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GST can make prices of goods and services cheaper - BERNAMA

Tan KW
Publish date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013, 09:30 PM
Tan KW
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Malaysians can enjoy cheaper goods and services for many basic necessities if the government implements the goods and services tax (GST), replacing the existing sales and service tax (SST).

The tax, likely to be implemented by 2015, will see a proposed rate of four per cent to replace the current narrowly-applied 10% sales tax and six per cent services tax.

The GST will be levied on the consumption of goods and services at all stages of the supply chain. If implemented, some 40 basic food necessities, including rice, sugar, milk powder and flour will be listed as zero-tax items, while essential services, such as healthcare, may be classified as tax-exempt.

Most of the items were currently being taxed under the SST and the transition to GST could ease burden on the poor, Secretary-General of Ministry of Finance, Mohamad Irwan Serigar Abdullah, was quoted as saying.

The GST will ensure that the prices of the items will not increase. Besides that, not all products will be charged the full tax under the proposed GST as certain products will be charged only half of the GST rate.

“The GST is a must, it’s not an option,” Irwan Serigar said, adding that should the new tax regime be implemented, the government was confident of trimming the fiscal deficit of gross domestic product by 2015 and hitting a surplus by 2020.

Meanwhile, MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd Senior Vice-President/Head of Research, Zulkifli Hamzah, said although the implementation of GST was inflationary, it would only be in the short term as consumption patterns adjusted over time.

“We expect the GST to have a transitory inflationary impact on prices, similar to the evidence found in many countries which have introduced the tax.

Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah

Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah

“The inflationary impact of the GST will depend on the rate to be decided, exemptions and parallel measures to mitigate price rises,” he told Bernama.

The Malaysian Customs Department is of the view that GST’s inflationary impact will be minimal as basic and essential foodstuff will be zero-rated and public amenities will be exempted.

Another factor is the lower production cost as GST paid on inputs is claimable by businesses, while savings from the input tax credits should be passed on to the consumers in the form of lower prices.

GST, a broad-based consumption tax, or value-added tax, was first tabled at the Dewan Rakyat in Dec 16, 2009 to replace the current SST, but was withdrew last year for amendments.

The transition will be part of the fiscal reforms undertaken by the government to reduce fiscal deficits and achieve a neutral balanced budget by 2020, helping the country to move towards a high-income economy as well as to achieve a developed nation status.

Economist opined that now was the right time to implement the GST as part of efforts to bolster government revenue. Once implemented at a revenue-neutral rate of four per cent, the new tax was estimated to rake in a revenue of RM18 billion, which was quite similar to the current revenue of RM16 billion to RM17 billion from sales and services taxes at an average rate of seven per cent.

It is anticipated that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will announced the GST in the Budget 2014 on Oct 25. The GST would take 14 months to be implemented after it was announced.


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:( ?

2013-10-22 21:40


THis is BN come tax make things cheaper...mahu tipu rakyat.....

2013-10-22 21:46


No need to guess, I am sure gst will be announced on Friday. Let's buckled up!

2013-10-22 21:47


Then ruslimz, 160 country around the world who implementing GST in their country are also lie to their Rakyat ? . Below is the list of 160 country around the world which implementing GST.

2013-10-22 22:15


If you want to introduce GST...introducelah...but dont say GST will make goods cheaper....ini tipu lah.....

2013-10-22 22:27


now look izosklse, those country never claim or tipu rakyat that GST will make goods cheaper larr.....that's the difference between them and bolehland, period!!

2013-10-22 22:33


i think the best think is govt should provide guide book or some sort of information booklet to all rakyat so that we all can understand well about the implementation of GST. Because for sure there is a good and bad things about GST. If all bad things then non of the country around the world would dare to implement it. There must be some good on it and some bad on it and i think rakyat should be inform on this so that rakyat is not easily being mislead by any group/organization.

2013-10-22 22:35


If you want promote pr..promote lah....but don't say pr x menipu....tipu...lah...Penang naik bil air bulan ni kelantan naik bil bulan ni woo...tak lama lg cukai pintu khabarnya mau naik di Penang...parking pun mau naik....aiya...aiya mati loo....

2013-10-22 22:38


i am not interested to know all the rubbish...i just want to know why the price of my favorite local banana could be more expensive than an imported apple?

2013-10-22 22:41


haha bil air naik?...tapi depa tak kata bil naik harga air jadi murahhh...hehe....

2013-10-22 22:42


GST may not be a perfect system, but has worked well as a revenue base for other countries...IMAO :)

2013-10-22 22:43


Ini bukan promote PR lah...aku tanya engkau betulkan GST boleh barang jadi murah...ini takda kene mengena dengan air naik dikelantan dan pulau pinang

2013-10-22 22:43


betul tu Tessa....tapi pemerintah kena amanah lahh....jangan dapat tambah revenue ...songlap sana membazir sini....ini yang kita takutkan!!

2013-10-22 22:47


after they spending gila gila.....duit tak cukup....maka ber GST lah mereka nak cover gila gila belanja.

2013-10-22 22:47


baca audit negara reportlah......macam mana mereka guna duit rakyat....

2013-10-22 22:54


"You fight with me, I fight you, I kill you..." - Nazri Aziz

2013-10-22 22:59


Selangor and kelantan juga disebut dlm audit report..yang audit sebut pegawai kerajaan not bn la...kuat tipu..JGN LUPA PEGAWAI KERAJAAN JUGA AHLI PR....

2013-10-22 23:04


Yang penting profit gain tak kena cukai sudah. He he.

2013-10-22 23:04


Imposition of GST will be offset by decrease in personal taxes eventually...i think the Govt is in the right mind to implement GST especially the individual income per capita has increased significantly for the last 10 years.

2013-10-22 23:08

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