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16-Day Countdown to 13GE Polling Day: DAP use of PAS and PKR symbols in 13GE – a disaster in-the-mak

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013, 05:07 PM
Tan KW
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16-Day Countdown to 13GE Polling Day: DAP use of PAS and PKR symbols in 13GE – a disaster in-the-making or a game changer that will propel Pakatan Rakyat to Putrajaya?


April 18, 2013 had been the most heart-rending day in my life, the day when the Registrar of Societies dispatched a letter to the DAP to knock out the Rocket symbol from the 13GE, with the Nomination Day less than 48 hours away, completely without any legal basis or plausible ground.

I was not the only one to shed tears yesterday as all over the country, many DAP stalwarts and supporters who are Malaysian patriots whose home and sole object of loyalty is Malaysia and do not know or recognize another country as their motherland, also cried at the injustice, oppression and iniquity of the ROS action , clearly at the behest of the political masters in UMNO/Barisan Nasional.

For 47 years, DAP had waged a patriotic, nationalistic but uphill battle to build a united, multiracial, just and democratic Malaysian nation with many leaders like Dr. Chen Man Hin, Ahmad Nor, P. Patto, Ibrahim Singgeh, Fadzlan Yahya, Peter Dason, Lau Dak Kee, Lim Cho Hock, V. David, Karpal Singh, Datuk Chian Heng Kai, Chan Kok Kit, Dr Tan Seng Giaw, Lim Guan Eng, Tan Kok Wai, Teresa Kok, paying a heavy personal price in their love, patriotism and loyalty to Malaysia, including losing their personal liberties enduring detention under the Internal Security Act, imprisonment and disqualification as MP and disenfranchisement of their civil rights such as the right to vote and to stand for elections for a period of time.

DAP leaders and supporters have a different vision for Malaysia from those of the UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders, (and the greatest difference is whether Malaysia should continue to practise the exclusive politics of race or should begin an inclusive politics for all Malaysians regardless of race, religion or region) but their love, loyalty and patriotism for Malaysia cannot be questioned, and it is a great test of the maturity of Malaysian nation-building and democracy whether there is room and space in the country’s political process for dissent and diversity of views without equating them with disloyalty, anti-national activities or even treason.

The ROS action, on the directive of the political masters in Putrajaya, to knock out the Rocket symbol from the 13GE is the most dastardly, oppressive, undemocratic and dishonourable acts of the 56-year Umno/Barisan Nasional rule, an act no Malay gentleman-political leaders like Dato’ Onn Jaffar, Tun Hussein Onn, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Ismail, Tun Razak would would have countenanced or be a party to as it runs against the very grain of civility and being a gentleman or Jun Zhi.

In fact, never before under the five previous Prime Ministers of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein, even Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah, had any more devious and diabolical plot been hatched in utter disregard of the most rudimentary rules and principles of good and democratic governance than the disgraceful ROS gambit to knock out a long-established political party from freely and democratically participating in the general elections of the country by outlawing its symbol, the Rocket logo.

Clearly the RoS action is meant to be a blow to the solar plexus to completely knock out the DAP in the 13GE, a plot which had been hatched and refined by the RoS’ political masters in the past few months – explaining the rumours on the MCA/UMNO grapevine since the beginning of the year that the DAP would not be allowed to use the Rocket symbol in the 13GE!

Now, we have the MCA President shedding crocodile’s tears, asking that the DAP should be allowed to use the Rocket symbol in the 13GE. I will not be surprised if the MCA leadership is the main culprit behind the RoS decision, appealing for help from the UMNO “Big Brother” to give a fatal blow to DAP, in the same way that the MCA leadership had surrendered Gelang Patah seat to UMNO so that Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Ghani Othman could be fielded to “kill” me in Gelang Patah.

In today’s press, there is a cacophony of contradictory reports quoting different government officials emitting different noises, from the DAP cannot use the Rocket symbol to the DAP can use the Rocket symbol.

One of the saddest legacies of 56 years of Umno/BN rule is that independent, neutral and professional institutions and government officers have lost public credibility, trust and confidence – as in the RoS letter two days before 13GE Nomination Day declaring that the government does not recognise the DAP’s CEC four months after their election.

