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PM says low wages of dirty jobs better than no wages

Publish date: Wed, 01 May 2019, 02:44 PM

PUTRAJAYA, May 1 ― Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad reminded the nation's workforce that so-called 3D (dirty, dangerous and difficult) jobs may not pay well but were still honest work and vital to the nation’s development.

The prime minister was responding to the press about comments that local workers found pay for 3D work to be unattractive, after attending the National Labour Day Celebration here. 

"It is a low salary but if they don't work, there's no salary at all. They have to choose. If they work, the will still get a salary,” said Dr Mahathir.

“If they don't work, other people (foreign workers) will work. Our many flows out of the country. We become poor and the unemployed have no income. We can't give free money like last time (under Barisan Nasional rule).”

When asked if his administration would ensure that employers paid higher salaries for the 3D jobs, the prime minister said it was not the government’s place to dictate pay levels in the private sector. 

"We can't compel (employers to pay more) but we have to remember, we work for the nation, to develop our country. If we don't work, someone else will get our money and we will be at a loss,” he said.

Earlier during his speech, Dr Mahathir said the government was aware of concerns about the influx of foreign workers into the country.

He sought to assuage such concern by saying that the government has taken action to restrict foreign workers to only sectors unappealing to local workers, which are mainly the 3D jobs.

However, he also pointed out the reason so many foreign workers were in Malaysia was this same rejection of 3D work.

“But I must state that the presence of foreign workers in Malaysia is due to our own attitude ― refusing certain jobs even though we are capable of doing it.

“The opportunity is then grabbed by foreign workers. In the end, they become rich and we remain the same or become poor,” said Dr Mahathir.

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"It is a low salary but if they don't work, there's no salary at all." - Wow. I had no idea Mr. PM. You must be some kinda genius.

2019-05-01 14:48



"He that worketh not let him also not eat"

So many in Venezuela want to work also cannot get a job.

Malaysia has lots and lots of jobs

2019-05-01 16:45


Pyramid of capitalism.

2019-05-01 16:52


Posted by UnicornP > May 1, 2019 4:52 PM | Report Abuse

Pyramid of capitalism.


Malaysia has always been a very capitalistic country , even feudalistic at times.

2019-05-01 17:00


Tun M BN give more BRIM(or PH BSH) is better than PH. No wonder PH lost all elections in 2019.

2019-05-01 17:38


last time british gov used to give tax free beer to those who do dirty jobs for them, after a long hard hot day, 1 can really use a few canned of beer to release nerves , smoke some ganja weeds , cigarettes , the purpose is to stop those people from complaining about low wages, but now.. beer , cigg is expensive as hell , weeds is illegal , for sure no people willing to do this kind of job la

2019-05-01 17:51

Heavenly PUNTER

All wrong, dirty jobs pay much higher overseas. Same thing, dirty job but pay much more in other countries, anyone who could think will do the same work for higher pay.

2019-05-01 17:57


cost of living in other countries is high as well unless u live in jb and commute to sg for work

2019-05-01 18:02

Heavenly PUNTER

don't keep talk about cost of living, don't forget standard of living as hell. Talking as if the cost of living in Malaysia is very low !

2019-05-01 18:03


Since minister keep saying employers paying low salary .. why not minister also ask those DBKL/MPSJ increase their salary for local that is doing 3D jobs? eventually more local ppl willing to do it.

2019-05-01 18:08


brucechun > May 1, 2019 6:08 PM | Report Abuse

Since minister keep saying employers paying low salary .. why not minister also ask those DBKL/MPSJ increase their salary for local that is doing 3D jobs? eventually more local ppl willing to do it.

sell nasi lemak better.

2019-05-01 18:12


That's why i said govt.'s KPI is gauged on MYR's strength. If MYR can strengthen within 5 years, Pakatun voted back. Lest, even Bangla complain. wakaka

2019-05-01 18:30


That's why i said govt.'s KPI is gauged on MYR's strength. If MYR can strengthen within 5 years, Pakatun voted back. Lest, even Bangla complain. wakaka

2019-05-01 18:30


If MYR= SGD in 5 years, then we pray Dr M as Datok Gong next time. wakaka

2019-05-01 18:32


TELUK INTAN: Karpal Singh yang meninggalkan dunia pada 2014 kini disembah sebagai ‘Datuk Gong’ di sebuah tokong di Teluk Intan, Perak.

Datuk Gong biasanya dirujuk sebagai ‘dewa tempatan’ dan selalu dilihat sebagai ‘dewa Melayu’ kerana ciri-cirinya termasuk namanya yang berbunyi Melayu.

Namun kali ini, Datuk Gong telah dijadikan dengan ciri-ciri Sikh.

Sinchew Daily melaporkan, patung Karpal Singh yang mengenakan suit berwarna hitam telah diadakan ‘upacara pengcahayaan’ pada 1 Mei lalu.

Patung Karpal Singh itu telah ditempah dari China selepas menerima tajaan seorang penganut dari Sabah.
China Press pula melaporkan, patung Karpal Singh dibina selepas seorang ‘pengantara roh’ diberi petunjuk oleh Karpal yang mahu dirinya disembah.

Walaupun patung Karpal dijadikan bahan jenaka, tetapi ‘pengantara roh’ itu menegaskan ia merupakan pesanan mendiang.

Menurut pengendali tokong, usaha mengumpulkan RM2,000 untuk menempah patung Karpal Singh sebelum ini telah berdepan kesukaran kerana tidak ramai yang menderma sehinggalah kemunculan penganut dari Sabah yang sedia berbuat demikian.

Anak Karpal yang juga Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor, Ramkarpal Singh memberitahu, beliau menyedari bahawa ayahnya sudah dijadikan patung untuk disembah.

Beliau bagaimanapun enggan memberi ulasan kerana belum tahu maklumat lanjut mengenainya. – MalaysiaGazette

2019-05-01 18:57


this must be a joke....aiyo

2019-05-01 19:13


actually what is dirty job? I am a chartered accountant, I was also a motor repair foreman, and now I am working in few acre farm skin turn from yellow to black, I am still okay with it

2019-05-01 19:53


Low wage must be able to support the family expenses

2019-05-01 20:12


be trained, be focused and excel in whatever job you get. sure can turn from a tweetie to a Phoenix....

2019-05-01 20:36


the old horse shld ask his 2 sons to work in the low end jobs then.

pkr shld have never work with old horse.

now he is going to create umno 2.0

2019-05-01 21:17

Sifu Wang


2019-05-02 14:12

Sifu Wang

after 60 years of quota system to help the bumis, this is what happen to our salary

2019-05-02 14:12

Sifu Wang

in future, just told your son to do 3d jobs after graduate since there is no jobs for them. good advice from parents.

2019-05-02 14:15

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