Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
Created by Tan KW | Jan 14, 2025
There is no glory in forcing people to live like you and under your roof. What makes you think, you can run my life and tell me how to live? Who are you to tell me how shall I live? Just because you got more money and bigger cock, therefore you can tell me and dictate me how should I live my life. I don't care about the glory of China. I am a human being who values freedom of speech , religion and democracy. If you love Chinese commmunist party so much, go and live there. Go home to china and dont' speak 1 word of english. Forcefully occupying neighbours and countries and people who don't want to be under the Chinese Communist party is a gangster approach. If the Chinese communist party really cares for the people, then hold a referendum to determine whether Hongkongers or Taiwanese want to live under COmmunist rule. Why force it. Britain didn't force the british for Brexit. They hold a referendum. THis is the only fair way.
2019-07-29 19:21
this wong stuck in time zone when British the masters...........nowadays western model is falling apart.
2019-07-29 19:59
VWWong > Jul 29, 2019 6:53 PM | Report Abuse
Malaysian's who support Chinese Communist Party should migrate to China
don't play play...even Mahathir has to support the Road and Bridge
2019-07-29 20:01
VWWong > Jul 29, 2019 7:21 PM | Report Abuse
There is no glory in forcing people to live like you and under your roof
what future HK has if it does not integrate fully with China? let Li Kahshing determine your apartment price?
2019-07-29 20:03
actually HK and Carrie is very badly by administrators who has no idea.
2019-07-29 20:04
no difference from before 1997....still administered as a colony for the 1%...........................
2019-07-29 20:05
after the CCP took over China in 1949, by 1960, they already solved the housing and accommodation problems of the the Pearl River delta.
2019-07-29 20:10
and stock index has no relationship with a good life for the 99%...............
2019-07-29 20:13
HK is a city of the 1% for the 1% by the 1%..........................not a good city.
2019-07-29 20:47
these stupid youngsters don't know 100years of lossess sacrified because a few traitors administer ganja rights with whites
2019-07-29 20:57
HK youths are d most fuxking rudest in whole Asia
KNN can't stand them
Start every sentence wit tiu tiu tiu
Hope ths HK youths learn a hard lesson tis time
2019-07-30 09:14
hell n heaven place,they only learn to compete for comfort,but didn't ustd hardship for productivity
2019-07-30 09:24
CCP made a silly mistake. Youth is the future. MY should take the chance WELCOME Hongkie to migrate here, push up our I C B C property market. There must be ample room for freedom of expression. No gomen is perfect and must willing to listen to citizens' critism. We look high of china's role in creating entrepreneurship, but not the best political model. Self-righteous govt. back to Dynasty era which bring their doom.
2019-07-30 10:06
Don't worry....
HSI still standing above 28,000 level.....
All $$$ still @ Hong Kong bank account......
All property pricing in Hong Kong still gradually increased....
2019-07-30 11:46
It is easy to say "I love democracy", "I love freedom of speech" ....
Hongkong's problem would not have arisen if the British had not used their gunboat to grab other people's land. The people of Chagos are still waiting to return to their original home stolen by UK n leased out to US to build its naval base in the Indian Ocean.
Like they say, if there is no Act 1, then there is no Act 2.
2019-07-31 15:26
Let it die, why should we care. It’s good to see it is dying. The arrogance and ignorance of Hong mongers are no where to find, maybe kiasoo land in the south of Malaysia are bit better than hongkongers.
2019-07-31 20:51
"The arrogance and ignorance of Hong mongers are no where to find,"
You are right. A few years back, I was in Hong Kong n I do find the people there arrogant. I asked my way by showing the name of a street to a Hong Kong shopkeeper and his reply was "don't know".
The people of Macao are friendly and are able to converse in Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Portuguese. At least, I can see the wisdom of Macao people.
Now, Hongkees are saying Hong Kong will bounce back. I doubt it. PRC will leave Hong Kong in the cold and develop Shenzhen as another Hong Kong, New laws will be erected to turn it into an international city n if successful, the rest of China will follow. Change is indeed taking place in PRC for the better.
2019-08-01 11:58
There is no pride in forcing people to live under your roof. If Chinese Communist Party were to allow referendum to be held in Taiwan and Hong Kong, I am sure they will vote for independence. Same goes for Guangdong,Fujian, Tibet and Xinjiang. Uniting China principle is the same as the ISIS principle of creating a Islamic Caliphate. Both of these principle doesn't make sense and cause plenty of misery to the people in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjing and Tibet. As a Malaysian Chinese who has the freedom to criticize the government, I see the importance of "check and Balance".
2019-08-04 11:15
THe problem with people who love Chinese communist party are these people have not migrated back to China and still investing their money in properties in Australia and Canada and UK. What a hypocrite.
2019-08-04 11:16
qq3, Singapore didn't integrate with China politically. But their main exporter and importer are still China. It doesn't make sense to politically integrate with China when the policies do not cater to a developed country status. Singapore also didn't integrate with Malaysia politically, we are still their main exporter and importer. WHen 2 countries are friendly, eventually they will buy and sell with one another more. 14 Million singaporeans visited Malaysia every year and they are Malaysia biggest tourist and spend the most. qq3, your logic is warp and probably brain wash by stupid chinese communist party propaganda machine. You can't tell the difference between what is reality and what is "kung fu" movie. You must be one who believes ancient chinese got "heng gong" and can jump 20 feet of the ground.
