Sslee blog

You can multiply wealth by dividing it

Publish date: Mon, 15 Oct 2018, 09:37 PM
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Dear all,

I refer to below article from Mr. Koon Yew Yin:

I am in total agreement with his writing but I beg to differ with his conclusion:

Conclusion: I wish to quote the 5 most important sentences by Dr Adrian Rogers who has written 18 books on politics and social issues

  1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
  2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
  3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else
  4. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation
  5. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

I refer above conclusion and out of curiosity Google to find out who is Dr. Adrian Rogers?

Quote:"You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

This quote appears frequently [12][13][14] on the Internet and is often attributed to Dr. Rogers with an incorrect date of 1931. In fact, the quotation is part of a longer sermon by Dr. Rogers' from 1984 in a larger series titled God’s Way to Health, Wealth and Wisdom (CDA107),[15] but it also appears as a passage in Dr. Rogers' 1996 work Ten Secrets for a Successful Family stating that "by and large our young people do not know either the importance or the value of honest labor".[16]

Rogers did not originate the quote at all. In fact, he did not claim to have originated it. Instead, he was citing almost verbatim a bit of anti-Soviet propaganda that had circulated in many magazines in the early 1960s.[17] The quote appeared before that in the Congressional Record of 1958, where they were appended to the record by U.S. Representative Bruce Alger of Texas' 5th congressional district, based about Dallas.[18] Alger had taken the words from Gerald L. K. Smith, who had written them first in his magazine, The Cross and the Flag.[19] Since the quote was attributed to Rogers in 2009, it has been regularly attributed to him; however, Rogers was essentially quoting Smith at the time.” Unquote:

I would like to offer my interpretation on the conclusion as below:

  1. Implied PH government taxed or going to tax excessively the wealthy to pay for services to the poor. It is untrue as no poor people become wealthy/ prosperity by government handout unless you are the Government elite who abused your power and robbed the Rakyat money to enrich yourself. Paying tax (rather than paying bribe) is obligation and responsibility of those affordable people to maintain a civil society where the less able people will not be left out from the basic needs/services.
  2. Only true for those well connected Rent Seekers, AP Holders, Foreign workers recruiting agents, License holders and etc who exploit the working class. The working class (include foreign workers) needed to work their butt off  and surrendered a cut of their miserable income to these blood suckers.
  3. Partially correct because beside tax government still can monetize assets (Land) or revenues from natural resource (Oil. Timber or Minerals) and Dividend received from well invested sovereign fund.
  4. Not true. Given a chance people will work to earn a living rather than depending on social security. Have you ever wonder who build our building, road, bridge, tunnel, car, hand-phone and etc? These are the working class. And imagine who just sit in an air-con room press a few button at the computer and pay himself ten or hundred millions when he is producing nothing. Who is living off whose labor?
  5. Untrue. If we will to distribute a billionaire to one thousand millionaires than these one thousand people will generated many times economic activities than one person able to do and thus benefited many more people. In fact banks are lending out money or micro finance many entrepreneurs to generated economic activities that benefit all. So Malaysians please less billionaire but more millionaires.

No one chose to born poor or in lacking conditions. We are all different, inherited the gene pool of our parents and greatly influence by them during our upbringing. Everyone have a different starting point as there is no even playing field to start with. Thus if you applied equality to an uneven starting point then the un-equality will be the result. Yes we can always say we made it through our hard-work, sweat and tear. But remember there are many who are denied of such opportunities through no fault of their. Hence even we are successful do not look down on those poorer than us, help them if you can and remember to pay your tax.

As for PH government I once wrote:

From what is pledged in the PH manifesto with regard to institutional reform, I believe that the pact offers hope for real reform, which our country so badly needs. The proposed reforms will restore good governance, provide for the effective separation of powers between the branches of government, and guard our nation’s wealth.

Out of the 19 reforms, I am going to focus only on six, which are, in my view, fundamental pre-requisite to change the system

  • Limiting the power of the PM
  • Restoring the authority of Parliament
  • Free and fair elections
  • Political financing
  • Judicial and legal reform
  • Refining the role of the A-G

I am looking forward and understand PH promises of abolish the goods and services tax, cheaper first car, reintroduce targeted fuel subsidies, forgive debts, abolish toll and etc will take time to fulfill as government needs to find new source of revenue and saving to balance the budget. I will take these as part and parcel of the election-winning pledges; they are the “carrots”. We must surely understand that unless PH can clinch Putrajaya, the important promise to reform our institutions would be meaningless.

Leaders come and go; it is the system that will determine what kind of leaders we will get in future. We each get what we deserve and I desire for institutional reform to secure our future.

Thank you.

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of course u can multiply wealth by dividing it.........The American model where the wealth gap between the rich and poor grows every year is not the only model for national development......

PH government only 5 months many critics already?, lost faith already?

why? because stock market came down last few months? Is every thing to be measured by KLSE Index?

Have some faith....I have plenty of faith, enormous faith.....Lets judge after 5 years, not 5 months.

Look around you in the world......where else? which other government is as reformed minded? determined to reform? the hearts and minds in the right place? the Cabinet talent is impressive. We have a PM who is respected around the world for speaking his mind and a succession plan in place for some one who went to jail twice for a total of 10 years because he choose to fight rather than a life of luxury by just saying Yes..........

Look at Malaysia will find a very lucky country......

Have some faith, ....think positive, think realistically......

and as for DAP.................

2018-10-15 22:09


have faith,this wed I gonna strike 4d jackpot.....hahaha

2018-10-15 22:11


spending money is called party time
belt tightening is hibernation

Najib spends so much the country now has a $1 trillion wonder we have a party time in the stock market for 10 years......

now is hibernation time.

