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Is the M'sian market over-valued? How deep will KLSE plunge in the COMING CRASH? - Sam Chee Kong

Tan KW
Publish date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013, 01:27 PM
Tan KW
0 459,182


Written by Sam Chee Kong, Malaysia Chronicle

Is the M'sian market over-valued? How deep will KLSE plunge in the COMING CRASH?   KUALA LUMPUR - One mistake most investors make when building their portfolios is using the bottom-up approach where they tend to concentrate on stock picking without paying attention to the overall market.

When you apply the bottom-up approach you tend to ‘not see the forest for the trees’ because you are focusing on the ‘micro side’ of the market. Or put it another way, you concentrate on the companies but miss out on the overall market.

The right approach is to apply another strategy known as top-down investing. This approach focuses on the ‘macro side’ of the market. To build a top down portfolio you must first look into the macro economy. By this I mean you should have some idea not only where the stock market is heading but also its valuation.

Anyway, to cut the long story short on how the top-down approach works, I present you the following chart.


As from the above, before we proceed to stock pick our portfolio we need to do some analysis on the macro side of our market to determine its valuation. But how do we do it?

Market Cap to GDP Valuation Metric

Fortunately, there is a one valuation metric that can be used to gauge the valuation of our stock market. It is called the Market Capitalization to GDP (%). This metric is derived by multiplying the share price of all companies with their shares outstanding and then divide by the GDP. The result is a percentage which measures the total value of the stock market as compared to the output of the economy.

The equilibrium being the 100% level and if the metric is above the equilibrium then it is considered overvalued or trading at a premium and vice versa.

What is the Benchmark?

When asked about the Market Capitalization to GDP valuation method in his article appeared in Forbes in 2011. This is what Warren Buffet has to say.

“It is “probably the best single measure of where valuations stand at any given moment. If the percentage relationship falls to the 70% or 80% area, buying stocks is likely to work very well for you. If the ratio approaches 200%-you are playing with fire.

The following is the chart of the Market Capitalization of all listed companies to GDP (in %) in Malaysia as from 2002 to 2011.

In 2012 our Market Capitalization to GDP was 156% and this meant that our Stock Market trading at a 56% premium over the GDP. That meant our market is overvalued. Another thing to notice is that the best time to buy stocks in KLSE is during 2008 where the valuation is only 84%. The next thing we want to know is how expensive is our market as compared to others?

How expensive is our Stock Market?

To gauge how expensive our Stock Market as compared to others we need to look into the benchmark on Market valuations of other countries. The following table is compiled from data available from World Bank, which is the Market Capitalization to GDP (%) for selected countries from around the world for 2012.

South Korea
South Africa
Hong Kong

Evidently, our KLSE is the 4th most expensive Market in the world and is trading at 56% premium over its GDP. Other Asian Stock Markets that are trading at a premium over their respective GDP are Thailand (5%), South Korea (5%), Philippines (5%), Singapore (50%) and Hong Kong (320%).

Also notice that Stock Markets from countries that are affected by the current ongoing Financial Crisis are trading at a discount to the GDP. Take for example the PIIGS with Portugal (-69%), Italy (-76%), Ireland (-48%), Greece (-82%) and Spain (-26%) and even Iceland is trading at a big discount (-79%). Their relatively cheap valuation has to do with their market selloff in the past couple of years.

How deep will our Market Plunge?

Honestly, it is definitely not going to be mild because the current carnage is just the beginning. As some of you can recalled in my article dated on 17/08/2013, titled ‘Asian Stock Markets Review and Opportunities’. I mentioned on our market’s correction when the trend line (in black) is broken and volatility will surge and losses will be big. I again present below the daily chart of our FBMKLCI.

There are a few things that I would like to point out. It already fulfilled the conditions that I put forward previously and they are.

1. Broke the Trend line on the 19/08/2013

2. Cover the 5 months Gap on 23/08/2013

Moving forward are we going to see further turbulence? The answer is YES and it’s not only in Malaysia but the whole region. Our FBMKLCI will see further downside due to the following.

