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Farewell to Pacifism: Japan is rearming | DW Documentary

Tan KW
Publish date: Sun, 12 Jan 2025, 06:00 AM
Tan KW
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Farewell to Pacifism: Japan is rearming | DW Documentary

  - DW Documentary
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'If I'm awake I'm either working or working out' - time with family, friends, learning an instrument, walking....

4 weeks ago


Exactly! Living a robotic lifestyle doesn't bring fulfilment, but it only distracts us from feeling the truth which is the deep emptiness in our hearts. There is a huge difference between living and existing.
I am so happy you know what living looks like (family & friends).

4 weeks ago


working doesn't just mean working a job or on your career. It can also mean working on your relationships, your emotional intelligence, your mental health, etc. doing that ensures that we keep growing, we can always push past the limits. That's my personal take on it

4 weeks ago


Disagree with this one 100%. It's such an unhealthy approach to life. Where's the joy? Rest is sometime as productive - or even more so - than work.
Speaking as someone who was raised by a mother who felt like Tom, and made me feel I had to be the same... now recovering from burnout that caused serious health issues.

4 weeks ago


The burnout is real and it takes a long time to recover. Self discovery and getting introduced to joy is a process but l am glad to see others working on the same thing.

4 weeks ago


don't think anyone said sleeping & recovery isn't important. Those are apart of the process. To answer your question, where is the joy, I find joy in being the best person I can possibly be, not just for myself, but for my loved ones, for my close ones, the people that don't know me but know my story, the people that don't know me or know my story & see me 1 day in their life, and the people that will never know me. Because I know I have made an impact in this world for the better. For myself and others and I will continue to do so. Nobody truly knows what comes next, but when I do go I will never have to wonder what I could've done or what could've happened if I had really tried my best.

4 weeks ago


I wasted 3 hours this morning with my baby and toddler! Last night I wasted a solid 2 minutes with my wife.

4 weeks ago


I like that perspective. It's possible however, the Americas are obsessed with personal success. It's the only country l've been to where people ask 'so what do you do. Most other countries prioritise the things that really matter. love, kids, friends and community.

4 weeks ago


I definitely know what you mean, and i do not like that either, but not everyone who has is wealthy/rich or has a lot is that way/ it would take a while going into my personal character. I'm currently 50++, but my 2 main
"purposes" are giving 110% effort in every area of my life to become the best I can, and to make the world a better place. And I know for a fact that if I do #1, then #2 will be a byproduct of that. I plan on helping as many people as possible and at the same time l plan achieving all of my personal dreams like traveling and seeing all parts of the world & making sure my family is financially secure & free.

4 weeks ago


yeah, totally agree this is so insane and inhumane. Tom knows how to make money but does not know how to live. There is so much more to life.

4 weeks ago


this was literally the only point I disagree with as well. However I'm sure when facing pushback you could spin that statement to include "working" on relationships (e.g. Family & friends) and consider learning an instrument or playing a video game.

4 weeks ago


I think he means after waking up and getting out of bed... not his whole day. He also says this indirectly through point 5: only do "scheduled" work after 7 am, so you don't do extra work and instead have more freedom to do all the other important stuff in your life.

4 weeks ago


The phrase "if I'm awake" doesn't leave room for interpretation. Thats pretty specific. Also doing "important stuff" is the issue. Also one wants to do important stuff all the time even if it's not "work". Doing nothing important at all, like simply relaxing is critical to mental health

4 weeks ago


No time for regrets in the middle of a workout.

4 weeks ago


two whole minutes?! Slow down stud and give her time to enjoy it too。

4 weeks ago


Guess what? You are first to you before anybody in this world, no matter how close they are.
If you don't take care of yourself first and add value to yourself, what are you going to give to others.
It's reality, the Man comes first before anybody. Period end of story.

4 weeks ago


Clearly you aren't married and don't have children. Taking care of yourself isn't spending every waking hour working or working out. That mentality is exactly why we have a world filled with self serving, materialistic, narcissists who never find happiness or meaningful relationships.

4 weeks ago


How many people, on their death bed say, "I wish I" had more money" or "I wish I spent more time working"
Priorities are important.

4 weeks ago


my wife and I were just at her grandpas deathbed and that was actually his one regret, that he never was a wealthy man. He wanted to leave his children and grandchildren money but instead they had to take care of him in his last parts of life.
I thought this was interesting. It goes against what most people say,

4 weeks ago

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