Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Harapan baru mmg dayus...penakut..gua cabar lu lah weiii...x yah lu gune byk nickname..kan gua dah ckp bagi dok carut apehal...mak bapak lu x didik lu psl agama ker? Dosa ke x maki2 org..gua tgk lu nie kalo psl stock mmg hancur..gua rase lu ade byk contra loss..tu yg lu dok meroyan..ape punye bebal lah Mamat nie..x abis2 ngan post politik die..
2013-09-04 17:43
Wei harapan baru bagi 1 stock kite org bole bikin nie abis2dok post nie buat ape..election pon dah abis..hidup harus diteruskan..gua jadi fulltime investor dah lame..bole pon survive..umur gua pon belum 40tahun..gua keje stock mkt nie kat dealing dept dari gua 19tahun...gua bole bikin duit..nie sume terpulang ngan diri lu lah beb..usaha lah..Jgn dok komplen aje..ok lah..malas nak layan lu..gua nak gi vacation...lame2 nti gua lu kene banned lagi lak..pastu lu gune nickname SOHAI lagi bagus..
2013-09-04 17:48
Posted by infoumland > Sep 4, 2013 05:43 PM | Report Abuse
saufi awak memang orang BN. Berapa duit awak sudah makan?
...excellent said, clap clap clap , salute & respect you brother infoumland
2013-09-04 17:50
Infoumland..Gua bukan org BN beb..tapi kite org nak bikin duit lah..setakat post2 politik nie bukannye gua dpt bikin duit...gua nak stock yg bole bikin profit...kalo untung..sume org Happy...hahahahahahahahaha...
2013-09-04 17:51
saufi74 dan UMNNO ball kissers here are all the same. take boleh debate, start scolding. Tak malu. Go dig a hole & hide your faces expecially saufi74 as you are a real sucker.
2013-09-04 17:54
Posted by infoumland > Sep 4, 2013 05:43 PM | Report Abuse
saufi awak memang orang BN. Berapa duit awak sudah makan?
...wah, macham ini pun boleh, haahaahaa
2013-09-04 17:57
Dah ade nickname tikam lak..ok lah gua mau cau..malas layan org yg xde idea bikin ade berani gua cabar lu kite jumpa.,.kite cerita psl bikin duit..bukan psl nie sume..kalo mencarut2...maki2 org nie..gua mmg x pandai mcm lu org...
2013-09-04 17:57
good singara , you scold the right person, that is saufi74 , appreciate this, salute.
2013-09-04 17:59
saufi74, look at this, u tak malu???
Posted by singara > Sep 4, 2013 05:57 PM | Report Abuse
Posted by infoumland > Sep 4, 2013 05:43 PM | Report Abuse
saufi awak memang orang BN. Berapa duit awak sudah makan?
...wah, macham ini pun boleh, haahaahaa
2013-09-04 18:04
saufi74 dan gang sin, u cannot reply to other & when u don't like what others says, u & your gang ask people to migrate, then say fxxk, tak malu. Jangan tunjuk pandai sendiri tapi u bodoh sangat, haahaahaa
2013-09-04 18:07
Petrol, Prime Minister Najib Razak announced, will go up by 20 cents. In a clear sign of the vast gap that separates him from the everyday life of Malaysians, he added that it was not much. That, of course, is not at all true.
Raising the price of petrol raises the price of everything else, from milk to curry powder to pampers to tenggiri. The ordinary Malaysian, stuck with a stagnant paycheck thanks to BN’s incompetence in running Malaysia, will suffer. He will need to borrow ever more to get through the month. Some will resort to loan sharks, who proliferate unpoliced.
This then is life under the Barisan Nasional. They are bereft of ideas. Their projects are all failures, resulting only in large sums of money going into the pockets of expatriates who whoop it up in Bangsar, while Malaysians have to hang their head as they make their way to fly-ridden restaurants.
Wastage and mismanagement
What happened to Najib’s ETPs and whatever else? They were a bunch of meaningless acronyms given false life by Idris Jala’s numbers massaging. Now all Najib can do is raise our taxes.
There is no question that the external environment is a difficult one. China’s growth is slowing thus reducing commodities prices and we are sorely affected. So that’s what we are, a nation dependent on commodities! We have only stuff we dig out of the ground to sell! How we have progressed!
Why then does the government continue to sink money into rubbish like the Multimedia Super Corridor, another of former premier Mahathir Mohamad’s megalomaniacal projects. It has produced naught! It is managed by the same old people who have got it precisely nowhere.
