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Dr M: Let's trade ‘cash is king’ for ‘Bersih, Cekap, dan Amanah’

Publish date: Sun, 16 Sep 2018, 10:01 PM

KOTA KINABALU, Sept 16 — Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mahathir has called on a complete change of mindset from Malaysians tonight, singling out the culture of corruption and bribery which has been rampant in the past administration.

Speaking in his Malaysia Day address, Dr Mahathir has called on a return to the slogan of “Bersih, Cekap dan Amanah” (Malay for “Clean, Efficient, and Trustworthy”) that was the hallmark of his administration back in the 1980s. 

"We want to change the culture of corruption that is so rampant among Umno leaders and Barisan Nasional (BN), as well as the government machinery under them.

“The belief that ‘cash is king’ is clearly not true. Let us reject this slogan and return to ‘Bersih, Cekap, Amanah’,” he said during his speech at the celebration in Padang Merdeka here.

The prime minister said that this Malaysia Day was significant because it was the first time it was under a different government since the country was established.

“The change is not insignificant because before the last elections, analysts and observers across the board said it was near-impossible to unseat the BN administration who have been in power for 61 years.

“Pakatan Harapan unexpectedly succeeded and this is what the people wanted. It is a form of people’s power. Those who sideline the people will suffer the same fate and we should understand this,” he said.

He added that the change has inspired the widespread use of a new slogan “Malaysia Baharu” or “New Malaysia”, indicating that the people’s and political aspirations were closely linked.

“We don’t want a kleptocratic rule that discards democracy and pays no heed to the rule of law,” he said.

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Benjamin's virtue:

Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.

Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.

2018-09-16 22:47

Speedy Boy

Mahathir is anything but 'Bersih, Cekap and Amanah'!

2018-09-16 22:54


owww hantam sajalah

2018-09-16 23:01


If follow 'Bersih, Cekap and Amanah', then Danyal shud not hv gvn up his PD seat to make way for Anwar. It shud only hv been either Wan Azizah or Nurul Izzah. Even Ambiga is not happy about this PD debacle.

2018-09-16 23:04

Speedy Boy

Who is Ambiga!

2018-09-16 23:04


Haiyyaahhh, SpeedyBoy. Hopeless la, lu ini. Talking so much about politics, then suddenly asking, 'Who is Ambiga?'

Perhaps you cud try asking Uncle Google now.

2018-09-16 23:07


yup ah dleam funny, nobita aquatal just shock...just wonder rumours danyal got 25M for goving the seat, true or not...bersih, ciakap, amanah mungkin betulla..kikiki

2018-09-16 23:15


If rumours about PH leader or PH, of course not true lor, Ah Mon. But if rumours about BN leader or BN, of course everything multiplied by 100 billion also all true lor.

Becos PH all a bunch of innocent angels lor. But BN a bunch of guilty devils lor.

2018-09-16 23:20

Speedy Boy

Posted by DreamGuardian > Sep 16, 2018 11:07 PM | Report Abuse

Haiyyaahhh, SpeedyBoy. Hopeless la, lu ini. Talking so much about politics, then suddenly asking, 'Who is Ambiga?'

Answer : No, i am asking you! Who is Ambiga! Is she president of DAP! Is she chairman of BERSIH! Is she part of Pakatan! All i know is she is holding no position at all!

2018-09-16 23:21

Speedy Boy

And yes! I know how she threw a tantrum when Anwar refuse to make her AG!

2018-09-16 23:28


yeah ah dleam mat sabu bail out his secretary 800k is an holly act yaa oic kipidap bersih ciakap amanah...

2018-09-16 23:29


“Whether we want it or not, we need to repair the damage because if we admit defeat and allowed it to continue, we will lose our value as a free and sovereign nation. This means we will allow those who betrayed our country to win. We cannot allow this to happen,” he said when speaking at the 55th Malaysia Day celebration at Padang Merdeka in Kota Kinabalu tonight TDM said

(would we be cekap enough to name and shame traitors next 100 days?)

2018-09-17 08:44


Dream Guardian, you are absolutely right. This fake Speedy Boy aka Fortunebull aka Papaya Juice is talking nuts. He knows nothing about politics. A big flip flopper.

Haiyyaahhh, SpeedyBoy. Hopeless la, lu ini. Talking so much about politics, then suddenly asking, 'Who is Ambiga?'

Perhaps you cud try asking Uncle Google now.

2018-09-17 13:55


I think Speedy Boy = SpeedyBoy

Just two faces of the same coin

2018-09-17 14:03

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