save malaysia!

Strive for the best in everything, says Dr M

Publish date: Sat, 15 Sep 2018, 10:23 PM

PUTRAJAYA, Sept 15 — Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad urged Malaysians to push themselves harder and strive for the best in everything they work for and not be easily comfortable with sub par results.

He said the need to work hard in these modern era is very important and those who take everything for granted will not achieve anything.

Citing the Japanese as an example, Dr Mahathir said there is a lot that Malaysians can learn from them and hoped it would be adapted and practised by Malaysians.

“After the war they recovered very quickly and the reason is because they have a great pride, a sense of pride for their own country and a sense of shame if you do something that is bad, you feel ashamed of yourself including committing harakiri if you fail.

“So they want to avoid feeling ashamed of themselves which means that whenever they do something they want their product to be recognised by people as a good quality product. Then they will feel proud”, he said.

He further added that for Malaysians to have and practice these principles, it must be taught at an early stage to the younger generation.

Every Malaysian must also play their role in instilling these moral values including within the education system, he said.

“So in the schools we go into changing some of the curriculum in order to include some kind of shaping of the character of the people at a young age.

“Of course some people may see this as a kind of work camp and things like that, you are trying to brainwash their children, but we are all being brainwashed, we are all brainwashed by our community, by our parents all the time.

“And when you embrace them and push the brain in a good way, I think it should be accepted,” he said.

Elaborating further, Dr Mahathir said teaching these values and knowledge alone would not suffice, instead it must be nourished and guided delicately to reach its true form and produce positive results.

“I always compare to the knife, if you have a knife we see something sharp, you can use the knife to carve beautiful things, you can also use the knife to kill people.

“It’s your decision. So if that decision, if it’s in ... the knife is in the hands of somebody of bad character then his usage of the knife will be bad. But if you teach him good character, then he will make full use of the knife to carve beautiful things and to do good things. So that is what shapes a person,” he said.

Dr Mahathir said this during an exclusive interview with The Third Age Media Association and Bernama News Channel (BNC) recently.

The interview with the Third Age Media Association was held in conjunction with the Ageing, Learning and Technology: Enriching Lives Connecting Communities Conference 2018 on Oct 9.

On his insights and plans for Malaysia, Dr Mahathir said since the new government was formed, the country was  faced with an enormous task that needs to be addressed and it boiled down to him and his cabinet of ministers to tackle each and every one of it.

“I think I have a lot of things to do now. Because the country is in a very bad shape, indebted in trillions of dollars and then the government machinery has been spoilt and we have to rebuild the government.

“Put in place good people and all that, retrain them and bring them back to serving the country, saving the people and the country, not serving one particular person. So this is the job that I have to carry out and with my friends of course in the government,” he said.

He said that hoped his experience serving as Malaysia as Prime Minister for 22 years back when he was the 4th Prime Minister would contribute towards the rebuilding of the nation.

Closing the interview and in conjunction with the National Day and Malaysia Day, he left a message urging the younger and older generations to work together and build a great society living in a great nation.

“One thing about older people is that they have experience. Young people have got ideas, old people have got experience. You cannot just base on experience, we cannot just base on ideals. There should be a marriage of the two assets that we have, the old people with their experience and the young people with their ideals,” he said. — Bernama

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First and foremost.....learn from real honest history.....

......the rightful person in history........the correct lesson

(fake history........dishonesty.......lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama....

.....wrong message for the young)

2018-09-16 12:14


(Replace the undeserving ppl in position.....

current....and in history text


enough of bailing out.....covering up......and all the .....bla....bla....)

2018-09-16 12:18




REGARDLESS OF CREED.....bla...bla....bla

2018-09-16 12:21


Enough of lip service......



2018-09-16 12:28


" Where there's a will, there's a way.":

.....however.....sad but true......for the lost of half a century

RM slides from 1:1 SGD to 3:1 .......

Lack of will.......sense of responsibility.......ppl got poorer automatically........brain drain.....etc

(With great power comes great responsibility.........not total irrespon....)

2018-09-16 12:36

Speedy Boy

Talk strive for the best but all his yesmen are 'tak boleh'! Take Syed Saddiq the biggest shoe polisher, can get ministry at young age because Mahahtir so fond of him!