1. Increased outflow of foreign funds from this region.

2. Further Currency depreciation in the coming weeks. The main threat coming from India and Indonesia.

3. Threat of increase yield in bonds that will affect our interest rates. 10 year bond yields are soaring across the region in the past weeks and if not contained will provide bigger threat to the real economy.

4. No firm policy guidance from Central Banks in the region including Malaysia. They are trying to do everything at once meaning accomplishing several policies targeting with limited policy tools. At one moment they are Quantitatively Easing and the next they are doing Monetary Tightening. They are intervening in the foreign exchange market by selling dollars to prop up their own currency. Even our Bank Negara sold several billion of USD to prop up our Ringgit this week. In short there is no ‘Policy Coordination’. As a result this mess is causing jitters among foreign investors.

5. We are going into the second stage of the Crisis and this is where volatility in financial markets is heightened. Events can take a turn for the worse in a short period of time. This can be seen from the Asian Financial Crisis in 1998 where the contagion effect spread within weeks. Also in Argentina during their hyper-inflationary experience in the 1980s and early 1990s. Their monthly inflation rate can drop from 110% to 20% in a matter of days after government intervention and stabilized before it resumed its next surge to 230% the following month.

Hence as for the midterm (about 2 months), I reckon there is a good chance that our market is heading towards the 1620 points level which was set on 18/03/2013. It is marked with the pink circle. Before that we have to contemplate the first support which is at the 1694 level which is indicated by the blue circle. However this support will not hold and will be easily overcome as there is no solid base building.

Rounding up

In rounding up, I reckon that we have being taken for a ride by the dis-information of facts parroted by our mainstream media. Bank Negara through its ‘reassurance babble’ assured us that everything is fine and within fair valuation, deficits don’t matter, inflation is within expectations, real estate is not in bubble, our debts are manageable and so on. But now the chicken is coming home to roost and we will have to take the brunt of this coming downturn.

Since we know that anything goes up must come down and as the saying goes, ‘The Higher it goes, The Bigger the Crash’. Hence the most important thing to do is to be prepared and get ourselves educated for any eventuality. Anyway any Market Crash is not the end of the world but a form of ‘Wealth Transfer’. But transfer to whom? Well, from the ignorant to the informed because those informed are going to capitalize on this Crash and will emerge much wealthier than before.

So folks get prepared and educated. And HAPPY TRADING!


2 people like this. Showing 41 of 41 comments


tks TKW, good article..this guy is a super bear...

2013-08-26 10:42


Is this guy a roubini or a carson block?

2013-08-26 10:59


Anything that's published in Malaysia Chronicle is a bit too extreme.

2013-08-26 11:01


Is macro economic influence on the capital market predictable?

Nowadays with the power of the computer,it is easy to simulate past macro economic events and used them to back test their influence in the capital markets in the past. This has been a favorite research topic and has been carried out by many academic researchers. From what I have read so far, there is no statistic significant results to show that past macro economic events have the influence over the capital markets. Is there any reason to believe that they can in the future?

Those people who have some knowledge about economics would know that the top economists in the world are only 50% correct in predicting the market.

Sure market does go in cycles, but pinpointing the exact or even approximately point of the cycle the market is in now is proven to be a futile exercise. If one is wrong, and he is often wrong in the past, missing out the last leg of a bull market can be a costly endeavor.

Hence using a top-down approach in investing has also proven to be a futile exercise.

2013-08-26 11:02


the Malaysian Dr.Doom, Gloom n Bust...

2013-08-26 11:06


The more you learn the you gain , tq

2013-08-26 11:07


better run b4 too late...

2013-08-26 11:21


I'd prefer to look at the company earning potential rather than indexes

2013-08-26 11:38

winman 1

its true the crisis are coming, a big crash will even pull down giant maybank to 2.70, like in 97, so be prepared and dont miss the chance of buying at rock bottom.
the indian gov has make known of the attack on its currency hence depreciation and openly says its not defending thus the ripple effect is on the way and the only difference is, those days it stared off from thailand
true its an advantage to the well inform

2013-08-26 14:19

Ooi Teik Bee

I do not agree that the market is going to crash. I agreed that correction is due since the break up gap is sealed. Stay out of the market temporary, wait for uptrend to be back and start investing again.
Those interested to follow TA, buy again when the price crosses 20 days EMA or wait for KLCI to cross 20 days EMA. Bull market will be back later on. Thank you.

