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[转贴] 【美德显威】- MITRA(9571)再创佳绩,盈利yoy进步了97%! - Harryt30

Tan KW
Publish date: Thu, 26 Nov 2015, 09:47 AM
Tan KW
0 440,339


MITRA是一家成长非常惊人的建筑公司,公司的盈利很给力地连续进步了11个 Quarter。而MITRA最新一季的盈利进步了97%,而EPS则进步了83.7%。这个季度的盈利是25.821mil,也是这家建筑公司的历史新 高。现在的EPS为12.22, PE是9.98,而ROE更是来到了16.97的水平!

而最新的业绩显示,建筑领域还是最大的贡献者,占了公司Profit before Tax的91.5%。虽然南非投资的营业额下跌,但是盈利的Profit Margin增加导致yoy持续进步,这个季度的税前盈利是2.268 mil,占了总盈利的6.71%。而产业领域也一如预期,盈利继续下滑,盈利只有区区的0.639 mil。

公司截至9月30日,公司手上还有13.9亿的建筑合约。还有10月9号的52mil 的合约,加上今天跟SII合作拿到RAPID的183mil合约,持有51%的MITRA应该会获得92 mil的合约。总额来说,MITRA现在一共有15.3亿左右的合约。此外,公司现在还在竞标着新的合约,希望会陆续有好消息传来。

最后,公司在南非还有大约11.98 mil未进账销售,相信会在年底结账。管理层相信2015年会是很杰出的一年,因为MITRA的传统旺季都是在Q4. 之前管理层说今年有信心达到10亿的营业额,现在大约是6.36亿,不知道第4个季度会不会有惊喜呢??其实只要Q4有2.6亿左右的营业额就已经突破单季历史新高了,让我们拭目以待吧。



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2 people like this. Showing 3 of 3 comments


thanks for sharing, but the net cash from operation is negative, free cash flow is negative, and the debt is increasing

for me, not a good buy

2015-11-26 21:05


For property dev co compare property dev cost & CFO. If there is plenty of FCF but very low property dev cost that's mean it's hit severely by property downcyle (no new project). Conversely, if FCF is low but property dev cost increases that's mean it's sale is good & launching more projects. For manufacturing businesses, negative CFO indicates buildup of receivable, inventory or increasing capex. For property dev co one must interprets it differently.

2015-11-27 08:01


Don't just focus of micro. Broad market is important. Don't you notice recently good QR fails to boost share price? Those cold storage stocks shoot up one by one. I don't know about you all but I don't feel comfortable.

2015-11-27 08:07

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