14-Nov-24 07:30
Dr Kathryn Robison, Lecturer in American Studies, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney
US President-elect Donald Trump has wasted no time appointing his Cabinet with people to execute his “America First” policies. With less than 70 days to build out his team before Inauguration Day on January 20th, we examine those appointments with Dr Kathryn Robison, Lecturer in American Studies, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.com
Created by Tan KW | Nov 21, 2024
From Usa standpoint
55% of Imported goods to Usa got made in China content
2 months ago
Why worry about Trump or America?
"China is better mah", that is your wet dream. 😂
2 months ago
trump will get his dream team to make America great again as for what that got to do with you ? stocks will go up, i am sure you know what to do.
2 months ago
Trump's doctrine of Amplifying the Importance of Putting "America First" will result in consequences for Others
Centuries ago China closed its doors to the outside world because China was self-sufficient then. China saw no need to trade.
However, this round Usa is not self sufficient but it tries to protect its market which is not competitive
As such it has to impose 60% tax on China and for the rest of the world - a 10% to 20% universal tax
China will definitely move its exports through other Asean countries with less tax imposed by USA
This shows how times have changed
Obama wanted to "contain" China by joining TPP and use Asean as a base to counter China (Obama visited Asean twice) Trump goes head-on
He "confronts" not contain China
Uppermost in Trump's mind is job for Americans
By containing China jobs will still be away from US's shores - leaving many abandoned factories in USA and causing huge job losses
Now by putting Usa first Trump hope to get USA factories running plus requesting oversea factories to re-locate back to USA
All these are done to "create jobs" for Americans
So the turn of event will force China to relocate its factories more and more to Asean in general and Malaysia in particular - to mitigate the Tariff impact
China hope to re-route its exports to USA through other avenues
Hence, Malaysia should seize this opportunity to open wide its doors
2 months ago