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[转贴] [MALAYSIAN RESOURCES CORP BHD,工程,建筑和环境部门可能贡献更大的营收和利润份额] - James的股票投资James Share Investing

James Ng
Publish date: Thu, 31 May 2018, 12:22 PM

[MALAYSIAN RESOURCES CORP BHD,工程,建筑和环境部门可能贡献更大的营收和利润份额]

截至二零一八年三月三十一日止第一季,马资源分别录得营收及税前利润分别为4.276亿令吉及3060万令吉,而上一财政季度于二零一七年三月三十一日分别录得5.2亿令吉及2700万令吉。前一个财政季度营收增加主要是由于2017年7月完成的National Sport Complex项目的建筑收入。



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James Ng

For the first quarter ended 31 March 2018, the Group recorded revenue and profit before tax of RM427.6 million and RM30.6 million respectively, compared to RM520.0 million and RM27.0 million respectively recorded in the preceding financial quarter ended 31 March 2017. Higher revenue was recognised in the preceding corresponding financial quarter mainly due to construction revenue derived from the National Sport Complex project which was completed in July 2017.

The Group recorded revenue and profit before taxation of RM427.6 million and RM30.6 million respectively, for the current financial quarter ended 31 March 2018, compared to revenue of RM377.8 million and profit before taxation of RM124.8 million recorded in the immediate preceding quarter ended 31 December 2017. Higher profit before tax recorded in the immediate preceding quarter was mainly due to the disposal gain of RM60.8 million arising from the disposal of the Company’s 40% equity interest in a subsidiary and higher construction profit of RM46.1 million, compared with current quarter under review of RM16.0 million.

In the near term, the Engineering, Construction & Environment division is likely to contribute a larger share of revenues and profits.

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James Ng