2018-10-15 22:20


Cheah Cheng Hye of Value Partners is optimistic for Malaysia....just not in a hurry to make immediate

2018-10-15 22:23


dato seri cheah worry dow jones might crash.....hehe

2018-10-15 22:25


Posted by apolloang > Oct 15, 2018 10:11 PM | Report Abuse

have faith,this wed I gonna strike 4d jackpot.....hahaha

moderate success is called hard work and talent
excessive success is called luck.

2018-10-15 22:29


apolloang > Oct 15, 2018 10:25 PM | Report Abuse

dato seri cheah worry dow jones might crash.....hehe

yeah, me too...

Trump and his trade war is still at the stage of boiling frogs.....

2018-10-15 22:30


where to find luck? hahaha

2018-10-15 22:32


where to find luck? in the random tables....

2018-10-15 22:48



u lose money does not mean lousy government....just your own incompetence.

old BN...spend money king...stock market sure good la.

now belt tightening....time for hibernation.

2018-10-16 15:44


why no further comments from u, sslee?

2018-10-17 00:35


Dear qqq3/stockmanmy/Desa Chan
I repeat:
Congratulation! You must be feeling very great and proud that you have outlasted most of your nemesis by your bullet proof thick skin. Your shameless self invincibility is second to none and should put the shameless MO1 to shame.
Now you have i3 to yourself to prefect your choo-choo-buffology, bodek-logy with your simplicity flattering and bullshit-logy

Thank you
PS: You are the last thing on my mind as I have more important things to attend to and I am glad that many people in i3 are giving you a cool shoulder.

2018-10-17 08:40


Dear all,
As of response to Mr. Koon’s article below comment deserve a deep thought.

Dear Mr Koon

Superb letter.

But I think they will say that you are wishing for a Singapore. I share your sentiments but I doubt that the changes we want will happen in the way you wish for.

Too many Malay politicians are not politically courageous enough to lead their people into modernity.

A continuation of Ketuanan and islamist policies will lead the Malays into a cul de sac. Let's hope that Dr Mahathir and Anwar ibrahim can see that this would be the dismal end unless they do something important and constructive about it.

Kind regards

Thank you

2018-10-17 08:54


sslee...too late for you to bodek KYY already....too much has gone wrong with you already......

u must learn from me, I now bodek Mahathir, Anwar and LGE.........

Posted by qqq3 > Oct 15, 2018 10:09 PM | Report Abuse X

of course u can multiply wealth by dividing it.........The American model where the wealth gap between the rich and poor grows every year is not the only model for national development......

PH government only 5 months many critics already?, lost faith already?

why? because stock market came down last few months? Is every thing to be measured by KLSE Index?

Have some faith....I have plenty of faith, enormous faith.....Lets judge after 5 years, not 5 months.

Look around you in the world......where else? which other government is as reformed minded? determined to reform? the hearts and minds in the right place? the Cabinet talent is impressive. We have a PM who is respected around the world for speaking his mind and a succession plan in place for some one who went to jail twice for a total of 10 years because he choose to fight rather than a life of luxury by just saying Yes..........

Look at Malaysia will find a very lucky country......

Have some faith, ....think positive, think realistically......

and as for DAP.................

2018-10-17 11:20


but jokes aside.....

does sslee really want to be Chinese chauvinist and anti PH government? Go join MCA la.......

MCA will be full of people who talks like you......

2018-10-17 11:28


Post removed.Why?

2018-10-17 12:06



u based your self worth on a popularity contest in i3....that is absolutely silly in my opinion....i3 is made up of strangers I have never met before and don't intend to meet.

I3 for me is a place to keep my mind exercised and my bank account healthy.

2018-10-17 12:29


where is that sslee?

bought Jaks today? I bought Jaks today at 97.........

2018-10-17 17:18


Dear all,
I refer:
qqq3 but jokes aside.....
does sslee really want to be Chinese chauvinist and anti PH government? Go join MCA la.......
MCA will be full of people who talks like you......
17/10/2018 11:28

For decade DAP was labeled by UMNO as Chinese Chauvinist, Christian Chauvinist, anti-Malay and anti-Muslim party. While MCA accused DAP of anti-Chinese, anti-China and Chinese traitor party. In return DAP labeled MCA as Chinese Tauke, No ball, No bird, No stand and UMNO puppet party.

PM Tun Dr. Mahathir used to say Malay forgetful (Senang lupa) and I would accord this saying to qqq3; forgetful with addition shameless, twists and turns/flexible PLP king. Just because DAP is now in government the MCA suddenly been labeled by qqq3 as a Chinese Chauvinist party? If you want to bodek/PLP also don’t over jacked up until overturn the car.

Thank you

2018-10-17 20:20


Post removed.Why?

2018-10-17 20:56


It was the conclusion of Mahathir’s speech, viz:

“87. What I have tabled is for the rakyat. For all the rakyat from Perlis to Sabah. For the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Iban, Kadazan, Murut and Orang Ali as well as other ethnic groups, all who live in Malaysia.

“88. We want a united Malaysia. We want all Malaysians to succeed and enjoy the wealth of the nation. I call upon all Malaysians to shoulder this responsibility. If everything contained in this document is implemented, I am confident that Malaysia will once again roar as a the Asian Tiger. The image of Malaysia will be transformed by a kleptocractic country to a truly democracy with a government which is clean, noble and of integrity. Malaysians in every nook and corner of the world can proudly introduce himself or herself: I am a Malaysian.”

who doesn't agree?

2018-10-19 11:21


socialism, capitalism, new economic policy....
there is a golden mean to manage...and PH will manage it well.....

2018-10-19 13:30

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