1.15 million

Ambac Financial(NYSE: ABK  )

$150 million



10.85 million

Borders Group (NYSE:BGP  )

$124 million



2.70 million

Data: Motley Fool CAPS, Yahoo! Finance.
*As of March 26.

The most volatile stocks in the market are often "penny stocks," which trade for $5 or less per share, like those above. With its beta of 4, Borders could rise four times as fast as the market if its shares begin to rise. Day traders like that potential for speedy gains, since they hope to ride each volatile stock for only a short while.

Now, contrast the pennies above with more familiar names from the venerable Dow index:


Market Capitalization

3-Year Beta Avg.

Recent Stock Price*

3-Month Avg. Volume*

Boeing (NYSE: BA  )

$53 billion



6.34 million

American Express (NYSE:AXP  )

$49 billion



9.65 million

Kraft Foods (NYSE: KFT  )

$45 billion



21.41 million

Disney (NYSE: DIS  )

$68 billion



12.41 million

Data: Motley Fool CAPS, Yahoo! Finance
*As of March 26.

These companies' betas vary widely, and their stocks trade for far more than $5 a share. (In fact, when stocks fall to a few dollars or less per share, they're in danger of being booted from the Dow, as happened to Citigroup (NYSE: C  ) .) Kraft's beta is especially low, which would make it particularly uninviting to many day traders.

Also, note these companies' trading volume, which can both attract and reflect day trading activity. The raw number of shares traded may be generally higher on Dow stocks. But given their relative size (around $200 million vs. many billions), the penny stocks see much more trading activity as a percentage of their market capitalization.

Where the money is
If you think that the first group of stocks presents a prime pool of potential day trading profits, you're wrong. There's actually an 80% chance you'll fail at day trading. So how can you make money at it?

For starters, you could join the companies selling $4,000 day trading seminars, to teach people how to do something at which most of them will fail. Alternately, sell trading software or research services to further capitalize on that likely failure.

If you'd like an even juicier return, run a brokerage that gets paid commissions for every purchase or sale a day trader makes. Even at a cost of just $1 per trade, 30 trades per day for 200 days per year will amount to $6,000. To further increase your profits, let day traders borrow from you on margin. You might make more than $2,000 annually in interest payments on every $25,000 they borrow.

And if all of that sounds like too much work, you could always just be the IRS. The agency taxes day-trading profits at ordinary income rates, because they're short-term capital gains. Day traders in a 28% tax bracket will pay $14,000 on $50,000 in gains -- as opposed to just $7,500, if they waited for favorable long-term capital gain rates to apply.

In short, the only people reliably benefiting from day trading are those who don't actually day trade. You're much more likely to profit by taking your time, doing your homework, and finding well-run companies with real competitive advantages. You might not get rich quick, but you'll stand a much better chance of getting rich, period.


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keyword: patient pays in long run

2014-07-06 17:21


AyamTua ,Hi, my buddy, how are you, .......hihiii, just reach home from Kuantan........., very tired lor........

Both Europe/US futures are looking good and positive lor., tomorrow can be a bullish day lor....... ,hihiii,huat huat huat lor.......

God's Bless lor...

2014-07-06 17:54



EAH , can have another 0.010 up lor tomorrow....., trade at your own risk lor

Fronkln , may have Good News, The German Boss may be thinking of privatisation lah.... , only news lah, to be confirmed lor,... hihiiii,trade at your own risk lor....

God Bless

2014-07-06 18:00


hey bro - thanks man .. GBU too ..

many health, many wealth..


2014-07-06 18:06



GBH kah ??? ok juga, But i bought the son KELADI instead last few days lor.. hihi, MAKING little profits only ....still keep some lah...

Magni and MBSB are under my watch list lor....., Insas sudah hantam @1.19 lor..... waiting lor for Durians dropping mah...

God Bless

2014-07-06 18:16


AyamTua ,

i have also added the followings last 1-2 weeks :-


I may dispose half of my EAH at 0.145 next week lor......... hihihi,

God Bless

2014-07-06 18:26


i heard you bro ... i heard you ..

my best estimation:predictions

my standard: low cost low capital low risk - sound fundamental

4. BPuri
5. EAH

in 6 of these two or more will shine - by faith

hihihihihihii - and yes, b2b ladies? they are waiting for me with vidka


2014-07-06 18:34


AyamTua .

Wow, 1, 2, 4 are my favorites too, hihi, huiat huat huat lor.....

God Bless

2014-07-06 18:50


dont worry my bro.. we will try predict movers and shakers better than any computers in the world .. thats what prudent investors minds being trained to do .. the best algorithm and advanced predictions comes from the mind ..

2014-07-06 19:02


what moves the world tomorrow? 6-7 months what wil happen? only the best mind can predict ..

2014-07-06 19:04


AyamTua ,

FJ expresses her Love TO YOU lor, brother, Either you take it or openly reject it, you have no other alternatives lor,.... hihiiiiiii hahaaa

2014-07-06 19:04


i likeeeeee kikkkikiiiiii

2014-07-06 19:16


AyamTua ,

Congra.... hihihiii, make sure i have my share of drinks when you both go to bed lor....... hihiii.

God Bless

2014-07-06 19:18


Bye , Good night and see you tomorrow, take care lor.....

God Bless

2014-07-06 19:20


How to value the share prices and between P/E or NTA , assume marker prices ! Kindly advice how to calculate ? TQ

2014-07-06 19:46


AyamTua , good morning, buddy........