Not recognising the DAP CEC can only mean “not recognising” the DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng and the collateral consequence of “not recognising” his authorisation of the use of Rocket symbol by the 53 parliamentary and 103 state assembly candidates.

The long decades of undemocratic, draconian and authoritarian Umno/BN rule have destroyed the efficiency, independence and professionalism of one of the best civil services in the world when the country achieved independence 56 years ago in 1957, resulting in the monstrous action by the RoS letter the DAP yesterday!

The refusal of the RoS to recognise the DAP CEC and consequent disallowance of the use of Rocket in the 13GE is the new and latest reason why there must be a change of government on May 5, so that a start could be made to restore the reputation, credibility and integrity of the Malaysian civil service as among the top best civil services in the world.

I thank the PKR and PAS leaders, in particular Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang, PAS Secretary-genral Mustapha Ali and PKR Secrtary-General Saifuddin Nasution for their understanding, support and comradeship in coming to the assistance of DAP in our crisis because of the RoS action at the behest of the Umno/BN leadership.

Pakatan Rakyat leaders had sought to register the Pakatan Rakyat as a political coalition under the Societies Act but for more than three years we encountered seemingly insuperable obstacles, all emanating from the political masters in Putrajaya, refusing to register Pakatan Rakyat so that PR candidates of all the three political parties, DAP, PAS and PKR can use a common symbol.

Now the Societies Act and the Registrar of Societies have been suborned and undermined to serve the political interests of the powers-that-be in Umno/

I fully agree with Anwar that the RoS action is part of the “dirty tricks” lined up by UMNO/BN to cheat in the 13GE by making it impossible for the DAP to use the Rocket logo in the coming general eletions.

DAP leaders, candidates, members and supporters are not going to be deterred or demoralised to fight the great and good fight to achieve for the first time a political change at the federal level in the 13GE, even if we have to temporarily forgo the Rocket logo and to use the logos of PKR and PAS.

In fact, we are even more determined to translate our shock and sorrow into strength and power for change.

The Rocket symbol had stood tall in Malaysian politics in the past 47 years, standing for integrity, honesty, justice, the rule of law, good governance and Malaysian patriotism.

It will be sorely missed if the Rocket is not allowed to be used in the 13GE because the UMNO/BN government is too afraid of the DAP and on the appeal of MCA, prepared to break all principles of good and democratic governance to knock out the Rocket in the 13GE.

What is in store for the future with the DAP use of PAS and PKR symbols in the 13GE?

In the first place, my chances of winning Gelang Patah has plummetted further, from 50-50 before the announcement of Ghani Othman’s candidacy, to 45-55 with Ghanie’s candidacy and now 40-60 per cent with the ban on the Rocket symbol in the GE.

Can I catch up to go above 50% in the contest with Ghani Othman?

The second outcome to the DAP use of the PAS and PKR logo is either a disaster in-the-making for the DAP nation-wide or it will become a game changer in the 13GE that will propel Pakatan Rakyat all the way, from Gelang Patah to Putrajaya?

Only the counting of votes cast on May 5 will tell which outcome will happen.




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I am a Chinese and I will vote for PAS!


2013-04-23 02:04


The Malays are now coming back to support BN according to TV3......Thousands attend Umno ceramah!

2013-04-23 02:28


BN apa pun setuju sebab mau memang. Tetapi apa yand disetujui tidak ditunaikan. Mereka suka menipu bagai ular dua kepala yang sangat bisa.

2013-04-23 08:08


Based on the latest observation and the number of crowd occupied in PR ceramah......Inikalilah.....sudah menjadi reality in Negeri Sembilan!!!!

2013-04-23 08:54


ceramah PR majority is Chinese, Malay is not much..not mean PR will win

2013-04-23 09:05


i will vote for PR-DAP PAS OR Keadilan.5 may ,JOM UBAH

2013-04-23 09:12


Posted by datuk > Apr 23, 2013 08:56 AM | Report Abuse

with ending of cronism economy and widespread of curruption......malaysia is heading to an external debt free nation within the next 10 years!!!