Proton meanwhile is coming up with a new car. It is a Honda Accord, but with headlights of different geometrical shape, and lower overall quality. Brilliant.
There will be more price rises in the coming months courtesy of the BN. To keep you under control, there will be more draconian laws, used in innovative ways to silence you.
If you and your family are going hungry, consider working two jobs. Lots of government servants are doing that already. If all else fails, there’s always the friendly neighbourhood loan shark. His number is on all the lamp posts.
2013-09-04 18:10
petro & diesel naik, so now snowballing effect & these UMNO/BN supporters are must be very happy lah. Thank you to these stupid & idiotic UMNO/BN ball lickers....
The higher operational costs resulting from the 20 sen increase in the price of RON95 petrol and diesel is likely to be pushed to customers, according to major players in the transport industry.
They also ask the public to brace for the chain effect of more expensive goods and services.
The Pan Malaysian Bus Operators Association, which has 130 members nationwide, expects fares for stage and express coaches to rise between 5% and 30% “in the near future”.
“The hike in diesel price has resulted in an immediate rise of 5% in operational costs and this will have an impact on stage and express bus operators,” association president Datuk Ashfar Ali said.
“We urge the Government to act quickly to minimise the impact as operators will find it hard to absorb the increase in fuel cost,” he told The Star.
Operators are now given a quota of 1,400 litres of diesel per month for a stage bus and 2,800 litres for an express bus. The quota price is now RM1.68 a litre.
Bus operators have to pay the pump price – now increased to RM2 – if they exceed their monthly quota, Ashfar said.
Ashfar suggested that the Government increase the diesel quota for stage coaches to 3,000 litres a month, and for express buses to 6,000 litres.
The Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Lorry Operators Association said that diesel costs made up 30% to 40% of the entire expenditure of its members.
The fuel hike would raise their operation costs by about 5% to 8%, association secretary-general Alvin Choong added.
“This is quite a significant increase. Operators will naturally try to pass the extra cost on to the consumers,” he said.
He, however, believed the increase in the prices of goods due to the fuel spike “should not be very big”.
Choong, who expects the Government to increase diesel prices further in the near future, said it should not be done in stages.
Association of Malaysian Hauliers president Datuk Che Azizuddin Che Ismail said “it is natural” for consumers to pay more when operation costs go up.
He said the additional costs would depend on the type of vehicle an operator used and the kind of cargo transported.
“It is up to the operators how much of the cost they will pass on to their customers,” he said. -thestar
2013-09-04 18:20
Today, Umno cannot speak for all Malay in the country...
“In GE13, out of 7.3 million Malay who vote, 3.4 million voted for Umno but 3.9 million Malay voted for Pakatan”. The Chinese wish to cooperate with the Malay in PR for a clean govt. Is it seditious?"
- Dato' Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz(Sakmongkol AK47)
Ahli Parlimen Raub(DAP)
2013-09-04 18:27
Typical Bingo aka Alias256,harapan lanjiao,jingo,jango n lickaball animal politics....
Jebon jebon!....
2013-09-04 18:45
From midnight tonight, the retail price of RON97 petrol nationwide will be hiked by 15 sen per litre to RM2.85 per litre from RM2.70 per litre.
2013-09-04 19:22
Ladzatz, its not negative talk. It's Truth talking. Stocks we buy is related. Gomen must think of rakyat. If PM can undo monopolies set by previous gomen... Rakyat will forgive any of his allege wrong doings!
2013-09-04 20:14
Hey guys, you all should ask Hafiz to try his mums of the tastiest belacan I have seen......he told me he loves them as well........tqs hafiz.....u r great fren....
2013-09-04 20:22
It just among frens lah share......don't keep to urself to do ur mum, shoul be available to everyone.......who likes her cooking......
2013-09-04 20:38
THE government is mulling the reintroduction of RON92 petrol to give motorists more options in getting affordable fuel.
The move came following measures to be introduced by the government as it drew up strategies to ease the burden of the middle-income group in the 2014 Budget on Oct 25.
Flip & flop again, folks? Hahahahahahahah!! Read more:
2013-09-04 20:40
Petrol, Prime Minister Najib Razak announced, will go up by 20 cents. In a clear sign of the vast gap that separates him from the everyday life of Malaysians, he added that it was not much. That, of course, is not at all true.
Raising the price of petrol raises the price of everything else, from milk to curry powder to pampers to tenggiri. The ordinary Malaysian, stuck with a stagnant paycheck thanks to BN’s incompetence in running Malaysia, will suffer. He will need to borrow ever more to get through the month. Some will resort to loan sharks, who proliferate unpoliced.
