James的股票投资James Share Investing

[转贴] [选择一个优秀的明星企业] - James的股票投资James Share Investing

James Ng
Publish date: Sun, 06 May 2018, 02:17 PM


巴菲特坦言,选择一个优秀的明星企业,比高超的投资技巧和丰富的资讯管道更重要。买了糟糕的股票如选择了一条漏水的船出航,任你的驾船技巧和本事再怎么大,早晚还是要沉的。 职业投资家不是将注意力集中在企业在未来的几年将做什么,相反,许多著名的券商现在集中精力预测其他券商在未来的几天将会做什么。

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James Ng

Buffett admits that choosing a good star company is more important than superb investment skills and a wealth of information channels. If you buy a bad stock, choose a leaking boat to sail, and if your boating skills and ability are so great, it will sooner or later sink. Professional investors do not focus on what companies will do in the years to come. Instead, many prominent brokers are now focused on predicting what other brokers will do in the days ahead.

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James Ng