2018-09-16 13:01

EngineeringProfit two ways about it......MUST BOLEH ....all past 'tak boleh'

No more police force that cannot solve serious crime...and get the real criminals....or murderers

2018-09-16 13:34


syed saddiq is not suitable to be a minister but then again , he is not just the only one in the cabinet. But the really reason why Tun gave him the opportunity to be one is bcoz he wants to groom him, but let's hope he won't let Tun down. Bersatu desperately need good leaders and they are short of it, still a very young party and racing to build itself.

2018-09-16 13:40


When comes to national budget....

optimal and prudent for ever increasing prosperity is essential

Enough of those decades of ever increasing national expenditure with shameless shrinking of returns and national treasure

2018-09-16 13:54

Speedy Boy

Hollandking! This Bersatu shell life is only for another 20 months! Once Mahathir step down, better close shop! That's why UMNO members refuse to join, because they know it won't last long!

2018-09-16 13:58


wanna produce more clever people in Malaysia must faster give recognition to UEC lor...why? simply becoz the UEC ady accepted all over the world...if Malaysia cannot retain UEC grads then this is outflow of brain too lor....right? then in future if malaysia left all dumb ass here then what for worry eat too much sugar? we become just like worker ants ma....brainwashed to work hard and be taxed becoz we love to eat sugar....kakakaka

2018-09-16 14:00


So since ever I can remember.....

ppl in edu ministry....all Zzzzzz for gaj_ buta

2018-09-16 14:02


japanese very clever...although they work hard they use alot brain...use things...building, innovsting...inventing....but if ask malaysia work hard...we straight away think OT, pull cow under the sun, two jobs, and still low pay...alamak! how leh....hahahaha

2018-09-16 14:03

Speedy Boy

Posted by joekit > Sep 16, 2018 02:00 PM | Report Abuse

wanna produce more clever people in Malaysia must faster give recognition to UEC lor...why?

Answer : Dude, you basically saying those smart UEC school leavers to study in super low quality local public universities! What, are you trying to make local chinese super dumb graduates!

2018-09-16 14:04


Must ensure only the best ppl lead all public uni....


2018-09-16 14:06

Speedy Boy

You want to be like japanese! Don't be like Mahathir only wants the good quality of japanese! You must also accept japanese culture like open bath to all gender, liberated perverted culture, studying until midnight for children, women taking 2nd class role in society and so forth!

2018-09-16 14:07


.......every ministry.... institution......and corporation

No point paying big check when hiring d/m......onkey

2018-09-16 14:08

Speedy Boy

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Sep 16, 2018 02:06 PM | Report Abuse

Must ensure only the best ppl lead all public uni...

Answer : Garbage in garbage out! That's reality of national schools and universities! And yet this old bugger talking about striving for the best! Talk 3 talk 4 yet dont dare to reform education system! That Mazlee is so busy getting positions! So far zero reform, only gaji buta!

2018-09-16 14:09


ya...u need to be more liberal lor...if everything control and brainwashed to conform to a certain standards or way of thinking then no way can produce clever peiple way lor....can only produce worker ants..

2018-09-16 14:10

Speedy Boy

Japanese are the most liberated race on earth! Even the whites are shock in shame with japanese culture!

2018-09-16 14:11

Speedy Boy

For me, not recognising UEC is a blessing for local chinese! That's why local chinese are far superior! Once UEC is recognise, i think that's the end of local chinese era in Malaysia! Eventually most are too dumb and lazy like the rest! Product of low quality local universities!

2018-09-16 14:14


Rakyat must be stern....when come to drying up national coffer

.....unless those key ppl really play a significant role....andcontribute significantly

......if monkeying around.....then only deserve peanuts

2018-09-16 14:15

Speedy Boy

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Sep 16, 2018 02:15 PM | Report Abuse

Rakyat must be stern....when come to drying up national coffer

Answer : Dude, those UMNO warlords too were drying up national coffer along with Najib! And don't live in Lalaland that Mahathir will not get his hands on national wealth! When he do this motivational talks, it means he is already in process of looting! Don't be surprise Petronas transfer to his Petron!

2018-09-16 14:17


mazlee heart only focus on islamic uni...he like very small scope view kind of people...we need an education minister who has a vision ...who is very malaysian.....a very liberal or not? is the right person to do.this.job..kakakakaka

2018-09-16 14:19

Speedy Boy

Posted by joekit > Sep 16, 2018 02:19 PM | Report Abuse

mazlee heart only focus on islamic uni...he like very small scope view kind of people

Answer : Everybody know that! I don't know why Mahathir appoint this extremist in the first place! Oh wait, that what Bersatu is all about! Malay first agenda!

