Good Articles to Share


Tan KW
Publish date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012, 04:19 PM
Tan KW
0 509,780

thanks @seedarren for the sharing


冷眼认为现在的股市比三年前高了很多,入市风险很高。。 如果真的入市,需紧记

1. DEFENSIVE ( 防守,比较稳当而价钱没那么高的,PE<10... )
2. high dividen yield  (高股息的)
3. growth (成长)。

之后他还一再强调,知识在股票投资只是排性第二,最重要的还是perception..(概念)-- 简短来说,不要投机,老老实实累积财富,一定要记得‘保本‘。。

然后, 他又提到以他的看法,欧债危机和美国复苏的问题是没有想象中那么严重的。。 欧盟会帮助希腊和其他小猪度过难关的,因为他们数不起 (因为倒债是有传染性的。。 最后德国法国等国也会遭殃。。所以他们不会让此情形出现)。。 而美国的复苏很强劲, 但是有关的消息却少了很多,这是因为报纸喜欢报忧不报喜的习性。。 --- 没有消息。。 就是好消息。

他也强调大选也不会长期左右股市。 他还是一如以往。。 强调公司的业绩才是主宰股价的主要关键。 欧债,美国经济等课题不需要过渡在意。。。


现场录音 -

My backup on Google Drive

好股列表 -

transcript by chengyk


李孙耀 - 李财有方专栏

Fong Siling (Cold Eyed)'s Stocks Holding - 冯时能(冷眼)持有的股票

2 people like this. Showing 11 of 13 comments

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

Rheumatoid arthritis ling ?

did anyone ask him why he bought amedia and sozo?

never mind, let him brainwash the sheep crowd , i no eye see.

2012-10-28 17:25

KC Loh

Cat, why you so upset with cold eye?

2012-10-28 17:53

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

hahaha i thought he was great, but then i find out he is not the man of word, he is contradictory in what he said, and his advise to people , the advise he gave is very shark-like.

so, i finally get it, and so i feel like i have to warn other about this guy :)

stock market is not charities , it is a place where every person doing their best to benefit themselves , george soros quote.

2012-10-28 18:05


wah, kc, u can read chinese also?:)
yala, Cat, why are u so upset with cold eye?read his book n found that he is quite intelligent also..

2012-10-28 18:06

KC Loh

Lol cat. Hopefully you don't make cold eye sulk and stop giving information. Its the information that is valuable to the discernable!

The quote from Soros is correct. Everybody is out for himself, even Buffett. No harm however to learn how they succeed! :)

2012-10-28 18:58

KC Loh

And the word is discerning, been reading too much Google translate! :)

2012-10-28 19:00

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

;) for those who listen to this ''sifu'' ,think twice or maybe think a lot and good luck ...

2012-10-28 19:23

Melvin G

i did ask about hbglobal and he said No to this counter. You can blame cold eye when there's no 1 can know everything for 100% from the given info from audition. He can only analysize from the fundamental, and he's willing to share.

They key point when entering is also crucial, good stock does not mean good entry point. Find your entry point where you think you feel comfortable with.

2012-10-28 20:56

Fat Cat Tim Buddy

haha huh? then why he is the top 30 shareholder in that company?

i thought he said: before you buying a stock, ask yourself a question, what if the stock price go down 50 percent, will you buy more? if your answer is no, then you should not buy it.

lol, and shchan, using 3400 ringgit per ton of cpo to value the stock price? and how long the 3400 price sustain? few day to 1 week? and he publish his article at that time? his timing is perfect :) big beautiful shark move

i glad i dint pay for his book, i borrow it from my uncle :p , seriously you can get more enlightenment for free from great investor quote.

Warren Buffett - "Honesty is a very expensive gift, Don't expect it from cheap people."

2012-10-28 21:09


Dear Cat,
"using 3400 ringgit per ton of cpo to value the stock price? and how long the 3400 price sustain? few day to 1 week? and he publish his article at that time? his timing is perfect :) big beautiful shark move "

not really understand what you mean. U mean that he didn't tell investor to sell plantation share while CPO is 3400? or other meaning?


2012-10-30 00:25


Hi all, can somebody pls send me the venue/ address? I am drive frm melaka so not so familiar with kl road. Thanks ya.....

2013-03-11 08:04

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