Fronkln will be a rising star today lor......., please trade with your own risk lor, EW chart indicates the wave 5 bull is in the making, if pounded by high volume and breaking the resistance at 0.145, then 0.2000 is on sight lor..... hihi

Fronkln, trade at your own risk lah....... haha

God Bless

2014-07-07 08:35


good morning alex ... hey u love waves too ??? come to chrissyconn and surf with us :) :)

2014-07-07 08:43


day trading=gambling.

2014-07-07 12:43


day-trading only benefits brokers and bursa. come on guys, get wise! lol

2014-07-07 12:52


Fronkln, its Fundamentals:-

_ NTA is 0.230
-Total no of shares is 1.1 billions @RM0.100
-Total debt is 88 millions
-Total Cash in hands is 37 millions
- Total asset is 370 million
- Financials 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, in the Black with profits ranging from 1.3 to 0.30 cents per share. BUT 2013 with a loss of near 2 millions due to one time write off on depreciation and Taxation.
-Future outlook. Fronkln is one of the two companies specialising in chemical coating of metallic surface and pipings. its contract with Tj Bing worths 120 millions will be completed by May, 2015. It is also entering O& G businesses with the acquisition of TTES, winning new contracts from Petronas.... Expect positive strong growth in 2014/2015....

The WA is expiring in March, 2015., ..... recent high vol transaction on both Mother and WA rekindles the rumours on Privatisation, as the German (non ED) is now holding almost 30% of Fronkln...

God Bless

2014-07-07 12:55


Selling Shovels To Prospectors?

Both historically and currently, the most successful businesses were/are involved in selling shovels to prospectors, literally and metaphorically speaking.

Back in the gold rush days of the mid-1800s the hope for gold riches was running rampant among the masses. Prospectors rushed to California in hopes of striking it rich. In order to make an attempt at these riches they needed gear. Shovels, axes, pans, food, a roof over their heads, and so on.

The business owners (brokers, exchange) who really struck it rich during this time were the ones who didn’t get caught up in the hoopla of gold (stocks). They got caught up in the hoopla of selling the gold-finding-hopefulls (you/me) the tools they needed to make their attempts at winning the gold lottery (stock lottery).

---How to Make Money Day Trading???----DON'T daytrade----hahahaha

2014-07-07 12:59


arv18 ,

You can also choose to go for the 3+1, 7+1, 9+ 1 trading mah, or you can buy and keep them for longer term lor...... All are of your choices mah.....

We like to ride on the waves when that counter is being transacted in high volume on that day .... you need experiences to detect and identify them correctly lor......

with every 1 cent up, every million of units(10,000 small lots) will yield RM 10K lor...... But it is not every body's cup of tea lah...... need quick hands and mind to read and execute lor... hahahah...

God Bless

2014-07-07 13:16


your call alex. do your accounting every Q, bi-annual or yearly. Tally up how much you spent on commission, stamp duty etc. (it has nothing to do with 3+1, 7+1, 9+ 1).

The more transactions you make, the greater your gifts to your broker and bursa, via brokerage, stamp duty and fees. this is a fact. the numbers don't lie. you are only fooling yourself if you say otherwise.

i'm just saying in case some newbie thinks DT is a "brilliant" idea. but that said , it is your $$$ and your decision to make.

your call!


oh and btw, when the volume is "counter is being transacted in high volume on that day" you should SELL the stock on that day (if you are holding it), not buy.

2014-07-07 15:21


Hovid has a bullish breakout yesterday lor..... if it continues to go up beyond 0.42000 with volume,... hihiiiiiiii,,,, 0.50-0.60 may be possible

Frontkln, may be on the way to bullish breakout beyond 0.150000 lor...

Trade at your own risk lor....

God Bless

2014-07-08 07:54

Steven Yong

Everytime hovid move to rm0.40 then retrace back.

2014-07-08 08:37


Frontkln, above 0.1600 with high volume backup, it will be s bullish breaak out lor,.... then looking at beyond 0.20000 thereafter

2014-07-08 09:14


Frontkln, is on his way to bullish breakout lor,...... hihihiiiiii

2014-07-08 09:56


Below is my Stock picks:-

1) Insas, Bullish breakout , breached trendline resistance near 1.25-1.270 , Bullish waves is now heading towards 1.400-1.5000 and beyond

2) Hovid, Bullish breakout , breached trendline reistance near 0.4100, now heading above 0.5000 if 0.4200 can be taken out with highervolume

3) Frontkn, Good potential mini blue chips in the making, 0.145 resistance must be taken out for TP near 0.25000 near term, bULLISH TREND IS STILL INTACT

4)OSK , bullish breakout , waves heading beyond 2.5000, 3.0000 TP. Today News on the Merging of CIMB, RHB, MBSB augers well for the breakout. Valuation on OSK's 9.5% share holding in RHB after Sales of OSK security group to RHB will further confirm its uptrend.

5) Inari, growth stock in line with the rightS issuing exercises, a TP near 4.000-4.5000 before the EX date CAN BE EXPECTED AS ITS BULLISH WAVE IS STILL INTACT.

I will avoid Sumatec as it is on down trending waves, looking at 0.2900-, 0.2600 for supports. The appointment of any Najib sons/brother to its Board will not alter the sentiments,IMO.

For EAH, the up side is limited as its business is rather small scale, the TP may be near 0.1300-0.1500 max only, IMO.

God Bless

2014-07-10 21:55

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