What cronyism? See who's contesting in GE13?

Nik Aziz & Son....DUN
Lim Kid Siang & son Lim Guan Eng....P & DUN
Karpal Singh & son Gorbind....P
Anwar Ibrahim & Nurul.........P

Like family-owned party. What corruption? Who's Anwar before? Don't bullshit!!!

2013-04-23 09:14


You said it ranger...cronyism...not corruption....
Ur masters are both crony and corrupted...that's where the problem....

2013-04-23 09:15


Corruption is even worse than croynism.

2013-04-23 09:23


corruption start from cronyism..

2013-04-23 09:34


If corruption starts fr cronyism, LGE must be the riches man......another soh hai statement.....instead mokzhani and Mukhriz within 1 generation has broken into the top 12 riches in Malaysia.....wahhhh ur statement so

2013-04-23 09:38


that's because they haven't hold the government.. you will see it once they grip the government position.

2013-04-23 09:41


What u are a fortune teller sheman?

2013-04-23 09:43


Better to thrown away a rotten banana and try a new one. Hopefully it is good.

2013-04-23 09:49


i am your mom story teller.. LOL understand unknown child ?

2013-04-23 09:49


Sheman u were born from an anus in contrary.....appreciate ur mother and don't make a joke of her ok!

2013-04-23 09:51


don talk about corruption and abuse of power,you tell me if Ngeh Koo Ham is not the DAP chairman in Perak,can he managed to become the biggest landlord of Kelantan?can you calculate the revenue of one hectare oil palm,and how much for 15000 hectare for 50 years...

2013-04-23 09:56


Hahaha....sheman...born fr anus and screwing everyone fr the back....kakaka

2013-04-23 10:10


Jacko. Focus! focus on your stocks... U tiada Upah dibayar pun.

2013-04-23 10:11


Kakakaka Max8.... My breakfast and lunch comment only....

2013-04-23 10:51



Anwar Ibrahim

Please follow us on twitter @anwaribrahim for urgent updates. Have you visited our website lately? Get special emails about how you can help change Malaysia

2013-04-24 04:41


After GE13, Bingo...u better stay in the jungle and bring all your gangs there. U are welcome to make demos and chaos in the JUNGLE ONLY.

2013-04-24 10:10


and be ready for wild pig hunting..

2013-04-24 10:20


One week of campaign show the feelings on the ground is now changing against BN. The unexpected is about to happen. Be cautious and Protect your capital.

2013-04-24 10:24


Never in Malaysian politics that we witnessed father & son/daughter contesting for DUN and Parliamentary seats. ALL want to rule the states and country. Greed of power. Never happened in UMNO, MCA n MIC. Exists only in "PAKATAN"...

Nik Aziz & son
Anwar Ibrahim & daughter Nurul
Lim Kit Siang & son Lim Guan Eng
Karpal Singh & son Gorbind

This is the real and true CRONYISM AND NEPOTISM practiced by PAKATAN.

2013-04-24 10:24

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-04-24 10:28


Do this sons/daughters really had a choice? When their fathers were humiliated and tortured they entered politics to defend their family honor. They have nothing to gain by entering into politics.

They should be given a chance to prove their worth. As long as they don't steal public money then it should be OK. Guan Eng, Nurul and Gobind has proven service record that speak for them. It is just a coincidence they fathers' are also in politics. They are also not part of the evil UMNO Baru.

2013-04-24 10:37


Ranger: you are right n theres no place for anyone in this country to resort to violence or very undemocratics principles to win votes. We need peace inthis country to get more economic n political stabilites and if rayaat rejects PR dont blame BN.Cans of worms are piling out from PR and everyday more pakatan and DAP n pas memberships leaving their institutions.citing deeprooted fundamental issues.Pas is desperate to gain control of this country under Mahathir rules n decided to plot to kill Mahadhir.Can we accept PAS principles or ideologies so unislamic to kill fellow political leader as iif,Taliban style of ideology.Who was likely to be behind the explosion at BN nibong tebal ceramah last night,there more questions than answers from PR camp.Peace loving citizens should reject all these sorts of tactics as we have built record of peace for so many many years.

