Sslee blog

Food for thought year 2020: Empathy and is President Trump a psychopath?

Publish date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020, 10:50 PM
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Dear all

The world needs an empathy revolution to heal the many ills of society and bring peace to many conflict areas. Empathy, involves an ability to perceive others’ feelings (and to recognize our own emotions), to imagine why someone might be feeling a certain way- to feel with them and to have concern for their welfare. Once empathy is activated, compassionate action is the most logical response.

Out of concern for qqq3 lack of empathy and respect for other, no sense of guilt and remorse, tendency to lie often and belittling many i3 commentators’ opinion and investment thesis. (Example: one year many one year does a man have? for genuine investors, 12 months money....there were at least a few dozen shares that gave 100% returns or more in last 12 months................). I Google internet for cause of such dysfunctional behavior and found below link:

Psychopathy is characterized above by the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states. Callousness, detachment and a lack of empathy enable psychopaths to be highly manipulative. Nevertheless, psychopathy is among the most difficult disorders to spot. Psychopaths can appear normal, even charming. Underneath, they lack any semblance of conscience. Their antisocial nature inclines them often (but by no means always) to criminality.

You’ll find many psychopaths in positions of great power and authority, this is due to their enormous sense of self-worth and glibness and superficial charm to get you hooked in the first place. Once they have you under their spell, you are more likely to be willing partner to them. It is their manipulative behavior that probably got them into these positions in the first place.

I wrote my comment to qqq3:

Hahahaha qqq3,

Please check are you showing symptoms of a psychopath?

  • Glibness and superficial charm to get people hooked in the first place
  • Parasitic way, feeding off other people to sustain their lifestyle
  • Socially irresponsible behavior.
  • Disregarding or violating the rights of others.
  • Inability to distinguish between right and wrong.
  • Difficulty with showing of guilt or remorse
  • Callous and show a distinct lack of empathy
  • Tendency to lie often.
  • Grandiose sense of self-worth.
  • Belittling those around them
  • Narcissists
  • Risk takers and may be less likely to show, or feel, fear
  • Tend to have a good eye for seeing and emulating how others behave

So please take the below test:

The most common way of detecting whether a person is a psychopath is by using The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), which is a diagnostic tool, set to determine if someone is on the psychopathy spectrum.

To score the test, participants read a series of statements that describe certain traits and rate them accordingly.

0 = does not apply, 1 = applies somewhat, 2 = definitely applies.

The highest score anyone can achieve is 40. In the US, if someone rates over 30 in the test, they are considered to be psychopathic, but in the UK, it is only over 25.

Here are the 20 traits on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist

  1. Do you sense you are someone extremely important?
  2. Would you say you need constant stimulation?
  3. Do you find pleasure in manipulating people?
  4. Would you lie in order to get your own way?
  5. Do you never say sorry?
  6. Are you known to be charming and persuasive?
  7. Would you agree you show little emotion?
  8. Are you incapable of feeling empathy for others?
  9. Are you in and out of relationships all the time?
  10. Do you have a promiscuous sex life?
  11. Are you impulsive and live for the moment?
  12. Are you known for behaving irresponsibly?
  13. Do you fail to accept responsibility for your actions?
  14. Is it right to get as much as you can from other people?
  15. Is it hard to control your behaviour?
  16. Did you display early behaviour problems?
  17. Do you lack long-term goals?
  18. Do you have a history of juvenile delinquency?
  19. Have you ever had your parole or bail revoked?
  20. Are you known for committing many different criminal acts?

I was surprised and amazed by qqq3 quick response: “as for pycho paths...I know one...he is the current President of USA................. goes to show....people actually voted to have a psychopath for President..............”

What can I say; you need a psychopath to spot another psychopath. But the million dollar question is what had gone wrong with America Democracy? I Google, “Is Trump a psychopath?”

Trump come to power with his superficial charm “Drain the swamp” to describe his plan to fix corruption problems in the federal government and his Patriot’s call “Make America Great Again” an election campaign slogan to resonant with large majority of Americans who felt America is in decline and for far too long America’s generosity had been taken advantage by foes and alliances with unfair/short-changed trade deal and international treaty causing massive loss of America’s jobs/products/prosperity. In short Trump is the master of manipulation to get you hooked in the first place and under his spell, you are more likely to be willing to support him blindly and overlook his many proven past and present actions of misogynist, racist, xenophobe, narcissist and wrongdoings.

President Trump is a known pathological liar; a known sexual predator; a known racist and white supremacist; callous and show a distinct lack of empathy; is frequently verbally abusive toward people who criticize him, calling them all kinds of horrible names; acts impulsively and fails to plan; refuses to conform to social norms and repeatedly performs acts that are grounds for legal action and arrest; mistreats and abusive toward staffs who are critical or unsupportive of him; disregards the well-being of others; fails to sustain consistent work habits or honor financial obligations and international treaty; lacks guilt or remorse when hurtful to others; doesn’t appear to have a conscience like most of us do, and that is the main reason he can act in such illegal, unethical, and immoral ways and sleep like a baby at night.

Every person occasionally intentionally or unintentionally does wrong things. All human beings do. That’s not the issue. The issue is whether or not President Trump has a conscience. If he does, he will admit when he act badly, take full responsibility, experience guilt and remorse, and turn from his misdeeds. If he don’t, he’ll refuse to admit he have done anything wrong, blame others for their actions, have no empathy or compassion toward those he hurt, and continue in his wrongdoings and surrounding himself with people who are unhealthy enough to support him every step of the way

God bless America and planet EARTH

As for Malaysians, are we looking at PAS-UMNO alliance in winning GE15 and PAS president Hadi become PM of Malaysia? That will be a very scary and frighteningly thought.

Thank you

P/S: This made President Xi of China sound like an angel compare to President Trump’s psychopath dysfunctional behavior.

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My heart goes out to the people in Hong Kong. Hope they attain oeace again A.S.A.P.

*sheer empathy. No vested interest ( Zero investment or what-so-ever in Hon Kong )

2020-02-21 06:58

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