2013-08-26 14:28


This is just another correction after the failure again to decisively cross n hold above the 1800 level leading to good profit taking, exerbated by the frg capital outflows from emrging mkts n currency depreciation,blah blah blah.The important Q is..How low 5%? 10%? n how long ??is this correction going to be?..Corrections present again opportunities for us to buy again at cheaper levels..period..

2013-08-26 15:11


When the market drops, out comes the doomsayers like this guy, all riding on the opportunity to grab some headlines.

2013-08-26 15:51


How come he did not see it before the correction?

2013-08-26 15:56

charan das

correction is there but no crash

2013-08-26 17:42


talk is cheap and easy

2013-08-26 17:44


teacher teach student, must study hard and follow teacher's formula then u will score A, but I no guarantee lor, if you score A, meaning teacher's formula is good la, if you don't score A then you are not smart enough lor...

2013-08-26 17:50


very good write-up - all BEWARE

2013-08-26 18:03

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-08-26 20:45

Ooi Teik Bee

China stocks are cheap, Hong Kong stock market is the most expensive. Do you know that 40% of Hong Kong stocks are China "H" shares ?
Chinese saying "Cow head does not match horse mouth". Rubbish report.

2013-08-26 20:54


Big boys with strong financial muscle are in control...Big boys are flushing out the small boys now...Small boys are panicking and running for cover...nursing their wounds and trying to survive for the next round..

The turnaround will come at the "darkest hour when nearly everyone least expects" and turnaround it will!!

So chill out, just relax, re-strategize, re-arm and bide for your time and pounce on the next opportunity when it comes and please remember this...never regret what you have done ..just learn and profit from your experience and you will come out smiling when the next opportunity knocks!!!

2013-08-26 21:00


Most Foreign funds are already out of emerging markets...just look at the currencies of emerging countries had collapsed significantly over the past weeks...and the stock markets had corrected signifcantly

The big boys don't want to see a total collapse of global equity markets including emerging markets as they have very long term objectives in multiplying their wealth many folds...

Just some severe corrections to weed out weak holders and allow them to re-enter at cheaper prices will suffice...

2013-08-26 21:37


bottomline, mkts always undergo some corrections..these weaknesses are opportunities for us to buy get ready ur funds n tapau good stocks whc hv been bashed down..

2013-08-26 21:47

King Kong73

Bro. Buy..klcc..bro...recession proof

2013-08-26 21:48


Simple logic. What goes up must come down. Smart investors are the ones who churn profits whichever way it goes.

2013-08-26 21:54


Article written by Malaysia Spinner need to read with a pinch of salt.

2013-08-26 22:51

winman 1

from various info gather, i am this conclusion, our markets correction will go down to 1580, any 2nd opinion

2013-08-26 22:54


You will get surprise gift on 18 Sept, we going to continue QE

2013-08-26 23:03


QE = Q Eternity

2013-08-26 23:04


If anyone can predict the market, he dont need to write blog anymore, just sit at home predict and become richest person in the world. Why need to share his prediction ? He share because he need more people to help him to pull the market down and this is their main objective

2013-08-26 23:06


Many forget what move the market ? Many confuse that economy move the market, so dissapointed with these people

2013-08-26 23:09


U have points bro...but we don't know how bottom can touch....I agree with u that our stock price still high...or traders only selective stock u can bargain ...we just waiting news from federal reserve regarding bond issue wise n good luck

2013-08-26 23:16

Frank Soweto

more about tapering, Gold really think otherwise :)

2013-08-27 01:30


shopping time....

2013-08-27 09:24


window shopping first.....wait for clearer picture.....our market could get cheaper

2013-08-27 11:21



2013-08-28 09:43


this Papa Bear Sam must be grinning....

2013-08-28 09:53


Thanks TKW for sharing. I really learn a lot from this article

2013-08-28 10:05


Woopss..Philippines another 5.3% down, JKT -2.8%....

2013-08-28 10:08



2013-08-28 10:09


@jtfx you reckon it's shopping time? i think there's downward pressure still...

2013-08-28 10:26

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