2013-04-24 10:41


104 MIC members just left BN because of Zul Nordin and 60 + UMNO sack and another 40 resigned.....who is leaving who.

Anyway we give u Zul Nordin, Hassan Ali, Ibrahim Al as replacement ...nah....all true racist.....

I am sure Ranger belieeve and support Zul Nordin ya...he seems like one racist dude....sorry old dude......

2013-04-24 10:46


Sunday, April 14, 2013GE13:

The squabbles for seats in Pakatan Rakyat continues
Merotai is considered a 'hot seat' as both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat component parties are eyeing the seat.

TAWAU: The squabbles for seats in Pakatan Rakyat, the national opposition coalition, is now threatening to turn cannibalistic in Sabah with DAP warily eyeing PAS intentions in the east coast of the state.

With little to gain and everything to lose, the Pakatan parties are facing off over who gets to place their candidate in the Muslim majority Merotai constituency land held by the BN’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).

PAS hit a ‘sour’ note when its president Abdul Hadi Awang included the constituency in its corner while Sabah DAP claims the seat is still under negotiations between the coalition partners.

Hadi announced at a function held at PAS Kalabakan office at Taman Semarak that the Islamic party would put up contestants in two parliamentary seats and nine state seats in Sabah.

The parliamentary seats are Batu Sapi and Kalabakan, while the state seats are Pitas, Tempasuk, Tanjung Aru, Sukau, Kunak, Bugaya, Tanjung Batu, Sebatik and Merotai.

Merotai is considered a ‘hot seat’ as both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat component parties are eyeing the seat considered a toss-up with the voters divided and moods likely to swing at the 11th hour.

Sabah DAP chairman Jimmy Wong, who was present when the PAS candidates were announced, said he was caught by surprise that Merotai was mentioned.

“The seat negotiations among Pakatan Rakyat has yet to be finalised and the Merotai state seat has already been conceded to DAP if LDP is defending the seat on behalf of BN,” he said.

Wong said this was a good strategic arrangement to consolidate all coalition members in order to deliver Kalabakan parliamentary constituency for the sake of taking over Putrajaya.

“I am a member of seat negotiations on Sabah matters and the decision of Merotai given to DAP had been minuted. Each party should not announce their own candidates in any constituencies unilaterally,” he said.

Due to the awkward position on the Merotai seat, he urged the Pakatan presidential council to oversee the Sabah seat negotiations and ensure component parties ensure any decision made is not altered.

Azman Habu

2013-04-24 10:50


Don't u read ranger.....PR double seat is because they are afraid some constituency candidate may defect.....they think of all this.....look at what happen to UMNO.....having to sack and secondly they did not even prepared for the fact Wanita UMNO no. 2 would much for a govt that anticipates

2013-04-24 10:53


转载: 我是丘沁伟,我支持两线制。



「各位同志,大家晚上好。是的!Apa Khabar ? 各位同志们,今天,我们很火大,如果你有发现到网路上或者是报纸上我们都会看到「505回国投票换政府」有没有听到?有没有看到?有吗?有!「505回家投票换政府」听起来很爽,讲起来很爽,然后呢?换成回教党执政,更爽!有吗?火大!为什么火大?因为我们看到这些可怜的、从外国回来的、只知道从很多很多的媒介看到的不过是我们假象的一面,他们今天从外国回来之后,我说,拉了一堆屎、投了一张票,然后拍拍屁股,管你今天我们生活在马来西亚的我们,是怎么样的去面对回教党,对吗?这现在我们很火大的地方,他们真的不负责任,因为他们根本没有看清楚反对党的阴谋,所以我们有责任站在这里,告诉他们我们很火大。」












2013-04-24 14:03


Don't worry about ranger....he is illiterate..tak dak baca.....can't me I know the fella who doesn't know 180 fr 360 degrees...leave alone politics.
He get confuse all the time....

Time for him to continue to ride his beloved pig....oink oink

2013-04-24 14:06

usat people too good in politic. You should focus on politic only la and dump your portfolio and become debt free first.