This then is life under the Barisan Nasional. They are bereft of ideas. Their projects are all failures, resulting only in large sums of money going into the pockets of expatriates who whoop it up in Bangsar, while Malaysians have to hang their head as they make their way to fly-ridden restaurants.
Wastage and mismanagement
What happened to Najib’s ETPs and whatever else? They were a bunch of meaningless acronyms given false life by Idris Jala’s numbers massaging. Now all Najib can do is raise our taxes.
There is no question that the external environment is a difficult one. China’s growth is slowing thus reducing commodities prices and we are sorely affected. So that’s what we are, a nation dependent on commodities! We have only stuff we dig out of the ground to sell! How we have progressed!
Why then does the government continue to sink money into rubbish like the Multimedia Super Corridor, another of former premier Mahathir Mohamad’s megalomaniacal projects. It has produced naught! It is managed by the same old people who have got it precisely nowhere.
Proton meanwhile is coming up with a new car. It is a Honda Accord, but with headlights of different geometrical shape, and lower overall quality. Brilliant.
There will be more price rises in the coming months courtesy of the BN. To keep you under control, there will be more draconian laws, used in innovative ways to silence you.
If you and your family are going hungry, consider working two jobs. Lots of government servants are doing that already. If all else fails, there’s always the friendly neighbourhood loan shark. His number is on all the lamp posts.
2013-09-05 00:54
I hope we can skip the cursing guys.. we are here to make $$.. anyway i like some of the comments here.. excellant english which i can learn a lot.. tq.. :)
2013-09-05 01:03
saufi if u want to reply...reply in short...let bingo buang masa dia reply panjang2...his hobby what...he is bingo the promoter of amedia...kalah besar wa cakap lu...haha..that's why he cannot recommend u any...most people here supporting him ..are his other accounts
2013-09-05 01:15
puki tiang ladzatz , no need to talk big here, go and get a screw to cheer you up...incorrigible UMNO/BN ball licker?
2013-09-05 01:22
so ladzatz ada nama baru? puki tiang, haa haa ha. got it puki tiang ladzatz, as harapan said, go fly a kite or better still get a screw to satified, you sister for a change?????
2013-09-05 01:25
puki tiang ladzatz & your bastards UMNO/BN ball lickers are up to no good that even detention of national laureate A Samad Said in the wee hours of the morning they will support, shame on you ball licker puki tiang ladzatz .
2013-09-05 01:31
puki tiang ladzatz , heard what singara said?? or are you that stupid deaf???
2013-09-05 01:32
puki tiang ladzatz , no need to talk big here, go and get a screw to cheer you up...incorrigible UMNO/BN ball licker?
2013-09-05 01:33
puki tiang ladzatz , no need to talk big here, go and get a screw to cheer you up...incorrigible UMNO/BN ball licker?
2013-09-05 01:33
adoi, got puki tiang ladzatz, alamak what's next? Now try to be a busybody puki tiang ladzatz got screw again, ho ho ho
2013-09-05 01:38
brother bakutteh, thank you for your support. must teach this stinking puki tiang ladzatz a good lesson.
2013-09-05 01:41
Posted by singara > Sep 5, 2013 01:31 AM | Report Abuse
puki tiang ladzatz & your bastards UMNO/BN ball lickers are up to no good that even detention of national laureate A Samad Said in the wee hours of the morning they will support, shame on you ball licker puki tiang ladzatz .
2013-09-05 01:47
our beloved Malaysia get popular for the wrong this...
Bersih co-chairperson S Ambiga struggled to contain her frustration when commenting on the detention of national laureate A Samad Said in the wee hours of the morning.
What's next. Malaysia Boleh????
2013-09-05 01:54
Heard that in sepak takraw Malaysia lost to South Korea 3-0, Malaysia Boleh again????
2013-09-05 02:00
Hutang negara Malaysia terkini : Bukan tidak cakap, dah cakap. Bukan tidak prihatin dengan masalah negara, tetapi malangnya masing-masing yang berkuasa tidak bersedia untuk muhasabah diri untuk memperbaiki diri.
Daripada tahun lepas lagi, Berita Semasa telah kongsikan amaran awal daripada Fitch Rating & Standard & Poor’s (KLIK SINI) tentang masalah boros berbelanja dan pengurusan kewangan negara yang tidak baik sehingga menyebabkan hutang kerajaan Malaysia terus melambung tinggi tidak setanding dengan pulangan pendapatan yang dinikmati negara. Akhirnya negara terus membentangkan bajet defisit setiap tahun. Nah……
...continue reading here..
2013-09-04 17:40