James的股票投资James Share Investing

[转贴] [HSS ENGINEERS BHD,扩大后的集团将能赢得任何与水有关的合同的投标] - James的股票投资James Share Investing

James Ng
Publish date: Fri, 06 Jul 2018, 01:01 PM

[HSS ENGINEERS BHD,扩大后的集团将能赢得任何与水有关的合同的投标]


截至二零一八年三月三十一日止三个月,工程设计收入增加371万令吉或38.8%。这主要归功于主要正在进行的项目,包括东海岸铁路(「ECRL」)的详细设计及初步设计,吉隆坡 - 新加坡高速铁路,武吉免登城市中心外部基础设施工程顾问和拟议的Tun Razak Exchange(TRX)外部道路为工程设计收入做出了主要的贡献。同时也完成了几个项目,包括ECRL计划设计和Temporary Common Camp Facilities and Infrastructure for Refinery and Petrochemicals Integrated Development (“RAPID”)项目。

他们的主要监管项目包括Maju Expressway Extension to KLIA,Sungei Besi-Ulu Kelang高速公路和西海岸高速公路,ECRL监管,这些项目的建设阶段进展顺利,继续为监管收入贡献了大部分。


Building Information Modeling(“BIM”)服务:

本期间的340万令吉的PAT与去年同期相比增长7.3%或20万令吉,主要是由于本期间实现的毛利较高及其他营运开支较低所致。他们的未记账订单包括SMHB Engineering Sdn Bhd截至2018年3月31日的订单,总数为6亿9200万令吉,平均将在未来2至5年内逐步收取费用。

他们于2018年3月28日完成了对SMHB Engineering Group的收购。SMHB Engineering Group主要为水务基础设施领域提供工程咨询服务,在水行业拥有超过35年的专业知识和经验。有鉴于此,董事会认为,通过SMHB Engineering Group,其扩大后的集团将能够利用其在水行业的专业知识和业绩记录,赢得任何与水有关的合同的投标。预计政府将加快水务服务领域的支出,因为它们对国家具有战略重要性。收购后,他们预计两家领先的工程咨询公司所产生的协同效应将使他们的集团达到更高的高度,这将转化为创纪录的收入和利润。






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预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%


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James Ng
For the current quarter under review, the Group recorded revenue of RM34.0 million, increased by RM4.7 million or 16.2% as compared to previous quarter ended 31 March 2017.

Engineering design:
Engineering design revenue increased by RM3.71 million or 38.8% during the 3 months ended 31 March 2018. This is attributable to the major on-going projects which includes East Coast Rail Line (“ECRL”) detailed design and preliminary design, Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail (Reference Design Consultants 05), Consultant for External Infrastructure Works for Bukit Bintang City Centre and Proposed Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) External Roads have contributed to the major proportion of engineering design revenue. However, this was compensated by the completion of few projects including ECRL scheme design and Temporary Common Camp Facilities and Infrastructure for Refinery and Petrochemicals Integrated Development (“RAPID”) Project.

Construction supervision:
Their major on-going supervision projects including Maju Expressway Extension To KLIA, Sungei Besi-Ulu Kelang Elevated Expressway and West Coast Expressway, ECRL supervision which are progressing well in line with the construction stage of these projects continued to contribute majority of the supervision revenue during current period ended 31 March 2018.

Project management:
The revenue from project management for current quarter is fairly consistent with the previous quarter in the same corresponding period.

Building Information Modeling (“BIM”) services:
BIM services accounted for small proportion of the Group’s revenue.

The PAT of RM3.40 million for current period grew by 7.3% or RM0.2 million as compared to the previous quarter in the same corresponding period mainly attributable to higher gross profit achieved for the current period coupled with lower other operating expenses. Their unbilled order book which includes order book from SMHB Engineering Sdn Bhd as at 31 March 2018 is RM692m, which will be billed progressively on average over the next 2 to 5 years.

They had completed the acquisition of SMHB Engineering Group on 28 March 2018. SMHB Engineering Group is principally providing engineering consultancy services primarily in water infrastructure sector with more than 35 years of expertise and experiences in the water sector. In view of this, the Board of Directors is of the view that through SMHB Engineering Group, their enlarged Group will be able to leverage on their expertise and track record in the water sector to win tenders for any of the water-related contracts which they foresee the government will accelerate the spending on water services sector given their strategic importance to the country. Post acquisition, they expect the synergy created from both leading engineering consultancy firms will take their Group to greater heights which shall translate into record revenue and profits.

As disclosed in their announcement to Bursa Securities on 6 February 2018, the Group has put in place a series of future plans as follows:-

(a) Continuous enhancement on its BIM services which will be made mandatory in 2019 for public projects worth RM100 million in Malaysia;

(b) Proposed venture into a fourth (4th) core service i.e. facility management to develop a steady long term income business model;

(c) Geographical expansion into ASEAN and India regions; and

(d) Venturing into the provision of support services to the power generation sector which is expected to receive strong government support.

The Group expects to perform satisfactorily in the financial year 2018 given the strong order book, underpinned by the positive outlook in the construction and water industry both locally & regionally, driven largely by government continued spending on infrastructure projects. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Board of Directors of the Company is of the opinion that the prospects for the remaining period to the end of the financial year ending 31 December 2018 will remain favourable.
I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

I am providing STOCK PICK SERVICE for readers who want to make money from Malaysian stock market. Those who want to subscribe to my mailing list to achieve a good return from stock market, you can contact me at jamesngshare@gmail.com or PM me in my FB page https://web.facebook.com/jamesshareinvest/

Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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