2013-04-24 14:11


Tell Ranger Usat,.....he is paid rm3k a kid but a BODOH one

2013-04-24 14:17


tiba tiba Pruuut satu usat...hahaha... a new hatched baby.

2013-04-24 14:22


The BN goons want to talk about Hudud especially MCA but they are not doing anything about the crime.......Maybe Ranger can go patrolling with his pig may help dissolve some
Look at what was reported this 2 days....‘mother-hero’&Itemid=2

2013-04-24 14:24



P 022 – Pasir Mas – Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz (PAS)
N 6 - Chempaka - Nik Aziz

P 162 – Gelang Patah – Lim Kit Siang
P 043 – Bagan – Lim Guan Eng

P 044 – Permatang Pauh – Anwar Ibrahim
P 121 – Lembah Pantai –Nurul Izzah Anwar

P 051 – Bukit Gelugor – Karpal Singh
P 103 – Puchong – Gobind Singh Deo

PAKATAN should UBAH...cronies, nepotism...families in politics. GE2008...GE2013...sama jer orang nya...ehemm

Probably they want to sapu the cabinet positions SHOULD..SHOULD...SHOULD...IN CASE...IN CASE...HOPING THAT...HOPING THAT...PAKATAN wins...


2013-04-24 18:08


Fantastic follow thru by DAP and PAS....ensuring succession planning.....kudos again!!

I think some ppl are just too differentiate between succession and corruption.....dumb have no medicine to cure ....Maybe in future the word dumb can be replace with Ranger....kakakaka

2013-04-24 18:33


Wah the house of all the BN Menteri Besar sooo sooo Big....

I wanto join BN to get rich......

This is Rangers dream......why must be staying in a flat and selling Kuih and part time cyber trooper .....

The root of the problem is all these while nothing was done to elevate the way of live.

2013-04-24 19:19



Afraid of their own shadows and fear of losing this GE, some dungus had resought to using EID (EXPOSIVE IMPROVISED DEVICE) to scare off BN supporters during the rally speech by BN candidate in Nibong Tebal last night.Sorry PENIPU RAKYAT, your attempt had no impact on BN supporters. Undoubtedly the EID had been devised by professionals. This shows how desperate the PR (PENIPU RAKYAT) in winning this GE.

2013-04-24 19:20


Hahaha all the expert of EID is in the current military include the C4.......sabotage.....kakakaka

2013-04-24 19:21



Afraid of their own shadows and fear of losing this GE, some dungus had resought to using EID (EXPOSIVE IMPROVISED DEVICE) to scare off BN supporters during the rally speech by BN candidate in Nibong Tebal last night.Sorry PENIPU RAKYAT, your attempt had no impact on BN supporters. Undoubtedly the EID had been devised by professionals. This shows how desperate the PR (PENIPU RAKYAT) in winning this GE.

2013-04-24 19:22


Again posting tak pakai wonder have to be a cyber trooper..... I think ranger is paid less than 3k? Need to proof himself.....

Hahaha all the expert of EID is in the current military include the C4.......sabotage?.....kakakaka

2013-04-24 19:25


Aik. Is that all Ranger u have got?

pagi kena hentam, afternoon hentam sampah diam diam, now malam so fast kalau d?

Like that mana Boleh terima 3k?

2013-04-24 19:31


Suddenly, I smell some kind of tango like harmony between Jacko and Ranger .... kakakaka... may plan a mamak chat after 505...

2013-04-24 19:43


Max8... Don't be mistaken, I love this brother and I am trying to salvage what is left.......BUT I WONT KISS HIM LIKE THE INDIAN DUDE WHO KISS ZUL become his driver and bodyguard or were they a couple all along??

2013-04-24 19:47


Jacko the Joker, arkakakaka

2013-04-24 20:01


I want cheap cars, cheap electricity, free water. GLC cannot involve in business. GLC in busimess tends to monopoly. That is why all of us suffer. They steal your money like the cow lady use your money to buy condo, buy ring, buy proton and sells its land not for its business. Control the car industries. Make poor people drive small car like kancil. And when accident, all passengers die. Indirectly a murderer. Monopoly the rice business. The sugar business. All corrupted. Come on lah. Please don't lie some more.

2013-04-24 20:31

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