2019-08-04 11:21
Switzerland didn't politically integrate with EU and yet they are the richest country in the world. Their per capita GDP is one of the highest in the world. qq3, you must a loser who keeps losing money gambling in stock market.
2019-08-04 11:22
China Govt did not even ask hk to integrate with china mah...just look Hk use cantonese and english whereas mandrin is the 3rd language loh...!!
In mainland china, they use mandrin and english is the 2nd most important language bcos it is a language of commerce mah...!!
2019-08-04 11:24
Junichiro, is even easier for you to migrate back to China or North Korea, since you love communist.
2019-08-04 11:24
JUnichiro, you are the most arrogant and ignorant CHinese in the whole world. You are a disgrace to the chinese race. Your children hate you because you kept on losing money gambling in Chinese stock market.
2019-08-04 11:25
China populations is 4 times of USA. By right China's economy should be 4 times that of USA. What is taking China so long. Must be busy oppressing their own citizens.
2019-08-04 11:27
Junichiro, the right term is hongkongers and not hongkies. You are such a racist to your own race and very likely you are not liked by your in-law and even your own children. Your children think you are a loser who keeps losing money in stock market.
2019-08-04 11:30
Stupid fellow with stupid logic loh....!!
Where got like this leh....!!
If like that a beggar has the same income like Li Ka Shing loh...!
Posted by VWWong > Aug 4, 2019 11:27 AM | Report Abuse
China populations is 4 times of USA. By right China's economy should be 4 times that of USA. What is taking China so long. Must be busy oppressing their own citizens.
2019-08-04 11:30
qq3, Singapore didn't integrate with China politically yet China is still their main exporter and importer. It doesn't make sense to politically integrate with China when the policies do not cater to a developed country status. Singapore also didn't integrate with Malaysia politically and yet we are still Singapore's main exporter and importer. When 2 countries are friendly, eventually they will buy and sell to one another more. 14 Million singaporeans visited Malaysia every year and they are Malaysia's biggest tourist money contributor. qq3, your logic is warp and probably brain wash by stupid chinese communist party propaganda machine. You can't tell the difference between what is reality and what is "kung fu" movie. You must be one who believes ancient chinese got "heng gong" and can jump 20 feet of the ground. So what does qq3 knows about being friendly with your neighbour. I believe he is the uncle who likes to park in front of people house except of his own.
2019-08-04 11:34
Singapore is an independent nation and HK is only a territory lease from CHINA mah....!!
That is a different....HK is a rented experimental quasi Nation for 50 yrs loh...!!
Posted by VWWong > Aug 4, 2019 11:34 AM | Report Abuse
qq3, Singapore didn't integrate with China politically yet China is still their main exporter and importer. It doesn't make sense to politically integrate with China when the policies do not cater to a developed country status. Singapore also didn't integrate with Malaysia politically and yet we are still Singapore's main exporter and importer. When 2 countries are friendly, eventually they will buy and sell to one another more. 14 Million singaporeans visited Malaysia every year and they are Malaysia's biggest tourist money contributor. qq3, your logic is warp and probably brain wash by stupid chinese communist party propaganda machine. You can't tell the difference between what is reality and what is "kung fu" movie. You must be one who believes ancient chinese got "heng gong" and can jump 20 feet of the ground. So what does qq3 knows about being friendly with your neighbour. I believe he is the uncle who likes to park in front of people house except of his own.
2019-08-04 11:39
Hong Kong still has 28 years to gain independence or postpone converting to communism.
If you are investor or foreigner, your next move should be pushing ignorant youths to fight for independence while surveying the next immigration destination at the same time.
Poor ignorant youth in Hong Kong.
In Hong Kong, you almost need to be able to fly to do well there if you were born there.
2019-08-04 14:22
wong.........HK has always been a place for the 1%.....Those days, the 1% were the colonial, its the uber rich....20 years after 97 , HK is still a colony of the 1%.....
across the river, the CCP already solved the housing problems by more squatters , no more boat people since 1960...........
HK is a pitiful place and no cure.
2019-08-04 14:45
HK got lucky and became pimp for no one needs HK to pimp for how? what left?
2019-08-04 14:52
HK depends on Mainland on water supply, electricity, food and even its economy. Without mainland, how Hong Kong can survive by itself
2019-08-04 15:03
HK people has a lot of things to be unhappy about....Unhappy with China should not be one of them............
2019-08-04 15:12
HK government very irresponsibly let foreigners compte with locals in housing............just to keep property price sky high, and developers uber profits............
Li Kah Shing is not a solution, LKS is ring leader and source of HK problems.
2019-08-04 15:20
for sociologists to understand, not for me............How did HK become such an ugly place?
the answers have profound implications.
2019-08-05 10:54
Malaysian's who support Chinese Communist Party should migrate to China. Malaysia is a democratic country where you can criticise the government. So for those communist chinese loving, please pack your bags and go to China. Lets see how you can survive starting a business there.
2019-07-29 18:53