2018-09-16 14:22


or kyy lar...kyy be education minister since he love to develop education sector n giv scholarship to kids...but he too old and keep think of money only....aiya....cham...malaysia really no meat!

2018-09-16 14:22


Lead by example....

PM must ensure all the ministries strive for the best in making the country great

2018-09-16 14:23

Speedy Boy

So far only DAP ministers are doing great job! I give A+ to all DAP ministers including LGE even though you know how i love bashing him! As for PPBM ministers, i give F+ including the PM! PPBM are the lousiest component in Pakatan! A big spoiler to New Malaysia!

2018-09-16 14:26


Age does not matter.... the passion, ability and leadership

As long as no more shamelessly leading the products down the drain......

not justifiable for spending so much....

...for no return

2018-09-16 14:27

Speedy Boy

Let's all pray that the parasite PPBM will end 20 months from now! Pakatan certainly can do without Mahathir and his fail PPBM!

2018-09-16 14:29


It is their on-going rating that matters

......and decide if they should admit to the Rakyat their short coming honestly....

......apologize unreservedly for makan gaji buta....

....back off

and let another potential fellow try

2018-09-16 14:33


All the key players must shape up or ship out.... two ways out

2018-09-16 14:36


we reap what we sow since we vote very good new govt. wakaka

2018-09-16 14:54


The Better of Two that time?

2018-09-16 14:56


current problem is with partisan politics. many ministers appointed not due to talents but partisan from Bersatu. we should learn from former US president, very open minded Obama who draw talents from both democrates, and opposition repbulican to serve as MP during his term. Dr M version 2.0 is doing more damage, than last 20 years.

2018-09-16 15:04


we dont care black or white cat, as long as can catch mouse to quote Deng XiaoPing, China former president

2018-09-16 15:06

Speedy Boy

Mahathir already done alot of damages within a short 4 months! Another 20 months, i think Malaysia will be more divided and backward! Just look at what he has done so far! Foreign investors are running! Ringgit has depreciated so much! He made enemy with Singapore again! And worst offended China when we really need to be neutral!

2018-09-16 15:10


Unfortunately self serving leaders do not think this way.....

Selfishly thinking......don't care can improve the nation and life of every citizen..... long as that key person is from their side

2018-09-16 15:10

Speedy Boy

2 weeks from now, Mahathir will again make his smartass global remarks in UN! He just enjoy acting like know it all! Don't be surprise he will bash Donald and Xi at the same time!

2018-09-16 15:11


if we play with fires by offending both Trump and China Xi Jinping, and if both impose economic sanctions, all MY will begging at street later on. hope Dr M will come out of senile mind soonest. Dont cry for me Malaysia. wakaka

2018-09-16 15:25

Speedy Boy

Let's hope Mahathir step down and launch his own national car using his own money!

2018-09-16 15:37

Speedy Boy

Mahathir asking malaysians to strive for the best but from Proton experience, we all know how crappy his national car was!

2018-09-16 15:38


PAS votes to reject UEC, wants religious school certs recognised

If we should listen to the poorest depemdent states......

If a trillion debt has not waken us up.......RM to SGD 3:1......not teaching us any lesson....

.......just wrong direction.....wake up

2018-09-16 15:46

Speedy Boy

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Sep 16, 2018 03:46 PM | Report Abuse

PAS votes to reject UEC, wants religious school certs recognised

Answer : Do you listen to PAS holymen who are also strongest defenders of kleptocracy Najib! The should cut Najib hands and legs after what he did!

2018-09-16 15:52


Pas is god. How can you offend god lei? wakaka

2018-09-16 15:54

Speedy Boy

PAS holymen already made moon their pilgrimage!

2018-09-16 15:55


PAS has come up with a very good idea last time to replace GST. To impose tax on shares holdings...we should thanks PAS produce such a great idea. wakaka

2018-09-16 16:00



"... .restore our economic prowess and national greatness by leveraging on the strengths and assets of our diversities of race, religion, language and culture to transform Malaysia into a top world-class nation in every field of human endeavour"


patriot = person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors )

2018-09-17 19:34

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